Assessing Young Learners

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Seven essential
considerations for
assessing young learners

Amy Malloy looks at how special children are as learners and weighs up the

implications for assessing them.

J osie is sitting in her classroom. Her
teacher comes in and announces
they are doing a test today and that it is
‘Most things that involve children are
“special” and language assessment is
no exception’ (Hasselgreen, 2005: 337).
“Children are not
yet sufficiently
really important that they do well. There Young learners have very different
is no time to prepare. Next, the teacher needs to adult learners – they are self-aware or
hands out a sheet with a list of grammar much less tolerant to formal tests and

questions and starts a timer on her desk. stress, and perform much better when

They have 10 minutes to answer all the they are having fun. When assessing
questions. Josie panics. Her heart is young learners, it is important that developed
beating. She can’t read the questions we take the differences which make
properly. She tries the first question. It’s children special into account, to to control or

quite easy. She knows that word. The avoid assessing something other
next one is OK too. But then the next than their language learning. This counteract the
one is really difficult. She panics and article introduces seven essential
powerful feelings

starts to cry. She’s going to do really considerations for assessing young

badly in this test! learners, to help you plan motivating
brought on by

assessment techniques for your

Luke is sitting in his classroom.
His teacher comes in, smiling, and
students and to ensure you get accurate
progress reports for your parents.
stress and anxiety.”
announces they are going to play a

game. Brilliant! Luke loves games. He 1. Children react differently

grins at his friends. The teacher puts to stress developed to control or counteract the

them into teams and sticks pictures of As adults, we are often able to harness powerful feelings brought on by stress
people doing different hobbies on the the adrenaline brought on by a stressful and anxiety. They have a much lower
board. One by one, they have to go to the situation to focus our mind and tolerance and will lose the ability to

front of the class, write a short sentence produce an enhanced performance. remember skills and concentrate on a
in English describing what the person is The same cannot be said of children. task much sooner than an adult would.
doing, and run back to their team. The Anxiety begins with a sense of threat Consequently, anxiety in a classroom
first team to all write something and get which releases chemicals known to situation can have a direct negative
back to their desk is the winner and will trigger the ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction. In impact on test scores (Black, 2005).
get a special prize! Luke is so excited! this situation, the body experiences a
range of physical and mental symptoms, On the contrary, when feeling calm
Both teachers work at the same school. including raised blood pressure and and relaxed, the brain releases positive
They both hand in a list of scores for faster breathing. Under extreme stress, hormones which enable the child to
their test on the present continuous unit the memory and concentration are pay attention, make connections and
with their class. Can you guess which affected too. Children are not yet to solve problems more easily (Bailey,
class did better? sufficiently self-aware or psychologically 2001: 45–47).

20 n Volume 24 n Issue 1


What does this mean for assessment?

nn Create an atmosphere of calm or

fun around your classroom when
planning an assessment activity, in
which it is not obvious to the child
that they are being assessed. For
example, if you want to check they
have mastered the vocabulary or
grammar from the coursebook, try
creating a game which practises

the content and which will give you
the opportunity to review how well

individuals have mastered it, rather
than a sit-down test.

nn If you do need to carry out a more

formal test with your class, avoid
stressing the importance of doing

well in the test. A fun warmer activity
beforehand can get the children’s

positive emotions flowing and make
the atmosphere informal. Reward
stickers for participating are another
encouraging idea.
2. Children have a different concept
of time and sequence
The child development research field

has identified that children only seem

to begin developing the ability to think

back and sequence events from the past she likes playing tennis’, whatever the or ‘leader’ of an assessment activity
at around 9 or 10 years old (Orbach language.When you are designing in the classroom. This works with a
& Lamb, 2007). Before this point, they test questions for your class, it is game or even to introduce a more

might find it difficult to mix tenses and important to take their conceptual formal sit-down test if needed. It will
explain when something happened in understanding of time into account. easily catch the children’s attention
the context of something that happened and create the fun, non-stressful

earlier. Piaget’s theories argue that this nn You might also find it helpful to do
atmosphere we discussed earlier.
is because understanding time and some more sequencing activities and
Create a story around the puppet to
sequence depends on being able to games to support their understanding

emphasise its importance as a VIP

understand cause and effect: in other of different tenses.
in the classroom (it could be a guest
words, understanding that one action
from England, for example). This can
happens as a consequence of another, 3. Children need to impress (you
motivate the child to speak English in
or even that one action happens before and each other)

another in time. order to attract the puppet’s attention.

Younger children are more likely
than adults to seek adult and peer nn With older children, try using a

What does this mean for assessment? approval for their actions. Many child rewards system such as a wall
development researchers attribute this chart with stickers or stamps for
nn Children below the age of 9 or 10 are
to the fact that often a child’s good completion of course units or

likely to find questions with a mix

behaviour results in more smiles and knowing a certain number of words.
of tenses quite difficult. If they make
positive encouragement from adults. The incentive of their achievements
mistakes in this area, it might not be
Incorporating this need into your being put on show for other classes
because they do not understand the
assessment activities with younger can also prove motivating.
past simple tense or past continuous
learners can lead to more motivated
linguistic form. It might be instead that
students and better performances on
they do not understand what the past 4. Children need to know why they
language tasks.
tense really means in comparison to are doing something
the present tense. For example, they During the time they are in primary school
What does this mean for assessment?
might not understand the underlying (typically 5 to 12 years), children are
concept of a phrase, such as ‘When nn With younger children, try using a constantly trying to understand the world
Mary was little, she liked dancing. Now puppet or character toy as the focus around them, where they fit in it, and

n Volume 24 n Issue 1 21


what boundaries and expectations exist together. The first team to figure out 5. Children are still acquiring their
around them. As they grow older and the code word gets a sticker. first language
they come into contact with more people Children continue to acquire their first
nn Similarly, rather than just a series of
and more worlds outside their immediate language up into their early teens. It may
anagrams on a page as a vocabulary
family, the need to test these boundaries be less obvious during the older years,
test, you could introduce the activity
and to ask ‘why?’ increases. In order to but there will likely still be words and
as being a way to help someone
understand how particular boundaries concepts they have not fully mastered
else achieve a goal. However, make
are relevant to them personally, they yet. This period is known as the ‘critical
sure any fun introduction is always
need to have clear, simple instructions period’: a period of a child’s development
followed by a clear instruction for
and explanations about why they are when their brain is particularly open
action. For example,‘Oh dear! Lizzie
carrying out a particular task. They will to language. If they are also learning a

dropped all her words! She’s in
not necessarily be able to make the link second language during this time, it can
trouble. Can you help her put them

themselves between a task in front of have some benefits. It is thought that the
back together again? Write the words
them and the end outcome. Their ability ‘critical period’ allows a child to acquire a
in the correct order.’
to do this will also vary greatly, even second language in a similar way to their
within class groups, depending on their first, and that this ability decreases as they

individual cognitive developmental stage.
“The way they view get older. However, it can also have some
disadvantages. The child may make errors

What does this mean for assessment?
and understand based on links with his/her first language,
or get confused between the two. They
nn Make sure any assessment activity

or game is introduced with clear, the world becomes may even learn a new world concept for
the first time in their second language
simple instructions.You may like
to present these in the children’s more complex, and rather than their first (e.g. they are shown
an apple and told it is ‘apple’, before they
native language, using pictures rather
this affects their know the word in their first language).
than words, or using the puppet or a
Evidence from the field of child
volunteer to demonstrate.

nn Allow plenty of time for questions

understanding and development suggests a clear shift at
around 10 years old in the way a child

and further explanation.

use of language, associates words with ideas (Miller &

Johnson-Laird, 1976). It demonstrates

nn It is important that assessment tasks are
authentic and that children can see regardless of a change in the way he/she attaches
meaning from the world around to
the relevance for them. For example,
whether it is their linguistic input. At around 10 years old,

rather than just asking children to fill

they tend to start to make more abstract
in gaps in a sentence, why not make
it into a game with a goal: a series of native or a foreign associations between words. The way
they view and understand the world

words or letters from the gaps could

make up a secret code word when put language.” becomes more complex, and this affects
their understanding and use of language,

regardless of whether it is their native or

a foreign language.

What does this mean for assessment?


nn When preparing test questions or

assessment activities, be sensitive

to what the child may not yet have

mastered in their first language and
what concepts they are already

familiar with. Questions or activities

targeting language outside this area
will be unlikely to produce a reliable
picture of what the child is capable of
in their second language.
nn When marking test questions or
assessment activities, be careful not
to penalise the child for an error
that could be due to their linguistic
development. Could a particular error
from a child be influenced by their

22 n Volume 24 n Issue 1


first language? Could it be because 7. Children get distracted easily

they are not familiar with the concept As we have seen above, children are
at all yet, even in their first language? still developing their capacity to take in
Or could it be because they simply and process the world around them. The
do not understand the world in younger the child, the less able they are
that way. For example, emotions are to control their reactions to stimuli from
quite complex concepts for younger the world around them. This means they
children. So teaching and assessing get distracted and bored much more
the word ‘happy’,‘sad’,‘angry’ before easily and quickly than adults do.
they understand these conceptually
would not be relevant and would give What does this mean for assessment?

you an unreliable assessment result.
nn Make assessment tasks short and

vary them often. It may help to
6. Children may understand more include a mix of interactive activities
than they can produce with classmates and you, and quiet

During the first few years of their life, pencil activities.
children deal only with spoken language.
nn Try keeping more formal assessment

As a result, their listening skills are often
activities to a maximum of 30
the most mature and they are nearly
minutes. Much longer, and you will
expert listeners (as a physical skill)

begin to assess a child’s ability to sit
by the time they are 5 or 6 (Cameron,
still and concentrate, rather than their
2001). To be able to produce spoken
knowledge of the language.
language relies on the development of Black, S. (2005) Test anxiety. American School
physical motor skills – actually being Board Journal, 3.
able to pronounce the sounds with their
voice and mouth. Similarly, they will “A key part of Cameron, L. (2001) Teaching Languages to
Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge
start learning to read, and to understand University Press.
written language, well before they have this is ensuring Hasselgren, A. (2005) Assessing the language

mastered how to use a pencil or to form of young learners. Language Testing, 22,
that the child is

words. Just because a child cannot say or
Miller, G. & Johnson-Laird, P. (1976) Language
write a word or sentence in English, does
not necessarily mean they do not know relaxed, engaged and Perception. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

what it means.
and happy (and Orbach,Y. & Lamb, M. E. (2007) Young
children’s references to temporal attributes of
What does this mean for assessment? allegedly experienced events in the course
ideally, completely

of forensic interviews. Child Development, 78,

nn It is important to include a mix of 1100–1120.
receptive and productive language unaware!) during

tasks, as this may highlight that

while a child understands a piece of
language or a concept, they might not
the process.”
yet have mastered the motor skills

required to pronounce or write it.

Taking into account the considerations
nn For younger children (pre-reading/ above will ensure the results and

learning to read) base assessment observations from your assessment

around spoken language, particularly activities with young learners are
response to spoken instructions and assessing their language learning only,

Amy Malloy is Regional Learning

matching tasks. This will give you a and are not influenced by factors and Assessment Manager at Oxford
more reliable picture of what they irrelevant to what you are trying to University Press, providing consultancy
support for partner institutions to
have mastered linguistically, because measure. A key part of this is ensuring
develop their assessment strategy.
you are only assessing their language that the child is relaxed, engaged Amy has over 10 years’ experience in the
mastery – not their cognitive or motor and happy (and ideally, completely ELT industry across a range of functions
skills development. It will also avoid unaware!) during the process. including primary classroom teaching,
market research, and young learner
causing undue anxiety for the child.
course and assessment development.
nn If you are assessing their writing skills References She holds a Master’s degree in
Language Testing from the University of
specifically, provide the same support Bailey, B. (2001). Conscious Discipline – Brain Lancaster, researching the suitability of
that they would get when writing in Smart Classroom Management. Loving using the CEFR for young learners.
their first language. Guidance.

n Volume 24 n Issue 1 23

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