Laboratorio Sistemas Electricos

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Power Conservation & Measurements

Laura Tatiana Rojas Rozo


Theoretical Framework
1. Measurements
R1 a R2 (2K ohmios)
2. Range
a) Scale
It is a conventional measurement standard, and basically consists of an
instrument capable of representing with great fidelity verbally,
graphically or symbolically the state of a variable.
b) Resolution
c) Precision
d) Accuracy
This is how close an instrument reading approaches the true value of
the quantity being measured. the measured quantity may be different
from the true one, due to the effects of temperature; humidity, and
3. Instrumentation and Connection
i. Use and connection of Ammeter and Voltmeter
A voltmeter is the instrument used to measure the difference in
electrical potential between two points in an electrical circuit.
ii. Connection in Serie and Parallel: A circuit composed solely of
components connected in series is known as a series circuit; Likewise,
one connected completely in parallel is known as a parallel circuit.
Many circuits can be analyzed as a combination of series and parallel
circuits, along with other configurations
4. Theoretical Concepts
i. Kirchhoff's Laws
The law of nodes or Kirchhoff's first law says that at any node, the sum
of the currents entering that node is equal to the sum of the currents
The circuit law or Kirchhoff's second law says that the algebraic sum of
the differences in electric potential in a closed circuit is equal to zero.

ii. Ohm's Law

Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two
points is directly proportional to the voltage at the two points.
Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance.

iii. Active and passive elements

Active components control the flow of charge in electronic circuits. By

definition, active elements generate power for any device. This is the
central component to operate any device. The two parameters to
consider for the correct operation of the device are current and voltage.

Passive items are quite the opposite of assets. They do not require any
external voltage to do their work among them is the resistance, the
capacitor, the inductor.
But these elements are not capable of providing power by themselves,
They require the help of active devices.

iv. Power Conservation

Energy conservation is the effort made to reduce energy consumption
by using less energy.

Experimental data

Equivalent Resistance(Req)=0.334 KΩ

Req=334 Ω

Node voltage


VA =7.22V

VB=5.09 V
VC =3.95V

VD=3.17 V

Resistance voltages

VR 1=2.12 V

VR 2=3.17 V

VR 3=1.14 V

VR 4=0.77 V

VR 5=1.91 V

VR 6=1.92V

Total current ( ¿ )=027.68 mA

It=0,028 A

Resistance currents( IR )

IR 1=0.0021 A

IR 2=0.0215 A

IR 3=0.0052 A

IR 4=0.0052 A

IR 5=0.0129 A

IR 6=0.0034 A
Power elements( PR)

PR 1=0,0045
PR 2=0,0683
PR 3=0,0059
PR 4=0,0040
PR 5=0,0248
PR 6=0,0066

Theoretical Results of The Circuit

Select th six resistances less than 470 Ohms. You can choose the value as you want. No
all equal values.
Resistances: K
1. 100

2. 150
3. 150

4. 150

5. 220
6. 560


2. 5pts. Source Current and Power (Is)

3. 5pts. Equivalent Resistance (Req)

4. 5pts. Node Voltages (Vs, VA, VB, VC and VD)

5. 5pts. Resistances Voltages (VR1, VR2, VR3, VR4, VR5 and VR6)

6. 5pts. Resistances Currents (IR1, IR2, IR3, IR4, IR5 and IR6)

7. 5pts. Elements Powers (Ps, PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5 and PR6)
8. 5pts. Conservation Power Verificatio
Datos Teóricos

R1 100 0,1

R2 150 0,15

R3 220 0,22

R4 150 0,15

R5 150 0,15

R6 560 0,56

Equivalent Resistance (Req)

R 34=R 3+ R 4
R 34=0,22+0,15
R 34=0,37 KΩ
1 1 1
+ +
R 34 R 5 R 6

1 1 1
+ +
0,37 0,15 0,56

RBD=0,089 K Ω


RT =R 1+ R 2+ RBD

RT =0,1+0,15+0.089

RT =0,339 K Ω

Source Current and Power (Is)


10 V
0,339 K Ω

Is=29,49 mA

Is=0,029 A
Is=IR 1=IR 2=29,49 mA
Resistances Voltages (VR1, VR2, VR3, VR4, VR5 and VR6)


VR 1=IS∗R 1

VR 1=29,49∗0,1

VR 1=2,949 V

VR 2=IS∗R 2

VR 2=29,49∗0,15

VR 2=4,42V


VBD=29,49 mA∗0,339 K Ω

VBD=VR 5=VR 6=9,99 V

VR 3=IR 3∗R 3

VR 3=27∗0,22

VR 3=5,94 V

VR 4=IR 3∗R 3

VR 4=27∗0,15

VR 4=4,05V

VR 1=2,949 V
VR 2=4,42V
VR 3=5,94 V
VR 4=4,05V
VR 5=9,99V
VR 6=9,99V
Resistances Currents (IR1, IR2, IR3, IR4, IR5 and IR6)
IR 3=
R 34

IR 3=

IR 3=27 mA

IR 3=IR 4=27 mA

IR 5=

IR 5=

IR 5=66,6 mA

IR 6=

IR 6=

IR 6=17,8 mA

IR 1=29,49mA
IR 2=29,49 mA
IR 3=27 mA
IR 4=27 mA
IR 5=66,6 mA
IR 6=17,8 mA

5pts. Elements Powers (Ps, PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5 and PR6)

PR 1=VR 1∗IR 1

PR 1=2,949∗29,49

PR 1=86,96 W

PR 2=VR 2∗IR 2

PR 2=4,42∗29,49

PR 2=130,34 W

PR 3=VR 3∗IR 3

PR 3=5,94∗27

PR 3=160,38 W

PR 4=VR 4∗IR 4

PR 4=4,05∗27

PR 4=109,35 W

PR 5=VR 5∗IR 5

PR 5=9,99∗66,6

PR 5=665,33 W

PR 6=VR 6∗IR 6

PR 6=9,99∗17,8

PR 6=177,822 W

PR 1=86,96 W

PR 2=130,34 W
PR 3=160,38 W

PR 4=109,35 W

PR 5=665,33 W

PR 6=177,822 W

Node Voltages (Vs, VA, VB, VC and VD)



VB=10 V −2,949V

VB=7,051 V


V C=7,051V −5,94 V

V C=1,111V

V D=V C−VR 4

V D=1,111 V −4,05V

V D=2,939 V

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