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Acta mater. Vol. 44, No. 11, pp.

Copyright 0 1996Acta Metallurgica Inc.
Pergamon Published by Elsevier Science Ltd
PII 81359-6454(96)00084-5 Printed in Great Britain. All rigbts reserved
1359-6454/96$15.00+ 0.00



Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, MohrenstraBe 39, D-101 17 Berlin, Germany

(Received 3 April 1995; accepted 22 February 1996)

Abstract-We present a numerical algorithm for simulating the Jominy end-quench test and deriving
continuous cooling diagrams. The underlying mathematical model for the austenite-pearlite phase
transition is based on Scheil’s Additivity Rule and the Johnson-Mehl equation. For the formation of
martensite we compare the Koistinen-Marburger formula with a rate law, which takes into account the
irreversibility of this process. We carry out numerical simulations for the plain carbon steels C 1080 and
C 100 W 1. The results suggest that the austenite-pearlite phase change may be described decently by
the Additivity Rule, except for the incubation time. On the other hand, using a rate law to describe the
martensite formation is preferable to the Koistinen-Marburger formula, which leads to unphysical
oscillations of the cooling curves in simulated CCT-diagrams. Copyright 0 1996 Acta Metallurgica Inc.

1. INTRODUCTION this phase transition, where the Koistinen-Marburger

formula was replaced by a rate law, accounting for the
In this paper we describe a mathematical model for
irreversibility of the martensite formation.
the phase transitions in eutectoid carbon steel and use
Here we present a numerical realization of this
it to develop a numerical scheme for the simulation
model and use it to simulate hardenability curves for
of the Jominy end-quench test.
two different plain carbon steels. In Section 2 we
In this test a cylindrical steel bar is heated up to its
briefly review the mathematical model as described in
austenitic state. Then it is put in a fixation and
[16]. In Section 3 we discuss the numerical
quenched by spraying water on its lower end (cf.
implementation of the model. Finally, in Section 4 we
Fig. 1). Afterwards the hardness is measured at
discuss the results of the numerical calculations.
increasing distances from the quenched end. The
results are plotted in a hardenability curve. It serves
as a measure for the hardness penetration depth of 2. THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL
this steel and thereby defines its range of application.
2.1. Time-temperature transformation diagrams
For a simulation of the Jominy test one first needs
a mathematical model to describe the growth of In eutectoid carbon steel two phase transitions may
pearlite and martensite as well as recalescence effects occur: one from austenite to pearlite and one from
in the steel bar owing to the latent heat of the phase austenite to martensite. The A-P transformation is
changes. driven by the diffusion of carbon atoms, it is time-
A lot of work has been spent on simulating phase dependent and irreversible. The A-M transformation
transitions in steel, e.g. [1], [7], [13], [14] and [19]. The is diffusionless. It is temperature-dependent in such a
first mathematical investigation of phase transitions in way that the fraction of martensite only increases
steel has been carried out by Visintin [26], but he only during non-isothermal stages of the cooling process.
considered the austenite-pearlite transformation. The evolution of the phase transitions is usually de-
Based on this model Verdi and Visintin [25] suggested scribed in time-temperature transformation diagrams.
a numerical scheme for simulating the austenite- Figure 2 depicts an isothermal-transformation (IT)
pearlite phase change, without presenting numerical diagram for the plain carbon steel C 1080. Here, A,
results. In [15] the author developed a model for the and M, denote the starting temperatures for the
austenite-pearlite and the austenite-martensite phase formation of pearlite and of martensite, respectively.
change that is based on Scheil’s Additivity Rule and For fixed temperatures the bold-faced curved lines
the Koistinen-Marburger formula. It turned out that indicate the beginning of the austenite-pearlite
the Koistinen and Marburger formula is an transformation, i.e. the time when 1% of the
insufficient tool for simulating the growth of austenite has been transformed, and the end of the
martensite, since it does not take care of the transformation, i.e. the time when 99% of the
irreversibility of this transition. This led to unreason- austenite has been transformed.
able oscillations in the simulated CCT diagrams. Then In the non-isothermal case the phase evolutions are
in [ 161 the present author investigated a new model for represented in a continuous-cooling-transformation

(CCT) diagram. This can be derived from an

isothermal-transformation diagram by superimpos-
ing several cooling curves on it. On each curve the
beginning and the end of the transformation are
marked. Then the connection of the respective points
defines the CCT diagram. Compared to an IT
diagram the transformation curves are moved to later
time and lower temperature (cf. Fig. 3).

2.2. The austenite-pearlite phase change

As the A-P transformation is a nucleation and
growth process, it is governed by the nucleation rate
(the amount of nuclei of the new phase formed per
unit time and volume) and by the growth rate of the
nuclei. Assuming these rates to be constant and
furthermore spherical growth of the nuclei, Johnson 0.5 I 2 5 D IO’ d 106

and Mehl[21] in 1939 derived the equation: TIME - SECONDS

P(t) = 1 _ e-77/3fiG’r Fig. 2. Isothermal-transformation diagram for the plain

carbon steel C 1080 (from [2]).
for the A-P transformation in the isothermal case.
Here p is the fraction of pearlite, ?? is the nucleation
rate and G is the growth rate of the nuclei. Here z(T,p) denotes the time to transform the
As in [l] and [26] we use (1) in the parametric fraction p to pearlite at constant temperature T.
version: Thus, by equation (2):

p(t) = 1 - e-*(Q@‘. (2)

z(T,p) = (--WY”. (4)
The temperature dependent coefficients a(T) and
b(r) can easily be calculated using the transformation
Equation (3) was derived by Scheil[24] to predict the
curves in the IT diagram (cf. Section 2.3).
incubation period of the A-P transformation. Later
In the non-isothermal case, we use the additivity
Avrami [5] and Cahn [S] showed that equation (3) can
rule to describe the formation of pearlite:
be applied to characterize the kinetics of a class of
phase changes which they called additive.
I0 V(5), p(t)) dr = l.
Although the pearlite phase change is not an
additive transformation in their sense (cf. [9]),
according to a comparative investigation by Hayes
[12] the additivity rule is a better tool for predicting

Deviceforltdng and
csnlrhg maIesl


t-- Test piace in posilbn





Fig. 3. Derivation of a continuous-cooling from an

Fig. 1. Diagram of the cooling device (from 1201). isothermal-transformation diagram (from [4]).






loo 200 300 400 500 600 700 8cQ 0 109 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Fig. 4. The data functions a(T) and b(n for the carbon steel C 1080.

the course of the phase change than a rate law. Simple manipulations show that the solution is
Moreover, measurements by Hawbolt et al. [13] show given by:
that also in quantity the A-P transformation is
a(T) = ln(ln(O.01)) - In(ln(0.99)
described well by the additivity rule, except for the (6a)
incubation period where the pearlite fraction ln(tXr)) - ln(WN
predicted by the additivity rule shows only poor b(T) = -ln(O.Ol)t,(T)-“‘n. (6b)
coincidence with the measurements. It should be
noticed that equations of this type are also used for Figure 4 shows the behaviour of the coefficients
a(T) and b(T) in the temperature range (Mi, A.,) for
modeling fatigue effects, e.g. the Palmgren-Minor
the plain carbon steel C 1080. For temperatures
rule (cf. [6]).
A different approach to model a nucleation and below M,? the values are obtained by linear
extrapolation. Although it cannot be concluded from
growth process was chosen by Andreucci et al. [3].
the diagram, b also stays positive in the whole
Going back to the ideas of Johnson and Mehl they
derived an integral equation to describe the temperature range. Hence, in the following we
solidification of polymers in the non-isothermal case. assume a and b to be continuous functions on
[M/-, A,], bounded away from zero.

2.3. Identifying coefjicients from IT diagrams 2.4. An initial value problem for the A-P transform-
Assuming that the generalized Johnson-Mehl
equation (2) appropriately describes the isothermal A simple way to exploit the additivity rule is to
evolution of the phase fractions we present a simple differentiate it formally with respect to time. Since we
method to obtain the data functions a(T) and b(T) obtain an inner derivative p, rearranging terms leads
from the IT diagrams. to the following initial value problem:
Since the bold-faced curves in these diagrams are
P(O) = PO (74
the “is0-fractions” p = 0.01 and p = 0.99, we
interpret these transformation curves as the ii(t) =fCt> P(t), TL (7b)
respective graphs of functions:

t,: [MT, A,l+IW+, tr: [MY,A,l+IW+,

which measure the beginning and end of the pearlite

.?@>P(f)> n =-
cl p

transformation for given temperature. These data (8)

functions can be drawn from the IT diagram. Then
It may be proved (cf. [15]) that for any given
the wanted coefficients are the solution to the
(integrable) temperature evolution T: [0, tE]-+[M,, A,]
following nonlinear system of equations:
equations (7a and b) admit a unique solution p,
0.01 = 1 - e-mf” W
0 <p(t) < c,, < 1, for all te[O, tE], (9)
0.09 = 1 - emb(nrT”. (5a) with a constant c,,, depending only on the end time

tE. Moreover, we have: prevents the formation of pearlite above the critical
temperature A,.
P(l) > 0, (10)
i.e. the irreversibility of the austenite-pearlite 2.5. The austenite-martensite phase change
transformation carries over to the model. Unfortu- While the additivity rule is a well investigated
nately, as Fig. 4 shows, the coefficient a, which was decent tool for describing the growth of pearlite,
equal to 4 in the original Johnson-Mehl equation and there seems to be no satisfactory model at hand for
assumed to be greater than 1 in [25] and [26], actually the martensitic transformation in steel.
takes values less than 1 if the temperature is in a range Usually, exponential growth laws like the
just below A,. In this case, we can prove the following: Koistinen and Marburger formula:
Proposition 1. Let T: [0, tE]+[M,, A,] be a continuous
m(r) = 1 - e-CM-W) (14)
function, such that
a(T(t)) < 1 for all 0 < t < tl are used (cf. [15], [17], [18], [22]).
These equations all have in common that they do
then the following are valid:
not model the irreversibility of the austenite-marten-
lim p(t) = 0, (lla) site phase transition. Thus, in numerical simulations
r-0(+1 based on these models, owing to the release of latent
lim e(t) = co, (1 lb) heat, usually a decrease in the martensite fraction is
1-o(+) observed (cf. [15] and Section 4).
For the proof, we refer to [15]. The formation of martensite starts below the
In a nucleation and growth process the increase of critical temperature M, and the volume fraction of
the volume fraction of the new phase should be martensite only grows during non-isothermal stages
“small” during the incubation time, which is a of a cooling process. At this stage of the exposition,
contradiction to equation (11 b). Thus, Proposition 1 where we assume the temperature evolution to be
gives the mathematical reason why the additivity rule known a priori, one could argue that growth laws
does not work well for the early stages of the such as equation (14) are still valid, if only they are
transformation. As said before, this fact has also been modified by the logical statement that the volume
observed experimentally. fraction of martensite never decreases. For instance,
To overcome this difficulty, we adopt the following one could replace equation (14) with:
philosophy: We define an incubation time t,, which
m(t) = EC:; (1 - e-aMa-T(s))). (14’)
we keep fixed. Giving up the aim of predicting the
exact evolution kinetics during this incubation time, However, owing to the latent heat, the phase
we just gauge the processs by demanding that the transitions interact with the temperature evolution.
additivity rule shall hold, when the end of the Therefore, it is important to keep track of the actual
incubation time is reached. This leads to the transformation kinetics. Hence, we propose the
following model: following rate law for the growth of martensite:
?? Let T: [0, tE]+R be a given temperature
m(0) = 0, (W
?? tle(O, tE) the fixed incubation time, then, ti(t) = (1 - m(t))G(T(t))H(-T!(t)). (15b)
depending on T,
?? p. is defined by:
Here, again H is the heaviside function. G shall be
bounded, positive and (Lipschitz-) continuous,

o r(T(5), PO) dr = ”

The fraction of pearlite is determined


by the
satisfying G(x) = 0 for all x 3 h4,. Putting m(0) = 0,
we tacitly assume that we start with a temperature
T(0) > M,.
If during some stage of a heat treatment cycle
following initial value problem (IVP): either T > A4, or Tis increasing, i.e. T, 3 0, according
to equation (15b) we have k(t) = 0, whence no
P(0) = Par (13a) martensite is produced during this stage.
Moreover, since ti > 0, the irreversibility of the
o<t<tr martensite transformation is now incorporated in the
p(t),T)H(A, - T(t)) :t, < t < tE. model.

(13b) 2.6. The complete model

The heaviside function In equations (13b) and (15b), actually, not the
fractions p and m occur but the volume fraction of
1, x>o austenite, which is 1 -p or 1 - m, respectively.
H(x) =
0, x,<o Therefore, to combine both models one only has to
replace these terms by the volume fraction of

austenite in the case when both pearlite and exists a differentiable material function i? such that
martensite are present, i.e. 1 -p - m. the internal energy takes the form:
So we end up with the following initial value
problem for the phase transitions in eutectoid carbon e(x, t) = W, P, ml, (20)
steel: with the partial derivatives

P(0) = PO> (164 a6 a6 a6

3 ap = -L -=
am -L,. (21)
m(0) = 0, (16b)
Here c denotes the specific heat at constant pressure
p(t) = (1 - p(t) - m(t))
and L, and L.,,, denote the latent heats of the
x f(t, p(t), m(t), I?ff(A, - T(t)), (164 austenite-pearlite and the austenite-martensite phase
change, respectively.
m(t) = (1 -p(l) - m(t)FW(t))H(-- T’,(t)), (16d) p, c, L, and L, shall not depend on the phase
fractions p, m. Thus, we obtain the following balance
where we define:
of energy:

(s dt aT
.f(t, P>m, T):= -
0 4T(5N7(Wj P, m) >

ln( 1 - p - m) = B(T)&(T) z + P(T)L,(T)

ap am
at, in Q, (22)
fL(t - t,). (17)
’ W(t), p, m)
together with boundary and initial conditions:
Here, 7( T, p, m) is defined by:

-k(T) g = y(T)(T - Tr), in r x (0, tb), (23a)

ln( 1 - p - m) ““’
z(T,p, m) =
( -
b(T) > .
T(,,O)= A,, inR. (23b)
The following Proposition summarizes the properties Here, Tr is the outside temperature and y the heat
of the preceding model. exchange coefficient.
Proposition 2. Let T: [0, tr]+R be an integrable and To allow mathematical treatment of the problem,
(weakly) differentiable temperature evolution with we replace the heaviside function with the following
t?(O)= A, and t, E (0, T) the jixed incubation time. regularized version (cf. Fig. 5):
Then the following are valid
(1) p. is uniquely dejined by: 0, x < 0,
f%(x) = $X, O<x<6, (24)

s 4
o W(t), PO)
dr= 1. 1 I, x> 6,
where 6 > 0 is a “small” parameter. Introducing the
(2) The ZVP [equations (16aHd)] has a unique further notation Aa(. -H6( - .), and using
(absolutely) continuous solution (p, m). equations (16a)--(d) we end up with the following
(3) PO< p(t) + m(t) < c~,,~,< 1 for all t < 10, 4. nonlinear parabolic problem (P,i) for phase
See [16] for the proof and the precise formulation transitions in eutectoid carbon steel:
of the necessary assumptions.
U%(T) F+ ,G”W~(T)(l -P - mNWM(Z)
2.7. Three-dimensional case
Let R c R-’be bounded with smooth boundary -V. (k(T)VT) = ~(WdTlp,, in ~2, (254
aa = :r and Q:=CI x (0, ts).
As mechanical effects are neglected in this paper, -k(T) g = y(T)(T - T,), in r x (0, tE), (25b)
using Fourier’s law of heat conduction, we get the
following balance of energy: T(,, 0) = A,, in R. (25c)
& Here, for almost all XE~, (p(x, .), m(x, .)) is the
p-+‘(kVT)=O, (19)
solution to the following (IVP):
where p is the mass density, e the specific internal p(x, 0) = po(T(x, .)), [cf. equation (12)] (25d)
energy and k the heat conductivity of the material
under consideration. m(x, 0) = 0, We)
In a spatial model the propagation of latent heat
pl(x, t) = (1 - p(x, t) - m(x, t))
released during the phase changes has to be
considered. Following [27], it is assumed that there f(t, p(x, t), m(x, t), T(x, .))&(A, - T(x, t)), (Xf)

r&(x, t) = (1 - p(x, t) - m(x, t)) doubtful, whether one would be able to obtain
enough measurements to include this dependency in
W(x, t))ffa(- Z(x, 0). Wg) numerical simulations.

The following theorem shows that problem (Pa) is

well-posed: 3. NUMERICAL METHOD
Theorem 1. Assume that the incubation tl has been
3.1. The algorithm
chosen small enough, then (PJ) has a unique solution
(T,p, m), where the phase fractions (p, m) satisfy the In this section we will apply our model to simulate
properties of Proposition 2. the Jominy end-quench test. Owing to the symmetries
Instead of assuming the incubation time tl to be of the problem (cf. Fig. l), we make use of cylindrical
chosen “small enough’, one could also demand coordinates. Thus, we obtain the following energy
am/at = 0 a.e. in (0, tI) or pa E (0, 1) constant, balance:
independent of T.
The first case refers to a heat treatment with a
moderate cooling rate, producing pearlite and
subsequently possibly some martensite.
The second condition applies to quench cooling,
i.e. very fast cooling to achieve a nearly pure in R x (0, T), (26)
martensitic structure. In this case it is reasonable to
assume p. to be constant, because no more pearlite
will be formed during the cooling process. with R = (0, R) x (0, H), where R is the radius and
From a mathematical point of view it is interesting H the height of the steel bar. Moreover, we have used
to see what happens if the regularization parameter the abbreviations:
6 tends to zero. This question has been investigated
A(T) = ,4T)c(T) (27)
in [16], we only want to remark here that one still
obtains a solution in this case. For the proof, we had B(T) = P(T)L~TNP, m, T>
to assume that L,, L,,, are (Lipschitz) continuous,
+ dT)LdT)f2(p9 m, T), (28)
positive, bounded functions of temperature T, and
that p, c, k, y are positive constants. where f, and f2 are the right-hand sides in equations
If one is only interested in the case 6 > 0 fixed, (250 and (g).
which is clearly the most important case in view of According to Fig. 6, we consider the following
practical applications, Theorem 1 can be proved boundary conditions:
assuming that y is continuously differentiable and
p, c, k are (Lipschitz) continuous, positive, bounded rx(T- Tw), in r1 x (0, tB),
functions of temperature T. Moreover, they may in r2 x (0, tB),
depend on x and t in a rather general way.
in T3 x (0, tB),
A dependency of p and c on the phase fractions is
not covered by this theory and would require further 10, in r4 x (0, ts).
analysis. Probably it would be difficult to prove
uniqueness in this case. What is more, it seems to be Here, TW and TL denote the temperatures of water

Fig. 5. The functions Ha and AJ


.z condition on r4, we obtain:

H ig% 0, for r<<l.

Next, we introduce the transformation:

i=~(N,+l)+v+l, O<p<NN,, O<v<N:

and the vector T, E R’“,N = (N, + l)(N: + 111,defined
r4 r2 by:

T; = T,,,, l<i<N. (39)

Incorporating the boundary conditions, we build up
the corresponding system matrix C’E PP”). Then, in
order to find a solution to the semi-implicit scheme
[equation (34)], in each time step j, we have to solve
the linear system:
QT’+ 1 = D,
r1 R with a vector D’ E RN.
Fig. 6. Half the cross section of a cylindrical steel bar with Defining j, by
height H and radius R.
j, 6t = t,, (41)
and assuming that no martensite will be formed
and the surrounding air, respectively. We will
during the first j, steps we end up with the following
approximate the solution to equations (26) and (29)
by using a semi-implicit Crank-Nicholson scheme.
Defining: Initialize
70 = A,
t,=j.St, ,j=O ,..., N,, (30) p” = 0
ra = p cb, p = 0, . . , N,, (31) m” = 0.

z,. = v &, v = 0,. . , N,, (32) Forj=Otojr-220

build up 0, D
we obtain a lattice on Q x (0, fE) with the mesh sizes: solve c/T/ + I = D’
ml+’ = 0,
st+, a,=$, sz=g. (33) p’+ ’= 0.
, I
Forj=j,- 1 do
Let T,,,, be an approximation of T(r !A,z “3 t.)
, >then, for
build up C,, D
following Crank-Nicholson scheme: solve C/T’+ ’= D’
calculate initial value po,, by applying Newton’s
A(T,,,,) TN.,,+;, T,.,, method to:

+---- 1 1

e, = T,+1.r.l - 2T4.1+ G- 1.s.1 + 1 &+~,v,j- TN- 1.u.1 2 em,P) ’

(6rj2 dr 26r /+I -
P - Pa
mJ+’ = 0.
+ Tw + I,/- ZT,,,, + Tw - ,,,
(6z)2 Forj=j, to N,- 1 do
Linearizing the radiation condition on r2, we build up CJ, D
incorporate the boundary conditions in the usual solve CJ71+’= D
way. Owing to the linearization: calculate ml+‘, p”‘.
(36) The most time-consuming part of the algorithm is the
T(r, z, t) = T(0, z, t) + rT,(O, z, t)
numerical approximation of equation (17). In each
for r-c< 1 and arbitrary z and t, using the boundary time step a new value for p occurs in the integrand.

Hence, the integrand has to be evaluated completely 3.2. Physical parameters

in each time step, whereby the computing effort to The heat conductivity at 0°C has been calculated
approximate the integral increases quadratically in according to Simidu’s formula (cf. [lo]):
To avoid a further increase in computing time, for k0 = 1.16 . (60.0 - 8.7C - 14.4Mn - 29.0%) -&,
the calculation of ($+I, mi+‘) an explicit single-step
method was used. (42)

EE 2










-0.400 -0.150 0.100 0.350 0.600 0.850 1.100 1.350 1.600 EE 0

log t


6.400 -

5.600 7

4.800 -

T 4.000 -

3.200 -

2.400 -_-_______ -_______



-0.500 -0.200 -0.100 -0.400 -0.700 1.ooo 1.300 1.600 l.!Wb 2.200 EEC

log t

Fig. 7. Numerical simulation of a CCT-diagram for the steel C 1080: (a) using the Koistinen-Marburger
formula, (b) using a rate law to describe the martensite fraction.


E Q Hardenability 80

.: 60


0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Distance from quenched end (l/16 in. units) Distance from quenched end (1116 in. units)
Fig. 8. (a) Hardenability curve for the steel C 1080 (from [2]), (b) numerically calculated martensite
fraction plotted against the distance from the quenched end.

where C, Mn, Si are the volume fractions of carbon, Finally, the temperature thresholds A,, M: can be
manganese and silicon for the respective steel. The drawn from the respective IT diagram.
temperature-dependent correction values for k and
the data for specific heat c and density p have been
taken from tables in [lo].
For the latent heats we take the values from [14]: 4.1. Results for the steel C 1080
First, we applied our numerical scheme to the
L, = 17.0 ;, L, = 84.0 f. (43) eutectoid carbon steel C 1080 from [2] (see Fig. 2).
Figure 7 shows the CCT diagram. As expected, the
The heat transfer coefficient has been chosen as in curves are moved to later time and lower tempera-
[ll]: ture. The bucklings of the cooling curves between the
transformation lines indicate the release of latent heat
y(T) = -0.167 x lo4 + 0.108 x lo3 x T- 0.977 during the formation of pearlite. In Fig. 7(a), we used
the Koistinen-Marburger formula [cf. equation (14)]
x 10-l. T2sK. (4) to describe the evolution of the martensite fraction.
Instead of intersecting the dotted M, line only once,

u 700
.s 600
2 500
al 400

g 300

1 10 104 103 102 10’

1 10 100 1000
- Zeit - Minuten
Fig. 9. IT diagram for the steel C 100 W 1 (from [23]).

EE 2

1 \i --... \ -\‘--.

1.600 -

0.800 -

-0.500 -0.200 -0.100 -0.400 -0.700 1.000 1.300 1.600 1.900 2.200 E@c
log I

Fig. 10. Numerical simulation of a CCT diagram for the steel C 100 W 1.

the cooling curves go up again. To prevent repeated martensite fraction is plotted against the distance
oscillations we even had to cut the latent heat Lp in from the quenched end. Obviously, pearlite also has
halves. a certain hardness, so one can only expect that both
To overcome this unphysical behaviour, we curves coincide for small distances from the quenched
replaced the Koistinen-Marburger formula with a end, which is almost the case.
rate law, which takes care of the irreversibility of the
phase change [cf. equations (15a) and (b)]. The 4.2. Results for the steel C 100 W I
resulting CCT curve is depicted in Fig. 7(b). Using In a second simulation, we applied our scheme to
the original value for L,, the cooling curves intersect the steel C 100 W 1 from [23]. Although this steel has
the A& line only once without performing unreason- a carbon content of 1.O%, during continuous cooling
able heating-up effects. it only performs the eutectoid transformation. Thus,
Finally, Fig. 8 shows the hardenability curve for C the application of our model is justified.
1080 side by side with a diagram in which the Figure 9 shows the IT diagram for this steel. The

70 l-
100 _.......................,.......
.............j. f_.__._ ..,..


80 . .._.._.
._........ I....._..........
,...f_.__. ..~ /.....................

o 60 __....................
_..____j.____ .!-- F. i .,. .,...,.
I 40 _ ..~.................
/ ......I .., i .,...,.,.

20 _....................
f .j ../

10 I A
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 3 4 5
Abstand von der abgcschrecktcn Stirnflltchc in mm Distance from quenched end (cm)

Fig. 11. Hardenability curve for the steel C 100 W 1 (from [23]), left; numerically calculated martensite
fraction plotted against the distance from the quenched end, right.

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