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82 10.45 INSPIRATIONS PatatinBaseLis) 1—Charm Animal ‘2 Inspirations 1* 3—Charm Kind Inspirations I * 5—Suzzestion [Familiar "7 —Anspiations LV * ‘8 Hold Kind I Inspirations V * 10 Mactae of Kina f Thea ards target —_Uhevh 10M Dedvv Lugget varies Tug P. WR 2rdstvl {target 1o"RAvl eget Target 10K ¢ ard int i mii ngpiracons Vi andy tla King Con 14 Master of King ona “To {Soins VI rowed 1 1Inspintons V+ Be [S-ngpintions I+ do-ovew vane 25—Inyprons TORI Zr Trget varies 50—inspations Masiey___vaes 1 Ti—Summoa Mount at iP 1oRM 2d 10RA Target 2edyfvt 1—Charm Animal (M) Animaltargesbelievescasterisa good frend, 2—Inspirations I (M*) Allowscastertoinspreallwithina 10 Rivtof himself who are on the caster’ side (dhe must be aware tha eis ther). ‘Thus giving them a-+5 tall rolls. Not hat this spel does not affect the caster. Inspiration spells are aot cumulative. This spel is normally only ‘sable in combat ora highly religous moments. 3—Chiarm Kind (M) Humanoid target believes casters a good fiend. '4--Inspirations II (M*) As/nspiratims! exceptbonusis +10. ‘$—Suggestion (M) Target will follow asingle suggested actthatisnot ‘completely alien to him (suicide, binding himself, et). {6—Familiar (M) The caster can ature himself to acreatre of animal Igelligence or lower The caster must obtain the creature (can be niomore than 3 times easter's mass) and cast te spell thrice a day for one week (Concentrating one hour each time), thecaser can then control the familiar ad view the world trough it's senses by concentrating (within 0/1) Ifthe animal is Killed, the caster wil be at -S0 to al actions for 1 week. ‘7—Iaspirations IV (M®) Asinspiraions/exceptbonusis+20, 8—Hold Kind I (M) Humanoid targets held 025% of normal actions. 9— Inspirations V (M*) Asinopiratims! exceptbonusis +25. 10—Master of Kind I (M) TargetmustobcycasterasinSuggestion. L1—Summon Mount (M) Caster getsasteedwithintheareathatismost suited tothe casters mission. Steed must be unclaimed by another being. ‘Steed is of animal intelligence or lower 12—Inspirations VI(M*) Asingpirations!exceptbonusis +30 13—Hold Kind I (M) As Hold Kinal excepttwotargetsmay beheld. 14—Master of Kind 11 (M) As Mast ofKindlexdeptcurationis 1m’ wl with ange of 100. 15—Lnspirations VIL (M*) Aslasphations exceptbonusis+35, 17—Inapirations VIII (M*) As nspirations?exceptbonesis +40. 19—Inspirations IX (M™) As/nspitions/ exceptbonusis +45, 20—Quest (M) Target is given one task, failure results ina penalty ‘determined by GM and Paladin’s dvirity (task mast be within target's capobility). 25—Inspirations X (M=) As aspirations! exceptbonusis 450, 30—True Quest (M) As Questecept failure is punished by the target suffering an" critical on each ofthe critical tables 50—Inspirations Mastery (M) Caster can use | spellon his isteach round (10th level or lower) Jadin Base Spell Li 10.5 ARCANESPELLLISTS 10.51 SPELL TRIGGERS (AxaespetLiso NOTE: The specifi Spell Tigger cast mustbe castataievel equal ibe level of the second spell AreaneSpell sit 2—Smel Trigger 1 Spell Varies Self S—Deeteot Waiting Sel 10miniod Se - ‘S_Feel Tigger Spell Varies sett 1Spet Varies set 1 Spel! Varies sat 12—Sight Trigger 1 Spell Varies Sat Be a 1S-Spell Tigger 1 Spell Vazies ‘20—Spell Trigger 1 Spell Varies 25=-Spell Trigger I pel Varies 30--Lord Spell Tigger 1 Spell 50—Spel Tiger Tre 1 Spell 2—Smelt Trigger (U) When another spell i cast within rounds casting ofthis spell this spell Keeps the second pel from going of uni the designated tigger smell (does not have tobe simple) i encountered, ‘The maximum range for the triggering is detormined by the maximus range of the the socand spell, and the caster may st the triggering rane ‘anywhere within the maximum Thisspll lasts untilriggeredor24hous, ‘whichever comes ist, 1724 hourscomes isthe spell automaticaly gos ff Note: At the GM's discretion, this spell may beset upon any objet and be mobile o at an immobile location. 3—Detect Waiting (P) This spell allow the spell casero detect any ‘Waiting oF Trigger splls in the spell range. ‘5—Feel Trigger (U) AsSmellTriggeraboveexcept thatthe second spl is wiggered by a specific physical sensation, fabs Ward (2 aa Wi 1—Time Trigger (U) As Smell Triggerahoveexceptthattvesecondspel may be se to o off at a specific time. 9—Sound Trigger (U) AsSmell Trigger hoe except that the secon spel is triggered by a specific sound or sequence of sounds (may be words). 12—Sight Trigger (U) AsSinellTriggeraboveexceptthesecondspel is triggered by a specific sight or sequence of sights. 15—Spell Trigger I(U) AsSmelTriggerexcepthatthisspllallowsth ‘castertouse allo the lower level Trigger spellson this istsimultaneowsy, 20—Spell Trigger II (U) AsSpellTriggerfexceptthathisspell canta the second spell for up w 1 week. 25—Spell Trigger III (U) AsSpellTriggerFexceptthatthisspellcanbold the second spel for up to L month. '30—Lord Spell Trigger (U) AsSpet!Triggerexcepthatthis pelican hho the second spell for up to I year ‘50—Spell Trigger True (U) AsSpellTrigger lexcephatthsspelean hold the secon spell until wiggered

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