16BT51241 - Object Oriented Programming

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: 16BT51241 SVEC-16
Roll No.
(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu)

III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC-16) Regular/Supplementary Examinations August - 2021

[Electrical and Electronics Engineering]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer One Question from each Unit
All questions carry equal marks

1. a) How to create a two dimensional array in Java? Write a program to print CO1 5 Marks
unit matrix of size 5x5.
b) What is meant by parameterized constructor? Explain with an example. CO1 9 Marks
2. a) Illustrate how methods are overloaded in Java with an example. CO3 7 Marks
b) List any five methods of string class with its syntax and example on each CO1 7 Marks
of it.

3. a) Differentiate between this and super keyword in Java. CO3 8 Marks

b) What is an abstract class? Write an example how abstract classes are CO2 6 Marks
created and accessed.
4. a) Why java does not support multiple inheritances? How to solve this CO3, 8 Marks
problem? CO6
b) Elaborate the process of creating a user defined package. CO3 6 Marks

5. a) Illustrate the need of finally keyword in programming languages. CO1 6 Marks

b) Discuss about how a user defined exception is created in Java. CO1, 8 Marks
6. a) Describe how priorities will be used in invoking multiple threads created CO1 7 Marks
through Runnable interface.
b) Sketch the life cycle of a Thread and discuss about each of its state. CO1, 7 Marks

7. a) What is the need of Collection Classes in Java? Discuss about LinkedList CO2 6 Marks
class with an example.
b) Illustrate how TreeSet will be used in Collections with an example. CO4 8 Marks
8. a) How do you pass parameters to an Applet in Java? CO4 7 Marks
b) Discuss about various layout managers available in AWT. CO4 7 Marks

9. a) With an example, discuss how MouseListener interface is implemented. CO4 8 Marks

b) Elaborate the need of delegation event model of Java Language. CO4 6 Marks
10. a) Create a Servlet to read Login Credentials of a user and display that CO6 9 Marks
information in it.
b) Discuss about life cycle of a Servlet with its skeleton. CO5, 5 Marks


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