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Points Commendations

Each class will have a Points Register to record the points of each Every 5 points a student earns, they will be awarded a
student in their class. The system is negative point based, with each commendation. A bonus commendation will be awarded if a
student being able to attain 5 points a day, similar to the old system. comment and signature from the students parent/guardian is
The 5 points that can be deducted are as follows: attained each week; so a total of 6 commendations per week.
                              Commendations must be awarded in the first lesson each
2 points for lack of behaviour (1 per lesson) – mark with a B Monday.
Verbal, physical, emotional bullying At the end of each month, teachers must notify admin if any
Disrupting class, lack of respect, etc students have achieved a bronze/silver/gold commendation
2 points for lack of presentation (1 per lesson) – mark with a P Each month there will also be random diary checks. Few
Classwork/Homework: Sabak/Dhor/Coursebook/Workbook students will be picked from a random class to see if
Equipment: Not having Quran/Qaidah, stationary, books commendations have been given in accordance to the points
Uniform: Not abiding to the uniform register.

1 point for not signing their diary – mark with a D Houses

If the daily signature from their parent/guardian is missing
Students will be sorted at the beginning of the year into one of
four houses:
Registers will be examined each Monday.

Disciplinary Action Hamrawi- Red

1. Students who lose 15 points (3 days’ worth of points) will be given a
Khadrawi- Green
10 minute detention on Friday after Madrasah.
2. If a student is given 3 detentions, their parents will be contacted
Urjuwani- Purple
and an official warning will be given
3. If there is a repeat offender of Stage 2, a meeting will be arranged
Safrawi– Yellow
between the Madrasah and the student's parents

The points of each individual student will go towards their

Marble Jar System house. Every Monday second lesson, the points registers
The marble jar system will still operate but without physical marbles. will be collected and each student’s points will be recorded by
If no students have lost a point that day, the class will be awarded the System Organiser.
one ‘marble’. A class can only obtain one ‘marble’ per day. If it is Each month the students of the house with the most points
awarded, the teacher will place a tick in the 'marble' column in the will be awarded a free lesson. First lesson the girls will be
points register at the end of the designated day. allowed out and in the second lesson, the boys. The remaining
If 30 marbles have been achieved the students will be rewarded with lesson will be the course book lesson, so there will be no Quran
a class treat, all expenses paid by the Madrasah. lesson for the students of the winning house.

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