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This is my reflection about the subject PolGov and what I have learned from this

subject. I’ve learned a lot from this subject. I learned concerning the construct,
relationship, and also the importance of politics, governance, and government. This
subject instructed me that politics is incredibly vital as a result it determines what
governance means that. way on the far side the role of government, at any level, politics
determines however we tend to manage our own world. I also learned that legislative is
it is related to making the law or having the power to make a law. and also I learned that
there are two houses under legislative which is the senate and the house of
representative and they have different qualifications for each houses. The Senate is
composed of 24 senators and limit their terms to no more than two terms and the House
of the representatives has three terms I have also learned that the qualifications of the
senate and the House of representatives have differences and similarities, the
difference of their qualifications is the members of the senate must be At least 35 years
old on the day of election and resident of the Philippines for not less than 2 years before
the day of the election, while the members of the house of the representative must be at
least 25years of age on the election day and a resident thereof, for a period of not less
than one (1) year preceding the election day. And this is my reflection and what have
learned and understood of the subject PolGov.

After 10 years I see myself as a successful businessman and also a strong policeman
working in a reputed institution, spending time with family and doing something for my
society and my home country. Over the next few years, I'll try and fulfill all my plans with
all my strength. I'll not leave any chance that proves to be a hall to the completion of my
goals. I'll attempt my best to be a valuable and irreplaceable quality for the
establishment I work for. I also want to change happiness and success for myself as
well as for my parents and sibling and also I want to live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.
I want to have my own farm fulfill with all the vegetables and fruits that I want and also I
will earn for my family fulfillment of all that we need. I also know that money is not as
important as the health, peace, and happiness of my family. But in order to survive, we
will need money. I am a person who is in towards a healthy lifestyle. because you'll be
able to work merrily and peacefully only if you're in a very smart physical and mental
condition. In order to achieve the same, we must eat healthy foods cause it has a lot of
benefits and shall also avoid plastics to save our mother Earth from land & water
pollution and this is me seeing myself after ten years from now.

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