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(chapter 1-3)

eminent - (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere

stipulation - a condition or requirement that is specified or demanded as part of an agreement
spick-and-span (adjective) - spotlessly clean, fresh, brand-new
mortification - great embarrassment and shame
scrutinize - examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
faux pas - an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation
dished - having the shape of a dish; concave
remuneration - money paid for work or a service
yarrow – деревій (якась рослина)
fatuous - silly and pointless
dilapidated - (of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect
portentous - done in a pompously or overly solemn manner so as to impress
nudnik - a pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore (від рос. “зануда”)
apprehensive - anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
blasé - unimpressed with or indifferent to something
withered - (of a plant) dry and shrivelled
poplar – тополя
candid - truthful and straightforward; frank; (of a photograph of a person) taken informally,
especially without the subject's knowledge
divulge - make known (private or sensitive information)
cliques- a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them
pinafore – фартух? Якийсь одяг
presuppose - to suppose beforehand (duh)
inasmuch as - to the extent that; insofar as
brusque - abrupt or offhand in speech or manner
chink – a slur
mollify - appease the anger or anxiety of (someone)
blotted - marked or stained
imbibe - drink (alcohol)/absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge)/(botany, seeds) absorb
placid - not easily upset or excited
fluttering - moving with a light irregular or trembling motion
timidly - in a manner that shows a lack of courage or confidence
hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence
Tenderloin - “Beef tenderloin is widely regarded as the most tender cut of beef”
ingratiating - intended to gain approval or favour
fawn - a young deer
hereditary - (of a person) holding a position by inheritance
contemporary - living or occurring at the same time
wrought iron - a tough malleable form of iron suitable for forging or rolling rather than casting
ostensibly - as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently
wholesale - the business of selling of goods in large quantities and at low prices
Gresham's law, observation in economics that “bad money drives out good.”
boodle - money, especially that gained or spent illegally
reckoning - the action or process of calculating or estimating something
needle - provoke or annoy (someone) by continual criticism or questioning
moat - a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, fort, or town
barmy — mad, crazy
piddling - pathetically trivial; trifling
plod - walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps
wit - the capacity for inventive thought and quick understanding
breechloader is a firearm in which the user loads the ammunition
heed – pay attention
bellow - shout something with a deep loud roar
kike – slur for jews
pensive - engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought
cortical - relating to the outer layer of the cerebrum
droll - curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement
miffed – annoyed
rhododendrons – якісь квіти
trifle - a thing of little value or importance
utterance - the action of saying or expressing something aloud
quixotic - extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
scowl - frown in an angry or bad-tempered way
valiant - possessing or showing courage or determination
beanery - a cheap restaurant
garrotte – шина (медична)
maladroit – clumsy
thwart – oppose
solemn - formal
sybaritic - fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure
urbane - refined in manner
frenzy - uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour
rabid - having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something
anterior - nearer the front, especially in the front of the body, or nearer to the head or forepart
mitigate - make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful
gavotte – french dance
vis-à-vis - in relation to; with regard to/as compared with; as opposed to
plight - a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation
perpetrate - carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action)
sternness - the quality or state of being demanding or unyielding (as in discipline or criticism)
meted – provided something
shirk - avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility)
exhalt - praise, glorify, or honor
immolate - kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by burning
transpire - come to be known; be revealed
grope - search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands

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