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Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224

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Self-generated drawings for supporting comprehension of a complex animation

Lucia Mason a,⇑, Richard Lowe b, Maria Caterina Tornatora a
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization, University of Padova, Via Venezia 8, 35131 Padova, Italy
School of Education, Curtin University, Kent Street, Bentley, WA 6102, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The perceptual and cognitive processing demands involved in comprehending complex animations can
Available online 13 April 2013 pose considerable challenges to learners. There is a tendency for learners to extract information that is
highly perceptually salient but neglect less conspicuous information of crucial relevance to the building
Keywords: of a quality mental model. This study investigated the effectiveness of self-generated drawing for learn-
Animation ing from an animation illustrating a scientific phenomenon, the so-called ‘‘Newton’s Cradle.’’ Participants
Self-generated drawing were 199 students in grade seven, randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: self-generated
drawing, traced/copied drawing, and no drawing. All participants were asked to produce an explanation
Comprehension of animations
Learning from animations
of the animation for both immediate and delayed posttests. The results revealed the superiority of self-
generated drawing in supporting animation comprehension at both testing times compared to the other
two conditions, which did not differ from each other. In addition, comprehension of the animation was
related to the quality of self-generated drawings. Specifically, the depiction of information characterized
by low perceptual salience but high conceptual relevance to the phenomenon predicted comprehension
and retention over time.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tracks. These very different mappings between referents and dy-
namic visualizations make it difficult to generalize findings from
Educational animations have become an increasingly common one type of animation to another (Hegarty, 2004).
feature of learning environments that are supported by technology. Some evidence in the literature indicates that dynamic graphics
Multimedia learning resources and educational websites make may have advantages over static displays, particularly with respect
extensive use of such dynamic graphics with the aim of supporting to student motivation and implicit learning (Rieber, 1991; Rieber,
students’ comprehension of complex materials, especially those Tzeng, & Tribble, 2004) or the learning of procedures (Höffler &
that deal with scientific phenomena and systems (Ainsworth, Leutner, 2007). However, there is mounting contrary evidence
2006). Animations may serve various purposes (Hegarty, Kriz, & indicating that the effects of animation on learning are not uni-
Cate, 2003). They can depict not only visible phenomena but also formly positive. For example, the review by Tversky, Morrison,
those that are invisible, such as changes in pressure or temperature and Bétrancourt (2002) identifies cases where there are no benefits
as shown in an animated weather map (Lowe, 2004). Animations for animation over static graphics. Further, studies reporting an
can also represent more abstract types of content, such as statisti- advantage for animation may be confounded by the presence of
cal concepts (Bodemer, Ploetzner, Feuerlein, & Spada, 2004), prob- accompanying verbal information. A compelling case therefore ex-
lem solving procedures (Wouters, Paas, & van Merriënboer, 2009), ists to investigate learning from animations alone in order to pro-
computer algorithms (Narayanan & Hegarty, 2002), or prey and vide a scientific account of how they are comprehended per se,
predator relationships (Ainsworth & Van Labeke, 2004). without help from verbal accompaniments (Boucheix & Lowe,
Although many animations present their referent subject mat- 2010; Hegarty, 2004; Lowe, 2003, 2004).
ter realistically, others deliberately distort reality. They do this Despite equivocal research evidence about animation’s effec-
by approaches such as speeding up some processes and slowing tiveness as a tool for learning (Bétrancourt, 2005), more and more
down others, portraying an object or phenomenon from different reliance is being placed on animated graphics. Given that this take-
or changing perspectives, augmenting the display to cue viewers’ up of animations seems unstoppable, the question then arises as to
attention to more relevant parts, or making moving objects leave what approaches could be adopted to improve learning from these
representations? Recent research identifies the importance of
⇑ Corresponding author. using strategies that encourage learners to process the information
E-mail addresses: (L. Mason), (R. provided in animations more deeply (Kombartzky, Ploetzner,
Lowe), (M.C. Tornatora). Schlag, & Metz, 2010; Rebetez, Bétrancourt, Sangin, & Dillenbourg,

0361-476X/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
212 L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224

2010). Such approaches typically use verbal instructions that direct indicated that learners’ drawing activity can be enhanced by strat-
students to carry out a series of steps as they study an animation. egies that stimulate their active processing of the learning material
However, another more visually-oriented strategy that has come before they represent their new understandings in drawings.
into prominence of late with respect to informational texts is Two recent studies by Leopold and Leutner (2012) compared
‘‘drawing-to-learn’’ in which students generate their own graphic the effectiveness of self-generated drawing not only with a control
representations to aid their developing understandings. This ap- group, but also with groups using verbal strategies that required
proach has been seen as having particular relevance to science learners to invest effort but via a non-visualization activity (Exper-
education, with Ainsworth, Prain, and Tytler (2011) suggesting that iment 1: selection of main ideas; Experiment 2: summarizing). Par-
learners’ drawing should be valued (along with writing, reading, ticipants were tenth graders learning about water molecules from
and talking) as a crucial component of science learning. a chemistry text. Both studies revealed a clear superiority of draw-
Embedded in the theoretical framework of the Animation Pro- ing over verbal activity. In addition, the cognitive advantages of
cessing Model (APM; Lowe & Boucheix, 2008, 2011), the present drawing were found for transfer tests but not for multiple-choice
study examines the potential of self-generated drawing to invoke tests of factual knowledge. The finding that self-generated drawing
deeper processing of animations by requiring learners to engage is particularly beneficial for deeper learning is consistent with the
in constructive, transformative manipulation of the presented con- outcomes of previous studies (Van Meter et al., 2006).
tent in order to support their extraction of relevant information, In all the above studies, self-generated drawing was examined
irrespective of its salience. According to the APM, perceptual as- with respect to learning from text (albeit, sometimes illustrated
pects of processing play a key role in learning with animations so text). To our knowledge, only two studies have been carried out
that careful observation of the depiction is absolutely central to to investigate the effects of drawing on learning from a dynamic
success. Requiring learners to generate explanatory drawings of visualization. The content for both of these studies was the chem-
the events depicted in an animation should enhance their extrac- ical reactions that occur in hydrogen fuel cell cars. In the first,
tion of information in general and less perceptually salient infor- Zhang and Linn (2011) compared drawing with giving students
mation in particular. However, comprehension requires that more time to explore the visualization. Eighth graders who gener-
effective information extraction and internalization is accompa- ated their own drawings to interpret the animation integrated
nied by appropriate cognitive processing that facilitates the con- more ideas than peers who explored the learning material for a
struction of a high quality mental model. longer period. In the second study, Zhang (2010) compared the
The study reported in this paper extends recent research on the effectiveness of having high school students generate drawings
effects of self-generated drawing on learning from texts by inves- with having them produce a critique of pre-existing drawings.
tigating its effects on the comprehension of a science animation. Those who generated drawings were better able to distinguish
The next sections review issues relevant to the use of drawing as amongst different ideas and to acknowledge the flaws in their rep-
a learning strategy and to the comprehension of animations. resentations than students who produced the critique.
Why is drawing-to-learn effective? Van Meter et al. (2006) de-
1.1. Drawing as a learning strategy scribe learner-generated drawing in broad terms as an ‘‘elabora-
tive, strategic’’ activity that ‘‘should lead to the construction of a
Learner-generated drawing is the ‘‘construction of an external mental model’’ (p. 144). More specifically, the Generative Theory
visual representation, or picture, of to-be-learned content’’ (Van of Drawing Construction (GTDC) proposed by Van Meter and Gar-
Meter, Aleksic, Schwartz, & Garner, 2006, p. 143). This definition ner (2005) concerns the role of drawing in learning from text
has been developed to include the requirement that learners accompanied by illustrations. It identifies a number of important
should ‘‘maintain responsibility for the final appearance of draw- processes that could be facilitated if learners generate drawings
ings and the constraint that final drawings are representational’’ while studying such materials. We will suggest that with one
(p. 143), that is, ‘‘drawings are intended to show how depicted ob- exception, the processes identified in the GTDC should also be
jects actually look’’ (p. 143). Research indicates that when learners applicable to learning from animation as investigated in the pres-
create their own visualizations (instead of only interpreting others’ ent research. That exception is integration because the animation
external representations), scientific learning is facilitated (Ains- involved is not accompanied by any form of text so learners are
worth et al., 2011). The effectiveness of self-generated drawings not required to integrate information from two different types of
in supporting learning from science texts has been attributed to representation. As will be discussed below, the remaining pro-
the benefits that come from externalizing one’s own cognition cesses fostered during drawing of (i) selecting key elements from
(Cox, 1999). Van Meter (2001) compared the effectiveness of three a provided external representation, (ii) organizing those key ele-
approaches for supporting fifth and sixth grade students’ learning ments into groups, and (iii) constructing an internal representation
from a text about the nervous system: drawing instructions only, appear likely to benefit learning from animation.
drawing instructions with additional supports, and illustrations The beneficial effects of drawing on learning from illustrated
with no drawing instruction. Students who produced their own text are attributed to its role as a recursive activity in which there
drawings recalled more from the text than those who saw illustra- are mutual influences amongst the various internal and external
tions but did no drawing. representations available to the learner (Van Meter et al., 2006).
Beneficial effects of self-generated drawing were also found The recursions involved support learner processes such as self-
with regard to problem-solving performance, particularly if the monitoring that can expose misunderstandings and redirect atten-
drawing activity was supported (van Meter et al., 2006). In a study tion to hitherto neglected key aspects of external representations.
by Schwamborn, Mayer, Thillmann, Leopold, and Leutner (2010) of Although this account targets illustrated text, in principle it ap-
ninth graders learning the chemistry of washing, students who re- pears possible that the learner’s repeated cycling back and forth
ceived drawing instructions with prompts performed better than a between an animation and an evolving drawing could serve similar
control group with neither drawing instruction nor prompts. functions. However, this would require the activities supported by
A series of small-scale studies by Ainsworth (2010) investigated drawing (i.e., selection, organization, and construction) to be of va-
how students could use drawing more effectively when learning lue not only to learning from illustrated text, but also to learning
from texts about the cardio–vascular system. Participants were from animations. In the next section we explore this possibility
asked to self-explain the text content before drawing, or to draw by considering some challenges to learning from animation, the
for different audiences (i.e., for themselves or a peer). The results likely origin of these challenges, and the extent to which the
L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224 213

processes identified above as benefitting from self-generated information extraction towards perceptually salient aspects of a
drawing might apply to animation rather than illustrated text. display has also been found for animations of other types of con-
tent such as a piano mechanism (Lowe & Boucheix, 2011).
1.2. Comprehending animations If a fundamental problem in learning from animation is inade-
quate processing of the presented information, it seems reasonable
Although instructional designers and educational practitioners that activities for increasing the general depth of processing could
assume graphics to be more educationally beneficial if they are dy- be of assistance (cf. Kombartzky et al., 2010; Rebetez et al., 2010).
namic rather than static, this assumption has been disputed by Further, because the visually-oriented approach involved with
researchers (Bétrancourt & Tversky, 2000). For example, a study learners generating their own drawings is consistent with the vi-
by Hegarty et al. (2003) showed that students did not learn more sual nature of animations, a drawing-to-learn strategy offers a pos-
from an animation of a flushing cistern action than from three sta- sible way to support learner extraction of key information that
tic diagrams. they may otherwise miss. However, in order to be successful, the
Why are animations sometimes not particularly effective? To ad- selection, organization, and construction processes that the GTDC
dress this question, it is necessary to consider how animations are (Van Meter & Garner, 2005) posits are fostered by such a drawing
comprehended in their own right (i.e., without any accompanying strategy would need to address the specific types of processing is-
explanatory text). Although the term ‘‘comprehension’’ is mostly sues that arise during learning from animations. In the following
equated with text-comprehension, it is important to keep in mind analysis, we show that there is considerable correspondence be-
that this term does not refer exclusively to the understanding of tween processes facilitated by self-generated drawing and those
written or spoken text (see Schnotz & Kulhavy, 1994). In this paper, required to build a mental model from an animation.
we adopt a more inclusive view – that comprehension applies to rep- The Animation Processing Model (Lowe & Boucheix, 2008,
resentations in general, not solely to those that are text-based. At 2011) characterizes learning from animation as an iterative, cumu-
this very broad level, comprehension can be regarded as the forma- lative activity involving five broad phases in which there is interac-
tion of an effective internal representation of the referent subject tion between various bottom-up and top-down processes (Fig. 1).
matter from an externally represented information set. Such inter- In Phase 1 processing, the continuous flux of the dynamic infor-
nal representations are described as mental models (e.g., Betran- mation comprising the animation is parsed into event units (enti-
court & Chassot, 2008; Schnotz, 2005). ties plus their associated behaviors). To be beneficial for ultimate
A learner who comprehends an animation has used the infor- mental model building activity, this initial processing requires
mation it presents to construct a high quality mental model (i.e., learners to select out these event units from the animation during
appropriate, accurate, and comprehensive) of the depicted content. the time course of its presentation. Accordingly, the fostering of
Conversely, a lack of comprehension or misunderstandings of the selection that the GTCD posits to occur during self-generated
content occur when the constructed mental model is deficient. drawing should enhance Phase 1 animation processing. In Phase
Unfortunately, the very characteristic of animations that gives 2 processing, the event units that have been previously selected
them potential benefits compared with static graphics (i.e., their as a result of parsing are combined at a local level (e.g., event units
capacity to depict change over time directly rather than indirectly) that are spatially and temporally adjacent) to form broader struc-
can also have associated processing costs for learners that may tures termed dynamic micro-chunks. This is essentially an early
compromise mental model quality. form of organizing multiple event units to construct higher order
The dynamic character of an animation can impose very chal- components from which the mental model will ultimately be com-
lenging perceptual and cognitive processing demands on learners, posed. Because the GTDC posits that organization and construction
particularly if the depicted subject matter is complex or unfamiliar are fostered during self-generated drawing, this activity should
(Ayres & Paas, 2007; Lowe, 1999; Schnotz & Lowe, 2008; Sweller, also enhance Phase 2 animation processing. In Phase 3 processing,
2005). Narayanan and Hegarty (2002) identify three main sources the previously formed dynamic micro-chunks are interconnected
of problems in the processing of an animation in relation to how by relational bridges that allow super-ordinate organizing struc-
spatial and temporal changes are depicted: (i) if the changes are tures such as domain general causal chains to be constructed. These
represented as concurrent, they may conflict with mental anima- higher-level Phase 3 processes should also benefit from the organi-
tions that are performed serially; (ii) if the depicted changes are zation and construction fostered by self-generated drawing. Phases
too complex so that too many components vary, processing may 4 and 5 of the APM are more top-down aspects of processing con-
be impeded; (iii) if the changes are illustrated at a speed that is cerned especially with domain-specific background knowledge.
incompatible with the viewer’s perceptual and cognitive process- As stated above, research has revealed that a significant prob-
ing capacity, relevant information may be neglected. Information lem in learning from animation is that students may extract infor-
that is of central relevance to the theme of an animation may also mation that is perceptually salient and yet neglect more subtle but
be neglected because it is insufficiently conspicuous. The distinc- nevertheless conceptually relevant information. The resulting fail-
tion between salience and relevance, which is well established in ure to internalize key aspects of the content compromises their
the literature on learning from animation (e.g., Schnotz & Lowe, comprehension. Self-generation of drawings has the potential to
2008), is particularly pertinent to our study. Salience refers to ameliorate this problem by providing opportunities for the learner
how noticeable an item of information is due to its perceptual fea- to process the animation more deeply overall through transform-
tures, whereas relevance is about how important the information ing and manipulating the presented information. However, for
is with respect to the content (Hegarty, Canhan, & Fabrikant, 2010). self-generated drawing to be effective in improving learning from
With respect to making meteorological predictions from weath- animation, it is crucial that learners go beyond the superficial as-
er maps, Lowe (1999, 2004) found that learners were more likely to pects of the animation (those that are most readily perceptible).
extract perceptually salient information while neglecting more If they are to build a coherent and stable high quality mental mod-
visually subtle but conceptually relevant aspects. In other words, el, learners must extract not only high relevance information that
their attention was preferentially directed to what was more visu- is highly salient but also high relevance information with a low le-
ally conspicuous to the detriment of what was most important for vel of perceptual salience. Learners whose self-generated drawings
learning. As a consequence of the failure to extract these key as- include both types of information should therefore have superior
pects, the quality of the mental model constructed for the referent comprehension of the content to those whose drawings are limited
from the external representation was compromised. This biasing of to only high perceptual salience aspects.
214 L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224

Fig. 1. Animation Processing Model. Adapted from Lowe and Boucheix (2011, p. 651). Copyright 2011 by Elsevier.

We assume that the constructive mental manipulation and 3. Which individual aspects of the self-generated depiction pre-
transformation of the subject matter a learner engages in during dict both immediate and delayed animation comprehension?
the drawing process is crucial to comprehension. The more the
content to be learned is manipulated and transformed (with its For the first research question, we hypothesized that at both
attendant self-monitoring and elaboration), the more likely it is testing times comprehension by participants in the self-generated
to be understood and remembered. The effectiveness of activities drawing condition would be superior to comprehension from those
that require learners to constructively transform content has also in the other two conditions, as revealed by their explanations of
been empirically demonstrated in the writing-to-learn approach the animated phenomenon. Requiring students to create original
in science (Gunel, Hand, & McDermott, 2009; Klein, 2000; Mason, graphic representations should stimulate deeper processing of
2001). the presented material. In particular, the careful observation and
We emphasize that it is not the physical activity of drawing per elaboration processes involved in locating relevant information,
se – the mere act of pushing a pencil or pen around to mark a piece choosing which items to draw, deciding how those items should
of paper – that is likely to support comprehension. Simply tracing be arranged, devising ways of showing what happens, etc. would
over given static frames and reproducing them would be active but help students develop and retain a better mental representation
not constructive (Chi, 2009). Rather, it is the intense inspection of of the animation. In contrast, just tracing over provided drawings
the animation and deep level of generative cognitive processing re- in order to reproduce them would not require this beneficial inter-
quired to create original drawings that would foster high quality rogation and mental manipulation of the learning content.
mental model construction. Some clarification is needed here. Comprehension of the anima-
tion was assessed by the quality of participants’ explanation. Be-
2. Research questions and hypotheses cause our participants were seventh graders, it was not realistic
to expect them to produce an advanced and abstract formal phys-
To extend current research on learning from animations, this ics explanation of the depicted phenomenon. Rather, our focus in
investigation was set in the context of both research on self-gener- this study was on extraction and internalization of crucial informa-
ated drawing for learning in science and research on learning from tion that could be considered the precursor to developing a more
animated illustrations. Our interest was in whether such drawing sophisticated understanding. Thus we did not expect a full appre-
activity would foster key perceptual and cognitive processes upon ciation of the underlying principles of physics but only the acqui-
which animation comprehension relies. More specifically, would it sition of conceptually relevant information upon which deeper
foster comprehension by supporting the extraction and internali- comprehension could subsequently be built.
zation of not only the most perceptually salient information, but For the second research question, we hypothesized that the
also less salient information with high thematic relevance? An overall quality of the self-generated drawings would predict the
underlying assumption was that self-generated drawing could learners’ explanation performance. The rationale here was that
benefit learning from animation by stimulating extensive con- higher quality drawings would be produced by those who engaged
structive transformational activity during the creation of graphical in deeper processing of the stimulus materials and therefore would
representation depicting the events portrayed in the animation. produce superior mental representations of the content.
The following research questions guided the study: For the third research question, we hypothesized that compre-
hension at immediate posttest would be related to depiction in
1. Does self-generated drawing result in higher immediate and self-generated drawings not only of perceptually salient informa-
delayed posttest scores for comprehension of a physics phe- tion but also of information with high conceptual relevance, irre-
nomenon animation (Newton’s Cradle) than merely reproduc- spective of its salience. Further, the depiction of low salience,
ing provided drawings or doing no drawing? high relevance information would be particularly important for
2. Are immediate and delayed animation comprehension scores the on-going comprehension required by the delayed posttest. This
related to the quality of self-generated drawing produced (after is because participants who successfully extracted such high rele-
controlling for science achievement and prior knowledge)? vance information would be able to build a more coherent and
L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224 215

stable mental model of the depicted phenomenon than those who There were two main reasons that the Newton’s Cradle anima-
missed these aspects. tion was chosen for this investigation. First, the device was unfamil-
iar to the participants so that they came to the learning task with
little or no relevant domain-specific background knowledge. This al-
3. Method
lowed us to study how self-generated drawing might influence
learners’ capacity to construct an appropriate mental model from
3.1. Participants
a demanding animated depiction. Our particular interest here was
in how well this activity helped them represent the relationships be-
Two hundred and four 7th grade students attending public low-
tween the components of the observed system. Although the partic-
er secondary schools in north eastern Italy initially took part on a
ular topic of Newton’s Cradle was unfamiliar to the class, it was
voluntary basis with parental consent. Because five participants
generally consistent with the science curriculum for the grade. Sec-
were absent for one of the posttests, data reported here concern
ond, although Newton’s Cradle is a dynamically complex phenome-
199 students (94 girls and 105 boys) with a mean age of
non, it is nevertheless easy to represent graphically because it is
12.07 years (SD = .50). All were Caucasian native speakers of Italian
visually simple. The essential information can be portrayed using
and shared a homogeneous middle class background. From com-
only circles and lines. This allows the influence of differences in gra-
munication with their teachers, we knew that none of them had
phic ability on drawing production to be minimized.
either learning disabilities, or particular learning difficulties. There
were no participants repeating a course at school and their overall
achievement was average or above. Participants were randomly as- 3.3. Conditions
signed to three conditions: no-drawing (n = 68), traced/copied
drawing (n = 64), and self-generated drawing (n = 67). All were in- Three treatment conditions were used in this study. In the self-
volved in the pretest, immediate, and delayed posttest research generated drawing condition, participants provided with blank pa-
design. per, pencils, erasers, and crayons were asked to produce a set of six
drawings to represent what they had observed in the Newton’s
Cradle animation (with each drawing to be done on a separate
3.2. Materials
sheet). We asked for six drawings to allow for depiction of the ini-
tial state of the device plus the five phases described above. Partic-
Participants viewed a realistic animation depicting the behavior
ipants were told they were free to use whatever style of depiction
of pendulums in a five-ball Newton’s Cradle. This device consists of
they wished and not to worry about their drawing ability.
a set of balls that are suspended from cords and free to swing to-
In the traced/copied drawing condition, participants were pro-
and-fro. The animation was presented alone, without written or
vided with the same drawing materials as above but asked to trace
spoken accompaniment. Rather than offering an idealized por-
over ‘join-the-dots’ depictions of six given states extracted from
trayal of Newton’s Cradle behavior in which both total energy
the animation provided on separate cards and then to copy them.
and momentum are conserved, this animation showed the real-
The cards were presented in a random sequence not to advantage
world situation in which degradation occurs. Due to the gradual
the participants in this condition with additional reinforcing infor-
redistribution and dispersion of energy, movement within the sys-
mation about the sequence that was not available to the partici-
tem changes over time, decays, then eventually stops.
pants in the other conditions. The materials produced by learners
In the resting position, all five balls of the Newton’s Cradle are
in the traced/copied condition were reviewed to ensure the fidelity
lined up in a row and in contact. The process depicted in the ani-
of treatment, an essential requirement for the validity of the find-
mation begins when an end ball (ball 1) is raised and then released
ings regarding this condition. All learners traced over the dot line
so that it swings down like a pendulum and hits the next ball. This
drawings and copied them. Appendix A introduces the six cards gi-
collision causes energy and momentum to be transmitted through
ven to the participants in this condition.
the subsequent line of balls so that the final ball (ball 5) is pro-
The trace/copy and self-generation treatments allowed us to
pelled from the opposite end of the row. Once ball 5 reaches its
compare (i) drawing as a mere physical reproduction activity with
peak, it then swings back and the process is reversed. These alter-
(ii) drawing as a mental construction activity. They also allowed
nating swings are repeated over and over again but with decreas-
control for the time on task spent by participants in the two draw-
ing amplitude of the two end balls (1 and 5) over time due to
ing conditions. The no-drawing condition was included to provide
energy transfers. As the amplitude of the end balls decreases, the
a baseline for comparison.
initially static middle balls gain energy and their movement pro-
gressively increases. This redistribution of energy eventually re-
sults in all five balls swinging in unison, with their amplitude 3.4. Measures
then gradually decreasing until they finally all come to rest. The
movements involved in the conceptually crucial aspect of energy 3.4.1. Self-generated drawings
redistribution via the middle balls are much less readily percepti- Drawings self-generated by the learners were used as measures
ble than the initial swings of the end balls or the subsequent joint of the quality of the graphical activity undertaken in the service of
swing of all five balls. This description indicates that the operation comprehension.
of a real-world Newton’s Cradle is a complex scientific phenome-
non. Comprehension of its behavior requires learners to mentally 3.4.2. Immediate comprehension
represent a series of hierarchically interrelated phases which differ Participants’ responses to the following task were used to mea-
greatly in their relative perceptibility: sure participants’ immediate comprehension of the animation:
‘‘Please write an explanation of what happens in the animation
Phase 1 – the balls at the end of the row swing alternately; for a schoolmate who has not viewed it. Try to be as clear and com-
Phase 2 – motion is transmitted via activity of the middle balls; plete as possible in your explanation.’’ They were told not to worry
Phase 3 – the amplitude of end ball swinging progressive about mistakes in spelling or grammar. As mentioned above, our
decreases; focus was on how well the 7th graders extracted and internalized
Phase 4 – all balls swing jointly as a unit; precursor information suitable for building further understanding
Phase 5 – all motion finally ceases. of the phenomenon, not on high level physics principles. Learners
216 L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224

who cannot acquire this fundamental information about dynamic rect. If a phase was missing, incorrectly represented or incomplete,
relations would not subsequently be able develop an understand- no point was awarded. It should be noted that the depiction of the
ing of the Newton laws and conservation of energy, momentum least perceptually salient information, motion transmission, was
per se, in classical mechanics. Because participants were asked to awarded one point when the transitional contact between the balls
produce an explanation of what happens (rather than a descrip- was clearly apparent or when arrows were used to represent con-
tion), the focus is upon comprehension of the animation rather tact transmissions. Appendix B gives examples of participants’
than rote recall of isolated events. Participants were required to depictions of the various animation phases. A total score for the
represent mentally the dynamic relations that are at the basis of set of drawings was calculated for each participant. This score re-
the essential mechanism of conservation of energy. Such compre- flected the overall correctness and completeness of the graphical
hension is a prerequisite for a deep understanding of Newton laws representation of the animation. Examples of superior and inferior
and important physics principles. drawing sets are presented in Appendix C.

3.4.3. Delayed comprehension 3.5.3. Immediate and delayed comprehension

After a 2 month break, participants again produced written Comprehension scores were derived from the written produc-
explanations of what had happened in the animation viewed on tions by awarding one point if the explanations for each phase
the earlier occasion. were correct (even if not expressed in entirely appropriate lan-
We also considered topic prior knowledge and achievement in guage; range 0–5). The following are examples of overall satisfac-
science to be two basic variables that could influence comprehen- tory explanations that refer to the motion transmission through
sion of animation. the activity of the middle balls: ‘‘There are 5 pendulums next to
each other; when one at the end touches the pendulum that is clos-
3.4.4. Topic prior knowledge est, the force passes through all pendulums and transfers to the
To assess participants’ prior knowledge of the phenomenon de- last one that swings’’ (P52); ‘‘In this instrument we see the depar-
picted in the animation, they were shown a static representation of ture of the first ball that is suspended in the air, it knocks the sec-
the initial state of the animation with ball 1 raised just before being ond which seems to transmit the vibrations until the last, which
released (Fig. 2). They were asked to predict as clearly and com- comes back and hits the fourth ball transmitting the vibration in
pletely as possible what would happen after release of the ball. a reverse cycle’’ (P10). No points were awarded when an overall
explanation failed to capture the micro-level changes that are
3.4.5. Achievement in science characteristic of the transmission process. Unsatisfactory overall
Participants’ overall achievement in science was measured explanations include: ‘‘The balls rock faster and then more and
using their grade in science (as at the end of the previous term). more slowly until they remain immobile’’ (P30); ‘‘There is a pendu-
In the Italian school system grades range from 1 to 10 (highest lum with an end ball that moves, as soon as it touches the other
grade = 10). balls, the ball at the opposite end starts moving leaving the others
still’’ (P3). Scores for immediate and delayed comprehension re-
3.5. Coding flected the overall correctness and completeness of the verbal
explanations of the animation. In this regard, it should be pointed
3.5.1. Topic prior knowledge out that the coding did not require specific scientific terms to have
Participants predicted what would happen after release of the been used. Rather, credit was given for meaning and not specialist
ball raised in the static representation of the initial state of the ani- terminology. This approach extended even to the term ‘‘force’’ that
mation. These predictions were awarded 1 point (range 0–5) for appeared in some explanations. Because this term is not exclusive
each event correctly anticipated. to physics (but is also used in everyday language), it was given
credit only when part of an effective explanation.
3.5.2. Self-generated drawings All self-generated drawings and written productions (at pre,
Participants’ self-generated drawings were scored according to post, and delayed posttests) were scored by two independent judges
the five phases of the Newton’s Cradle behavior (range 0–5). One who were familiar with the phenomenon illustrated in the anima-
point was awarded if a phase in a production was essentially cor- tion. Their overall agreement, as measured by Pearson’s r, ranged
from .88 to .94. Inter-rater reliability for coding of the specific phases
in the set of drawings, as measured by Cohen’s k, is reported in Ta-
ble 1. Inter-rater reliabilities for coding of the written productions
at pre, post, and delayed posttests were .96, .93, and .92, respec-
tively. All disagreements were discussed by the judges in the pres-
ence of the first author until consensus was reached.

3.6. Procedure

The experiment was conducted within the participating

schools. After random assignment to the three treatment condi-

Table 1
Cohen’s k indices and percentages of inter-rater reliability for the coding of the
various phases of the animation as depicted in the drawing set.

Phases Cohen’s k %
End balls alternate swinging 1 100
Motion transmission .75 88
Swinging decrease .90 95.6
Joint swinging .94 97.1
Final stop .96 98.5
Fig. 2. The initial phase of the phenomenon illustrated in the Newton’s Cradle.
L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224 217

tions, participants took part in two sessions. In the initial session, n2p ¼ :03, indicating that across all conditions, comprehension scores
their prior knowledge of the topic was first assessed as indicated decreased from immediate to delayed posttest. There was also a
above. Next, the animation was shown with participants in all con- medium between-subject effect of condition, F(1, 194) = 7.51,
ditions being allowed to watch it freely. As no time limit was set p = .001, n2p ¼ :07, while the interaction time x condition instead
for studying the animation, participants could observe it as much was not significant, F(2, 194) = .008, p = .992, ns. These findings indi-
time as they needed, which ranged from 2.5 to 5.4 min and was cate that comprehension scores for participants in the self-gener-
substantially the same across conditions. It should be noted that ated drawing condition were superior to those of participants in
before viewing the animation, participants were told that they the other two conditions, regardless the testing time. Bonferroni-ad-
could view it multiple times if needed, but they had to view it care- justed pairwise comparisons indicated that those in the self-gener-
fully to comprehend what happens in the dynamic visualization. ated drawing condition differed significantly from those in both the
After viewing the animation, self-generation condition participants trace/copy condition, t(196) = 3.12, p = .006, d = .46, and no-drawing
were asked to generate six drawings to represent what they had condition, t(196) = 3.51, p = .002, d = .49. However, there were
seen, while trace/copy-condition participants were asked to repro- no differences between those in the two latter conditions,
duce the six provided drawings. These participants were then t(196) = .23, p = 1.00, ns. In other words, the score differences be-
asked to write their explanation of the animation. In the no-draw- tween the conditions were substantially stable in favor of those ob-
ing condition, there was no associated drawing activity prior to tained by participants in the condition of self-generated drawing,
production of the written explanation. The time taken to write which was overall more effective than the others two conditions.
the explanation ranged from 15 to 20 min and was also substan- Both prior knowledge, F(1, 194) = 5.16, p = .05, n2p ¼ :02, and
tially the same across conditions. In all conditions, participants also achievement in science, F(1, 194) = 22.02, p < .001, n2p ¼ :10, were
indicated the grade they had in science at the end of the previous significantly related to comprehension. Adjusted means and stan-
term of the current school year. dard deviations of comprehension scores are reported in Table 2.
The second session for participants in all conditions took place
2 months later. The students again provided written explanations 4.2. Research Question 2: Overall contribution of self-generated
of the animation they had observed previously. Between immedi- drawing to animation comprehension
ate and delayed posttests, the students received no instruction
on material related to the Newton’s Cradle animation. To answer the second research question, we examined the contri-
bution of the quality of self-generated drawings. We carried out cor-
relational analyses that examined the association of all variables
4. Results
with immediate and delayed comprehension of the animation. Ta-
ble 3 displays means and standard deviations for these variables, to-
Alpha was set at .05 for all statistical tests, with a Bonferroni
gether with zero-order correlations. The total scores for the six
adjustment applied to p values where necessary.
drawings correlated positively with comprehension scores at both
testing times, as well as with each other. The better the overall gra-
4.1. Research Question 1: Immediate and delayed comprehension of phic productions, the better were the explanations of the scientific
the animation phenomenon shown in the animation. In contrast with the previous
analysis, achievement in science and topic prior knowledge were
To answer the first research question, a repeated measures AN- also correlated with drawing and comprehension scores.
COVA was conducted with condition (self-generated drawing, Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were first conducted
traced/copied drawing, and no-drawing) as between-subjects vari- to examine whether overall scores for self-generated drawings un-
able, time (immediate posttest and delayed posttest) as the with- iquely predicted immediate and delayed comprehension, while to-
in-subjects variable, comprehension scores (immediate and pic prior knowledge and achievement in science simultaneously
delayed) as the dependent variables, and topic prior knowledge included in the first step, were controlled. Immediate and delayed
(self-generated drawing: M = 0.84, SD = .71; trace/copied drawing: comprehension results are presented separately.
M = 1.09, SD = .73; control: M = 1.01, SD = .68) and achievement in
science (self-generated drawing: M = 6.97, SD = 1.04; trace/copied 4.2.1. Immediate comprehension
drawing: M = 6.50, SD = 1.13; control: M = 7.22, SD = 1.17) as covar- Table 4a summarizes the hierarchical regression analysis for
iates. We first carried out a preliminary analysis to evaluate the variables predicting immediate comprehension with total scores
homogeneity of regression assumption for the two covariates. This for six drawings entered separately.
analysis indicated no effect of the interaction time  condi- Topic prior knowledge and achievement in science were en-
tion  and prior knowledge, Wilks’ Lambda = 0.997, F(2, 190) = .30, tered on the first step of the hierarchical regression analysis, and
p = .738, ns., as well as no effect of the interaction time  accounted for a significant 15% of the variance in immediate com-
condition  achievement in science, Wilks’ Lambda = 0.975, prehension, R2 = .15, F(2, 64) = 5.87, p = .005. This step was the
F(2, 190) = 2.47, p = .090, n2p ¼ :02. According to these findings, AN- same for all regression analyses related to immediate comprehen-
COVA was an appropriate analysis. We therefore tested the more sion. In the second step, only the total score for the six drawings
parsimonious model which did not include the non-significant was entered. In combination, the predictors accounted for 44% of
interactions. The repeated measures ANCOVA revealed a small main the variance in immediate comprehension, R2 = .44, adjusted
effect of time, Wilks’ Lambda = 0.973, F(1, 194) = 5.43, p = .02, R2 = .41, F(3, 63) = 16.28, p < .001, with an increment of 29%.

Table 2
Adjusted means and standard errors of immediate and delayed comprehension as a function of condition.

Variables No-drawing (n = 68) Traced/copied drawing (n = 64) Self-generated drawing (n = 67)

Immediate comprehension 2.23 .13 2.25 .14 2.76 .13
Delayed comprehension 1.71 .12 1.76 .13 2.27 .12
218 L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224

Table 3
Descriptive statistics and zero-order correlations for all variables in the self-generated drawing condition (n = 67).

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* * *
1. Topic prior knowledge .19 .29 .14 .24 .21 .23 .03 .30 .34**
2. Achievement in science .19 .31* .00 .20 .23 .23 .08 .30* .54
3. Total score for drawings .29* .31* .25 .66** .60** .63** .45* .64** .55**
4. End balls alternate swinging .14 .00 .25* .10 .18 .12 .22 .07 .11
5. Motion transmission .24* .20 .66** .10 .15 .31 .04 .11 47**
6. Swinging decrease .21 .23 .60** .18 .15 .18 .09 .32** 27*
7. Joint swinging .23 .23 .63** .12 .31** .18 .00 .50** 41**
8. Final stop .01 .08 .45** .22 .04 .09 .00 .41** 13
9. Immediate comprehension .30* .30* .64** .07 .53** .32** .50** .14 .70**
10. Delayed comprehension .34** .54** .55** .11 .47** .27* .41** .13 .70**
M .84 6.97 3.36 .99 .49 .70 .49 .76 2.75 2.25
SD .70 1.04 1.15 .12 .32 .46 .30 .43 1.21 1.35
p < .05, two-tailed;
p < .01, two-tailed.

Table 4 Table 5
Hierarchical multiple regression analyses for variables predicting immediate com- Hierarchical multiple regression analyses for variables predicting delayed compre-
prehension (n = 67) with total scores for drawings entered separately (a) and with hension (n = 67), with total scores for drawings entered separately (a) and with scores
scores for the five phases in the drawings entered separately (b). for the five phases in drawings entered separately (b).

Predictor Drawings Predictors Drawings

DR 2 b DR2 b
(a) (a)
Step1 .15** Step1 .35***
Topic prior knowledge .25 Topic prior knowledge .25*
Achievement in science .26* Achievement in science .49***
Step 2 .29*** Step 2 .13***
Topic prior knowledge .11 Topic prior knowledge .15
Achievement in science .10 Achievement in science .39***
Total score for drawings .58*** Total score for drawings .39***
(b) (b)
Step1 .15** Step1 .35***
Topic prior knowledge .25 Topic prior knowledge .25*
Achievement in science .26⁄ Achievement in science .49***
Step 2 .32** Step 2 .15**
Topic prior knowledge .09 Topic prior knowledge .13
Achievement in science .09 Achievement in science .40***
End balls alternate swinging .01 End balls alternate swinging .06
Motion transmission .36** Motion transmission .28**
Swinging decrease .15 Swinging decrease .04
Joint swinging .32** Joint swinging .20**
Final stop .10 Final stop .07
* *
p < .05. p < .05.
** **
p < .01. p < .01.
*** ***
p < .001. p < .001.

The only significant predictor in the final regression model was the ence and the total score for drawings. The effect size was large
total score for drawings. The effect size was large (f2 = .78). (f2 = .92).

4.2.2. Delayed comprehension

Corresponding regression analyses computed to examine the 4.3. Research Question 3: Specific contribution of self-generated
unique contribution of self-generated drawing to delayed compre- drawing to animation comprehension
hension produced similar outcomes. Table 5a summarizes the hier-
archical regression analysis for variables predicting delayed To answer the third research question, we examined specific
comprehension with total scores for six drawings entered contributions of the drawing of individual phases. First, the corre-
separately. lation analyses (Table 3) revealed that the accurate depiction of the
Topic prior knowledge and achievement in science were once two perceptually salient phases (i.e., decreasing amplitude of end
again entered on the first step of the hierarchical regression anal- ball swinging and joint swinging of all balls) and accurate depic-
ysis, and accounted for a significant 35% of the variance in delayed tion of the high relevance, low salience phase of motion transmis-
comprehension, R2 = .35, F(2, 64) = 17.40, p < .001. The first step sion, correlated positively with comprehension scores at both
was the same for all regression analyses related to delayed com- testing times. Depictions of motion transmission and joint swing-
prehension. In the second step, only the total score for the six ing were also correlated. Furthermore, the former correlated with
drawings was entered. In combination, the four predictors ac- topic prior knowledge. More fine-grained regression analyses were
counted for 48% of the variance, R2 = .48, adjusted R2 = .45, performed successively, with the quality score for each of the sin-
F(3, 63) = 19.30, p < .001, with an increment of 13%. The significant gle aspects represented in the set of six drawings entered in the
predictors in the final regression model were achievement in sci- second step as predictors of immediate or delayed comprehension.
L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224 219

4.3.1. Immediate comprehension particular interest was how well the extraction of specific aspects
The hierarchical regression analysis presented in Table 4b was from the animation would predict immediate and delayed compre-
conducted with scores for the five phases entered separately in hension. Results from regression analyses in which other variables
the first step as predictors of immediate comprehension. In that may contribute, such as topic prior knowledge and achieve-
combination, all predictors accounted for 47% of the variance ment in science were controlled, supported our hypothesis.
in immediate comprehension, R2 = .47, adjusted R2 = .41, Concerning immediate comprehension, the overall quality
F(7, 59) = 7.07, p < .001, with an increment of 32%. Only represen- with which the various aspects of the animation were depicted
tations of two aspects of the phenomenon were significant pre- in the self-generated drawings predicted the quality of partici-
dictors in the final regression model: (i) the joint swinging of all pants’ written explanations. Richer and more accurate drawings
balls as a unit and (ii) motion transmission. The effect size was were associated with better comprehension of the animation.
large (f2 = .92). Prior knowledge of the topic and achievement in science were
also positively related to posttest comprehension in the first step
only, that is, before entering the drawing score into the regres-
4.3.2. Delayed comprehension
sion analysis.
The fine-grained hierarchical regression analysis presented in
Findings from regression analyses also supported our hypothe-
Table 5b was conducted with scores for the five phases entered
sis with respect to delayed comprehension. The overall quality of
separately in the second step as predictors of delayed comprehen-
the drawings predicted delayed comprehension. In this case,
sion. In combination, all predictors accounted for 50% of the vari-
achievement in science also contributed to the criterion variable
ance, R2 = .50, adjusted R2 = .45, F(7, 59) = 8.65, p < .001, with an
in the second step of the analysis, while in the first step, both topic
increment of 15%. The significant predictors in the final regression
prior knowledge and achievement in science were significant
model were not only the joint swinging of all balls as a unit and
motion transmission as before, but also achievement in science.
Our third research question asked which individual aspects
The effect size was large (f2 = 1.02).
of the self-generated depictions would predict immediate and
delayed comprehension. Finer-grained regression analysis find-
5. Discussion ings again supported our hypothesis. The depiction of both
information with high perceptual salience (joint swinging) and
This study extends previous research on learning from anima- information that was much less salient but high in conceptual
tions by demonstrating the utility of self-generated drawing as a relevance (motion transmission) predicted immediate compre-
strategy for improving learning effectiveness. It focused on the po- hension. This outcome suggests that participants who generated
tential of self-generated drawing to support comprehension of their own drawings were able not only to process conspicuous
complex dynamic depictions (not comprehension of complex texts aspects of the animation but also to process relatively incon-
as in most previous research). More specifically, it examined spicuous aspects in order to extract key thematically relevant
whether the constructive transformational activity invoked by information.
such drawing could improve comprehension of a Newton’s Cradle Finer-grained analysis regarding the specific predictors for de-
animation as reflected in written explanations of the represented layed comprehension produced findings similar to those for imme-
phenomenon. Because our participants were seventh graders, com- diate comprehension, confirming our hypothesis. Depiction of both
prehension of the animation was characterized in terms of high the joint swinging and motion transmission predicted students’
relevance information necessary as the foundation for building performance. This outcome further supports the view that partici-
subsequent physics understandings (rather than the learning of pants who performed well in terms of comprehension were able to
the underlying physics principles per se). This is particularly extract and internalize visually subtle but conceptually relevant
dependent on the capacity to extract and internalize high rele- aspects which allowed them to construct a relatively stable mental
vance aspects that are low in perceptual salience. In addition, we model of the phenomenon. Achievement in science also contrib-
sought to examine whether there was a relation between the qual- uted to the quality of verbal explanations produced 2 months later.
ity of participants’ self-generated drawings and their comprehen- This finding suggests that a higher general competence in science
sion performance. can aid construction of a robust mental representation from the
Our first research question asked whether participants in the animation.
self-generated drawing condition would outperform, at immedi- Taking into account the Generative Theory of Drawing Con-
ate and delayed posttests, those who merely reproduced pro- struction (GTDC, Van Meter & Garner, 2005; Van Meter et al.,
vided drawings, or who did no drawing at all. The results 2006), a plausible interpretation of the overall results of this
supported our hypothesis showing that comprehension perfor- study is that self-generation of drawings aids immediate and
mance of those in the self-generated condition was superior longer term comprehension because it provokes careful observa-
overall to the comprehension of those in the other two condi- tion and extensive mental manipulation of the presented ani-
tions (which did not differ) regardless of the testing time. This mated content. By this account, the recursive cycling back and
finding has parallels with the outcomes of previous research in forth between the animation and the evolving drawing sup-
which drawing was used to support learning from text (Ains- ported the processes of selecting the key elements of the given
worth, 2010; Leopold & Leutner, 2012; Schwamborn et al., external representation, organizing them, and constructing an
2010; Van Meter, 2001; Van Meter & Garner, 2005). Having stu- internal representation.
dents generate their own external representations through a ser- Chi (2009) attributes the benefits of constructive learning activ-
ies of static drawings supported their comprehension of the ity, such as self-generated drawing, to its requirement that learners
animated visualization. transform the original learning material into a different output.
Our second research question asked whether the overall quality This can involve a variety of processes ranging from more intensive
of the information depicted in the six self-generated drawings scrutiny of the starting material to its elaboration beyond what is
would predict immediate and delayed comprehension. We were explicitly provided.
interested in how participants’ depiction of information from the In the present study, the self-generated drawing task encour-
animation that varied in its salience and relevance was related to aged both greater scrutiny of the information available in the ani-
their comprehension, as revealed in the written explanations. Of mation and the making of inferences about how the dynamic
220 L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224

changes it presented were taking place. In undertaking this task, but were given no specific instructions about the nature of the
participants were required to search out and make explicit key drawings to be produced. Guided and unguided drawing condi-
conceptually relevant information such as the perceptually incon- tions could be compared in future research to gain more informa-
spicuous aspect of motion transmission. In contrast, such scrutiny tion on the constructive nature of this activity in the service of
and elaboration were not necessary for those in the trace/copy student learning.
condition where drawing was a mere physical activity. As a result, One form of support that may be worth investigating is whether
their comprehension was no better than that of participants who it would be possible to compensate for a lack of graphicacy skills
did no drawing at all. By this interpretation, drawing-to-learn is by providing students with explicit instruction in how to depict
somewhat analogous to writing-to-learn in its support for transfor- subtle dynamic processes in their drawings by using arrows, dot-
mative manipulations that lead to deeper processing of the learn- ted lines, etc. Further, providing user control could also help less
ing material (Boscolo & Mason, 2001). However, as pointed out by able learners to comprehend a demanding animation by allowing
Ainsworth et al. (2011), unlike written summaries or verbal self- them to interrogate the presented material at their own pace and
explanations, ‘‘visual representations have distinct attributes that with more flexibility (e.g., Boucheix & Schneider, 2009). However,
match the visual–spatial demand of much of science learning’’ (p. there can be large individual differences in how well user control
1097). options are used by learners (Lowe, 2008; Tabbers & de Koeijer,
In sum, the present investigation extends earlier research 2010).
into the effects of self-generated drawing on learning from A fourth limitation of the study is related to the generalizabil-
science texts to encompass its effects on learning from anima- ity of the findings. Because a very particular type of subject mat-
tion. Given the proliferation of animated explanations in today’s ter was used in this research, further research is needed to
digital learning environments, the finding that this activity has determine whether our findings for the Newton’s Cradle are
positive effects has important implications for educational applicable to animations depicting other types of content (e.g.,
practice. biological rather than mechanical; Lowe & Boucheix, 2012). It
would also be important to investigate whether benefits from
5.1. Limitations and directions for future research self-generated drawing are found for other student populations,
such as those who are older and have more prior knowledge
This research reported here is a first study in a novel area of of the presented content.
investigation. As such, it has some limitations that should be ad- Finally, the interplay between learner and media characteris-
dressed in future research. First, we measured comprehension of tics cannot be overlooked in studies that aim to extend current
the animation using only one task that asked an explanation of understanding of learning from visual media. In this regard,
what happens in the dynamic visualization. In further studies it not only perceptual and cognitive factors as used in this study,
would be beneficial to examine transfer as additional evidence but also various motivational differences should be considered
for comprehension. The acquisition of a high quality mental model to advance research on learning from animation (Scheiter &
from an animation should not only allow learners to explain the Gerjets, 2010).
presented subject matter, it should also equip them to apply their
understandings to novel situations. Transfer tests, such as those
used in many multimedia studies (see Mayer, 2005) would provide 5.2. Conclusion
valuable insights into the potential of self-generated drawing to
support learning from animations. This study both broadens the repertoire of possible interven-
A second potential limitation of the study is that we did not tions that educators could consider for improving learning from
test participants’ graphicacy skills. The effectiveness of self-gen- animation and contributes to the literature on drawing-to-learn
erated drawing may depend to some extent on the capacity of in science (Ainsworth et al., 2011). Self-generated drawing offers
learners to take proper advantage of its potential, particularly a promising alternative to existing approaches such as user control
with respect to the quality of the drawings they produce. Their and cueing that have produced mixed results. Its effectiveness ap-
drawings need to include not only high relevance information pears to stem from the opportunities that transforming content
that is visually conspicuous but also relevant information that from one representation to another offer for acquiring key aspects
is low in perceptual salience. Some students may be less able from provided information and linking these into a coherent
to generate such drawings because they lack the graphicacy whole. In particular, the task of generating drawings from an ani-
skills to portray dynamic content in a static depiction (de Vries mation provokes deeper processing of the depicted content that in-
& Lowe, 2010). Future research should consider how learners’ volves both more intense inspection of the depicted events and
graphicacy skills may influence the potential of self-generated beneficial mental manipulation of the information extracted as a
drawing. result. With the increasing reliance that technology-based learning
A third limitation concerns the issue of participants’ level of materials place on animated explanations, the findings from this
engagement with the animated material. Research on using self- study open up a promising new line of research on ways to help
generated drawing for learning from text has shown that students animations fulfill their undoubted but too often unrealized educa-
who receive support are more successful than those without sup- tional potential.
port (Van Meter et al., 2006). Recent studies on writing-to-learn
also indicate that guidance leads to better results. Students’ under-
standing and retention of information is improved if the writing Acknowledgments
activity is well supported, for example, by metacognitive prompts
that encourage deeper, more reflective learner processing of stim- The study is part of an on-going research project on learning
ulus materials (Hübner, Nuckles, & Renkl, 2010; Nückles, Hübner, difficulties in the science domain (STPD08HANE_001) funded by
& Renkl, 2009). Could this also be the case for drawing-to-learn a grant to the first author from the University of Padova, Italy, un-
from animation? One key aspect of support not addressed in our der the founding program for ‘‘Strategic Projects’’.
study is the role that could be played by instructions about what We wish to thank Gaia Mantovani for partial data collection.
type of self-generated drawing is required. In our study, partici- We are also very grateful to all the students involved in the study,
pants were asked only to produce a certain number of drawings, their parents and teachers, and the school principals.
L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224 221

Appendix A

The six cards of the animation provided in the condition of traced/copied drawing.

Appendix B
Examples of participants’ depictions (coded 1 point each) of the Phase 2: Motion is transmitted via activity of the middle balls
various phases of the animation. (P3)
Phase 1: The balls at the end of the row swing (P31).
222 L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224

Phase 3: The amplitude of end ball swinging progressive de-

creases (P31).

Phase 4: All balls swing jointly as a unit (P52).

Appendix C

Example of an inferior drawing set (P36).

Phase 5: All motion finally ceases (P60).

L. Mason et al. / Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (2013) 211–224 223

Example of a superior drawing set (P8).

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