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Paula García

Alicia Clemente
Marta España

Department: customer service clerk

Client: Hello. Marta speaking

Receptionist: Good afternoon, you talking with Philips Company. How

could I help you?

Client: I’m calling you cause I have a problem with a TV that I bought last

Receptionist: Okey. I need to know if the problem is related to shipment or

technical and physical aspects.

Client: It’s about the shipment, it has been a week since I ordered and it
hasn’t arrived.

Receptionist: Okey. I’ll pass you with the department of customer service
clerk. Hold on, please.

Client: Ok. I’ll wait.

Department: Good afternoon, talking with the department of customer

service clerk. What is your problem?

Client: Hi! This is Marta. My problem it’s about an order that I did last
week and on the website that hasn’t arrived. On the website it said that
the shipment was 2-3 days.

Department: Okay. Could you tell me the number of the order, please?

Client: The number is 53B7M290.

Department: Thank you, I’m going to check it. Hold the line, please.
Department: I had seen that the transport company had a problem with
your order. I’m going to notify them and probably in two days your order
will be in your house.

Client: Okey. Thanks for everything.

Department: Apologize for the inconvenience and, we will improve our

services. Thank you for your contribution. Have a good day.

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