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INFORMED CONSENT 2. What kind of sauce do you like in Siomai?

September 12, 2022 ___Soy Sauce ___ Toyomansi ___Hot and Spicy
Respondents, ___ Sweet and Sour Others (Specify): __________

Good day!
3. What kind of packaging do you like in Siomai?
You are invited to participate in the Business Plan conducted by KIM A. AGUSTIN,
RALPH B. SUERTE, MARKO D. GESTOPA and CHRISTIAN G. PERAS, because you fit in the ___Paper Plate ___Cellophane ___Banana Leaf
criteria of the study. ___Plastic Cup Others (Specify): __________
Your participation is completely voluntary and anonymous to protect your privacy. Please
read the survey questionnaire below and ask questions about anything you do not understand before
deciding to continue the interview. B. Price
1. How much is your maximum budget that you can afford to buy for a Siomai?
Hence, future results of the study will guide us in the making of the final output. After
extracting data from your interview, it will be disposed according to standard study procedure. Small Size for 3 Pieces: ___6 Pesos ___9 Pesos ___12 Pesos
Medium Size for 5 Pieces: ___15 Pesos ___20 Pesos ___25 Pesos
Large Size for 10 Pieces: ___30 Pesos ___40 Pesos ___50 Pesos
Product: Siomai
C. Place
1. Where is the most convenient location for to buy the Siomai?
General Instruction: Kindly check (/) or fill in the space provided.
___ JHS Canteen ___SHS Canteen ___Street Vendors
I. Profile
___Room to Room Delivery Others (Specify): __________
Name (Optional): ________________________________ Sex: ___Male ___Female
Age: ___11-13 years old ___17-19 years old
2. What is your other preferred means in buying the Siomai?
___14-16 years old ___20 years old above
___Meet up ___Delivery (Rider)
___Going to Store Others (Specify): __________
Daily Allowance: ___Php. 20.00 below ___ Php. 41.00 – 60.00
___ Php. 21.00 – 40.00 ___ Php. 61.00 above
D. Promotion
1. How do you like the Siomai to be advertised?
II. Proving Question:
___Social Media ___Print Media ___Broadcast Media
Do you eat Siomai? ___Yes ___No
___Face to Face Others (Specify): __________
If yes, Proceed to Part III. If no state your reason: __________________

2. What kind of freebie/discounts do you like when buying Siomai?

III. 4P’s of Marketing (Marketing Strategy)
___Buy 10 get 1 free ___Free Iced Tea ___Buy 5 get 10% discount
A. Product
___ 1 Raffle entry Others (Specify): __________
1. What kind of variety do you like in Siomai?
___Pork ___Chicken ___Shrimp
Thank you for your cooperation!
___Beef Others (Specify): __________

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