Research Question

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Research answers:
1. Cultures are grouped together by a set of similar beliefs, values,
traditions, and expectations which call all contribute to differences in
communication between individuals of different cultures.[2] Cultural
communication is a practice and a field of study for many
psychologists, anthropologists, and scholars.

2. Culture affects communication in verbal and nonverbal ways. Culture

can influence how we communicate verbally via the words, phrases,
metaphors, and culture-specific slang between two or more people.

3. cultures are created through communication; that is, communication is

the means of human interaction through which cultural characteristics—
whether customs, roles, rules, rituals, laws, or other patterns—are
created and shared. It is not so much that individuals set out to create a
culture when they interact in relationships, groups, organizations, or
societies, but rather that cultures are a natural by-product of social
interaction. In a sense, cultures are the "residue" of social
4. Body Language and Space

Addressing People

Cultural & Language Barriers

Cultural Barriers in the Workplace

Gift Giving

Table Manners: An Overview of Cross Cultural Dining


5. The relationship between culture and communication, in all its forms, is

tightly interwoven and interlinked. We can see that communication
enables the spread and reiteration of culture.  Both communications and
the media propagate the values and schemas of a culture through
the repeated interaction and exchange enabled by the communications

Own answer:
First, we should say what are cultures and what is communication.
So what is a culture? “Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming
from colere, meaning to cultivate) generally refers to patterns of
human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities
significance and importance. Cultures can be understood as
systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest,
that lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that
interact and compete with one another. Culture can be defined as
all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a
population that are passed down from generation to generation.
Culture has been called the way of life for an entire society. As
such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals,
art. norms of behavior, such as law and morality, and systems of
belief.” Being the answer from, so in a
summary from that in our own word culture are the ideas, customs
and social behavior of a particular people or society. And what is
communication? “Communication is the sending and receiving of
information and can be one-on-one or between groups of people,
and can be face-to-face or through communication devices.
Communication requires a sender, the person who initiates
communication, to transfer their thoughts or encode a message.
This message is sent to the receiver, a person who receives the
message, and finally, the receiver must decode, or interpret the
message. This sounds simple enough but is more complicated” that
will be the answer form but ours is more simple; our
answer will be that communication is the imparting or exchanging
of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.
So based on this fast and our more expanded investigation. we
have research that all cultures are made by a set of similar beliefs,
values, traditions, forms of thinking. so we can say that we
concluded that in cultures there is not a specific form or way in how
communication works or how is made. So in any big small any kind
of culture all types of communication count as form of
communication on cultures; every culture has a preference of
communication but there’s not a specific form, some examples can
be by gifting things or communicating by verbal or oral way.

But in some cultures some forms of communication are seen as a

disrespectful act. But why? Why do cultures see some kind of
communication and see it like something disrespectful while others
see it like something that you have to do or without problem? Well
that is because the culture differences, but… what are culture
differences? That is a difficult question and so is a difficult answer;
so due to another investigation that says “Cultural differences are
the various beliefs, behaviors, languages, practices and expressions
considered unique to members of a specific ethnicity, race or
national origin. Some examples of cultural differences as they
pertain to the workplace include employees who are younger or
older than their co-workers, employees who hold higher degrees
than others in the workplace and individuals who grew up in either
metropolitan areas or small towns. It is said that employees often
have more similarities than they do differences, but those
differences can sometimes outweigh the similarities. While these
various differences can create a more vibrant office, they can also
lead to more than a few problems resulting from culture clash.” So
in less words cultural differences are the various beliefs, behaviors,
languages, practices and expressions considered unique to
members of a specific ethnicity, race or national origin. Some
examples of cultural differences as they pertain to the workplace
include employees who are younger or older than their co-workers,
employees who hold higher degrees than others in the workplace
and individuals who grew up in either metropolitan areas or small
towns. It is said that employees often have more similarities than
they do differences, but those differences can sometimes outweigh
the similarities. While these various differences can create a more
vibrant office, they can also lead to more than a few problems
resulting from culture clash. So answering to our question “Why do
cultures see some kind of communication and see it like something
disrespectful while others see it like something that you have to do
or without problem?” the answer will be that culture can influence
how we communicate verbally via the words, phrases, metaphors,
and culture-specific slang between two or more people. It also
affects what topics are deemed appropriate for conversation based
on cultural norms/values present within a culture's social
environment; having some examples as: the languages, the laws
and the way of leaving Now with this we have more and more and
more questions about culture and communication and if we
continue without investigation will have more questions and less
answers. But that will be all about our own answer to our question
about communication in culture.

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