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TURMA:____ TURNO:_____

Prova Bimestral de Inglês

Aluno(a): Data: _ /_/_

Leia, com atenção, a letra de música a seguir para responder às questões

Ruth B.
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time

QUESTÃO 1 - Escreva a correta tradução das palavras “mine”, “forever” e “smile”?

QUESTÃO 2 - Qual o correto significado da frase “And I see forever in your eyes”?

Observe o texto abaixo e responda às questões:


Saúde e qualidade de vida de jornalistas: estudo de revisão

Salud y calidad de vida de periodistas: estudio de revisión

Objective: Systematic review of the literature on work-related health and quality of life of
journalists. Methods: Searches were carried out in the following databases: LILACS,
SciELO, DOAJ, MEDLINE, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Springer Link The
searches focused on articles published in Portuguese, English and Spanish in national and
international journals in the period from 2005 to 2015. The selection process followed
preestablished steps and criteria for the study as well as the application of Relevance Tests.
Results: The selection yielded eight publications for review. Aspects and/or issues regarding
the health-disease-care process of journalists, which have been highlighted in studies, are
included in the following categories: vocal health/expressiveness (three: 37.5%); mental
health (four: 50%) and nutritional health (one: 12.5%) - all of them have been addressed
separately. There is a lack of studies based on a broad and comprehensive view of health and
quality of life. Conclusion: The study shows a need for research and investments in the
development of a culture for the promotion of health and quality of life of journalists, which
may happen through the interdisciplinarity in the fields of Health, Communication and
Education, with the support from the sector associations and the media.

Descriptors: Health Promotion; Occupational Health; Quality of Life; Communication;

Journalism; Education

QUESTÃO 3 - Qual o gênero do texto?


QUESTÃO 4 - Qual a correta tradução do título do texto?


QUESTÃO 5 - De acordo com o texto estudado em sala de aula “History of

Cinematografy”, em que período o cinema foi criado?

“Cinema is much younger than theatre. It was born at the ende of the 19th century. The first
people who showed the firts movies to a paying public were the Lumiere Brothers of France.
They did this on the 20th February 1896 at the Grand Cafe, Boulevard des Capucines, Paris.
This was the first cinema show. [...]”
Trecho retirado do texto “History of Cinematografy”


QUESTÃO 6 - Ainda de acordo com o texto “History of Cinematografy”, o cinema

nasceu antes ou depois da criação do teatro?

QUESTÃO 7 - Leia o texto abaixo e responda corretamente acerca do gênero textual


a) Bilhete.
b) Convite.
c) Mensagem instantânea.
d) Postagem de rede social.
QUESTÃO 8 - O gênero textual abordado abaixo é:


The director of the Butantan Institute, Dimas Covas, said this
Saturday, "if vaccination against covid-19 in Brazil starts in
January, the drop in the number of cases and deaths from the
disease should only be felt in April". The statement was given at
an event at the Centro Universitário Claretiano, in Batatais, in the
interior of São Paulo.

a) Report.
b) Chronic.
c) News.
d) Announcement.

QUESTÃO 9 - A sequência correta de acordo com os emoticons é

a) sick / sleepy / hot

b) thirsty / angry / hot
c) cold / hot / sleepy
d) scared / sleepy / hot

QUESTÃO 10 - Observe a imagem. A frase que melhor a descreve é:

a) The boy is tired.

b) The girl is very tired.
c) My father is tired.
d) The boys are sad.

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