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Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

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Land Use Policy

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A succinct review and analysis of drivers and impacts of agricultural land

transformations in Asia
S.V.R.K. Prabhakar
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Hayama, Japan


Keywords: This paper identifies major transformations in agricultural land both in terms of land use and land-use changes,
Agriculture analyses major drivers and impacts, and describes the major policy interventions to arrest negative trends. The
Land transformations rapidly growing population and their needs constitute one of the major drivers of land-use changes in the Asia
region. Agricultural productivity has increased at a slightly faster pace than population growth in Asia through
agricultural intensification. Intensive farming practices have put pressure on ecosystems leading to declining
total factor productivity, land degradation, soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, and GHG emissions. Policy measures
to address unsustainable land transformations have been minimal and countries are yet to be successful in
arresting the negative trends. Through coordinated land management and integrated land decision support
systems, countries can address food-fuel conflicts, arrest negative environmental consequences, enhance rural
prosperity, and achieve sustainable development.

1. Introduction understanding, are often not accessible to the policy community and
suffer from limited time-series data (Saah et al., 2019). The regional
The land is one of the major natural resources of Asian countries and environmental synthesis exercises including that of Environmental
agriculture is still the single largest user of land in Asia (FAO, 2016). Outlook (GEO) for Asia-Pacific though provides a good overview of
Agricultural land plays an important role in delivering the food, climate, environmental changes. However, the time taken to produce such syn­
and human security goals of countries in Asia and any unsustainable thesis works often delays the communication of important environ­
land use could undermine the ability to achieve these goals. The agri­ mental changes to relevant stakeholders. Though there are calls to
cultural land in Asia has been undergoing significant transformations produce environmental status synthesis reports focusing on specific
(Laborde et al., 2019). These transformations are largely unsustainable sectors in short intervals, efforts are yet to produce a sectoral synthesis
(Arfanuzzaman and Dahiya, 2019) and are driven by various pressures for land-use transformations in Asia with frequent updates (King, 2019).
operating on the land (Vadrevu et al., 2017). These unsustainable For the above reasons, this paper presents a hybrid approach of
agricultural transformations including agricultural intensification are on analyzing the secondary data on land-use changes available from
the rise in all Asian countries irrespective of their developmental status various sources and presents the trends in combination with a review of
(UNEP, 2016). Agricultural land transformations in Asia are character­ literature on the state of major agricultural land transformations in Asia.
ized by their rapid changes (Vadrevu et al., 2019) with rapid impacts on The main objective of the paper is to provide an easily accessible anal­
the socio-economic aspects of the communities and the environment ysis of land transformations in Asia and to provide available evidence on
(Hamidov et al., 2016). drivers behind these land transformations. To meet these objectives, the
Understanding the impacts of land-use changes on agricultural land paper identifies important drivers and trade-offs countries are facing due
can help to manage the land sustainably. Several efforts have been made to land-use changes and identifies policy measures to arrest negative
to present the land-use changes in the published literature. While several trends. As official consultations for the UNEP GEO-7 have already
of these studies utilize remote-sensing applications, they are largely begun, these results presented in the paper could provide an important
either based on sub-regional levels (e.g. Leisz et al., 2009) or at the input to the GEO process.
national level (e.g. Hinz et al., 2020; Meiyappan et al., 2017). These
studies are though very informative, they tend to be complex in

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Received 5 April 2020; Received in revised form 24 September 2020; Accepted 13 December 2020
Available online 29 December 2020
0264-8377/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

2. Methodology conducted as a test of significance.

While the PCA helps reduce the dimensionality of the data and helps
This paper discusses the major agricultural land transformations in in explaining the variance in the data with fewer variables, a multiple
Asia, analyses important drivers behind the transformations, presents a linear regression helps in quantifying the relationship between depen­
discussion on socio-economic and environmental trade-offs, and pre­ dent and independent variables (Guillén-Casla et al., 2011; Su et al.,
sents a succinct review of policy options to ease pressure on agricultural 2020). Hence, a multiple linear regression was also carried out between
land in Asia. For doing so, the paper takes a hybrid approach i.e. the the dependent variable agricultural land and independent variables
paper largely takes the approach of the literature review while supple­ GDP, agricultural production, total population, rural population, the
menting the review with the original analysis of data from secondary area under irrigation, and chemical inputs to quantify the relationship
sources. Such a hybrid approach is increasingly been adopted in several between these variables. The PCA and the linear regression analysis was
environmental assessment processes including that of the UNEP GEO carried out in the SPSS software version 24.
reports. The data was largely drawn from the Food and Agriculture
Organization Corporate Statistical Database (FAOSTAT) for the years 3. Results and discussion
2002–2015 during which the data on agriculture production and land
use is available for most Asian countries. The data used for analysis was In this section, using a hybrid approach, the results of the review of
presented in Table 1. literature and the analysis of the secondary data has been presented.
Wherever necessary, a simple statistical correlation analysis was Two kinds of agricultural land transformations can be observed in Asia,
performed to show the relationship between two variables in the dis­ a) agricultural land-use change and b) agricultural intensification. The
cussion. For example, the statistical correlation between agricultural earlier refers to the change in land either by conversion of land into
land and the urban population was performed for major Asian countries agriculture or away from agriculture. The latter refers to how the agri­
to visualize how the change in urban population has resulted in a change cultural land is managed within its land use category. One kind of
in the agricultural land. Wherever relevant, the trends were presented transformation can impact another kind of transformation. For example,
using simple statistical measures such as % change from the base year poor management of agricultural land can create more demand for land
2002, using bar graphs. The selection of these methods is in line to make to be converted into agriculture to meet the growing food needs of
the analysis most accessible to a wide range of readers including for their countries. These two kinds of agricultural land use transformations are
application in limited data and skill environments. discussed in the sub-sections below. Further, the section also discusses
The PCA analysis involves a statistical orthogonal transformation of the drivers of agricultural land use and intensification, socio-economic
correlated data into a set of uncorrelated data. The Principal Component and environmental trade-offs, and measures to ease the pressure on
Analysis (PCA) has been widely used as a statistical tool for analyzing land mainly from the literature review.
the land-use changes, both using the remote sensing techniques as well
as in non-spatial approaches for statistically analyzing the data (e.g. 3.1. Agricultural land use change
Deng et al., 2008; Fung and LeDrew, 1987). The PCA was carried out
using the data series between 2002 and 2015 using the following vari­ Countries in Asia have witnessed significant transformations in
ables a) agricultural land area in a country (ha), b) GDP PPP (constant agricultural land over the past decades. During the period 1961–2015,
2011 international $), c) chemical inputs used in agricultural production the agricultural land remained constant in 8 countries, declined in 10,
(fertilizers and pesticides), d) percentage of agricultural area equipped and increased in 29 (Fig. 1, based on the data from FAOSTAT (FAO,
for irrigation, e) total population, and f) the percentage of the rural 2018a,b). The countries that have lost a significant amount of agricul­
population. The PCA analysis was done for two country groups i.e. a) tural land include Brunei Darussalam (66.7 % decline compared to
grouping of countries based on the trend in agricultural land (i.e. 1961), Japan (48 %), Republic of Korea (35.3 %), and Mongolia (24.6
increased, no change and decreased), and b) grouping of countries based %). The top five countries that have experienced the highest rate of
on their developmental status using UN classification (i.e. highly growth in agricultural land are Malaysia (49.5 %), Vietnam (47.8 %),
developed economies, medium developed economies and least devel­ United Arab Emirates (44.5 %), and Bhutan (40.7 %).
oped economies). The number of principal components was decided China (153 Mha), Indonesia (18.6 Mha), and Saudi Arabia (87.2
based on the slope of the Scree Plot, which indicated that a Mha) have converted vast areas of land into agriculture while Mongolia
two-component analysis is sufficient to explain the variance in the data. (27.8 Mha) and Iran (13.7 Mha) have lost significant agricultural land
The data were log-transformed to accommodate the wide variation be­ during the same period. The source of land differed for countries that
tween countries within the PCA so that the scale differences do not in­ gained agricultural land. A significant amount of agricultural land came
fluence the PCA results (Maadooliat et al., 2015). The PCA was from ‘other land’ categories in China and Saudi Arabia and in Indonesia,
conducted with an orthogonal Varimax rotation with Kaiser normali­ the gain in agricultural land came from forests. Similarly, the agricul­
zation (Shooshtari et al., 2019). Bartlett’s test of sphericity was tural land in Iran and Mongolia either was lost to afforestation or to
other land use categories.

Table 1 3.2. Agricultural intensification

Data derived from the FAOSTAT for analysing the agricultural land trans­
formations in Asia. Agricultural intensification was defined as the degree of yield in­
S No Data used crease caused by production choices made (Dietrich et al., 2012).
1 Total land area (million hectares)
Though crop yields can indicate agricultural intensification, such
2 Agricultural land area (million hectares) interpretation should be done with caution since factors other than
3 Area under forest (million hectares) human, such as favorable weather, could contribute to better crop
4 Pesticides per area of crop land in arable and permanent crops (million tons) yields. This in view, trends in agricultural intensification in the paper
5 Fertilizers by major nutrients (tons)
have been limited to production factors. The agricultural intensification
6 % irrigated agriculture (% of total agriculture area)
7 Cereal imports and exports (million tons) can be measured by the amount of land employed to produce a unit
8 Total agricultural production (million tons) amount of food per unit amount of inputs. Irrigation can drive intensi­
9 Total population (million) fication by allowing multiple crops in a year, allow the cultivation of
10 Urban population (million) and % urban population high yielding varieties, use of fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanization.
11 Rural population (million)
Hence, irrigation alone can serve as a single most important indicator of

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

Fig. 1. Change in agricultural land in Asia (Green: no change, Red: Declining, Blue: Increasing (Source: Author). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

intensification when the data is not available on other forms of inten­ declined in Japan and the Republic of Korea largely due to a decline in
sification. The data on chemical inputs and % irrigated agriculture agricultural land, and the decline in farming population. Indonesia
(Fig. 2) shows that chemical inputs have significantly increased in recorded the largest increase in chemical use followed by India and
countries such as Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. It Bangladesh.

Fig. 2. Trends in agricultural inputs in selected Asian countries, values are for 2015 expressed as % change from 2002 (Source: Author, based on data
from FAOSTAT).

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

3.3. Drivers of agricultural land use and intensification presented in Table 2. The following conclusions can be drawn from the
table: a) a common set of drivers can lead to land-use changes and
The term ‘driver’ refers to factors that contribute to the change in the intensification. For example, high economic growth could take pop­
state of land use from one land use category to another one. Drivers can ulations away from agriculture and can further drive agricultural
be categorized as direct or proximate drivers and indirect or underlying intensification due to land aggregation, b) majority of drivers of agri­
causes. Indirect drivers are difficult to identify and quantify as they are cultural intensification are intrinsic to the agriculture sector, c) agri­
pervasive across sectors for which the data has not been well measured cultural intensification is largely driven by irrigation, fertilizers,
and reported. Multiple drivers operate on the agricultural land in the pesticides, high yielding varieties, and farm mechanization, and d)
Asia region and characterizing these drivers is a major challenge due to agricultural intensification has helped farmers to produce for the market
a) feedback connections between drivers (e.g. rapid urbanization and access to markets has also played a key role in agricultural inten­
providing a better quality of life and employment could pull the popu­ sification in Asia. Another set of common drivers for land-use changes
lation out of agriculture), b) non-agriculture drivers are outside the in­ could include farmers’ behaviors in terms of how farmers respond to
fluence of the decisions made within the agriculture sector (e.g. various economic and environmental pressures around them that
infrastructure and energy decisions putting pressure on land), and c) determine their land-use practices (Douglas, 2006). For example, high
drivers at the local level may not be captured at the national and economic pressures can push farmers to cultivate on slopes contributing
regional level due to masking effect of other drivers (averaged out) to land degradation (Liu and Qian, 2020).
Several drivers have been reported in the literature, a few are
3.3.1. Drivers of land use changes
Commercial agriculture has been reported as one of the important
Table 2
Drivers reported in literature for land use change and agricultural intensification drivers of land conversion to agriculture (FAO, 2016). Mechanization
in agriculture. had a positive impact on land conversion to agriculture as it supported
less-labor intensive farming amicable for rich farmers seeking in­
Land conversion Reference Agricultural Reference
drivers intensification
vestments in the farming sector. Private sector investments and foreign
drivers direct investments in agriculture are emerging as new kinds of drivers
sustaining demand for agricultural land in the past decade (Ravanera
Population growth Azadi et al. • Economic Alauddin and
(2011), development Quiggin and Gorra, 2011). Food trade opportunities due to the regional eco­
Hosonuma et al. • Commercial (2008), Hao nomic integration in the ASEAN region also has sustained demand for
(2012), FAO investments in et al. (2015) agricultural land.
(2016) farming
Drivers that took land away from agriculture include urbanization,
farming) industrialization, and infrastructure development. High land prices for
• Economic growth Azadi et al. • Crop Gunasena housing in urban areas has led to the conversion of agricultural land to
• Economic (2011), Guo diversification (2001), Hao housing. The declining rural population in the developed Asian coun­
transition et al., 2014, • Improved et al. (2015) tries has subjected agricultural land to convert to non-agricultural pur­
• Rural private Vadrevu et al. varieties
poses. Declining farm profits, market imperfections, poor farm price
enterprise (2017) • Controlled
development environments policies, natural hazards, and growing education levels have driven
• Infrastructure • Type of crops people out of farming predisposing land to be converted away from
including rural grown agriculture. Land degradation has prone agricultural land to be con­
infrastructure and
verted into non-agricultural uses.
• Agricultural Ravanera and • Irrigation Gunasena
The principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out to under­
development Gorra (2011), • Groundwater (2001), stand the drivers behind agricultural land transformations in Asia and
including Hosonuma et al. access Alauddin and results are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 3. The Bartlet’s test of sphericity
commercial (2012), FAO Quiggin for all country and trend groups yielded significant results (p < 0.001).
agriculture (2016) (2008)
All the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy values
• Private sector
investments in were more than 0.7 indicating that the PCA analysis is appropriate for
agriculture the included variables. The results also indicated that the top two
• Foreign direct principal components in each country groupings have explained more
investment in
than 94 % of the variance except in the case of least developed countries
• Increase in
agricultural trade
Table 3
• Food security
Total variance explained by the top two principal components.
• Urbanisation Azadi et al. Fertilisers Gunasena Eigenvalues
• Urban population (2011), Guo (2001), Nani Principal
Component Total % of Cumulative
et al. (2014) et al. (2011)
Variance %
• Land productivity Azadi et al. • Proportion of non- Hao et al.
• Capital-labour (2011), farm income (2015) Land change trend grouping of countries
ratio Hosonuma et al. • Contribution of Increasing 1 5.170 86.167 86.167
• Land tenure (2012) family labour agriculture land 2 0.774 12.905 99.072
security No change in 1 5.579 92.982 92.982
• Governance of agriculture land 2 0.347 5.784 98.766
land-use change Decreasing 1 4.834 80.575 80.575
Climate change Oliver and • Farm Gunasena agriculture land 2 1.019 16.992 97.566
(especially water Morecraft mechanisation (2001), Nani Developmental grouping of countries
and temperature as (2014), Niles • Controlled et al. (2011) 1 4.674 77.900 77.900
Developed countries
limiting factors) et al., 2015, environments 2 0.986 16.441 94.341
FAO (2016) 1 4.674 77.900 77.900
Developing countries
Resource degradation Hamidov et al. 2 0.986 16.441 94.341
(2016) Least developed 1 5.811 96.853 96.853
countries 2 0.166 2.774 99.627
Source: Author, from references cited.

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

Fig. 3. Relationship between two principal components determining the agricultural land conversion in Asia.
Source: Analysis by the Author, based on data from FAO (2018a,b).
Notes: TrGDP: GDP PPP (constant 2011); TrFP: fertilisers and pesticides; TrPIA: % of irrigated agricultural area; TrGPIN: Agricultural gross production index number
(2004− 2006 = 100); TrTP: Total population; and TrPRP: % of rural population. Here, Tr stands for log-transformed data.

Fig. 4. Multiple linear regression results between agricultural land and selected independent variables.

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

where the first principal component itself explained more than 96 % of Nearly 65 % of Asian countries have shown rapid urbanization
the variance (Table 3). The Eigenvalues indicated that the first principal mainly in South and East Asian countries. Countries with the highest
component in all country groupings explained the variance more than urban population growth rates are Lao PDR followed by Thailand,
four measured variables included in the analysis whereas the second China, and Bhutan. Countries in West Asia are slowly deurbanizing as
principal component accounted for less than a single measured variable, reflected by the declining urban population in these countries. The
except in the case of decreasing agriculture land country group. urban population in Lebanon declined by 12 % over the past 15 years. A
In Fig. 3, the upper row of the component plot is related to the three similar decline in the urban population was observed in Jordan,
trends of agricultural land change, i.e. increasing, no change and Kazakhstan, and the Philippines. Countries with a negative correlation
decreasing from left to right, and the lower row is related to the three between agricultural land and urban population have recorded a sig­
developmental categories of countries i.e. developed countries, devel­ nificant decline in agricultural land, and countries with positive corre­
oping countries and least developed countries. When countries are lation have shown a significant increase in agricultural land in Asia
grouped according to their agricultural land change trends, both the (Fig. 5). Countries in red color in the top half and bottom half of the
principal components are positively correlated, in general, for factors figure showed significant positive and negative correlation respectively
such as percent of irrigated agriculture, chemical inputs, gross produc­ between the urban population and land-use change. Green arrows
tion, GDP, and total population and both principal components had indicate the direction of agricultural land change.
negative correlation for percent of the rural population in countries Biofuels had a significant impact on land use in Asia (Elder and
where the agriculture land was either increasing or didn’t change during Hayashi, 2018; Takeuchi et al., 2018). India had a major share of bio­
the assessed years. fuels in South Asia with biofuels constituting 3.01 % of the total trans­
The examination of these plots also indicates that the agricultural portation fuels in 2007 (Elder et al., 2008). Biofuels were feared for their
land change in countries where agricultural land increased was posi­ role in the conversion of land into biofuel production in several coun­
tively correlated with the fertilizers and pesticides, total population, tries of Asia (Elder and Hayashi, 2018). The demand for biofuels has
GDP, and agricultural gross production while the percentage irrigated resulted in the allocation of agriculture land for biofuels in India
agriculture and percentage of the rural population were negatively (Schaldach et al., 2011), China, Indonesia, and Malaysia (Valin et al.,
correlated. Similarly, in the case of countries where the agricultural land 2015). There are strong projections for the growth of biofuels in the near
declined, only the GDP showed a positive correlation between both the future as the energy demand in Asia is projected to continue to grow
principal components. where sustainable biofuels can still play a role (Hughes and Jones, 2020;
In terms of the development grouping of countries, the analysis Elder and Hayashi, 2018).
indicated that GDP, percent of irrigated agriculture, and chemical inputs Rapid economic development, increasing middle-class society,
such as fertilisers and pesticides maintained a positive relationship be­ changing lifestyles, and increasing trade are also affecting land use in
tween the two principal components across the three developmental Asia. A traditional grower of cereals in 1970, Asia produced more fruits
categories of countries, indicating that irrespective of developmental and vegetables than cereals, and livestock products have nearly doubled
level, these factors have a positive influence on agricultural land. Total in 2010 (ADB, 2013). Livestock production and feed are competing for
population and gross production showed a negative correlation between agricultural land and water with land and water pollution implications
both the principal components across the three development categories. (Ahuja, 2012).
Fig. 4 shows the multiple linear regression results between the
dependent variable agricultural land and independent variables GDP, 3.3.2. Drivers of agricultural intensification
agricultural production, total population, rural population, the area In this section, trends in agricultural intensification are presented for
under irrigation, and chemical inputs. The resultant regression equa­ three categories of countries a) countries that gained agricultural land,
tions are presented along with the R squared values in Fig. 4. They b) countries that lost agricultural land, and c) countries with stable
indicate that the included factors were able to explain the high pro­ agricultural land. Here, agricultural intensification was expressed as a
portion of variance in agricultural land in all country groupings pre­ function of combined market inputs of water, fertilizers, and pesticides
sented here except in countries where the agricultural land didn’t used in agricultural production. These parameters were compared be­
change. In this case, only 53 % of the variance in agricultural land could tween 2002 and 2015 and expressed as % change from 2002 values
be explained by the model. For example, the relationship in agricultural (Fig. 6).
land in countries where it increased could be given as (F(6, 6) = 26.496, The increase in the use of pesticides and fertilizers played a major
p < 0.001) with an R2 of 0.964. In this case, the linear model for pre­ role in agricultural intensification in countries where agricultural land
dicting agricultural land is 7.593 + 0.0382(GDP)+0.017(Chemical expanded. However, countries have not differed much in terms of other
inputs)+0.018(Total Population)-0.107(% of the irrigated area)-0.033 characteristics such as irrigated area and agricultural productivity.
(Gross Agricultural Production)-0.135(% of rural population). It can Countries, where agricultural land declined, had marginally higher
be deduced that the agricultural area in these countries increases in productivity gains over the countries where agricultural land expanded.
direct proportion to the increase in GDP, chemical inputs, and total Similarly, the area under irrigation was marginally higher in these
population and decreases with investments in irrigated agriculture. countries compared to the countries where agricultural land remained
The above results can be observed in light of the previously reported stable. These observations indicate that marginal gains in irrigated area
literature. Irrigation provision under water-scarce conditions, by giving and agricultural productivity may have contributed to the decline in
agriculture more preference than other economic sectors, could drive agricultural land in some countries while countries that gained agri­
more land towards agriculture. Using EKCs, clear linkages between the cultural land were also using more pesticides and fertilizers.
per capita income of farmers and agricultural land use was demon­ The food-fuel-water nexus deserves attention due to its impact on
strated (James, 1999). An inverted EKC indicated a clear breakeven agriculture. The nexus refers to the interdependency between energy,
point beyond which the agricultural land is retired for other purposes. In water, and food. The nexus indicates food production can create sig­
addition, crop yields are negatively correlated with agricultural land use nificant demand for energy and water, especially in intensive farming
and population density and ownership security are positively correlate systems. Due to the strong nexus between food, water, and energy and
with agricultural land use. Agricultural intensification has had a sig­ the absence of efforts to decouple these linkages, uncoordinated efforts
nificant impact on the livelihoods of farmers in Asia (Nani et al., 2011). to meet food, water, and energy needs in the region are leading to
Xu et al. (2019) reported that the socioeconomic drivers are more disproportionate impacts on individual components of this ‘triad’.
important than biophysical drivers for the conversion of forest to agri­ Minimum support prices and subsidies on agricultural inputs are
cultural land in South Asia and maritime Southeast Asia. important for most developing countries in Asia while developed

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

Fig. 5. Relationship between urbanization and loss of agricultural land (Countries in red color show significant positive and negative correlation at a probability
level of 0.05) (Source: Author, based on data from FAOSTAT). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article).

countries are slowly moving away from input subsidies to direct cash of rice at a rate higher than the increase in agricultural production has
payments (Hudson et al., 2011). These policies are justified as necessary especially contributed to the food imports in Indonesia despite the
to support economic and agricultural growth, poverty reduction, and expansion of agricultural land (Indonesia Investments, 2017).
farm profitability, and for meeting food security goals (Lopez et al., Negative externalities of agricultural intensification are abundant in
2017). These policies are helping the retention of farmers in farming, Asian countries. There has been a steady rise in agriculture areas with
helping in the expansion of certain agricultural crops, and helping declining total factor productivity in the Gangetic Basin (Prabhakar and
farmers to sustain the rate of agricultural input use that may not be Elder, 2009). Food subsidies such as providing minimum support price
possible in the absence of subsidies. to food crops have led to a disproportionate expansion of crops which in
Agricultural exports are another significant driver of intensification turn has led to increased water and chemical consumption (Sharma,
in Asia. Agricultural exports constituted 3.2 %, 13.2 %, 17 %, 15.2 %, 2015). The intensive use of chemicals has led to pollution of sub-surface
26.5 % of GDP of China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and and surface water sources, increased runoff, and silting of freshwater
Malaysia respectively in 2016 (World Trade Organization, 2016). bodies resulting in eutrophication affecting the freshwater (Wasantha
Developed countries and economies in transition such as Japan (1.6 % of et al., 2015). The negative impact of land-use changes on soil and water
GDP), South Korea (2.1 %), and Malaysia (12.2 %) too benefit from on ecosystems has also been reported (Vlek et al., 2017).
agricultural exports but at a lower level. Agricultural export policies Intensive farming practices have put pressure on ecosystems leading
have contributed to agricultural intensification in a rush for premium to land degradation, soil erosion and loss of soil fertility. Erosion is
prices in international markets, growing demand for agricultural im­ prevalent in some parts of India and regions to the north of China (FAO,
ports from developed countries, greater expansion of agribusiness, 2014). Deforestation, overgrazing, and conversion of rangelands and
finance, and technologies for commercial crops (ADB, 2013). forests have resulted in a great decline in the physical, chemical, and
biological quality of soil resources in the Asia and Pacific. Several in­
3.4. Socio-economic and environmental trade-offs vestigations have addressed the effects of land-use changes and land
management on soil properties. Loss of soil properties and soil degra­
Agricultural land transformations could have socio-economic and dation occur due to deforestation and subsequent intensive cultivation
environmental trade-offs. In terms of trade-offs, it is often expected that in different time spans (UNEP, 2016).
countries that expand agricultural land will have lower import de­ Unsustainable agricultural practices are associated with widespread
pendency on cereals. On the contrary, the evidence suggests that some of land degradation in Asia and this results in serious social trade-offs
the countries where agricultural area increased continued to increase (environmental aspects of land degradation are discussed in the next
their food import dependency higher than countries with declined or section). About 21 % of the total land area in Asia is estimated to have
stable agricultural land (Fig. 7). An increase in per capita consumption been affected by the water erosion, 9% by wind erosion, 11 % by

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

Fig. 6. % change in drivers of agricultural intensification a) countries grouped as per the land use change categories, b) countries grouped based on economic
development (Source: Author, based on data from FAOSTAT).

Fig. 7. Food import dependency in three categories of countries (Source: Author, based on data from FAOSTAT).

chemical deterioration, and 4% by physical deterioration (Yagi et al., People who are living on increasingly degraded lands may no longer be
2015). The number of people living on degraded agricultural lands has able to sustain themselves through gainful crop production. In some
increased in the past two decades with consequent implications for their cases they have been forced into the distress sale of their lands to the
wellbeing (Barber and Hochard, 2016).The land degradation is esti­ wealthy, who have converted them to other more profitable uses such as
mated to have significant social and environmental costs. For example, commercial aquaculture, which contaminates waters and degrades the
in the Central Asia alone, the land degradation was estimated to have a land even further (Scott, 2008). Once the land that poor farmers depend
developmental cost of 6 billion USD per annum during 2001–2009 upon is degraded it is unlikely to recover. Local agricultural extension
(Mirzabaev et al., 2016). For South Asia, the estimated cost of land systems and other government departments engaged in rural develop­
degradation was reported to be 84 billion USD (UNCCD, 2018). The cost ment often lack knowledge and the resources to assist poor farming
of land degradation was estimated to be 5.87 and 1.82 billion USD for households recover their land fertility.
East Asia and Southeast Asia respectively in 2007 (Nkonya et al., 2016). Biofuel production consumes a significant amount of water

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

depending on the type of feedstock and processing methods (e.g. soy productivity within the sustainability boundaries while protecting food
feedstock can require 47–215 liters of water per MJ energy produced production and rural livelihoods from climatic vagaries.
(Oconnor, 2012)). Expansion of biofuels resulted in net positive green­ Food labeling can mitigate the negative impacts of agricultural
house gas emissions since the land was converted from forests, grass­ intensification. Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea have
lands, and peatlands in Indonesia and Malaysia (Fulton et al., 2017). made great inroads into food labeling. However, current conventional
Agriculture consumes a significant proportion of electricity in India food labeling is restricted to providing food composition, nutritional
(Government of India, 2016). Evidence indicates the impact of subsi­ information, and the geographical source of the food. Food labels need
dized rural electrification programs on the overuse of groundwater in to inform consumers on the environmental burden of the food such as
some parts of India (Sharma, 2015). Power subsidies are prevalent in water, chemical and pesticide load, and carbon emissions so that con­
other Asian countries with the lowest tariff rates for the agriculture sumers can make educated choices.
sector (Jamil, 2014). Studies also have shown that the growing energy
needs in the future could further exacerbate the water deficit and in­ 3.5.3. Smart subsidies
crease water demand for energy production by five times by 2050 in Calls have been made to introduce smart subsidies (Dorward, 2009),
Asia (Mitra and Bhattacharya, 2012). i.e. better targeting of poor farmers and those who need them than the
Groundwater use has contributed to agricultural intensification in prevalent blanket subsidies. A related aspect is the agricultural price
South Asia and is making the agriculture environmentally-intensive support by governments. Though on the decline with governments
(Acharya, 2014). This entails significant damage to the physical envi­ resorting to direct cash transfers, agricultural price support is still
ronment and threat to agricultural production in the long run. The prevalent in countries such as India and China. Commodity price sup­
increasing use of groundwater has a greater environmental cost and it port has a distorting effect on markets, enable farmers to continue to use
has been argued that the price paid for groundwater use has often been off-farm inputs that otherwise they can’t afford, and can contribute to
lower than the social opportunity cost it has and hence it has been used agricultural intensification, and land degradation. Commodity price
more intensively in regions such as southern Asia (Alauddin and Quig­ support is blanket policies where all producers irrespective of their
gin, 2008). economic status are equally benefited. However, when such commodity
Agricultural intensification has also contributed to climate change price supports are offered to sustainably produced food, the same policy
through the promotion of fertilizer use that originates from fossil fuels, can contribute to sustainable food production and the wellbeing of food
farm mechanization that drove on-farm energy use and burning of crop producers and consumers.
residues in parts of Asia that otherwise would have been left to be
decomposed in an extensive farming system (Nani et al., 2011). 3.5.4. Easing food-fuel conflicts
Expansion of agriculture in tropics has been reported to have a warming The National Biofuel Policy by the Government of India introduced
effect on the atmosphere due to surface brightening and consequent in 2009 has limited biofuel production to non-food feedstock on
reduction of net radiation not balancing the increase in temperature degraded lands avoiding food-fuel conflicts (Prabhakar and Elder,
associated with reduced transpiration (Duveiller et al., 2017). 2010). While such policies may have restricted the biofuel focus to
non-food feedstock, it is difficult to limit these crops to marginal and
3.5. Measures for easing the pressure on land degraded lands only. Though evidence is hard to come by, farmers are
not restricted to grow jatropha, a biodiesel feedstock, or any other
Recommendations for addressing agricultural land transformations biofuel crops only on degraded lands as perceived profits could lure
would have to consider the food security and developmental needs of farmers to cultivate on fertile lands for high yields and monitory returns
Asia. In this section, some recommendations are discussed to a) reduce (The Guardian, 2009). This indicates the limitation of policies in having
the demand for agricultural land, and b) to address the perils of inten­ a precise impact on the ground even though they are well-intentioned.
sification. Some solutions discussed in this section have already been Hence, it is essential to combine such policies with support from
implemented to a limited extent in the region and have not reached the farmer groups such as cooperatives as pressure groups that discourage
scale commensurate to the need and the potential to address pressures farmers from growing biofuel crops on fertile lands.
on land.
3.5.5. Renewable energy in agriculture
3.5.1. Improving agricultural productivity Agriculture largely employs carbon-intensive energy derived from
Improving agricultural productivity is a low-hanging fruit that can fossil fuels in Asia. Promoting renewable energy in agriculture in India
reduce the demand for new agricultural land (Prabhakar, 2012). The and East Asian countries has a beneficial impact in reducing the demand
total factor productivity (TFP) has been either stagnating or on the on the grid-electricity, reducing the demand for coal, reducing the water
decline and gains in agricultural production without harming the envi­ for thermal power production, and contribute to GHG emission reduc­
ronment are important for Asia (Prabhakar and Elder, 2009). An tion. Biogas promotion has been an important rural energy program in
important opportunity for the region is to focus on productivity gains in South Asia with significant rural development, food, and energy nexus
rainfed agriculture. Agricultural productivity gains in rainfed areas benefits (Ministry of Finance, 2011; MNRE, 2014). Biogas plants can
remained sub-par and efforts to improve rainfed agriculture have largely reduce the demand for fossil fuels, can motivate farmers to keep cattle,
been unsuccessful. There is a need for renewed investments in rainfed generates manure for crops, and help improve agricultural yields and
farming with more private sector engagement which has largely been soil health while increasing the energy security of rural households.
confined to the fertile and irrigated areas.
3.5.6. Reducing the water use
3.5.2. Sustainable agriculture Water-efficient technologies reduce pumping needs and make water
Organic agriculture occupies a significant share of sustainable agri­ available for other priority sectors. Countries have been promoting high
culture in Asia and there is a great potential for its further expansion water use efficiency practices in agriculture but scaling up of these
(Sano and Prabhakar, 2009). Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can bring technologies has been limited due to lack of capacity among farmers,
climate change mitigation benefits while reducing the impact of climate lack of positive incentives, presence of electricity subsidies (perverse
change on agriculture (Lipper et al., 2018). The smartness in CSA is the subsidies), and lack control on water management infrastructure
ability to use opportunities provided by climate change while tackling (Hasanain et al., 2012). Water pricing can be applied to both the surface
the challenges associated with it. CSA can reduce the demand for and subsurface water and has the potential to address the excess irri­
off-farm inputs, energy, and water and enhance production and gation. When combined with irrigation rationing, the impact on water

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

resource utilization could be substantial. Agricultural water pricing has impacts the land. Integrated land governance also means bringing in the
not received support from policymakers which is a major factor for the perspective of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into
unsustainable exploitation of water resources in Asia. Engaging local the land use decision making for the future.
water user associations can help dissuade members from the overuse of
irrigation water. 3.5.10. Land degradation neutrality
The Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) is defined as “A state
3.5.7. Reducing the food waste whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support
Food waste is an issue for both developed and developing countries ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains
(Parfitt et al., 2010). An estimated 12 billion USD worth of food is being stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and
lost in India every year (Rabo India Finance, 2007). Food wastage ecosystems (UNCCD, 2015).” The LDN aims to stabilize or increase the
happens due to lack of storage and transportation facilities, absence or amount and quality of land that is necessary to support ecosystem ser­
poor enforcement of food handling standards, changing food con­ vices and functions, and food security within specified temporal and
sumption patterns, insufficient development of the food processing in­ spatial scales. It enables countries to counterbalance the loss of pro­
dustry, food pricing, and seasonal agricultural glut (World Food ductive land with the recovery of degraded lands. LDN is an overarching
Program, 2009). policy and can be applied to a variety of land use classes, agricultural
Addressing food waste has to cover the entire lifecycle of the food lands, in particular, can benefit from it as more agricultural land is
and be a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration. At the degraded. LDN for agriculture means putting long-term interests ahead
consumers’ end, the introduction of food waste reduction campaigns, as of short-term interests and prioritizing efficiency over-optimization
in the case of the National Food Waste Reduction Plan (1996) of the leading to resilient ecosystems and societies.
Republic of Korea, could be effective (Lee, 2006). At the producers’ end,
the provision of seasonal price forecasts to farmers, introduction of fu­ 4. Conclusions
tures contracts, promoting accessible cold storage facilities through
public-private partnerships and cooperatives, and promoting small scale This paper identified trends in agricultural land-use changes and
on-farm food processing could reduce the food wastage. At the supply provided an understanding of various drivers behind these changes. In
chain end, the introduction of food labeling with appropriate expiry general, achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while safe­
dates, and making available food in optimally sized packs could help guarding the health of agricultural land, in particular, presents a para­
consumers in making proper purchase choices. Distributing the unspent doxical problem for Asia. The food production and productivity
food from restaurants and households to the needy will help in improvements in the region so far have come from significant intensi­
addressing hunger and food waste. Increasing the resilience of agricul­ fication with associated damage to the agricultural ecosystems even
ture to natural hazards through improved seasonal forecasts, and though these production gains have lifted millions of people out of
improved seasonal calendars can help farmers adapt to changing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. In the shorter term, the strategy to
weather and climate and reduce crop loss. Our ability to forecast and achieve SDGs such as zero hunger could be achieved by sustaining the
communicate extreme weather events that cause significant crop losses current food production levels while addressing distributional issues
also needs to be improved. without further stressing the agricultural systems.
Our ability to address issues such as unhealthy consumption pat­
3.5.8. Urban farming terns, food losses, inefficient food production practices provide us
Urban farming is gaining attention in Asia (FAO, 2018a,b). Urban needed leverage to give ecosystems time to recover and rejuvenate. In
farming can minimize carbon emissions from food transport, water the longer term, it would require new and innovative means of achieving
miles, and the ecological footprint of cities. There are no macro-level food security without harming the environment. This could include a
comprehensive assessments on the food production potential of urban change of food habits towards healthy choices and the introduction of
areas and the associated environmental costs and benefits in Asia. Since new sources of food that may demand significant cultural adjustments
Asian cities are facing electricity and water shortages, the promotion of but do not burden the environment.
urban farming could further increase demand for water and electricity. It is evident that the impacts of agricultural land-use decisions do not
Hence, urban farming needs to be coupled with renewable energy, water remain in the agriculture sector alone but affect several other sectors.
harvesting, organic inputs, and waste reduction, and recycling ap­ The fact that the land is still governed in a fragmented manner by
proaches. There is a need to standardize agricultural practices for urban various ministries responsible for different economic sectors indicates
microclimates and build capacities of city governments to advise, the need for a paradigm change in the way the land is governed. Such a
monitor, and regulate urban agriculture. change could include greater policy coordination between ministries
that govern land so that decisions made in one ministry or sector do not
3.5.9. Integrated land governance have negative consequences on other ministries. Hence, there is a need
Satoyama highlights interlinkages between forests and agriculture for a system that visualizes the impacts of land-use decisions in an in­
and stresses the need to manage ecosystems as integrated units. Land tegrated fashion. This calls for developing integrated land-use decision
must be governed in an integrated manner to avoid environmental support systems that are currently not well researched and developed for
harm, social conflict, and suboptimal outcomes of land use. Integrated policy decisions.
land governance consists of structures and processes that bring different
stakeholders from different sectors together to agree on how land should CRediT authorship contribution statement
be used and managed sustainably. Currently, land governance is highly
fragmented ignoring interlinkages between various forms of land and S.V.R.K. Prabhakar: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal
their impacts on the overall wellbeing of the dependant populations. analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Validation, Visualiza­
Integrated land governance can help the agency (e.g. the Ministry of tion, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
Housing) to understand the impacts of its decision on the land under the
purview of another agency (e.g. the Ministry of Agriculture). Integrated Declaration of Competing Interest
land governance means associating environmental and socio-economic
impact assessments with the land use plans so that the decision- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
makers are certain about the consequences of allocating land to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
certain use categories or when an investment decision is made that the work reported in this paper.

S.V.R.K. Prabhakar Land Use Policy 102 (2021) 105238

Appendix A. Supplementary data Hinz, R., Sulser, T.B., Huefner, R., Mason-D’Croz, D., Dunston, S., Nautiyal, S.,
Ringler, C., Schuengel, J., Tikhile, P., Wimmer, F., Schaldach, R., 2020. Agricultural
Development and Land Use Change in India: A Scenario Analysis of Trade#xp#Offs
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the Between UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Earth’s Future 8 (2), s1.
online version, at doi:
5238. Hosonuma, N., Herold, M., Sy, V., Fries, R., Brauckhaus, M., Verchot, L., et al., 2012. An
assessment of deforestation and forest degradation drivers in developing countries.
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