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Learning Activity 1.4: This is my loved on.

Read Juan’s Introduce and choose one of your loved ones and write and record a short audio
of his/her presentation, also answer think about this questions and answer. Is he or she a
genuine example? Does he/she have bad habits? Do you recommend him/her to someone? You
must keep in mind the example when you are going to write and record this one.

This is my loved one.

His name is Juan Andres, His last name is Serrano, He is from Colombia, He lives in Cali, and
He’s 15 years old. His birthday is on 30th of November. He is a student at Comfandi School, His
favorite subject is math, and His favorite sport is soccer. His father is a professor and His mother
is a dressmaker. His hobby is to play soccer, in his free time, He also likes to read and dance, He
doesn’t like to cook and wash the dishes, His favorite food is pasta, His favorite juice is Lulo
Juice, His favorite day of the week is Sunday because it’s the family day, His favorite singer is
Hector Lavoe. His favorite place is La Leonera. He likes it because it’s very cold place and He
studies English because He wants to be a professor.

Now, write and record an audio one of your loved ones to complete the stage. You must write at
least Twelve (12) lines in the appropriate contexts. / Use the template below to do the activity.
This is my loved one.

Her name is Dua, her last name is Lipa, she is from U.K, She lives in Londres,
and She´s 24 years old, her birthday is on 22th of August, she is a fashioner
designer, model and singer, her favorite rhythm is pop, she loves to parade on
fashion platforms. Her Father is a vocalist in a rock band and her Mother is
tourism agent. Her hobby is to play music and write lyrics for her songs in her
free time, she also likes to sing and travel around the world, she doesn´t like to
drive car or bike, his favorite food is the pizza with extra cheese, her favorite
drink is the with wine, the love every days because she enjoys them with her
family, her inspiration is Kathy Perry and Nelly Furtado, his favorite place is
Capri, Although she loves her audience and singing also likes to get away from
the stage, that's Capri is her favorite place.

Image from:

Para desarrollar y enviar la actividad, siga las instrucciones a continuación:

 Dé clic en el botón Activity 4 en el menú principal, luego haga lo mismo en Learning

Activity 1.4: This is my loved one.
 Descargue el documento en formato Word.
 Desarrolle la evidencia.
 Guarde nuevamente el archivo en su computador en formato PDF y el audio.
Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor el archivo a través de la plataforma, así:

 Dé clic en el botón Activity 4 en el menú principal y luego en Learning Activity 4: This is

my loved one.
 Dé clic en agregar entrega y busque su archivo en el computador.
 Asegúrese de adjuntar los 2 archivos, 1 en formato PDF y otro en audio y dar clic en guardar
 Escriba algún comentario si lo considera pertinente.
 Dé clic en Enviar.

Nota: si al momento de enviar una evidencia, el sistema genera el error "Archivo Inválido", tenga
en cuenta que es debido a que el archivo no lo está enviando en formato PDF.

assessment criteria
 Realiza breves aportes a diferentes individuos dentro de una sociedad a través de
experiencias, las cuales pueden lograr fortalecer o debilitar nuestro ser.
 Expresa críticas constructivas hacia otras personas, sin alguna perturbación, de
una manera clara, sencilla y discreta.
 Demuestra con su forma de ser y pensar, que es un ser, sin ninguna clase de
discriminación dentro de una sociedad y sus posibles cambios.

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