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Managing Backups

You can perform the following operations with backups:

 View backup properties
 Remove a backup from configuration
 Delete a backup from disks
 Delete a backup from object storage repository
 Remove missing restore points

Viewing Backup Properties

In this article
You can view summary information about created backups. The summary information provides the
following data:
 Available restore points
 Date of restore points creation
 Compression and deduplication ratios
 Data size and backup size
 GFS retention policy applied to restore points (W — weekly; M — monthly; Y — yearly)
In the Backup Properties window, you can see the following icons:
For backups stored in the scale-out backup repository icons differ. For more information,
see Backup State Indicators.
To view summary information for backups:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Backups.
3. In the working area, right-click the backup and select Properties.
4. To see the list of available restore points, select the required object from the Objects list.

Removing Backups from Configuration

In this article
If you want to remove records about backups from the Veeam Backup & Replication console and
configuration database, you can use the Remove from configuration operation.
When you remove a backup from the configuration, backup files (VBK, VIB, VRB, VBM, VBLOB)
remain in the backup repository. You can import the backup later and restore VM data/files and folders
from it.
When you remove an encrypted backup from configuration, Veeam Backup & Replication removes
encryption keys from the configuration database. If you import such backup on the same backup server
or another backup server, you will have to specify the password or unlock the backup with Veeam
Backup Enterprise Manager. For more information, see Importing Encrypted Backups.
To remove a backup from the configuration:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Backups or Replicas.
3. In the working area, select the backup and click Remove from > Configuration on the
ribbon. You can also right-click the backup and select Remove from configuration.

Deleting Backups from Disk

On This Page
 Deleting Backups
 Deleting VM from Backups
The Delete from disk operation is needed if you want to remove records about backups from the
Veeam Backup & Replication console and configuration database. This option allows you to delete the
following type of data:
 Backup files from the backup repository
 Separate VMs from backups
When you delete backup files from a disk, Veeam Backup & Replication deletes the whole chain from
the backup repository. Thus, on the next run of the backup job, Veeam Backup & Replication will create
full backups for VMs included in the job.
Mind the following:
 Do not delete backup files from the backup repository manually. Use the Delete from
disk option instead. If you delete backup files manually, subsequent backup or replication job
sessions will fail.
 If the per-machine functionality is enabled, you can perform the Delete from disk operation for
separate VMs in the backup. If you delete backup files for one VM, on the next run of the
backup job Veeam Backup & Replication will create a full backup for VMs whose backup files
are deleted. For all other VMs, Veeam Backup & Replication will create increments.
To learn more about per-machine backup files, see Per-Machine Backup Files
 When you delete a separate VMs from a backup and if the per-machine functionality is enabled
for this VM, Veeam Backup & Replication behaves differently:
 [If per-machine is enabled] Veeam Backup & Replication deletes backup files of the
selected VMs.
On the next run of the job, Veeam Backup & Replication will create full backups for VMs
whose backup files were deleted. For all other VMs, Veeam Backup & Replication will
create increments.
 [If per-machine is disabled] Veeam Backup & Replication only marks data block that
belong to the deleted VMs as empty — the size of backup files does not change.
However, Veeam Backup & Replication will use these data blocks during such
operations as merging backup files. To reduce the size of full backup files in forever
forward incremental and reverse incremental backup chains, you can compact full backup
files. In forward incremental backup chains, files with block marked as empty will be
deleted by retention.
On the next run of the job, Veeam Backup & Replication will create full backups for VMs
whose backup files were deleted. Note that full backups of these VMs will be stored in an
incremental file. For all other VMs, Veeam Backup & Replication will create incremental
 If you use the scale-out backup repository, keep in mind that the Delete from disk operation
will remove the backups not only from the performance tier, but also from the capacity and
archive tier. If you want to remove backups from the performance tier only, you should move
those backups to the capacity tier instead. For details, see Moving to Capacity Tier.

Deleting Backups
To delete backup files from the backup repository, do the following:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Backups or Replicas.
3. In the working area, select the backup and click Remove from > Disk on the ribbon. You
can also right-click the backup and select Delete from disk.
4. To remove backups with GFS flags (weekly, monthly and yearly), select the Remove
GFS full backups check box and click Yes.
Deleting VM from Backups
To delete a VM from a backup, do the following:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Backups or Replicas.
3. In the working area, expand the necessary backup, select the VM you want to delete and
click Remove from > Disk on the ribbon. You can also right-click the backup and
select Delete from disk.
4. To remove backups with GFS flags (weekly, monthly and yearly), select the Remove
GFS full backups check box and click Yes.

Deleting Backups from Object Storage

In this article
This section explains how to delete offloaded backups from object storage repositories. For more
information, see Removing Backups from Capacity or Archive Tier.
To delete an offloaded backup from an object storage repository, do the following:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, navigate to the Backups > Object Storage node if you want to
delete a backup from the capacity tier, to the Backups > Archive node if you want to
delete backups from the archive tier.
3. In the working area, select a backup or VM and click Delete from Disk on the ribbon.
Alternatively, you can right-click a backup and select Delete from disk.

Removing Missing Restore Points

In this article
In some cases, one or more restore points in the backup chain may be inaccessible. This can happen, for
example, if the backup repository is put to the maintenance mode (for scale-out backup repositories), the
backup repository is not available or some backup file is missing in the backup chain. Backup chains
that contain missing restore points get corrupted — you cannot perform backup or restore VM data from
the missing restore point, and restore points that depend on the missing restore point.
You can perform two operations with missing restore points:
 Forget — you can remove records about missing restore points from the configuration
database. Veeam Backup & Replication will “forget” about missing restore points and will not
display them in the console. The actual backup files will remain on disk (if backup files are still
 Remove — you can remove records about missing restore points from the configuration
database and delete backup files from disk (if backup files are still available).

Consider the following:
 The Forget and Remove from disk options are available only for restore points that
are missing from the backup chain or points that depend on missing ones. If the restore
point is available in the backup chain and does not depend on a missing restore point,
you will not be able to use the Forget and Remove from disk options for it.
 You can manually update information about missing restore points. For this, disable a
backup job and rescan the backup repository that is the target for the backup copy job.
For more information, see Disabling and Removing Jobs and Rescanning Backup
Manual update can be required because Veeam Backup & Replication requires some time to update
information in the configuration database for restore points that were removed from a backup chain
or became inaccessible. That is why such restore points may not be displayed in the console as
missing restore points.
 Veeam Backup & Replication does not track missing restore points in backups that
reside in the cloud repository.
 If you apply the Forget or Remove from disk options to a missing restore point in a
scale-out backup repository, the backup file associated with the missing restore point
will be deleted from capacity tier and archive tier on the next offload and archiving job
To remove records about missing restore points from the configuration database:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Disk under Backups.
3. In the working area, select the backup and click Properties on the ribbon or right-click the
backup and select Properties.
4. In the Backup Properties window, right-click the missing restore point and select Forget.
o To remove only the selected restore point and restore points that depend on it
(that is, a part of the backup chain starting from this restore point), select This
and dependent backups.
o To remove all missing restore points, select All unavailable backups.

To remove missing restore points from the configuration database and disk:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, click Disk under Backups.
3. In the working area, select the backup and click Properties on the ribbon or right-click the
backup and select Properties.
4. In the Backup Properties window, right-click the missing restore point and
select Remove from disk.
o To remove only the selected restore point and restore points that depend on it
(that is, a part of the backup chain starting from this restore point), select This
and dependent backups.
o To remove all missing restore points, select All unavailable backups.

II. Managing Jobs

In this article
To view all jobs configured on the backup server, open the Home view and select the Jobs node in the
inventory pane. The list of available jobs is displayed in the working area. You can edit job properties,
start and stop jobs, restart failed jobs, clone jobs, view job statistics and delete unnecessary jobs.
In This Section
 Editing Job Settings
 Cloning Jobs
 Disabling and Removing Jobs
 Starting and Stopping Jobs
 Starting and Stopping Transaction Log Backup Jobs
 Reconfiguring Jobs with Microsoft SQL Server VMs

Editing Job Settings

In this article
You can edit configured jobs at any moment. For example, you may want to change scheduling settings
for the job or add some VMs to the job.
To edit job settings:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the job and click Edit on the ribbon or right-click the job and
select Edit.
You will follow the same steps as you have followed when creating the job and can change job settings
as required.

Cloning Jobs

In this article
You can create new jobs by means of job cloning. Job cloning allows you to create an exact copy of any
job with the same job settings. Configuration information of the created job copy are written to the
configuration database that stores information of the original job.
To create multiple jobs with similar settings, you can configure a set of jobs that will be used as ‘job
templates’. You can then clone these 'job templates' and edit settings of cloned jobs as required.
The name of the cloned job is formed by the following rule: <job_name_clone1>, where job_name is
the name of the original job and clone1 is a suffix added to the original job name. If you clone the same
job again, the number in the name will be incremented, for
example, job_name_clone2, job_name_clone3 and so on.
When cloning job, Veeam Backup & Replication can change some job settings so that cloned jobs do
not hinder original jobs.
 If the original job is scheduled to run automatically, Veeam Backup & Replication disables the
cloned job. To enable the cloned job, select it in the job list and click Disable on the ribbon or
right-click the job and select Disable.
 If the original job is configured to use a secondary target, the cloned job is created without the
secondary target settings.
To clone a job:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the job and click Clone on the ribbon or right-click the job and
select Clone.S
4. After a job is cloned, you can edit all its settings, including the job name.


The job cloning functionality is included in the Veeam Universal License. When using a legacy
socket-based license, Enterprise or higher edition is required.
Disabling and Deleting Jobs

On This Page
 Disabling Job
 Deleting Job
You can temporary disable scheduled jobs. The disabled job is paused for some period of time and is not
run by the specified schedule. You can enable a disabled job at any time. You can also permanently
delete a job from Veeam Backup & Replication and from the configuration database.
Disabling Job
To disable a job:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the job and click Disable on the ribbon or right-click the job
and select Disable.
To enable a disabled job, select it in the list and click Disable on the ribbon once again.

Deleting Job
To remove a job:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the job and click Delete on the ribbon or right-click the job and
select Delete.
After the job is deleted, the backups created by this job are displayed under the Backups > Disk
(Orphaned) node. If the backup files created by this job were also stored in capacity tier or archive tier,
they will also be displayed under the Backups > Object Storage (Orphaned) or Backups > Archive
(Orphaned) nodes.
Starting and Stopping Jobs

On This Page
 Starting Jobs
 Stopping Jobs
You can start job manually, for example, if you want to create an additional restore point for a VM
backup or replica and do not want to change the job schedule. You can also stop a job, for example, if
VM processing is about to take long, and you do not want the job to produce workload on the production
environment during business hours.

Starting Jobs
To start a job:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the backup job and click Start on the ribbon or right-click the
job and select Start.

Stopping Jobs
You can stop a job in one of the following ways:
 Stop job immediately. In this case, Veeam Backup & Replication will produce a new restore
point only for those VMs that have already been processed by the time you stop the job.
 Stop job after current VM. In this case, Veeam Backup & Replication will produce a new
restore point only for those VMs that have already been processed and for VMs that are being
processed at the moment.
To stop a job:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the backup job and click Stop on the ribbon or right-click the
job and select Stop. In the displayed window, click Immediately.
To stop the job after the current VM:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, click Jobs.
3. In the working area, right-click the job and select Stop. In the displayed window,
click Gracefully.

Starting and Stopping Transaction Log Backup


On This Page
 Starting Transaction Log Backup Jobs
 Stopping Transaction Log Backup Jobs
If you create a backup job and instruct it to ship transaction logs, the backup job comprises 2 jobs:
1. A parent backup job creating an image-level backup of the VM on which the database
runs. This job is named as a regular backup job, for example: Daily Job.
2. A transaction log backup job responsible for shipping transaction logs to the backup
repository. This job is named by the following pattern:
 For MS SQL: <job_name> SQL Server Transaction Log Backup. For example, Daily
Job SQL Server Transaction Log Backup.
 For Oracle: <job_name> Oracle Redo Log Backup. For example, Daily Job Oracle Redo
Log Backup.
The transaction log backup job is created automatically by Veeam Backup & Replication if it detects
that you have added to the backup job at least one Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle VM, enabled
application-aware processing and instructed Veeam Backup & Replication to back up transaction logs

Starting Transaction Log Backup Jobs

A parent backup job is started manually when you click Start on the toolbar, or automatically by
schedule. The transaction log backup job is initially started when you enable schedule for the parent
backup job. The transaction log backup works continuously in the background. A new session of the
transaction log backup job starts every time the parent backup job is launched.

Stopping Transaction Log Backup Jobs

You can stop transaction log processing in one of the following ways:
 Disable transaction log shipping
 Disable the parent backup job
If you want the backup job to create image-level backups of the VM but do not want it to ship
transaction logs anymore, you can disable transaction log backup in the backup job settings.
To disable transaction log shipping:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the backup job and click Edit on the ribbon or right-click the
backup job and select Edit.
4. Pass to the Guest Processing step of the wizard and click Applications.
5. In the Application-Aware Processing Options window, select the VM and click Edit.
6. On the SQL or Oracle tab of the VM Processing Settings window, disable transaction
log backup.
7. Click Finish to save the job settings.
If you do not want to create image-level backups of the VM and back up database transaction logs, you
can disable scheduling for the parent backup job. Veeam Backup & Replication will instruct the
transaction log backup job to complete log processing for all VMs added to the parent backup job, and
will switch the parent backup job to the non-scheduled mode. The parent backup job will no longer be
started automatically by schedule — you will have to run it manually.
To disable scheduling for the parent backup job:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the backup job and click Edit on the ribbon. Alternatively, you
can right-click the backup job and select Edit.
4. Pass to the Schedule step of the wizard and clear the Run the job automatically check
5. Click Finish to save the job settings.
Alternatively, you can disable the parent backup job:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the backup job and click Disable on the ribbon or right-click
the job and select Disable.
To re-activate transaction log processing for all VMs in the parent backup job, select the job in the list
and click Disable on the ribbon once again.

Reconfiguring Jobs with Microsoft SQL Server


In this article
In some situations, you may need to reconfigure a backup job that processes a Microsoft SQL Server
VMs and ships transaction logs. For example, you may want to create a separate backup job to process
the virtualized database, and delete the VM running the database from the previously created job.
When you configure a new job, mind the restriction on transaction logs shipping. By default, the new
backup job that processes the VM will not ship transaction logs if transaction logs for this VM have been
shipped for the last 7 days by another backup job on the same backup server.
You can overcome this restriction with registry keys. For more information, contact Veeam Customer

III. Reporting
In this article
When you run a job, Veeam Backup & Replication saves the job statistics and operation data to the
configuration database. You can view real-time statistics for any performed job and generate reports
with statistics data for any job or separate job session.
In This Section
 Viewing Real-Time Statistics
 Viewing Job Session Results
 Viewing Job and Job Session Reports

Viewing Real-Time Statistics

On This Page
 Statistics Counters
 Colored Graph
To view real-time statistics for a job, do one of the following:
 Open the Home view, in the inventory pane select one of the following nodes: Jobs, Last 24
hours or Running. In the working area, right-click the job and select Statistics.
 Open the Home view, in the inventory pane select one of the following nodes: Jobs, Last 24
hours or Running. In the working area, double-click the running job.
The real-time statistics provides detailed data on job sessions: job progress, duration, processing rate,
performance bottlenecks, amount of processed data, read and transferred data and details of the session
performance, for example, warnings and errors that have occurred in the process of operation.
In addition to overall job statistics, the real-time statistics provides information on each object processed
with the job. To view the processing progress for a specific object, select it in the list on the left.
Mind the following:
 To collapse and expand the real-time statistics window, use Hide Details and Show
Details buttons at the bottom left corner of the window.
 To switch between the job sessions backward and forward, use left and right arrow keys
on the keyboard.

Statistics Counters
Veeam Backup & Replication displays jobs statistics for the following counters:
 The Job progress bar shows percentage of the job completion.
 The Summary box shows general information about the job:
o Duration — time from the job start till the current moment or job end.
o Processing rate — average speed of VM data processing. This counter is a ratio
between the amount of data that has actually been read and job duration.
o Bottleneck — bottleneck in the data transmission process. To learn about job
bottlenecks, see Detecting Performance Bottlenecks.
 The Data box shows information about processed VM data:
o Processed — total size of all VM disks processed by the job.
o Read — amount of data read from the volume by the source-side Data Mover
prior to applying compression and deduplication. For incremental job runs, the
value of this counter is typically lower than the value of
the Processed counter. Veeam Backup & Replication reads only data blocks that
have changed since the last job session, processes and copies these data blocks to
the target.
o Transferred — amount of data transferred from the source-side Veeam Data
Mover to the target-side Veeam Data Mover after applying compression and
deduplication. This counter does not directly indicate the size of the resulting
files. Depending on the backup infrastructure and job
settings, Veeam Backup & Replication can perform additional activities with
data: deduplicate data, decompress data prior to writing the file to disk and so
on. The activities can impact the size of the resulting file.
 The Status box shows information about the job results. This box informs how many tasks have
completed with the Success, Warning and Error statuses (1 task per 1 VM).
 The pane at the lower left corner shows a list of objects included in the job.
 The pane at the lower right corner shows a list of operations performed during the job. To see a
list of operations for a specific object included in the job, click the object in the pane on the left.
To see a list of operations for the whole job, click anywhere on the blank area in the left pane.
Colored Graph
To visualize the data transfer process, Veeam Backup & Replication displays a colored graph in the real-
time statistics window:
 The green area defines the amount of data read from source.
 The brown area defines the amount of data transported to target.
 The horizontal line defines the current data processing speed.
If the job session is still being performed, you can click the graph to view data rate for the last 5 minutes
or the whole processing period. If the job session has already ended, the graph will display information
for the whole processing period only.
The colored graph is displayed only for the currently running job session or the latest job session. If you
open real-time statistics for past sessions other than the latest one, the colored graph will not be
Viewing Job Session Results

In this article
You can view detailed statistics on every job session.
To view statistics for a selected job session, do either of the following:
 Open the History view. In the inventory pane select Jobs. In the working area, double-click the
necessary job session.
 Open the History view. In the inventory pane select Jobs. In the working area, right-click the
necessary job session and select Statistics.
To switch between past job sessions, use left and right arrow keys on the keyboard.

Viewing Job and Job Session Reports

On This Page
 Job Report
 Session Report
 Report Counters
You can generate reports with details about all sessions of a job or a single session only.
Job Report
The job report contains data on all sessions initiated for a specific job, that is, job history. The report
shows data for all sessions stored in the configuration database.
To generate a job report:
1. Open the Home view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the necessary job and click Report on the ribbon. You can also
right-click the job and select Report.
For more information on counters in the report, see Report Counters.

Generated reports are stored in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp folder.

Session Report
To generate a report for a single session:
1. Open the History view.
2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
3. In the working area, select the necessary session and click Report on the ribbon. You can
also right-click the necessary session and select Report.

Report Counters
Veeam Backup & Replication displays the following counters in reports:
 The Success, Warning and Error counters show how many workloads were processed with
the Success, Warning and Error statuses.
 The Start time and End time counters show when the job started and completed.
 The Duration counter shows time from the job start till the current moment or job end.
 The Total size counter shows provisioned size (the maximum configured size) of all workload
disks in the job.
 The Data read counter shows the amount of data read from the volume before compression and
deduplication. The value of this counter is typically lower than the value of the Total
size counter. Veeam Backup & Replication reads only data blocks that have changed since the
last job session, processes and copies these data blocks to the target.
 The Transferred counter shows the amount of data transferred from the source side to the
target side after applying compression and source-side deduplication. This counter does not
directly indicate the size of the resulting files. Depending on the backup infrastructure and job
settings, Veeam Backup & Replication can perform additional activities with data: perform
target-side deduplication, decompress data prior to writing the file to disk and so on. The
activities can impact the size of the resulting file.
 The Backup size counter shows the resulting backup file size.
 The Dedupe counter shows the deduplication level.
 The Compression counter shows the compression level.
In the Details section, you can see similar counters for each workload processed by the job.

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