The Constitution of The Youth Advocates For United Nations

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PREAMBLE We, the Youth Advocates for United Nations, soldiers of the Almighty, servants of society, in order to establish a synergized network of young Filipino leaders, hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution. ARTICLE I Name and Domicile
Section 1. The name of the organization is Youth Advocates for United Nations. Section 2. The organization may in the daily course of affairs also use the name YAUN as abbreviation. Section 3. The organization is established in the Philippines. ARTICLE II

Statement of Purpose and Principles

Section 1. We envision YAUN as a network of globally competitive young Filipino leaders, guided by Filipino values, that works with the United Nations agencies for the localization of policies and ideals geared towards the sustainable development of the Philippines. Section 2. YAUN is set to: B.I.L.I.B 2.1 BREAK the notion of despondency among Filipino youth and instill the belief that they can make a difference through unity amidst diversity. 2.2 INNOVATE programs and projects to ensure the empowerment of the youth in responding to the challenges of the global community. 1

2.3 LEAD the Filipino youth in promoting and fulfilling the localization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 2.4 INSPIRE Filipinos to think beyond national borders in the enactment of social responsibility and sensitivity while remaining rooted to their cultural identity. 2.5 BUILD a strong and progressive Philippine Society by keeping check on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), political integrity, and good governance. Section 3. Standing in unity and in faith, we, YAUN, understand that for us to achieve our collective aims we must be RAPPERS. Responsive, Accountable, Proactive, Patriotic, Empowered & Excellence- oriented, Resilient and Solutions oriented. 3.1. That in recognition of the issues affecting all communities, we pledge not to succumb to apathy and to become Responsive youth in the belief that every slightest course of action do takes us one step closer to our goals; 3.2. We stand in agreement that we are accountable for every action we take in our involvement in society. We believe that as responsible young people we are driven by our conviction to serve the Filipino community. 3.3. We acknowledge that the world is diverse and that to attain harmony among us and with the global community, we assert to practice foresight and to necessarily act in advance: 3.4. That as primary beneficiaries of the fruits of our elder's toils, we guarantee our respect, love, and loyalty to our own country and also give value and deference to the international society; 3.5 As the empowered future leaders and citizens of the world, we adhere to learn from the mistakes of the past, mark our work with excellence and utilize all our capabilities to contribute and take part in decision making processes that will shape and affect our existence; 3.6. We then affirm that, as young contributors to our society, we are faced with difficulties and failures along our way. Yet we will remain optimistic and flexible, able to easily recover and move on, by cur hopes and desires for a better world to live in. 3.7. We recognize that as youth leaders our innovative ideas would create sustainable activities that would have high chances of adaptability. We commit to

provide cost-effective measures as we work collaboratively for positive changes in society.

ARTICLE III Membership, Recruitment, and Admission Membership Section 1. The following are the qualifications for membership: (1) At least 15 years old and no older than 26; (2) A resident of the Republic of the Philippines for at least one fiscal year; (3) Of good moral character; (4) An active member of at least one youth-oriented organization; (5) Satisfactory academic standing (for students), with no more than 3 failing marks, if any. Section 2. Classifications of Member Advocates 2.1. Those who meet the qualifications for membership and have duly passed the admission process are considered Active Members. 2.2. Those put under probation during admission procedures or by sanctions raised by officers are considered Probationary Members. 2.3. Those below 15 years old (i.e. Elementary and High School student leaders) who are willing to serve and participate in the organization shall be considered as Junior Volunteers. 2.4. Young professionals who exceed the age provision (no older than 35) and who continually share their time and expertise to the organization shall be considered as Associate Members. 2.5. Those who do not fall in any category above but still recognized by the NEC and are willing to support the Vision and Mission of the organization (i.e. businessmen,

professionals, national and chapter advisers from the different government and non-government agencies) are considered Honorary Members.

Recruitment and Admission Section 3. Recruitment and Admission Process: 3.1. Orientation seminars shall be conducted on mandated dates by active chapters throughout the country. 3.2. Interested parties must then file their application to the chapter coordinators within a weeks time. 3.3. The standardized application forms will be screened by the Membership Committee for the verification of its accomplishment or invalidation. 3.4. Those who successfully accomplish the standardized application forms shall be eligible for the Panel Interview phase of the application process 3.5. Applicants who passed the Panel Interview shall be declared as Probationary Members under the 6-month probationary period. They will be required to serve the organization for 6 months, which includes attendance and participation, especially in 3 major activities or minor activities required by the chapter. Members must then register online. 3.6. After the 6-month probationary period, the National Screening & Membership Committee will announce the roster of the official members with the evident track of their participation and attendance in the organizations activities. The official members are then required to attend the official YAUN leadership training organized by the local chapter. 3.7. New members will be asked to pay a minimal amount (to be determined by the
Membership Committee) as registration fee that will cover the cost of ID, and certificate.

Section 4. Individuals and parties who have participated in the establishment phase of the organization prior to the promulgation of this constitution shall be recognized as Pioneer Advocates. However, they are still required to submit pertinent documents mandated by the Membership Committee.

ARTICLE IV Organizational Structure Section 1. The following is the organizational structure of the YAUN National President Founder and National Advisers

National External Vice President PUBCOM ADHOC NETCOM NETWORK MEMBERS PARTNERS Secretary-General

National Internal Vice President SAM IEECOM PAPCOM FINCOM


National Treasurer

National Auditor

ARTICLE V Officers and Duties Section 1. Active membership in this organization shall be the sole qualification for any office. Section 2. The tenure of office of all National officers shall be 2 years; Section 3. The executive power shall be vested in the National Executive Council (NEC) with the seat of President as highest chair. Section 4. The Composition of the National Executive Council shall be as follows: (1) National President; (2) National Internal Vice President; and (3) National External Vice President; (4) Secretary-General; (5) National Treasurer; (6) National Auditor; Section 5. The National Executive Council shall have the following duties: 5.1. Manage the over-all affairs of YAUN; 5.2. Exercise functions as mandated by the Constitution; 5.3. Jointly decide on the national concerns through votation; 5.4. Formulate priority projects to be implemented within an operational year; 5.5. Create regulations to supplement the existing provisions of the constitution for the convenience and necessity in realizing the mission and vision;

5.6. Check and approve budget appropriation proposed by the Finance Committee; Section 6. The National President shall have the following duties: 6.1. Lead the organization as the chief elected officer; 6.2. Represent YAUN in official fora, meetings, and assemblies; 6.3. Plan and chair NEC and general meetings; 6.4. Act as main liaison between YAUN and external parties; 6.5 Enforce adherence to YAUNs Constitution and By-laws; 6.6. Review financial reports submitted by Finance Committee, 6.7. Appoint all standing and special committees; 6.8. Responsible in making decisions for issues requiring immediate actions and responses; Section 7. The National Internal Vice President shall have the following duties: 7.1. Act as Officer-in-charge in the absence of the National President, 7.2. Head internal affairs committees and regional groupings; 7.3. Facilitate members formation and capacity building programs; 7.4. Receives requests and concerns from internal committees and individual members; 7.5. Support the National President in the enforcement of the Constitution and bylaws and the implementation of working policies; Section 8. The National External Vice President shall have the following duties: 8.1. Act as Officer-in-charge in the absence of the National Internal Vice President; 8.2. Head external affairs committees; 8.3. Facilitate networking and partnership strategies; 8.4. Stand as ambassador and spokesperson of YAUN in promotions;

8.5. Support the National President in the enforcement of adherence of the Constitution and by-laws and the implementation of working policies; Section 9. The Secretary-General shall have the following duties: 9.1. Keep all official documents and records of YAUN; 9.2. Call for meetings upon request of the National President; 9.3. Records the minutes of the Executive meetings and national assemblies; 9.4. Prepare documents requested by the organization and required by external affairs and functions; 9.5. Collect and submit development reports quarterly to the National Executive Committee for review and approval; 9.6. Coordinate and communicate with Regional Secretaries; Section 10. The National Treasurer shall have the following duties: 10.1. Take charge of the financial transactions, including collecting, disbursing, and liquidating financial reports; 10.2. Act as Chair of the Finance Committee; 10.3. Coordinate and communicate with the Regional Treasurers; 10.4. Provide the organizations monthly financial reports; 10.5. Provide financial statements at the end of every Fiscal year; 10.6. Hold the bank book for the official YAUN bank account; Section 11. The National Auditor shall have the following duties: 11.1. Audit, verify, and examine all financial accounts; 11.2. Supervise the entries in the books of accounts of YAUN; 11.3. Render reports of his audit findings annually;

ARTICLE VI Standard and Special Committees Section 1. The following are the Internal Standard Committees of YAUN and their respective functions: 1.1. Screening and Membership Committee or SAM; a. Take charge of the Recruitment and Admissions procedures of the organization; b. Administer sanctions for behavioral and participatory concerns; 1.2.Information, Education, and Communications Committee or IECCOM; a. Maintain and update the official website; b. Keep the organizational communication database; c. Manage organizational education through information technology resources; d. Facilitate technical set-up during online meetings; 1.3. Finance Committee or FINCOM; a. Work under the command of the National Treasurer; b. Manage the budget appropriation; c. Strategize fund-raising and sponsorships; d. Provide financial reports annually and when requested;

1.4. Policy and Plans Committee or PAPCOM; a. Draft the constitution and by-laws of YAUN; b. Create further policies that are necessary or desirable for the better management of organizational affairs; c. Furnish documents promulgating the stand of YAUN in issues; d. Advise on plans deliberated by the National Executive Council; Section 2. The following are the External Standard Committees of YAUN and their respective functions: 2.1 Publications Committee or PUBCOM; a. Manage the official publication or newsletter of YAUN; b. Facilitate promotions and advertising; 2.2 Special Projects Committee or ADHOC; a. Formulate special projects and programs geared towards the Mission and Vision of YAUN; b. Facilitate establishment of committees for assemblies such as the annual MDG summit; 2.3 Networking Committee or NETCOM; a. Work under the command of the National External Vice President; b. Manage networking and partnership affairs; c. Serve as organizational logistics; d. Serve as liaison committee to public and private institutions; Section 3. The YAUN Commission on Elections or YAUN-COMELEC shall be considered a special committee; 3.1. The drafting of members shall be done during the first day of the annual assembly/ summit;


3.2. YAUN-COMELEC shall sanction the election process according the guidelines of the NEC on

ARTICLE VII Regional Groupings and Government Section 1. The regional groupings shall be based according to Major Islands: Luzon Region, Visayas Region, Mindanao Region; Section 2. Each region is shall be headed by a Representative who shall be elected along with the National Executive during the annual assembly; Section 3. The head of

ARTICLE VII Meetings Section 1. National Executive Committee Meeting 1.1. Meetings of the National Executive Committee shall be called by the National Secretary upon the request of the National President, or the written request of three (3) members to the National Governors. The quorum for any meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one of the active members. The National Secretary, in consultation with the National President will send a provisional agenda to each division, co-opted Member and individual member at the same time as when the notice of such a meeting is given. At a meeting of the National Executive Committee, in the absence of the National President, the National Vice President shall preside. If both pres and vice are absent, prior to the meeting, the president shall choose who will preside.

1.2. 1.3.




Meetings of the National Executive Committee shall take place in person, by phone, or by any other means agreed to by the National Executive.

Article Elections Section 1. The National Elections shall be held every two years during the commencement of the National MDG Summit of that year.

ARTICLE IMPEACHMENT AND OTHER SANCTIONS SECTION 1 Impeachment 1.1 Any officer(s) of the UNYAP Min may be impeached on the following grounds: a. Negligence or abandonment of duty or three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Executive without any valid reason; b. Unreasonable spending of UNYAP funds; c. Any willful violation of this constitution; d. Gross violation of any of the programs and policies of the Disciplinary Board and/or Executive Body at all levels; e. Gross violation of the rights of other members; f. Any form of misconduct which undermines the integrity of the UNYAP; and g. Conviction involving moral turpitude 1.2 Any officer of the UNYAP Min may be impeached should duly undergo


the impeachment procedures imposed by this constitution and the Disciplinary Board. 1.3 Only one impeachment complaint of the same accused can filed within 6 months. Section 2. The Impeachment Process shall be as follows: 2.1. The complainant should submit a written complaint to the Disciplinary Board. The Disciplinary Board will determine if the complaint has propabable cause. 2.2. The complainant should also furnish a copy of the complaint to the accused officer. 2.3.If the Disciplinary Board identifies that the complaint has a probable cause, the Disciplinary Board should furnish a copy of the complaint to the accused and request for a reply to be submitted not later than seven (7) working days. 2.4. After submitting the reply, the Board can summon both parties for hearing. Both parties can bring their own legal council. Thereafter the Board can decide on the complaint. 2.5. Motion for reconsideration or written appeal for motion for consideration should be submitted within seven days after the decision has been made 2.6. All unforeseen circumstances refer to the revised penal code of the Philippines or any law applicable. Section 3. The following are grounds for suspension: 3.1. Insubordination to the higher-ranking officer; 3.2. Negligence due to the following; a. Habitual drunkenness during sessions b. Habitual tardiness 3.3. Smoking during sessions; 3.4. Unruly conduct during all official activities of the organization; 3.5. Any act that can distract and demoralize the other members of the organization and disrupts the meeting. 3.6. Violation of Dangerous Drug Act of 1970 and any similar laws; Section 4 Suspension process


4.1. The complainant should submit a written complaint to the Disciplinary Board. The Disciplinary Board will determine if the complaint has propabable cause. 4.2. The complainant should also furnish a copy of the complaint to the accused officer. 4.3. If the Disciplinary Board identifies that the complaint has a probable cause, the Disciplinary Board should furnish a copy of the complaint to the accused and request for a reply to be submitted not later than seven (7) working days. 4.4. After submitting the reply, the Board can summon both parties for hearing. Both parties can bring their own legal council. Thereafter the Board can decide on the complaint. 4.5. Motion for reconsideration or written appeal for motion for consideration should be submitted within seven days after the decision has been made 4.6. Motion for reconsideration or written appeal for motion for consideration should be submitted within seven days after the decision has been made. 4.7. The duration of the suspension shall be decided by the disciplinary board. 4.8. All unforeseen circumstances refer to the revised penal code of the Philippines or any law applicable. ARTICLE APPROVAL AND RATIFICATION OF THE CONSTITUTION Section 1. The following shall be conditions of the approval and ratification of this constitution: 1.1. A constitutional assembly will be approve the constitution but will only be valid after the ratification of the majority of the members of the National Executive Committee. 1.2. Any amendment to, or revision of this constitution shall only be authorized not earlier than one year upon the approval and the ratification of this constitution. Section 2 Amendments and revisions: 2.1. Any amendment to, or revision of, this constitution may be proposed by: a. The National President; or b. at least three members of the National Executive Committee 2.2. Amendments to this constitution may likewise be directly proposed by the members through initiative upon a petition of at least twenty-five per centum of the total number of registered members. 2.3. If the there is a proposal to amend or revise the constitution, the National Executive Committee will act as a Constitutional Convention. A Constitutional Convention is a body assembled for the express purpose of 14

framing a Constitution, or revising existing Constitution, or formulating amendments to it for the approval of the members of the organization. 2.4. Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution under Section 2.1, and 2.2 hereof shall be valid when ratified by a majority of total votes cast in plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than fifteen days or not later than thirty days after the approval of each amendment or revision by the Constitutional Convention.


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