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Department of Physics, MSU-IIT

Activity 1: Vectors

NAME Diane G. Marcial GROUP NO. 3

Activity No.1


All measurable quantities may be classified either as scalar or as vector quantities. Graphically, a
line segment represents a vector whose length indicates its magnitude and an arrowhead at the
tip of the segment indicates its direction.

When vectors do not have the same line of action, their vector sum is not their algebraic sum
but a geometric sum. Either graphical method or analytical method may determine the geometric
method. Graphical method is of two kinds: parallelogram method and polygon method. The
parallelogram method is especially suitable when more than two vector quantities are considered
while the polygon method is more suitable when more than two vectors are given. Graphical
methods for the solution of vector problems are frequently not accurate. To get more accurate
results, the analytical method is used. When only two vector quantities are to be added, the sum,
which is called the resultant, is readily obtained by applying the sine and cosine laws. If more than
two vectors are added, applying the component method is more suitable.

The vectors considered in this activity are concurrent forces. An instrument used to verify is
called a force table (see Figure 2.1). The force table determines the equilibrant, a force equal in
magnitude to the resultant but opposite in direction. A force table should be mounted with its
surface horizontal. The object on which the forces act is a ring at the center of the table. A pin
within the ring prevents motion of the ring before equilibrium is established. Forces are applied
on strings that pass over pulleys and connected to weight hangers. The direction of each force is
read on the circular scale of the force table.

Figure 2.1: Force Table Apparatus

Law of Cosine:
𝑎2 = 𝑏2 +𝑐2 −2𝑏𝑐cos𝐴
𝑏2 = 𝑎2 +𝑐2 −2𝑎𝑐cos𝐵 (1)
𝑐2 = 𝑎2 +𝑏2 −2𝑎𝑏cos𝐶

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Department of Physics, MSU-IIT
Activity 1: Vectors
Law of Sine:

𝑎 = 𝑏 = 𝑐 (2) sin𝐴 sin𝐵 sin𝐶

To study vectors and to determine the resultant of several vectors by the graphical and
analytical methods.

pencil, ruler, protractor


Given are the following concurrent forces which are acting on one body:

F1 = 5 cm; 300 F2 = 7 cm; 700 F3 = 10 cm; 1500

1. Two of the forces given above will be assigned to you. Call them forces 𝐹𝐴 and 𝐹𝐵.
Determine graphically their resultant by the use of parallelogram method.
2. Using the component of a vector method, compute the resultant of forces 𝐹𝐴 and 𝐹𝐵.

3. Consider the three given forces F1, F2, and F3. Find the magnitude and direction of the
three given forces using polygon method.

4. Compare the results you obtained in part (3) with an online simulation tool.

5. Calculate also the resultant of the three vectors using the component of a vector

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Department of Physics, MSU-IIT
Activity 1: Vectors


Given: F1 = 5cm; 300

F2 = 7 cm; 700
F3 = 10 cm; 1500

𝐹𝐴 = F2 and 𝐹𝐵 = F3

1. (a) Parallelogram method to find the resultant and equilibrant of 𝐹𝐴 and 𝐹𝐵. (3 pts.)

2. Show below how to find the resultant of forces 𝐹𝐴 and 𝐹𝐵 using the components of a vectors
method. (3 pts.)

Vectors x-component y-component

FA 2.39 cm 6.58 cm
FB - 8.66 cm 5.00 cm
R = 13.17 cm RX - 6.27 cm Ry 11.58 cm

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Department of Physics, MSU-IIT
Activity 1: Vectors
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (|Ry / Rx|) = 61.57° 𝑅 = 13.17 cm; 118.43° from the positive x-axis

3. Polygon method to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant for vectors F 1, F2 and
F3. (3 pts.)

4. Using the online tool mentioned above, take a screen shot of your output and placed it at the
last page.

5. Compute analytically the resultant of the three vectors assigned to you

Vectors x-component y-component

F1 4.33 cm 2.50 cm
F2 2.39 cm 6.58 cm
F3 -8.66 cm 5.00 cm
R = 14.21 cm RX -1.94 cm Ry 14.08 cm

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Department of Physics, MSU-IIT
Activity 1: Vectors
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (|Ry / Rx|) = 82.15° 𝑅 = 14.21 cm; 97.85° from the positive x-axis

6. Make the following comparison of the results for magnitude and direction obtained from
steps 1 and 3.

a. parallelogram method vs. component of a vector method (2 pts.)

Percent Difference = 13.2 cm - 13.17 cm X 100% = 0.2278%
13.17 cm

Percent Difference = 118.5° - 118.43° X 100% = 0.0591%

b. polygon method vs. computer simulation tool (2 pts.)

Percent Difference = 14.2 cm - 14.2103 cm X 100% = 0.0725%
14.2103 cm

Percent Difference = 98° - 97.8302° X 100% = 0.1736%

c. polygon method vs. analytical method (2 pts.)

Percent Difference = 14.2 cm - 14.21 cm X 100% = 0.0704%
14.21 cm

Percent Difference = 98° - 97.85° X 100% = 0.1533%

What we mean by the word “Compare”:

We mean is that finding the error by comparing it to the standard value. The formula is given
below. For this activity, the experimental value is the one that is obtained using the graphical
method and the standard value is taken from the result of the analytical calculation or simulation.
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Department of Physics, MSU-IIT
Activity 1: Vectors


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Department of Physics, MSU-IIT
Activity 1: Vectors


2) FAx = (7cm)cos(70°) = 2.39 cm FBx = (10cm)cos(150°) = -8.66 cm

FAy = (7cm)sin(70°) = 6.58 cm FBy = (10cm)sin(150°) = 5.00 cm

RX = FAx + FBx Ry = FAy + FBy

= 2.39 cm + (-8.66 cm) = 6.58 cm + 5.00 cm
= - 6.27 cm = 11.58 cm

 11.58cm 
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (|Ry / Rx|) = 𝑡𝑎𝑛− 1   = 61.57°
 − 6.27cm 

R = ( Rx ) 2 + ( Ry ) 2 = (−6.27 cm) 2 + (11.58cm) 2 = 13.17 cm; 118.43° from the positive x-


5) F1x = (5cm)cos(30°) = 4.33 cm F1y = (5cm)sin(30°) = 2.50 cm

F2x = (7cm)cos(70°) = 2.39 cm F2y = (7cm)sin(70°) = 6.58 cm
F3x = (10cm)cos(150°) = -8.66 cm F3y = (10cm)sin(150°) = 5.00 cm

RX = F1x + F2x + F3x Ry = F1y + F2y + F3y

= 4.33 cm + 2.39 cm + (-8.66 cm) = 2.50 cm + 6.58 cm + 5.00 cm
= - 1.94 cm = 14.08 cm

𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (|Ry / Rx|) = 𝑡𝑎𝑛− 1  14.08cm  = 82.15°

 − 1.94cm 
 

R = ( Rx ) 2 + ( Ry ) 2 = (−1.94 cm) 2 + (14 .08cm) 2 = 14.21 cm; 97.85° from the positive

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