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Question 1

Choose the correct phrase to complete this opinion.


  From my point of view  , travel tells you more about a country than seeing it on TV or in a book. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

However Finally For example

Question 2

Fill in the blanks by selecting a word from the drop down menu.

In my   opinion  , it is important for children to visit other countries.

I  think   we can tell a lot about a culture by the clothes the people wear.

Trying new food is the best part of travelling, from my   point of view  .

Question 3

Which THREE of the following phrases can be used to give an opinion?

in my opinion

in conclusion

in other words

from my point of view

I think
for example

Question 4

Drag the question that is asking for an opinion into the space. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

We should go to the park this afternoon, what do you think?

Did you remember to bring money for the ice creams? What time does the park open?

Do they sell ice creams at the park?

Question 5

Choose the question that is asking for an opinion and drag it into the space on the picture. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

She thinks we should visit the mountain first, do you agree?

Can we see the mountain from our hotel? Have you ever been to the mountains before?

Does the train stop at the mountain?

Question 6

Read the questions and decide whether they ask for a fact or an opinion.  Then drag the question to the correct place on the picture.

I think the weather is going to be snowy, what about you?

Question 7

Read the sentences and decide whether they give a fact or an opinion.  Then drag the sentences to the correct place in the picture.

Which part of Canada have you decided to visit? ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Question 8

My father takes us to the swan festival every year. From my perspectiv

In which sentence is the word disagree used correctly?  Select ONE.

This is a really good plan, I disagree.

I'm sorry but I disagree — the boat trip was terrible.

Yes, that is the correct boat, I disagree with you.

Where do we catch the boat from, do you disagree? ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Question 9

In which TWO sentences is the word agree used correctly?

I must agree that there are too many tourists in the city these days.

You are wrong, the hotel is full this weekend, I agree with you.

What time does the train leave, do you agree?

Yes, you are right, the food was delicious.  I don't agree with you.

Tourism is important for our economy but I don't agree that it earns the most money.

Question 10 ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Read the definition and choose the correct word.

To think the same or have the same opinion as someone else.   agree  

disagree think idea

Question 11

Choose the correct phrase to complete this question asking for an opinion.

I like trying different kinds of transport when I travel,   what about you  ?

Question 12
Drag the correct word to its space on the picture.

agree ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

opinion speaking

Question 13


Which of these sentences expresses an opinion?

The market offers many different kinds of local food.

My friends recommended a fantastic restaurant in the centre of the city.

Each time I visit a new country, I research what the best local food is.

None of the above

Question 14

Drag the sentence that expresses an opinion onto the picture. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Each region of India has its own traditional cuisine.

I visited Mumbai last year, and I think tasting all the food was the best part of

I did not realise that so many people in India are vegetarian until I travelled there.

I had never tasted Indian food before.

Question 15

Which THREE of these sentences express an opinion?

From my point of view, watching a match live is a great way to experience the local culture when you visit another country.

My father has never missed any of his team's home games.

Football is one of the most popular sports in our culture, in my opinion.

There were over 12,000 supporters at last week's grand final match.
I think it is important that we support our national team whenever they play.

Question 16 ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Which phrase can we use to give our opinion?

from my point of view


for example


Question 17

In which of these sentences does the speaker disagree with someone?

I haven't got any ideas.

I think you are wrong.

I don't like swimming.

She isn't answering her phone.

Question 18

Which of these questions is asking for an opinion? Drag it onto the picture. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Do you have clothes like this in your culture? Is this for men or women to wear?

I love the colours of this dress, what about you?

Question 19

Drag the definition for the phrase below into the space on the picture:
thinking the same or having the same opinion as someone else. 

disagree enjoy fight

Question 20

agree ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Which TWO of these questions are asking for an opinion?

What do you think?

Do you know where we are?

What is the answer?

Do you agree?

Question 21


Which word is missing in this sentence?

In my   opinion  , it is important that people read about a country before they visit it.
Question 22

In which sentence does the speaker agree with someone?

I like trying new foods. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

I saw that movie yesterday.

That's a really good idea.

I watch TV every evening.

Question 23

Which TWO items show the culture of the United Arab Emirates?

Question 24
Which sentence below is giving an opinion?

I visit museums when I go on holiday.

Martin travels to London every summer.

I think it is important to understand the culture of other countries.

The national bird of the USA is the eagle. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Question 25

Drag the correct definition into the space.


To think or have the same opinion as someone else —   agree  .

To think differently or have a different opinion to someone else —   disagree  .

How someone thinks or feels about something —   opinion  .

talk idea

Question 26

Match the correct word to the picture below.


laugh shout agree

Question 27

Which of these questions are asking for someone's opinion? Select ONE.

Do you agree?

What are your thoughts? ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

What about you?

All of the above.

Question 28

Drag the correct words to the spaces to make questions that are asking for opinions.

What do you   think   about the restaurant?

I don't like visiting museums, what   about   you?

What are your   thoughts   about the sightseeing tour?

I think we should visit the old town first, do you   agree  ?

decide for

Question 29

Which of the following sentences expresses an opinion? Select ONE.

I hope to go and watch a football match when I go to Italy.

I think Italy looks like an interesting place to visit.

My friend Aisha visited the Colosseum when she went to Italy.

The most famous Italian foods are pizza and pasta.

Question 30

Read each sentence, decide if it is a fact or an opinion and select the correct option from the drop down box. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Playing chess is a popular hobby in our culture.   Fact  

I think chess is great for developing thinking skills.   Opinion  

I feel that chess is too difficult for me — I always lose!   Opinion  

Chess championships are held all over the world every year.   Fact  

Question 31

Is the question asking for a fact or an opinion?  Type fact or opinion in the space.

Do you think it is important for children to understand other cultures?   opinion  

From your point of view, what is the best age for children to start visiting other countries?   opinion  

What are the traditional games for children in your country?   fact  

Do your children meet children from other cultures at school?   fact  

Question 32

Which word is missing in this opinion?


From my   perspective  , you can only really learn about another culture by living in that country.
Question 33

Which word is missing here?  Select from the drop down menu.

I am sorry, but I   disagree  .  You say the weather is warm in December but it is actually always very cold. ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

Question 34

Which TWO pictures show traditions in the United Arab Emirates?

Question 35

Read the definition and choose the correct meaning from the words below.

To think differently or have a different opinion to someone else.   disagree  

Question 36
Which TWO of these are phrases we use to give our opinion?

what about you

from my perspective

do you agree

I feel ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

what do you think

Question 37

Which TWO phrases would we use to ASK for someone's opinion?

Do you agree?

from my perspective

What do you think?

from my point of view

I disagree

I feel

Question 38

Choose THREE phrases that can be used to give an opinion.


in my eyes
from my perspective

on the other hand

in comparison

for example ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

I disagree

Question 39

Japan looks like a really interesting country to visit, what do you think?
Which is the best answer below?

There is a flight to Tokyo on the 18th of July.

I agree, there is beautiful scenery, wonderful culture and delicious food to try.

I love sushi but don't know any other Japanese foods.

My best friend lived in Kyoto for a year.

Question 40

Drag the correct answer into the space.


Harry wanted to know my   opinion   of travelling by bus.

I told him I like trying new kinds of transport; from my   point of view   it is the best way to get around.

Harry   disagrees  , he would prefer to take private transport.

idea thinks ‫اﻧﺳﺦ اﻟراﺑط وﺣطﮫ ف ﻗوﻗل‬

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