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Guide to
Created by
22-23 State Officer Team
What is Champion Chapter?
Champion Chapter is a series of membership
engagement-focused challenges that chapters may
complete for national recognition such as, certificates
and ribbons. By completing activities, chapters will accrue
points to reach bronze, silver, and gold levels.
There are 4 parts to Champion Chapter (1 added in
2022-23) to test different skills as well as to help
chapters develop projects throughout the year.

Benefits of Champion Chapter?

Champion Chapter helps chapters run fun and
engaging meetings. Through Champion Chapter it helps
organize and manage activities. In addition, these
activities will help build communication and foster
friendships throughout your chapter!
If you receive 1,000+ points per quarter you will get a
ribbon to recognize your accomplishment at NFLC &
Summer Starter
This section of Champion Chapter focuses on chapter
building and membership strategy. Summer Starter tasks are
designed to help chapters set the foundation for a successful
membership year including: electing chapter officers,
developing a student-led program of work, setting goals, and
mapping out the year.

Summer Starter Ideas:

- Set up a communication
channel between local
officers and members by
using: imessage, slack,
remind, teams, band etc.

- Make a certificate that

can be use every month
for your member of the
month program. You can
even give the member a
special treat or prize!
Shaping Success
This section of Champion Chapter focuses on member
recruitment and retention. Shaping Success tasks are
designed to promote membership benefits and foster
engagement such as hosting special events, securing guest
speakers, and project planning.

Shaping Success Ideas:

- Organizing a special
outing for FBLA members
by meeting up at: the
movies, bowling alley,
trampoline park, nature
park, etc.

- At your informational
meeting, you can talk
about: what events to
choose, how to prep for
competition, basic business
knowledge, fundraising,
and much more!
Service Season
This section of Champion Chapter focuses on service and
engagement. Service Season tasks are designed to meet the
core of the FBLA mission: being community-minded business
leaders. Tasks are designed to find ways to contribute to the
community, as well as connect with alumni and business and
industry professionals.

Service Season Ideas:

- Celebrate American
Enterprise Day by playing
an online stock market
game, or inviting a
entrepreneur as a guest

- Study your events by

practicing your
presentations and playing
objective test kahoots!
CTE Celebration
This section of Champion Chapter focuses on
chapter excellence and CTE awareness. CTE
Celebration tasks are designed to showcase FBLA
excellence and achievements, as well as promote the
mission of the organization.

CTE Celebration Ideas:

- Create a social event for
your chapter during FBLA
week: go mini golfing,
roller-skating or even sing

- Share your FBLA story

during FBLA Week on
instagram and make sure
to tag @fbla_pbl!
Champion +
This section of Champion Chapter focuses on national
programs and conferences, sponsors and partners, and
recruitment. These activities may be done at any time during
the year.

Champion + Ideas:
- Complete any one of the
four levels of the Business
Achievement Awards.
Offering an incentive to
members will help make this
program more appealing!

- Practice your investing

skills by participating in
either the fall or spring stock
market game. Make it more
fun by having your team
consist of your friends!
How to Stay Organized
With a task that encompasses a long period of time, you want to
make sure to stay organized. Chapters should receive a poster
with all the tasks broken up into quarters.
We suggest chapters create a spreadsheet or table to help you
keep track of progress for the tasks. (template linked below)
Communication and time management are important for
Champion Chapter. Make sure that tasks are delegated and
submitted before the due date!

Premade table for Summer Starter:
Premade table for Shaping Success:
Premade table for Service Season:
Premade table for CTE Celebration:
Premade table for Champion + :
Champion Chapter Submission Link:
Champion Chapter State Recognition:

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