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1. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1) I think my keys are in/ between/ across from my bag.

2) The train station is on/ next to/ in front the bus station.
3) I don�t like being in the movie theater when a tall person is sitting in front
of/ under/ behind me.
4) Just put the box in/ on/ between that table, please.
5) You can�t see Jane in the photo because she�s standing under/ on/ behind
6) I always put my shoes under/ between/ in the bed so I don�t trip over them.
7) The church is in/ across from/ between the bus station.
8) My apartment building is under/ between/ on two really good restaurants.

2. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1) There is a bed and a ________________________ in my bedroom.
a) closet b) stove c) washing machine
2) Our ________________________ is big. We have two sofas and three chairs in it.
a) garage b) bathroom c) living room
3) We keep our car in the ________________________ .
a) garage b) attic c) basement
4) All my books are on ________________________ in my bedroom.
a) mirrors b) tables c) shelves
5) The stove and washing machine are in the ________________________ .
a) attic b) bathroom c) kitchen
6) Our dog likes playing outside in the ________________________. But he sleeps in
the house.
a) hall b) backyard c) dining room
7) The ________________________ is usually the smallest room in the house.
a) bathroom b) bedroom c) balcony
8) We have a small closet under the ________________________ .
a) basement b) stairs c) bathroom

3. Complete the text with a, an, some, or any.

Ask children what they want for lunch, and the reply is often � 1 ____ French
fries� or � 2 _____ burger.� The British chef Jamie Oliver feels strongly about
children�s diets and is trying to change this. Now, at many schools, children are
choosing to have 3 ______ healthy option with salad and vegetables. What do the
children think? �There isn�t 4 _____ ice cream now, so I usually have yogurt
instead. Today I�m having pasta and then 5____ fruit. I�m having 6_____ orange
because there aren�t 7_____ bananas today � they�re my favorite. Also, they don�t
have 8_____ soft drinks now, so I just have water. It�s good, because I don�t feel
tired in the afternoon.�
4. Underline the mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1) She didn�t start school when she were four. ________________________________
2) We did move here two years ago. ________________________________________
3) The family arrived at the hotel yesterday night. _____________________________
4) Todd travel through the night to get here on time.
5) Carla don�t finish her degree last year.
6) I studied in Spain in 1990s. ______________________________________________
7) We didn�t go on vacation the last year. ____________________________________
8) My family live in Argentina between 1980 and 1988. __________________________

5. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1) decide/ gym/ join/ a/ Why/ you/ did/ to/ ?
2) a/ Did/ library/ have/ school/ your/ ?
3) How/ did/ you/ exams/ take/ often/ ?
4) in/ you/ new/ make/ Did/ friends/ college/ ?
5) trip/ long/ the/ was/ How/ ?
6) were/ U.S. / the/ in/ When/ you/ ?
7) today/ have/ Did/ Simon/ interview/ an/ ?
___________________________________________________________________________8) cost/
did/ much/ car/ How/ your/ ?

Paul Bonesci
Monday January 22nd
Many of you know that I really love my grandmother�s cooking. My grandmother,
Silvia, is 91 and she lives in a small village near Turin, in Italy. It�s a really
beautiful place. I go there three times a year, and I love spending time with my
grandmother in her kitchen. It�s pretty small, but it has everything you need.
My grandmother�s area of Italy is the home of the Slow Food organization.
Slow Food believe that local food and traditional cooking are very important. Their
ideas are popular � they now have a college in the Italian town of Pollenzo, and
offices in many different countries, including Germany, France, and Japan.
Their ideas are important to my grandmother, too. She makes a lot of pasta
dishes, but today, I�m sharing her recipe for a soup called ribollita. At this time
of year, I love eating lots of green vegetables. That�s why this is one of my
favorite winter dishes. It takes a long time to make � it�s a good recipe for a
cold day when you don�t want to go outside. I hope you enjoy it!
You need:
2 onions about a pound of green vegetables
1 carrot 2 liters of water
1 potato a hard Italian cheese, like Parmesan
a can of tomatoes 4 pieces of bread
a can of beans
First, cut all the vegetables into small pieces. Then, cook the onions and
carrots for about 30 minutes. When they are soft, add the tomatoes, the potato, and
the Parmesan cheese. Cook for about 15 minutes. Then, add the beans, the green
vegetables, and the water. Cook for 30 minutes more. Turn off the stove and put the
pieces of bread on top of the soup. Wait for about 10 minutes, then eat!

Match the words in bold with the things they refer to.
1 It�s a really beautiful place. a) the writer
2 It�s pretty small. b) the recipe for ribollita
3 Their ideas are popular. c) the Slow Food organization
4 I�m sharing her recipe. d) the carrots and onions
5 This is one of my favorite winter dishes. e) Silvia�s village
6 I hope you enjoy it! f) Silvia�s kitchen
7 When they are soft. g) Silvia

Listen to a podcast about a woman called Prerna Gupta. Check the points that are
( ) 1) where Gupta was born
( ) 2) where she lives
( ) 3) when she got married
( ) 4) what Hooked is
( ) 5) how Hooked works
( ) 6) what Gupta wants to do next
Think about some things you want, or hope to do, before the end of the year. Write
ten sentences about your plans.
� You can write about your hobbies, things you want to learn, places you�d like to
go, or other resolutions.
� You can write one or two sentences about each plan.
� Use because in some of your sentences to explain why you want to do these things

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