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barbara chagas

Good afternoon class, today we are going to present you a gadget that really made a change in the
virtual world and had a big impact on all dreamers out there. but before i say what the gadget is, i was
just wondering if any of you guys woke up one day and wanted to climb the mount everest before
lunch time, or maybe play with some friends while isolated in your house without actually seeing them,
or even go to the eiffel tower without leaving your sofa. kinda sounds impossible, but perhaps playing
a game while you seem to be there as a character like everyone else doing everything isn't that
impossible. well, im barbara number 2 and and he is tiago chagas number 23? and if you still haven't
guessed it we are here to talk about VR.

VR goggles are a computerized device that deliver a virtual reality experience that is immersive in
detail. Immersive means that it completely captures the attention and interest of the user. Basically,
the VR lenses do the work that the lenses of our eyes cannot.

just with the glasses we can already enjoy various activities, but more advanced equipment already
has a lot of accessories such as gloves, snikers and high quality headphones, which contribute to a
better experience.

These glasses are increasingly becoming a more important work tool.

Due to its extensive features, virtual reality has been used in different fields such as in military,
education and health care. Virtual reality is also used in aviation and architecture for viewing the final

You can also play games alone, or with your friends.

VR goggles can help you socialize, which helped a lot during quarantine. Also, they are portable, so
we can take them anywhere.

In conclusion, the VR glasses are very useful,and as u can see they have countless uses, So it's
much more than just having fun, it's the future that will be explored in every way possible.

I hope you enjoyed it and learned something from us today. bye

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