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Before you start the test, its better to you being prepare and say Basmallah to Allah SWT.

A. Pilihan Ganda

Please read the question and direction carefully and then chose the best anwer!

The following dialogue is for number 1-5

Sifa : “What do you think about Lampung?”

Lisa : “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city. There are so many beautiful beaches
there. Lampung is also famous with its tapis or songket. It is traditional cloth in Lampung.”
Sifa : “How about its food? Do you think it is delicious?”

Lisa : “I think…. Yes! Do you know seruit? It’s delicious.”

Sifa : “Yes I know seruit. By the way,which one is more delicious? Seruit or sate of

Lisa : “According to me, seruit is more delicious than sate of mushroom.”

Sifa : “I don’t think so. I think sate of mushroom is more delicious than seruit because sate of
mushroom is my favorite food.”

Lisa : “So we have different favorite foods then.”

Sifa : “I think so.”

1. What is the name of the region discussed between Sifa and Lisa?

A. Lampung

B. Semarang

C. Jakarta
D. Surabaya

E. Denpasar

2. What does Lisa think about Lampung?

A. It is a beautiful city.

B. It is the ugly city.

C. It is a city full of crime.

D. It is a bad city.

E. It is a small city.

3. What kind of food liked by Lisa according to the dialogue above?

A. Seruit.

B. Mushroom satay.

C. Soup.

D. Pizza.

E. Burger.

4. What is Songket?

A. Traditional dance from Lampung.

B. Traditional clothes from Lampung.

C. Traditional food from Lampung.

D. Traditional average from Lampung.

E. Traditional ritual from Lampung.

5. “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city.”

The sentence above is included into the expression of ….

A. Asking opinion

B. Giving opinion

C. Agreement

D. Disagreement

E. Neutral position

This dialog is for questions number 6, 7, 8!

Budi : Guys, (6)…. about the social media?

Agus : I think social media is a waste of time. It makes the students become lazy to study
because they are very addictive.

Clara : I am afraid that I could not agree with that. I think that as far as we use it properly and
wisely, social media is a good source of knowledge.

Budi : I agree with you.

6. The best expression to complete dialog is ….

A. What is your opinion

B. I agree with you

C. I don’t think so

D. Do you know

E. I am thinking
7. "I think that as far as we use it properly….”. The sentence is the expression of ….

A. Asking for help

B. Giving help

C. Agreement

D. Asking opinion

E. Giving opinion

8. Who is agree with Clara’s opinion?

A. Agus

B. Budi

C. Agus and Budi

D. Clara

E. None of them

Operator : Pemalang Hotel. Can I help you?

Chandra : Good morning, . . .

Operator : I’m sorry he’s out now. May I have your name, please?

Chandra : This is Chandra.

9. What the best answer to complete the dialogue above?

A. I want to see Mr.Andi.

B. Can I help you Mr.Andi?

C. I would like to meet Mr.Andi, please

D. Could you put me through to Mr.Andi, please?

E. I am sorry disturbing you

Fino : Hello, am I calling Chriss Cake and Bread Cilacap?

Waiter : yes, this is Chriss Cake and Bread Cilacap. ….?

Fino : Yes, I am Fino. I would like to check my birthday cake order. The order number is 100.
Is the cake ready now?

Waiter : Yes sir, your cake is ready

10. What is the corect answer for the dialogue above?

A. What can I do for you

B. My name is Fino

C. Would you like to order cake

D. Who is speaking

E. Can you speak clearly

Caller : Hello, I am Jessica, May I speak to Edward please?

Receptionist : I am sorry, I don’t catch your name. ….?

Caller : it is J-E-S-S-I-C-A

Receptionist : okay, noted

11. What is the suitable anwers for the dialogue above?

A. Who I talking to

B. Who are you

C. Can I write your name

D. Please call me back

E. Could you spell your name

Read the conversation bellow and answer the questions number 12 – 15!

Vidy : Hello. Is this Sinta?

Barnie : I am sorry. You called the wrong number. Sinta is my sister.

Vidy : Sorry, but she gave this number yesterday. She said to call her to this number. Her card
is out of order.

Barnie : It’s ok. But, Sinta is not at home. Do you want to leave any message?

Vidy : Yes. Please tell her to come to my birthday party tomorrow at Horison hotel.

Barnie : Ok. Will tell her.

Vidy : Thank you

Barnie : You are welcome.

12. Who is Calling Sinta?

A. Barnie

B. Vidy

C. Horison Hotel

D. Sinta’s Sister
E. Vidy’s friend

13. Does Sinta answer the phone call?

A. Yes, she does

B. No, she doesn’t

C. Yes, she do

D. No, she don’t

E. Yes, it is

14. What is the relationship between Shinta and Vidy?

A. Family

B. Roomate

C. Friends

D. Enemy

E. Parents

15. Why did Vidy call Shinta?

A. To check Shinta’s number

B. To ask Sinta’s Sister

C. To invite Sinta

D. To introduce herself

E. To offer something
Please join us! As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary

Romano and Wati Jean

Friday, May 7th

6.30p.m -10.OOp.m

Pondok Indah, South Jakarta

(Dinner is available)

RSVP 65412397

(Nanang/ Nini/ Nita)

16. The type of the party above is …

A. Birthday Party

B. Graduation Party

C. Marriage Party

D. New year party

E. Ceremonial new house party

17. The purpose of the invitation text above is…?

A. To tell an good relationship

B. To describe a certain party

C. To persuade people to have marriage

D. To invite people to join the party

E. To share the happiness

18. Direct : Jessica said, “I want to buy a new makeup.”

The indirect from this sentence is...

A. Jessica said that she wanted to buy a new makeup.

B. Jessica told me that they want to buy a new makeup.

C. Jessica asked me if his wanted to buy a new makeup.

D. Jessica said that he want a new makeup.

19.Direct speech :“Don’t turn off the light now.”

Indirect speech : ......

A. He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time.

B. He told me not to turn off the light at that time.

C. He told me don’t turn off the light at that time.

D. He told me doesn’t turn off the light at that time.

E. He told me can’t turn off the light at that time.

20. Direct : "My name is Harry."

Indirect : .....

a. He said his name is Harry.

b. He said her name Harry.

c. He said its name Harry.

d. He said his name will Harry.


1. Write at least 2 sentence of Asking opinion, Giving opinion and Agree opinion!

2. Read the following text and then answer the questions!

Dear my best friend,Rika

I would like to invite you to come to my wedding party. It will be held:

Date : Sunday, September 28th, 2014

Place : Pancasila Building Bandar Lampung

Time : 08.30 a.m.

Hopefully you can come to my precious moment, your coming in my honor, Thank you very
much for your coming.



a. What kind of the text is it?

Answer : .....

b. What kind of party held by Juwita?

Answer : .....

c. Who is the recipient / receiver of the text above?

Answer : .....

d. When will the party be held?

Answer : .....
3. What the meaning of the Caller and the Recipient?then what is the meaning of Indirect
speech and Direct speech?

4.Change the following direct sentences into indirect sentence! Don't forget to pay attention at
Pronoun and tense.

For example :

Direct Speech : They asked Rudi,“Is this boy ugly?”

Indirect speech : They asked Rudi whether this boy was ugly?

a. Fita asked “Are you happy?

b. They said “Don’t be hurry”

c.Sabrina said to Saiful “ I want to marry with you”

5.Make one invitation text with good generic structure!

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