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SLRB @ Km. 3.

Hydraulic Particulars

Discharge (Required) = 5.342 Cumecs

Discharge (Designed) = 5.431 Cumecs

Surface fall = 1 in 2650

Coefficient of rugosity = 0.025

Side slope = 1: 1

Velocity = 0.71 m/s

Actual Bed width = 5.50 m

Proposed Bed wdith = 5.50 m

Full supply depth = 1.150 m

Free board = 0.6 m

Canal bed level = 90.943 m

Full Supply level = 92.093 m

Top Bund level = 92.693 m

Existing road level = 94.300 m

Proposed road level = 94.300 93.3 0.150

Vent way

Clear Spans 2 Nos 6.000 m Proposed Returns are not required

RCC Peirs 1 Nos 3.482 m 1.000 m Top width 1.000 m bottom width

Width of canal at F.S.L = 7.8 m

Width of canal at Top = 9.6 m

Normal area of flow = 7.6475 sq.m

Area of Peir obstruction = 1.15 sq.m

Net area of flow = 6.4975 sq.m

Normal Velocity = 0.71 m/s

Velocity after obstruction = 0.83586 m/s NOT OK

Afflux = 0.020913 m OK

Linear water way (eff) = 6.8 m

Discharge q = 0.798676

Scour Depth = 0.915536

Max Scour Depth (1.5 Times= 1.373304

Max Scour Level = 90.720

0.275 0.275
0.225 0.225
0.075 m WC
0.225 94.300 94.225
0.500 93.725
0.300 93.425
0.50 0.50 1.332 PIER
5.000 qq+ 1.000 92.093 MFL


1.000 90.943 CBL

0.600 0.600 0.600 1.000 89.943 DBL



7.200 2.200



4.900 2.200 1.000

0.50 5.000 0.50

SLRB @ Km. 14.710

Clear span = 8000 mm

Assumed bearing = 500 mm
Assumed thickness of deck slab = 500 mm
Wearing Coat = 75 mm

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 304.3.1, minimum clear cover is 40 mm

Clear cover = 40 mm
Dia of main reinforcement bar (assumed ) = 25 mm

Effective depth = 500 - 40 - 12.5

= 447.5 mm

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 305.4.2, effective span shall be least of the ( clear span + effective depth ) or
( centre to centre distance between supports )

Clear span + effective depth = 8000 + 447.5

= 8447.5 mm

Centre to centre distance betweensupports = 8000 + ( 2 x 500 / 2 )

= 8500 mm

Effective span ( lo) = 8447.5 mm

Width of carriageway = 4250 mm

Width of kerb = 225 mm
Thickness of kerb = 225 mm
Thickness of hand ra = 200
Thickness of wearing coat = 75 mm

Width of deck slab = 4250 + 2 x 225

= 4700 mm

Live load = IRC Class 'A'

Grade of concrete = M 25
Grade of steel = Fe 415

As per IRC: 21-2000,clause 303.1, from tables 9, permissible flexural compressive ( σ cbc ) for

M 25 grade concrete = 8.33333 N/mm2

As per IRC: 21-2000,clause 303.1, from tables 10, permissible stress ( σ st ) for

Fe 415 grade steel = 200 N/mm2

As per IRC: 21-2000, from clause 303.1 for calculating stresses in section, a modular ratio ( E s/Ec ) of 10
may be adopted

m = 10

r = σ st / σ cbc
= 200 / 8.3333
= 24.00

k = m / ( m + r )
= 10 / ( 10 + 24.000 )
= 0.294

j = 1 - k / 3
= 1 - 0.294 / 3
= 0.902

Q = ( 1 / 2 ) x σ cbc x k x j
= ( 1 / 2 ) x 8.33333 x 0.294 x 0.902
= 1.105

As per IRC: 6 -2000, clause 211.3

Impact factor ( I ) = 4.5 / ( 6 + lo )

= 4.5 / ( 6 + 8.4475 )
= 0.311
Dead load & dead load bending moment calculations

Dead weight of deck slab = 0.500 x 2.5 x 1

= 1.250 t/m

Dead weight of wearing coat = 0.075 x 2.4 x 1

= 0.180 t/m

Dead weight of kerb stone = 1 x 0.225 x 2.5 x 0.225 / 1

= 0.127 t/m

Dead weight of hand rail = 1 x 0.75 x 2.5 x 0.2 / 1

= 0.375 t/m

Total dead load = 1.250 + 0.180 + 0.13 + 0.38

= 1.93 t/m

Bending moment due to dead load = W x lo 2 / 8

= 1.93 x 8.4475 2 / 8
= 17.23 t-m

Live load & live load bending moment calculations

As per IRC: 21-2000, from clause 305.16.2, for a single concentrated load, the effetctive width may be calculated
in accordance with the following equation

bef = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

bef = The effective width of slab on which load acts

lo = The effective span

b = Width of the slab

a = The distance of the centre of gravity of the concentrated load from the nearer support

b1 = The breadth of concentrated area of the load, i.e., the dimension of the tyre or track
contact area over the road surface of the slab in a direction at right angles to the span
plus twice the thickness of the wearing coat or surface finish above the structural slab

α = A constant having the following values depending upon the ratio b / lo, where b is the
width of the slab

b / lo = 4700 / 8447.5
= ###

b / lo = 0.50 → α = 1.72
b / lo = 0.60 → α = 1.96

b / lo = ### → α = 1.72 + ( 0.24 / 0.10 ) x 0.056

= 1.855

2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8

1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3 3 3


Class ' A ' Train

For the maximum live load bending moment, the two loads of 11.4 t should be kept such that the resultant of the load
system and the load under consideration should be equidistant from the centre of span, details as shown in figure.

11.4 R 11.4

3.92375 0.3 0.3 0.6 3.32

4.22375 4.22375
Dispersion width under C

Dispersion width under C ( bef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 3.92375 x { 1 - 3.92375 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 4.548 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths overlaping

0.23 0.250

0.15 1.80

0.50 0.50


Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.250 + 1.80 + 4.548 / 2

= 4.699 m

Intensity of load under C = 11.4 x 1.311 / 4.699

= 3.18 t

Dispersion width under D

Dispersion width under D ( b ef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 3.32375 x { 1 - 3.32375 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 4.390 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths overlaping

Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.250 + 1.80 + 4.390 / 2

= 4.620 m

Intensity of load under D = 11.4 x 1.311 / 4.620

= 3.24 t

3.18 R 3.24

3.92375 0.3 0.3 0.6 3.32

4.22375 4.22375

Taking moments about B

Ra x 8.45 = 3.18 x 4.5238 + 3.24 x 3.3238

= 25.15

Ra = 25.15 / 8.4475
= 2.98 t

Rb = 3.18 + 3.24 - 2.98

= 3.44 t

Maximum live load bending momen= Ra x 3.92375

= 2.98 x 3.9238
= 11.68 t-m

Total bending moment = Dead load BM + Live load BM

= 17.23 + 11.68
= 28.91 t-m

Effective depth required ( de ) = √ (M/(Qxb))

= √ ( 28.91 x 10 7 / ( 1.105 x 1000 ))

= 511.42 mm < 447.5 mm

Design of main reinforcement

Area of main reinforcement required ( Ast ) = M / ( σ st x j x de )

= 28.91 x ###7 / ( 200 x 0.902 x 448 )
= 3581.35 mm2
As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 305.19, minimum area of tension reinforcement is 0.12 % of total cross sectinal area

Minimum area of tension reinforcement = ( 0.12 / 100 ) x 1000 x 500

= 600 mm2 < 3581.35 mm2

Providin 20 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x ### 2

= 314.29 mm2

Spacing of main reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 314.29 / 3581.35 ) x 1000
= 87.76 mm

However provi 20 mm dia of bars at 100 mm c/c

Area of main steel provided = ast x 1000 / spacing

= 314.29 x 1000 / 100
= 3142.86 mm2 > 3581.35 mm2

Design of distribution reinforcement

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 305.18.1, distribution steel is to be provided for the resisting moment equals to
0.3 times the moment due to live load plus 0.2 times the moment due to dead load, shrikage and temparature etc.

Resisting moment = 0.3 x LLM + 0.2 x DLM

= 0.30 x 11.68 + 0.20 x 17.23
= 6.95 t-m

Providing 10 mm dia of bars

Efeective depth = 500 - 40 - 25 - 5

= 430 mm

Area of distribution steel required = M / ( σ st x j x de )

= 6.95 x ###7 / ( 200 x 0.902 x 430 )
= 896.01 mm2

Minimum area of distribution reinforcement in one face = ( 0.06 / 100 ) x 1000 x 500
= 300.00 mm2 < 896.01 mm2

Hence provide minimum distribution reinforcement of 896.01 mm2

Providin 12 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x ### 2

= 113.14 mm2

Spacing of main reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 113.14 / 896.01 ) x 1000
= 126.27 mm

However provi 12 mm dia of bars at 150 mm c/c

Area of distribution steel provided = ast x 1000 / spacing

= 113.14 x 1000 / 150
= 754.29 mm2 > 896.01 mm2

Top reinforcement

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 305.10, shrinkage and temparature reinforcement of 250 mm 2 is to be provided in
each direction

Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in each direction = 250 mm2

Providin 10 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x 10 2

= 78.57 mm2

Spacing of shrinkage and temparature reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 78.57 / 250.00 ) x 1000
= 314.29 mm

However provi 10 mm dia of bars at 300 mm c/c

Provide 10 mm dia bars at 300 mm c/c at top to take care of temparature and shrinkage in either direction and
Provide distribution steel of 10 mm dia bars at 300 mm c/c at top
Check for shear

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 305.16.3, dispersion of load along the span equal to the dimension of the tyre
contact area over the wearing surface of the slab in the direction of the span plus twice the overall depth of the
slab inclusive of the thickness of the wearing surface

Longitudinal dispersion width = 250 + 2 x ( 500 + 75 )

= 1400 mm

For maximum shear, the load is kept at a distance of ' d ' from the support

d = 1400 / 2
= 700 mm

Case I:
2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4

0.19 1.1 3.2 1.2 0.7

4.22375 4.22375

Dispersion width under C

Dispersion width under C ( bef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 0.19 x { 1 - 0.19 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 0.995 m < 1.80 m → Dispersion widths are not overlap

0.23 0.250

0.15 1.80

0.50 0.50


Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.250 + 0.995 + 0.995 / 2

= 2.117 m

Intensity of load under C = 2.7 x 1.311 / 2.117

= 1.67 t

Dispersion width under D

Dispersion width under D ( b ef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 1.29 x { 1 - 1.29 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 2.678 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths overlaping

Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.25 + 1.80 + 2.678 / 2

= 3.764 m

Intensity of load under D = 2.7 x 1.311 / 3.764

= 0.94 t

Dispersion width under E

Dispersion width under E ( b ef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 4.49 x { 1 - 4.49 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 4.553 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths overlaping

0.23 0.250

0.15 1.80

0.50 0.50


Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.250 + 1.80 + 4.553 / 2

= 4.701 m

Intensity of load under E = 11.4 x 1.311 / 4.701

= 3.18 t
Dispersion width under F

Dispersion width under F ( b ef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 0.7 x { 1 - 0.7 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 1.841 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths overlaping

Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.250 + 1.80 + 1.841 / 2

= 3.346 m

Intensity of load under F = 11.4 x 1.311 / 3.346

= 4.47 t

1.67 0.94 3.18 4.47

2.25 1.1 3.2 1.2 0.7

4.22375 4.22375

Taking moments about B

Ra x 8.448 = 4.47 x 0.7 + 3.18 x 1.9 + 0.94 x 5.1 + 1.67 x 6.2

= 24.3

Ra = 24.3 / 8.4475
= 2.88 t

Rb = 1.67 + 0.94 + 3.18 + 4.47 - 2.88

= 7.38 t

Case II:

11.4 11.4 6.8

0.7 1.2 4.3 2.2475

4.22375 4.22375

Dispersion width under C

Dispersion width under C ( bef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 0.7 x { 1 - 0.7 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 1.841 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths overlaping

0.23 0.250

0.15 1.80

0.50 0.50


Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.250 + 1.80 + 1.841 / 2

= 3.35 m

Intensity of load under C = 11.4 x 1.311 / 3.346

= 4.47 t

Dispersion width under D

Dispersion width under D ( b ef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 1.9 x { 1 - 1.9 / 8.4475 } + 0.650
= 3.382 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths overlaping

Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.250 + 1.80 + 3.382 / 2

= 4.12 m

Intensity of load under D = 11.4 x 1.311 / 4.116

= 3.63 t
Dispersion width under E

Dispersion width under E ( b ef ) = α x a x { 1- a / lo } + b1

= 1.855 x 2.2475 x { 1 - 2.2475 / 8.4475 } + 0.530
= 3.590 m > 1.80 m → Dispersion widths are overlap

0.23 0.190

0.15 1.80

0.38 0.38


Combined dispersion width = 0.225 + 0.15 + 0.190 + 3.590 + 3.590 / 2

= 5.95 m

Intensity of load under E = 6.8 x 1.311 / 5.951

= 1.50 t

4.47 3.63 1.50

0.7 1.2 4.3 2.2475

4.22375 4.22375

Taking moments about B

Ra x 8.45 = 1.50 x 2.2475 + 3.63 x 6.5475 + 4.47 x 7.748

= 61.7729761

Ra = 61.7729761 / 8.4475
= 7.31 t

Rb = 4.47 + 3.63 + 1.50 - 7.31

= 2.29 t

Shear force due to live load = 7.38 t

Shear force due to dead load = 1.93 x 8.4475 / 2

= 8.16 t

Total shear force = LL shear force + DL shear force

= 7.38 + 8.16
= 15.54 t

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 304.7.1

Design shear stress ( τ ) = V / ( b x d )

= 15.54 / ( 1 x 0.45 )
= 34.73 t / m2

Area of main steel provided = 3142.86 mm2

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 100 x 3142.86 / ( 1000 x 448 )

= 0.70231

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 304., from table 12B

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 0.50 → τc = 0.310 N / mm2

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 0.75 → τc = 0.360 N / mm2

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 0.7023 → τc = 0.31 + ( 0.05 / 0.25 ) x 0.20

= 0.3505 N / mm2

As per IRC: 21-2000, from clause 304. and table 12c

Perimissible shear stress in concrete = k x τc

= 1.00 x 0.350463
= 0.350 N / mm2
= 35.05 t / m2 > 34.73 t / m2

Hence safe against shear.


Width of pier (at base) = 1000 mm

Width of pier (at base) = 1000 mm
Height of the pier = 3482 mm
Clear span = 8000 mm
Deck slab thickness = 500 mm
Effective span = 8447.5 mm

Sectional properties of the pier

Width of the Deck slab at Pier = 4700 mm
Cross sectional area of pier = ( 4.70 x 1.00 ) + 2 x ( π x 0.50 2/
2 )
= 5.486 m2

Equivalent length of pier = (( π x 1.00 2 / 4 ) / 1.00 ) + 4.70

= 5.486 m2

Modulus of section at the base of the pier ( i.e. at + 89.943 )

Zxx of pier at the base = 5.486 x 1.00 2 / 6

= 0.914 m3

Zyy of pier at the base = 1.00 x 5.49 2 / 6

= 5.016 m3

Modulus of section at foundation ( i.e. at + 89.343 )

Area of foundation = 7.200 x 4.900

= 35.280 m2

Zxx of foundation = 7.200 x 4.900 2 / 6

= 28.812 m3

Zyy of foundation = 4.900 x 7.200 2 / 6

= 42.336 m3

Loads coming on to pier

Dead load

Width of carriageway = 4250 mm

Length of deck slab = 9000 mm
Width of deck slab = 4700 mm
Thickness of deck slab = 500 mm
Thickness of wearingcoat = 75 mm
Thickness of kerb = 225 mm
Width of kerb = 225 mm
Width of bed block = 1000 mm
Thickness of bed block = 300 mm
Height of parapet = 750 mm
Width of parapet = 150 mm

Dead weight of deck slab = 9.00 x 4.70 x 0.5 x 2.5

= 52.88 t

Dead weight of wearing coat = 9.00 x 4.25 x 0.075 x 2.4

= 6.89 t

Dead weight of kerbs = 2 x 0.225 x 0.225 x 9.00 x 2.5

= 2.28 t

Dead weight of bed block = 5.486 x 0.30 x 2.5

= 4.11 t

Dead weight of parapet = 2 x 0.75 x 0.15 x 9.00 x 2.4

= 4.86 t

Dead weight of pier (above pier base) = 5.486 x 3.482 x 2.5

= 47.75 t

Dead weight of pier (below FSL) = 5.486 x 2.150 x 2.5

= 29.49 t

Weight of pier with 15 % buoyancy = 47.75 - ( ( 29.49 / 2.5 ) x 1.0 x ### / 100 ))
= 45.98 t
Weight of pier with 100 % buoyancy = ( 47.75 / 2.5 ) x 1.5
= 28.65 t

Dead weight of foundation = 7.200 x 4.900 x 0.600 x 2.5

= 52.92 - 0.00
= 52.92 t

Weight of foundation with 15 % buoyancy = 52.92 - ( ( 52.92 / 2.5 ) x 1.0 x 15 / 100 ))

= 49.74 t

Weight of foundation with 100 % buoyancy = ( 52.92 / 2.5 ) x 1.5

= 31.75 t

Live load

For class A train of vehicles, the following are the cases considered for the maximum live load reaction

Case I:

2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8

4.7 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3

8.50 0.5 8.5


Taking moments about C

RA x 8.5 = 2.7 x 4.7 + 2.7 x 5.8

= 28.35

RA = 28.35 / 8.5
= 3.34 t

Taking moments about D

RB x 8.5 = 6.8 x 3 + 11.4 x 7.3 + 11.4 x 8.5

= 200.5

RB = 200.5 / 8.5
= 23.59 t

RA + RB = 3.34 + 23.59
= 26.93 t

RA - RB = 3.34 - 23.59
= 20.26 t

Case II:

2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8

3.5 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 4.2

8.5 0.5 8.5


Taking moments about C

RA x 8.5 = 2.7 x 3.5 + 2.7 x 4.6 + 11.4 x 7.8

= 110.8

RA = 110.8 / 8.5
= 13.03 t

Taking moments about D

RB x 8.5 = 6.8 x 4.2 + 11.4 x 8.5

= 133.6

RB = 133.6 / 8.5
= 15.72 t

RA + RB = 13.03 + 15.72
= 28.75 t

RA - RB = 13.03 - 15.72
= 2.69 t
Case III:

2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8

3 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 4.7

8.5 0.5 8.5


Taking moments about C

RA x 8.5 = 2.7 x 3 + 2.7 x 4.1 + 11.4 x 7.3 + 11.4 x 8.5

= 199.29

RA = 199.3 / 8.5
= 23.45 t

Taking moments about D

RB x 8.5 = 6.8 x 4.7 6.8 1.7

= 43.52

RB = 43.52 / 8.5
= 5.12 t

RA + RB = 23.45 + 5.12
= 28.57 t

RA - RB = 23.45 - 5.12
= 18.33 t

Case IV:

2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8

4.2 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3.5

8.5 0.5 8.5


Taking moments about C

RA x 8.5 = 2.7 x 4.2 + 2.7 x 5.3 + 11.4 x 8.5

= 122.55

RA = 122.6 / 8.5
= 14.42 t

Taking moments about D

RB x 8.5 = 6.8 x 3.5 + 11.4 x 7.8

= 116.1

RB = 116.1 / 8.5
= 13.66 t

RA + RB = 14.42 + 13.66
= 28.08 t

RA - RB = 14.42 - 13.66
= 0.76 t

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 211.7, if height of pier below the bed block is more than 3.0 m, then the impactor
percentage is zero.

RA + RB ( MAX ) = 28.75 t

RA - RB ( MIN ) = 20.26 t
Horizontal forces

Braking force

Case II gives maximum load on the span

Maximum load on the span = 29.6 t

= 25 t
As per IRC: 6-2017, clause 211.2, the breaking force shall be taken equal to twenty percentage of loads actually
on the span

Braking force = 20 x 25 / 100

= 5.00 t
As per IRC: 6-2017, clause 211.3, the breaking force shall be assumed to act along line parallel to the roadway
and 1.2 m above the road level

Height at which the braking force acts above bearing level = 1.20 + 0.5 + 0.075
= 1.78 m

Change in vertical reaction due to braking force = 5.00 x 1.78 / 8.5

= 1.04 t

As per IRC: 6-2017, clause, horizontal force in longitudinal direction at bearing level shall be greater of
Fh / 2 or μ Rg

Dead load from super structure = 52.88 + 6.89 + 2.28 + 4.86

= 66.90 t

Dead load acting on each pier ( Rg ) = 66.90 / 2

= 33.45 t

Fh / 2 = 5.00 / 2
= 2.50 t

μ x Rg = 0.50 x 33.45
= 16.72 t

Horizontal force in longitudinal direction = 16.72 t

Moment due to braking force at base of pier = 2.50 x ( 0.00 + 3.78 )

= 9.455 t-m

Moment due to braking force on soil = 2.50 x ( 0.00 + 4.38 )

= 10.955 t-m

Moment due to live load eccentricity ( canal flow direction )

Eccentricity in longitudinal direction = ( 4.25 / 2 ) - ( 0.15 + 0.50 / 2 + ### / )

= 0.825 m

Moment due to longitudinal eccentricity = 28.75 x 0.825

= 23.72 t-m

Moment due to live load eccentricity ( roadway direction )

Eccentricity in transverse direction = 1.00 / 4

= 0.25 m

Moment due to transverse eccentricity = 20.26 x 0.25

= 5.06 t-m
Wind force

Case I:

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 212.2, wind force on the deck structure shall be assumed as horizontal force and
calculated as follows

Height of deck structure upto parapet = 0.5 + 0.225 + 0.75

= 1.475 m

Exposed height of pier over FSL = 93.725 - 92.093

= 1.632 m

Exposed height of pier over CBL = 93.725 - 90.943

= 2.782 m

Average height at centre of deck structure over FSL = 1.632 + 1.475 / 2

= 2.37 m

Average height at centre of deck structure over CBL = 2.782 + 1.475 / 2

= 3.52 m

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 212.3 and from table 4

Wind pressure for 0.00 m height = 40 kg/m2

Wind pressure for 4.00 m height = 63 kg/m2
Wind pressure for 15.00 m height = 107 kg/m2

Wind pressure for 2.37 m height = 40 + ( 12.00 / 2.00 ) x 2.37

= 54.22 kg/m2

Wind pressure for 3.52 m height = 73 + ( 9.00 / 2.00 ) x 0.27

= 74.22 kg/m2

Total wind force at 2.37 m height = 1.475 x 9.00 x 54.22

= 719.73 kg or 0.72 t

Total wind force at 3.52 m height = 1.475 x 9.00 x 74.22

= 985.20 kg or 0.99 t

For canal full condition

Moment due to wind force about the base of pier = 0.72 x ( 2.37 + 2.15 )
= 3.25 t-m 6.1

Moment due to wind force about top of soil = 0.72 x ( 2.37 + 2.75 )
= 3.68 t-m 7

For canal empty condition

Moment due to wind force about the base of pier = 0.99 x ( 3.52 + 1.00 )
= 4.45 t-m 6.1

Moment due to wind force about top of soil = 0.99 x ( 3.52 + 1.60 )
= 5.04 t-m 7

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 212.4, lateral wind force against any exposed moving live load shall be considered as
acting at 1.5 m above the roadway and shall be calculated as follows

Lateral wind force per meter run = 300 kg

Wind force acting on live load = 9.00 x 300
= 2700 kg or 2.70 t

Moment about the base of pier = 2.70 x ( 1.50 + 4.36 )

= 15.81 t-m

Moment about top of soil = 2.70 x ( 1.50 + 4.96 )

= 17.43 t-m

Moment due to wind force on deck structure and live load

Moment about the base of pier = 4.45 + 15.81

= 20.27 t-m

Moment about top of soil = 5.04 + 17.43

= 22.48 t-m

Case II:

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 212.6, lateral wind force calculated above shall not be less than that obtained by
450 kg per linear meter on deck spans

Wind force on deck span = 450 x 9.00

= 4050 kg or 4.05 t

Moment about the base of the pier = 4.05 x ( 0.575 / 2 + 3.78 )

= 16.48 t-m
Moment about top of soil = 4.05 x ( 0.575 / 2 + 4.38 )
= 18.91 t-m
Case III:

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 212.7, minimum limiting wind pressure of 240 kg / m 2 is considered for calculating
the wind force on unloaded structure

Wind force on unloaded structure = 240 x 1.475 x 9.00

3186 kg or 3.19 t

Moment about the base of the pier = 3.19 x ( 0.575 / 2 + 3.78 )

= 12.97 t-m

Moment about top of soil = 3.19 x ( 0.575 / 2 + 4.38 )

= 14.88 t-m

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 212.7, maximum wind force of the above three cases is to be considered

Maximum moment due to wind force about the base of pier = 20.27 t-m
Maximum moment due to wind force about top of soil = 22.48 t-m

Moment due to frictional force

Dead load from super structure = 52.88 + 6.89 + 2.28 + 4.86

= 66.90 t

Dead load acting on each pier ( Rg ) = 66.90 / 2

= 33.45 t

Frictional force = μ x Rg
= 0.50 x 33.45
= 16.72 t

Right side bearing resistance (10 % variation from left side) = 0.90 x 16.72
= 15.05 t

Unbalanced force = 16.72 - 15.05

= 1.67 t

Moment due to frictional force about the base of the pier = 1.67 x 3.782
= 6.33 t-m

Moment due to frictional force about top of soil = 1.67 x 4.382

= 7.33 t-m

Moment dur to water currents

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 213.2, intensity of pressure due to water currents is calculated as follows

Intensity of pressure due to water currents ( P ) = 52 K V2

K = Constant depends on the shape of the pier

= 0.66 ( for semicircular ends )

V = Velocity of the current at the point where the pressure intensity is being calculated
= 1.414 x mean velocity
= 1.414 x 1.245
= 1.76 m / sec

P = 52 x 0.66 x 1.76 2
= 106.36 kg/m2

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 213.5, angle of variation is to be assumed as 20 degrees.

In the direction of canal flow ( longitudinal direction )

Pressure intencity at FSL = P x COS 20 0

= 106.36 x COS 20 0
= 99.94 kg/m2

Pressure intencity at CBL = 0.00

Total force on pier = ( 1 / 2 ) x 99.94208 x 2.15

= 107.44 kg or 0.107 t

Lever arm = ( 2 / 3 ) x 2.15 + 1.00

= 2.43 m

Moment at base of the pier = 0.107 x 2.43

= 0.261 t-m

Moment about top of soil = 0.107 x ( 2.43 + 0.60 )

= 0.326 t-m

In the direction of across canal flow ( transverse direction )

Pressure intencity at FSL = P x SIN 20 0

= 106.36 x SIN 20 0
= 36.392 kg/m2

Pressure intencity at CBL = 0.00

Total force on pier = ( 1 / 2 ) x 36.39185 x 2.15

= 39.121 kg or 0.039 t

Lever arm = ( 2 / 3 ) x 2.15 + 1.00

= 2.43 m

Moment at base of the pier = 0.039 x 2.43

= 0.095 t-m

Moment about top of soil = 0.039 x ( 2.43 + 0.60 )

= 0.119 t-m

As per IRC: 6-2000, clause 213.6, the moment obtained in case I should not be less than the moments due to net
hydrostatic pressure with a difference of 250 mm in water levels on opposite faces of the pier. However case I is
considered even though the case ii produces maximum moment as the flow is regulated in the canal.

Direct loads

Force type With out buoyancy with 15 % buoyancy

Dead loads
Deck slab 52.88 t 52.88 t
Wearingcoat 6.89 t 6.89 t
Kerb 2.28 t 2.28 t
Parapet 4.86 t 4.86 t
Bed block 4.11 t 4.11 t
Pier 47.75 t 45.98 t
Total dead load coming at base of pier 118.77 t 117.00 t
Foundation 52.92 t 31.75 t
Total dead load coming on foundation 171.69 t 148.75 t

Live loads
Live load 28.75 t 28.75 t
Change in vertical reaction due to braking force 1.04 t 1.04 t

Total load coming at base of pier with DL & LL 148.56 t 146.79 t

Total load coming on foundation with DL & LL 201.48 t 178.55 t


Moment about the base of pier Moment about top of soil

Force type t-m t-m
Roadway dir. Canal flow dir. Roadway dir. Canal flow dir.
Braking force 9.46 10.96
Live load eccentricity 5.06 23.72 5.06 23.72
Wind force 20.27 22.48
Frictional force 6.33 7.33
Water currents 0.10 0.26 0.12 0.33
Stresses in the pier at base on top of foundation concrete and on top of soil without wind effect:

When canal is empty and traffic allowed on the road:

Stress in pier at base

Pmax = (148.56 / 5.486 ) + ( 20.84 / 0.914 ) + ( 23.72 / ### )

= 27.08 + 22.80 + 4.73

= 54.61 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (148.56 / 5.486 ) - ( 20.84 / 0.914 ) - ( 23.72 / ### )

= 27.08 - 22.80 - 4.73

= -0.45 t/m2 ( tension )

Stress on soil

Pmax = (201.48 / 35.28 ) + ( 23.35 / 28.812 ) + ( 23.72 / 42.336 )

= 5.71 + 0.81 + 0.56

= 7.08 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (201.48 / 35.28 ) - ( 23.35 / 28.812 ) - ( 23.72 / 42.336 )

= 5.71 - 0.81 - 0.56

= 4.34 t/m2 ( compression )

When canal is running full and traffic allowed on the road

Stress in pier at base

Pmax = (146.79 / 5.486 ) + ( 20.94 / 0.914 ) + ( 23.98 / ### )

= 26.8 + 22.90 + 4.78

= 54.44 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (146.79 / 5.486 ) - ( 20.94 / 0.914 ) - ( 23.98 / ### )

= 26.76 - 22.90 - 4.78

= -0.92 t/m2 ( tension )

Stress on soil

Pmax = (178.55 / 35.28 ) + ( 23.47 / 28.812 ) + ( 24.05 / 42.336 )

= 5.06 + 0.81 + 0.57

= 6.44 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (178.55 / 35.28 ) - ( 23.47 / 28.812 ) - ( 24.05 / 42.336 )

= 5.06 - 0.81 - 0.57

= 3.68 t/m2 ( compression )

Stresses in the pier at base on top of foundation concrete and on top of soil with wind effect:

When canal is empty and traffic allowed on the road:

Stress in pier at base

Pmax = (148.56 / 5.486 ) + ( 20.84 / 0.914 ) + ( 43.99 / ### )

= 27.08 + 22.80 + 8.77

= 58.65 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (148.56 / 5.486 ) - ( 20.84 / 0.914 ) - ( 43.99 / ### )

= 27.08 - 22.80 - 8.77

= -4.49 t/m2 ( tension )

Stress on soil

Pmax = (201.48 / 35.28 ) + ( 23.35 / 28.812 ) + ( 46.20 / 42.336 )

= 5.71 + 0.81 + 1.09

= 7.61 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (201.48 / 35.28 ) - ( 23.35 / 28.812 ) - ( 46.20 / 42.336 )

= 5.71 - 0.81 - 1.09

= 3.81 t/m2 ( compression )

When canal is running full and traffic allowed on the road

Stress in pier at base

Pmax = (146.79 / 5.486 ) + ( 20.94 / 0.914 ) + ( 44.25 / ### )

= 26.76 + 22.90 + 8.82

= 58.48 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (146.79 / 5.486 ) - ( 20.94 / 0.914 ) - ( 44.25 / ### )

= 26.76 - 22.90 - 8.82

= -4.97 t/m2 ( tension )

Stress on soil

Pmax = (178.55 / 35.28 ) + ( 23.47 / 28.812 ) + ( 46.53 / 42.336 )

= 5.06 + 0.81 + 1.10

= 6.97 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = (178.55 / 35.28 ) - ( 23.47 / 28.812 ) - ( 46.53 / 42.336 )

= 5.06 - 0.81 - 1.10

= 3.15 t/m2 ( compression )

Stress table


Maximum stress Minimum stress Maximum stress Minimum stress
t/m2 t/m2 t/m2 t/m2
58.65 -4.97 7.61 3.15

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.1 and from table 9, permissible direct compressive stress ( σ cc ) for

M25 grade of concrete = 625 t/m2

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.1 and from table 9, permissible flexural compressive stress ( σ bc ) for

M25 grade of concrete = 833 t/m2

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.3 and from table 11, permissible tensile stress with wind for

M25 grade of concrete = 76.25 t/m2

Maximum compressive stress = 58.65 t/m2

< 625 t/m2 (allowable direct compressive stress for M20 grade concrete)

Minimum tensile stress = -4.97 t/m2

< 76 t/m2 (allowable tensile stress for M20 grade concrete)

Hence the section is uncracked section.

Direct compressive stress ( fcc ) = 27.08 t/m2

Bending compressive stress ( fbc ) = 22.90 t/m2

( f cc / σ cc ) + ( f bc / σ bc ) ≤ 1

( 27.08 / 625 ) + ( 22.90 / 833 ) = 0.07

< 1
Longitudinal reinforcement

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 306.2.2, the minimum area of steel provided shall not be less than 0.3 % of the gross
sectional area of concrete

Minimum area of steel = ( 0.30 / 100 ) x gross sectional area of concrete

= ( 0.30 / 100 ) x 5.486
= 0.0165 m2 or 16457.14 mm2

However provide 25 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x 25 2

= 491.07 mm2

No. of bars = 16457.14 / 491.07

= 33.51 say 34 Nos.
Provide 25 mm dia of bars 34 Nos. all around

Area of steel provided = 34 x 491.07

= 16696.43 mm2 > 16457.14 mm2

Transverse reinforcement

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 306.3.2, the diameter of transverse reinforcement shall not be less than 1/4 th of the
diameter of the largest longitudinal bar, and in no case less than 8 mm.

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 306.3.2, the pitch of the transverse reinforcement shall not exceed 300 mm or the
lesser of the following two dimensions

Least lateral dimension of pier = 1000 mm

12 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal reinforcement in the pier = 12 x 25

= 300 mm

10 mm dia lateral ties at 300 mm c / c

Hence Provide 10 mm dia lateral ties at 200 mm c / c

Design of bed block over pier

Area of steel required in longitudinal direction ( top & bottom ) = 1 % of gross area of bed block
.= 1.0 / 100 ) x 1000 x 300
= 3000 mm2

However provide 16 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) ( π / 4 ) x 16 2

= 201.14 mm2

No. of bars = 1500.00 / 201.14

= 7.4574 say 10 Nos.

Area of steel provided = 10 x 201.14

= 2011.4286 mm2 > 1500.00 mm2

Hence provide 16 mm dia bars 5 nos. at top and 5 nos. at bottom

Area of steel required in transverse direction at top and bottom = 0.2 % of gross area of bed block
= ( 0.2 / 100 ) x 1000 x 300
= 988.57 mm2

However provide 10 mm dia two legged strriups

Area two legged strriups ( ast ) = 2 x ( π / 4 ) x 10 ###

= 157.14 mm2

Spacing of main reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 157.14 / 988.57 ) x 1000
= 158.96 mm

However provide 10 mm dia of bars at 95 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = ast x 1000 / spacing

= 157.14 x 1000 / 95
= 1654.14 mm2 > 988.57 mm2

Hence provide 10 mm dia two legged strriups at 95 mm c/c in transverse direction


1.80 1.00 1.80

0.30 0.30

0.761 1.10

P1 P2

6.00 7.20

P3 P4
0.483 1.017




Stresses at corners:

Stress at corner ' P1 ' = 7.61 t/m2

Stress at corner ' P4 ' = 3.81 t/m2

Stress at corner ' P2 ' = 5.99 t/m2

Stress at corner ' P3 ' = 5.43 t/m2

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 304.3.2, minimum clear cover is 75 mm

Clear cover = 75 mm
Dia of main steel bar ( assumed ) = 16 mm
Effective depth ( de ) = 1100 - 75 - 8
= 1017 mm

Grade of concrete = M 25
Grade of steel = Fe 415

As per IRC: 21-2000,clause 303.1, from tables 9, permissible flexural compressive ( σ cbc ) for

M 25 grade concrete = 6.25 N/mm2

As per IRC: 21-2000,clause 303.1, from tables 10, permissible stress ( σ st ) for

Fe 415 grade steel = 200 N/mm2

As per IRC: 21-2000, from clause 303.1 for calculating stresses in section, a modular ratio
( Es/Ec ) of 10 may be adopted

m = 10

r = σ st / σ cbc
= 200 / 6.25
= 32.00

k = m / ( m + r )
= 10 / ( 10 + 32.000 )
= 0.238

j = 1 - k / 3
= 1 - 0.24 / 3
= 0.921

Q = ( 1 / 2 ) x σ cbc x k x j
= ( 1 / 2 ) x 6.25 x 0.24 x 0.92
= 0.685

From stress trapezoid on P1 and P2

Stress at the face of the pier = 6.98 t/m2

Stress at the face of the pier pedestal = 7.08 t/m2
Stress at the distance ' de ' from face of the pedestal = 7.44 t/m2

Dead weight of footing = 52.92 t

Upward pressure due to footing = 52.92 / ( 7.20 x 4.60 )
= 1.60 t/m2

Net stress at the distance ' de ' from face of the pedestal = 7.44 - 1.60
= 5.84 t/m2

Net stress at face of the pier pedestal = 7.08 - 1.60

= 5.49 t/m2

Net stress at face of the pier = 6.98 - 1.60

= 5.38 t/m2

Net stree at corner = 7.61 - 1.60

6.01 t/m2

Moment at the face of the pier = ( 6.01 - 5.4 ) x 1.80 2 / 3 +

( 5.38 ) x 1.80 2 / 2
= 0.68 + 8.72
= 9.40 t-m

Effective depth required ( de ) = √ ( M/ ( Q x b ))

= √ ( 9.40 x 10 7 / ( 0.685 x 1000 ) )

= 370.47 mm

Area of steel required ( Ast ) = M / ( σ st x j x de )

= 9.40 x 10 7 / ( 200 x 0.921 x 1017 )
= 502.06 mm2
As per IRC: 78-2000, clause 707.2.7, Minimum are of tensile steel is 0.15 % of gross area.

Minimum area of tensile reinforcement = ( 0.15 x 1100 x 1000 ) / 100

= 1650 mm2

Providin 16 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x 16 2

= 201.14 mm2

Spacing of reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 201.14 / 1650.00 ) x 1000
= 121.90 mm

However provi 16 mm dia of bars at 125 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = ast x 1000 / spacing

= 201.14 x 1000 / 125
= 1609.14 mm 2
> 1650.00 mm2

Minimum area of distribution steel = ( 0.06 x 1100 x 1000 ) / 100

= 660 mm2

Providin 12 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x 12 2

= 113.14 mm 2

Spacing of reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 113.14 / 660.00 ) x 1000
= 171.43 mm

However provi 12 mm dia of bars at 175 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = ast x 1000 / spacing

= 113.14 x 1000 / 175
= 646.53 mm 2
> 660.00 mm2

Provide 12 mm dia of bars at 175 mm c/c at top in both directions as minimum steel

Check for one way shear:

For one way shear critical section is at a distance ' de ' from face of the pier pedastal

Design shear = ( 0.483 / 2 ) x ( 6.01 + 5.84 )

= 2.86 t

Design shear stress ( τ ) = V / ( b x d )

= 2.86 / ( 1 x 0.678 )
= 4.22 t/m 2

Area of main steel provided = 1609.14 mm2

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 100 x 1609.14 / ( 1000 x 678 )

= 0.237
As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 304., from table 12B

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 0.25 → τc = 0.23 N / mm2

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 0.50 → τc = 0.31 N / mm2

100 ( Ast / b d ) = 0.237 → τc = 0.23 + ( 0.08 / 0.25 ) x -0.013

= 0.226 N / mm 2

As per IRC: 21-2000, from clause 304. and table 12c

Perimissible shear stress in concrete = k x τc

= 1.00 x 0.226
= 0.226 N / mm2
= 22.6 t / m2 > 4.22 t / m2

Hence safe against one way shear.

Check for two way shear:

Critical section is at a diatance 'de/2 ' from face of the pier

Design shear = 148.56 t ( calculated in pier design )

Perimeter at critical section = 2 x ( ( 1.00 + 0.93 ) + ( 5.486 + 0.93 ) )

= 16.69 m

Nominal shear stress = 148.56 / ( 16.69 x 1.017 )

= 8.75 t/m 2

Permissible shear stress ( τc ) = 0.16 x √ fck

= 0.16 x √ 20
= 0.716 N /m m2
= 71.6 t / m2 > 8.75 t / m2

Hence safe against two way shear.

SLRB @ Km. 14.710

94.300 RL
94.225 Top of approach slab
Approach slab 0.225 W9 94.075 Bottom of approach slab
225 thk Gravel base 0.300 W10 W4 93.775 Bottom of Gravel base
0.350 W1 0.3 93.425 Bottom of Bed block


W5 W3

207.890 300 1700 500 500 500 300 CBL +93

0.500 W13

207.390 B 3800

Density of soil = 2.1 t/m3

Density of PCC = 2.4 t/m3
Density of RCC = 2.5 t/m3
Live load surcharge = 1.2 m
Assume frictional angle of soil ( Ø ) = 28 degrees

Length of abutment = 4700 + 150 + 150

= 5000 mm

Loads coming on to abutment

Load from dead weight of super structure = 52.88 + 6.89 + 2.28 + 4.86
= 66.90 t

Load on abutment due to dead weight of super structure = 66.90 / 2

= 33.45 t

Dead load coming on to the abutment from 8.50 m span 33.45 t ( From pier calculations)
Live load coming on to the Abutment:
Span = 8.50 m
Live load for Class - A train of vehicles
2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8

1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3 3 3

For maximum live load reaction loading position is as shown in fig.

11.4 11.4 6.8 0 0 0

1.2 4.3 0 0 0 3

RA 8.5 RB

Taking moments about left hand side support;

RB = 11.4 x 1.2 + 6.8 x 5.5 + 0 x 5.5

= 51.08
= 6.009 t
RA = 29.6 - 6.009
= 23.6 t

Total load = Dead load + Live load

= 33.4490625 + 23.591
= 57.04 t

Load per meter run = 57.04 = 11.41 t/m


Braking force = 5.00 t

Change in vertical reaction due to braking force = 1.04 t

Total load on abutment per meter run = ( 33.45 + 23.59 + 1.04 ) /5

= 11.62 t/m

Frictional force on abutment = 0.50 x 33.45

= 16.72 t

Stress on concrete ( taking moments about A )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 V 11.617 2.450 28.461

2 W1 = 0.5 x 0.300 x 2.5 0.375 2.450 0.919

3 W2 = (1/2) x 0.50 x ### x 2.4 -68.679 2.867 -196.880

4 W3 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 2.450 -336.527

5 W4 = 0.5 x 0.650 x 2.4 0.780 1.950 1.521

6 W5 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 1.950 -267.848

7 W6 = (1/2) x 1.70 x ### x 2.4 -233.509 1.133 -264.643

8 W7 = (1/2) x 1.70 x ### x 2.1 -204.320 0.567 -115.781

9 W8 = 1.70 x 0.350 x 2.1 1.249 0.850 1.062

10 W9 = 2.20 x 0.225 x 2.4 1.188 1.100 1.307

11 W10 = 1.7 x 0.3 x 2.4 1.224 0.850 1.040

12 W11 = 0.3 x 0.000 x 2.1 0.000 0.150 0.000

13 W12 = 0.3 x 0 x 2.1 0.000 3.350 0.000

14 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 1047.664 0.000

282.874 -1147.369
15 PH = 0.158 x ### 2 - 1.20 2
) x 2.1 4201.267 -47.739 ( +) ###

16 Braking force = 5.00 / 5 1.000 -112.390 ( - ) -112.390

17 Frictional force = 16.72 / 5 3.345 -114.165 ( - ) -381.871

4205.612 -201218.662
CG of the vertical load system from 'A' = ### / 282.874
= -711.336 m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 3.200 / 2 - -711.336

= 712.936 m

B/6 = 3.200 / 6
= 0.533 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.1 and from table 9, permissible direct compressive stress for
M15 grade of concrete = 375 t/m2

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.3 and from table 11, permissible tensile stress in plain concrete elements for
M15 grade of concrete = 40 t/m2

Pmax = ( 282.874 / 3.20 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 712.936 / 3.20 )

= 118255.15 t/m2 ( compression )
< 375 t/m2 (allowable direct compressive stress for M15 grade concrete)

Pmin = ( 282.874 / 3.20 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 712.936 / 3.20 )

= -118078.36 t/m2 ( tension )
< 40 t/m2 (allowable tensile stress for M15 grade concrete)

Stress on soil ( taking moments about B )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 V 11.617 2.750 31.946

2 W1 = 0.50 x 0.300 x 2.5 0.375 2.750 1.031

3 W2 = (1/2) x 0.50 x ### x 2.4 -68.679 3.167 -217.484

4 W3 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 2.750 -377.735

5 W4 = 0.5 x 0.650 x 2.4 0.780 2.250 1.755

6 W5 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 2.250 -309.056

7 W6 = (1/2) x 1.70 x ### x 2.4 -233.509 1.433 -334.696

8 W7 = (1/2) x 1.70 x ### x 2.1 -204.320 0.867 -177.077

9 W8 = 1.70 x 0.350 x 2.1 1.249 1.150 1.437

10 W9 = 2.50 x 0.225 x 2.4 1.350 1.250 1.688

11 W10 = 2.00 x 0.300 x 2.4 1.44 1.000 1.440

12 W11 = 0.30 x -114.115 x 2.1 -71.892 0.150 -10.784

13 W12 = 0.30 x 0.000 x 2.1 0.000 0.150 0.000

14 W13 = 3.80 x 0.500 x 2.4 4.56 1.900 8.664

15 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 1038.362 0.000 0.000

206.618 -1378.869
16 PH = 0.134 x ### 2 - 1.20 2
) x 2.1 3522.546 -47.529 ( + ) ###

17 Braking force = 5.00 / 5 1.000 -111.890 ( - ) -111.890

18 Frictional force = 16.72 / 5 3.345 -113.665 ( - ) -380.199

3526.891 -168310.931
CG of the vertical load system from 'A' = ### / 206.618
= -814.601 m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 3.800 / 2 - -814.601

= 816.501 m

B/6 = 3.800 / 6
= 0.633 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

Pmax = ( 206.618 / 3.80 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 816.501 / 3.80 )

= 70152.78 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = ( 206.618 / 3.80 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 816.501 / 3.80 )

= -70044.04 t/m2 ( tension )

As per IRC: 78-2000, clause 706.3.4, factors of safety against sliding and over turning should be more than 1.5 and
2.0 respectively.

Check for sliding:

Factor of safety against sliding ( Fs ) = μ x ∑V / ∑H

= 0.50 x 206.618 / 3526.891
= 0.03 > 1.5

Check for over turning:

Factor of safety against over turning ( Fo ) = MR / MO

= -168311 / ###
= 1.002 > 2
Design of bed block over abutment

Area of steel required in longitudinal direction ( top & bottom ) = 1.0 % of gross area of bed block
= ( 1.0 / 100 ) x 1000 x 300
= 3000 mm2

However provide 16 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x 16 2

= 201.14 mm2

No. of bars = 1500.00 / 201.14

= 7.457 say 10 Nos.

Area of steel provided = 10 x 201.14

= 2011.429 mm2 > 1500.00 mm2

Hence provide 16 mm dia bars 5 nos. at top and 5 nos. at bottom

Area of steel required in transverse direction at top and bottom = 0.2 % of gross area of bed block
= ( 0.2 / 100 ) x 1000 x 300
= 988.6 mm2
However provide 10 mm dia two legged strriups

Area two legged strriups ( ast ) = 2 x ( π / 4 ) x 10 2

= 157.14 mm2

Spacing of main reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 157.14 / 988.57 ) x 1000
= 158.96 mm

However provide 10 mm dia of bars at 95 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = ast x 1000 / spacing

= 157.14 x 1000 / 95
= 1654.14 mm2 > 988.57 mm2

Hence provide 10 mm dia two legged strriups at 95 mm c/c in transverse direction

SLRB @ Km. 14.710

94.300 RL
94.225 Top of approach slab
Approach slab 0.225 W9 94.075 Bottom of approach slab
225 thk Gravel base 0.300 W10 W4 93.775 Bottom of Gravel base
0.350 W1 0.3 93.425 Bottom of Bed block


W5 W3

207.890 500 1850 500 500 700 500 CBL +93

0.500 W13

207.390 B 4550

Density of soil = 2.1 t/m3

Density of PCC = 2.4 t/m3
Density of RCC = 2.5 t/m3
Live load surcharge = 1.2 m
Assume frictional angle of soil ( Ø ) = 28 degrees

Length of abutment = 4700 + 150 + 150

= 5000 mm

Loads coming on to abutment

Load from dead weight of super structure = 52.88 + 6.89 + 2.28 + 4.86
= 66.90 t

Load on abutment due to dead weight of super structure = 66.90 / 2

= 33.45 t

Dead load coming on to the abutment from 8.50 m span 33.45 t ( From pier calculations)
Live load coming on to the Abutment:
Span = 8.50 m
Live load for Class - A train of vehicles
2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8

1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3 3 3

For maximum live load reaction loading position is as shown in fig.

11.4 11.4 6.8 0 0 0

1.2 4.3 0 0 0 3

RA 8.5 RB

Taking moments about left hand side support;

RB = 11.4 x 1.2 + 6.8 x 5.5 + 0 x 5.5

= 51.08
= 6.009 t
RA = 29.6 - 6.009
= 23.6 t

Total load = Dead load + Live load

= 33.4490625 + 23.591
= 57.04 t

Load per meter run = 57.04 = 11.41 t/m


Braking force = 5.00 t

Change in vertical reaction due to braking force = 1.04 t

Total load on abutment per meter run = ( 33.45 + 23.59 + 1.04 ) / 5

= 11.62 t/m

Frictional force on abutment = 0.50 x 33.45

= 16.72 t

Stress on concrete ( taking moments about A )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 V 11.617 2.600 0.950 11.036

2 W1 = 0.5 x 0.300 x 2.5 0.375 2.600 0.950 0.356

3 W2 = (1/2) x 0.70 x ### x 2.4 -96.151 3.083 0.467 -44.870

4 W3 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 2.600 0.950 -130.490

5 W4 = 0.5 x 0.650 x 2.4 0.780 2.100 1.450 1.131

6 W5 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 2.100 1.450 -199.169

7 W6 = (1/2) x 1.85 x ### x 2.4 -254.112 1.233 2.317 -588.693

8 W7 = (1/2) x 1.85 x ### x 2.1 -222.348 0.617 2.933 -652.222

9 W8 = 1.85 x 0.350 x 2.1 1.360 0.925 2.625 3.569

10 W9 = 2.35 x 0.225 x 2.4 1.269 1.175 2.375 3.014

11 W10 = 1.85 x 0.3 x 2.4 1.332 0.925 2.625 3.497

12 W11 = 0.5 x 0.000 x 2.1 0.000 0.250 3.300 0.000

13 W12 = 0.5 x 0 x 2.1 0.000 3.800 -0.250 0.000

14 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 1047.664 0.000

217.070 -1592.842
15 PH = 0.158 x ### 2 - 1.20 2
) x 2.1 4201.267 -47.739 ( -) ###

16 Braking force = 5.00 / 5 1.000 -112.390 (-) -112.390

17 Frictional force = 16.72 / 5 3.345 -114.165 (-) -381.871

4205.612 199466.974
CG of the vertical load system from 'A' = ### / 217.070
= 918.907 m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 3.550 / 2 - 918.907

= 917.132 m

B/6 = 3.550 / 6
= 0.592 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.1 and from table 9, permissible direct compressive stress for
M15 grade of concrete = 375 t/m2

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.3 and from table 11, permissible tensile stress in plain concrete elements for
M15 grade of concrete = 40 t/m2

Pmax = ( 217.070 / 3.55 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 917.132 / 3.55 )

= 94843.14 t/m2 ( compression )
< 375 t/m2 (allowable direct compressive stress for M15 grade concrete)

Pmin = ( 217.070 / 3.55 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 917.132 / 3.55 )

= -94720.85 t/m2 ( tension )
< 40 t/m2 (allowable tensile stress for M15 grade concrete)

Stress on soil ( taking moments about B )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 V 11.617 3.100 1.450 16.844

2 W1 = 0.50 x 0.300 x 2.5 0.375 3.100 1.450 0.544

3 W2 = (1/2) x 0.70 x ### x 2.4 -96.151 3.583 0.967 -92.946

4 W3 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 3.100 1.450 -199.169

5 W4 = 0.5 x 0.650 x 2.4 0.780 2.600 1.950 1.521

6 W5 = 0.5 x -114.47 x 2.4 -137.358 2.600 1.950 -267.848

7 W6 = (1/2) x 1.85 x ### x 2.4 -254.112 1.733 2.817 -715.750

8 W7 = (1/2) x 1.85 x ### x 2.1 -222.348 1.117 3.433 -763.396

9 W8 = 1.85 x 0.350 x 2.1 1.360 1.425 3.125 4.249

10 W9 = 2.85 x 0.225 x 2.4 1.539 1.425 3.125 4.809

11 W10 = 2.35 x 0.300 x 2.4 1.692 1.175 3.375 5.711

12 W11 = 0.50 x -114.115 x 2.1 -119.821 0.250 4.300 -515.229

13 W12 = 0.50 x 0.000 x 2.1 0.000 0.250 4.300 0.000

14 W13 = 4.55 x 0.500 x 2.4 5.46 2.275 2.275 12.422

15 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 1038.362 0.000 4.550 4724.549

94.037 2216.312
16 PH = 0.134 x ### 2 - 1.20 2
) x 2.1 3522.546 -47.529 ( -) ###

17 Braking force = 5.00 / 5 1.000 -111.890 (-) -111.890

18 Frictional force = 16.72 / 5 3.345 -113.665 (-) -380.199

3526.891 170132.550
CG of the vertical load system from 'A' = ### / 94.037
= 1809.206 m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 4.550 / 2 - 1809.206

= 1806.931 m

B/6 = 4.550 / 6
= 0.758 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

Pmax = ( 94.037 / 4.55 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 1806.931 / 4.55 )

= 49266.49 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = ( 94.037 / 4.55 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 1806.931 / 4.55 )

= -49225.16 t/m2 ( tension )

As per IRC: 78-2000, clause 706.3.4, factors of safety against sliding and over turning should be more than 1.5 and
2.0 respectively.

Check for sliding:

Factor of safety against sliding ( Fs ) = μ x ∑V / ∑H

= 0.50 x 94.037 / 3526.891
= 0.01 > 1.5

Check for over turning:

Factor of safety against over turning ( Fo ) = MR / MO

= 170133 / ###
= -1.013 > 2
Design of bed block over abutment

Area of steel required in longitudinal direction ( top & bottom ) = 1.0 % of gross area of bed block
= ( 1.0 / 100 ) x 1000 x 300
= 3000 mm2

However provide 16 mm dia of bars

Area of one reinforcing bar ( ast ) = ( π / 4 ) x 16 2

= 201.14 mm2

No. of bars = 1500.00 / 201.14

= 7.457 say 10 Nos.

Area of steel provided = 10 x 201.14

= 2011.429 mm2 > 1500.00 mm2

Hence provide 16 mm dia bars 5 nos. at top and 5 nos. at bottom

Area of steel required in transverse direction at top and bottom = 0.2 % of gross area of bed block
= ( 0.2 / 100 ) x 1000 x 300
= 988.6 mm2
However provide 10 mm dia two legged strriups

Area two legged strriups ( ast ) = 2 x ( π / 4 ) x 10 2

= 157.14 mm2

Spacing of main reinforcement = ( ast / Ast ) x 1000

= ( 157.14 / 988.57 ) x 1000
= 158.96 mm

However provide 10 mm dia of bars at 95 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = ast x 1000 / spacing

= 157.14 x 1000 / 95
= 1654.14 mm2 > 988.57 mm2

Hence provide 10 mm dia two legged strriups at 95 mm c/c in transverse direction


1.200 600 94.900

0.000 W1


W6 W2


500 3100 0 500 207.890
0.500 W7
B 4700

Density of soil = 2.1 t/m3

Density of PCC = 2.4 t/m3
Density of RCC = 2.5 t/m3
Live load surcharge = 1.2 m
Assume frictional angle of soil ( Ø ) = 28 degrees

Stress on concrete ( taking moments about A )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 W1 = 0.6 x 0.600 x 2.4 0.864 3.4000 2.938

2 W2 = 0.6 x ### x 2.4 -163.570 3.400 -556.137

3 W3 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 3.10 x ### x 2.4 -422.555 2.067 -873.280

4 W4 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 3.10 x ### x 2.1 -369.735 1.033 -382.060

5 W5 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 0.00 x ### x 2.4 0.000 3.700 0.000

5 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 1047.664 0.000 0.000

92.669 -1808.539

6 PH = 0.158 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 4201.267 -47.708 ( - ) ###

4201.267 -202241.753

CG of the vertical load system from 'A' = ### / 92.669

= ### m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 3.700 / 2 - ###

= 2184.269 m

B/6 = 3.700 / 6
= 0.617 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.1 and from table 9, permissible direct compressive stress for

M15 grade of concrete = 375 t/m2

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.3 and from table 11, permissible tensile stress in plain concrete elements for

M15 grade of concrete = 40 t/m2

Pmax = ( 92.669 / 3.70 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 2184.269 / 3.70 )

= 88737.91 t/m2 ( compression )
< 375 t/m2 (allowable direct compressive stress for M15 grade concrete)

Pmin = ( 92.669 / 3.70 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 2184.269 / 3.70 )

= ### t/m2 ( tension )
< 40 t/m2 (allowable tensile stress for M15 grade concrete)

Stress on soil (taking moments about B )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 W1 = 0.6 x 0.600 x 2.4 0.864 3.900 3.370

2 W2 = 0.6 x ### x 2.4 -163.570 3.900 -637.921

3 W3 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 3.10 x ### x 2.4 -422.555 2.567 -1084.557

4 W4 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 3.10 x ### x 2.1 -369.735 1.533 -566.928

5 W5 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 3.10 x ### x 2.4 -422.555 4.200 -1774.730

6 W6 = 0.5 x ### x 2.1 -119.270 0.250 -29.817

7 W7 = 0.500 x 4.70 x 2.4 5.640 2.350 13.254

6 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 1038.362 0.000 0.000

-452.818 -4077.330

7 PH = 0.158 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 4163.965 -47.498 ( - ) ###

4163.965 -201856.504

CG of the vertical load system from 'B' = ### / -452.818

= 445.779 m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 4.70 / 2 - 445.779

= 443.429 m

B/6 = 4.700 / 6
= 0.783 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

Pmax = ( -452.818 / 4.70 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 443.429 / 4.70 )

= ### t/m2 ( tension )

Pmin = ( -452.818 / 4.70 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 443.429 / 4.70 )

= 54442.10 t/m2 ( compression )

Stresses on base ( t/m2 ) Stresses on soil ( t/m2 )

SL. NO. Description
Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

1 Pier 58.65 -4.97 7.61 3.15

2 Abutment 94843.138 -94720.845 49266.493 -49225.158

3 Returnwall 88737.91 -88687.82 -54634.79 54442.10


1.200 450 104.920

0.600 W1


W6 W2


300 1600 1600 300 93.000
0.600 W7
B 4400

Density of soil = 2.1 t/m3

Density of PCC = 2.4 t/m3
Density of RCC = 2.5 t/m3
Live load surcharge = 1.2 m
Assume frictional angle of soil ( Ø ) = 28 degrees

Stress on concrete ( taking moments about A )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 W1 = 0.45 x 0.600 x 2.4 0.648 1.9750 1.280

2 W2 = 0.6 x 11.32 x 2.4 16.301 1.900 30.972

3 W3 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 1.60 x ### x 2.4 21.734 1.067 23.183

4 W4 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 1.60 x ### x 2.1 19.018 0.533 10.143

5 W5 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 1.60 x ### x 2.4 21.734 2.733 59.407

5 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 14.159 0.000 0.000

93.594 124.985

6 PH = 0.158 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 56.780 4.754 ( - ) 269.954

56.780 394.939

CG of the vertical load system from 'A' = 394.939 / 93.594

= 4.220 m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 3.800 / 2 - 4.220

= 2.320 m

B/6 = 3.800 / 6
= 0.633 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.1 and from table 9, permissible direct compressive stress for

M15 grade of concrete = 375 t/m2

As per IRC: 21-2000, clause 303.3 and from table 11, permissible tensile stress in plain concrete elements for

M15 grade of concrete = 40 t/m2

Pmax = ( 93.594 / 3.80 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 2.320 / 3.80 )

= 114.84 t/m2 ( compression )
< 375 t/m2 (allowable direct compressive stress for M15 grade concrete)

Pmin = ( 93.594 / 3.80 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 2.320 / 3.80 )

= -65.58 t/m2 ( tension )
< 40 t/m2 (allowable tensile stress for M15 grade concrete)

Stress on soil (taking moments about B )

Sl. No. Description Load ( t ) L.A. ( m ) Moment ( t-m )

1 W1 = 0.45 x 0.600 x 2.4 0.648 2.275 1.474

2 W2 = 0.6 x ### x 2.4 16.301 2.200 35.862

3 W3 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 1.60 x 11.32 x 2.4 21.734 1.367 29.704

4 W4 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 1.60 x 11.32 x 2.1 19.018 0.833 15.848

5 W5 = ( 1 / 2 ) x 1.60 x ### x 2.4 21.734 3.033 65.928

6 W6 = 0.3 x 11.32 x 2.1 7.132 0.150 1.070

7 W7 = 0.600 x 4.40 x 2.4 6.336 2.200 13.939

6 PV = 0.0395 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 15.495 0.000 0.000

108.398 163.824

7 PH = 0.158 x ### 2 - 1.20 2

) x 2.1 62.137 5.006 ( - ) 311.081

62.137 474.905

CG of the vertical load system from 'B' = 474.905 / 108.398

= 4.381 m

Eccentricity ( e ) = 4.40 / 2 - 4.381

= 2.181 m

B/6 = 4.400 / 6
= 0.733 m

Eccentricity ( e ) > B/6 → Hence tension develops on concrete

Pmax = ( 108.398 / 4.40 ) x ( 1 + 6 x 2.181 / 4.40 )

= 97.91 t/m2 ( compression )

Pmin = ( 108.398 / 4.40 ) x ( 1 - 6 x 2.181 / 4.40 )

= -48.64 t/m2 ( tension )

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