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Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu (LP3M)

WORKSHOP • Please download QR code scanner into your mobile
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code and it will
direct you into a
certain link.
• Please fill out the
survey given in the
Five Targets for Transformation of Teaching

Content Reinforcement


Formative Assessment

Interpersonal/Professional Skills

Summative Assessment/Evaluation
Unhappy Moments
When we discover —often while grading the final
exam—that what our students have learned is
not at all what we thought we were teaching.

Faculty, and for that matter students, need

effective ways of monitoring learning throughout
the semester.
What are CATs
and Why Use Them ?

Classroom Assessment Techniques

“Simple, non-graded, in-class activities designed to
give you and your students useful feedback on the
teaching-learning process.”
Purpose of Classroom Assessment

1. Formative : to inform teaching and improve

2. Context-Specific : Chosen to fit the subject
matter and needs of the particular class
Take out a sheet of paper … no names needed (anonymous)

Muddiest Point
As an educator (someone who will not just understand,
but also put in to practice) …

What was the muddiest point in the lecture unclear

to you?

Where are you “stuck” with CATs?

Muddiest Point

• As a teacher … what should I do with these


• Do I have time to read them all?

• Can I take class time to address them all?
• How do I show you I value your responses?
Minute Paper
During the last few minutes of the class period, ask
students to answer on a half-sheet of paper

•What is the most important

point(s) you learned today?

•What point(s) remains least

clear to you?
The Minute
One-Sentence Summay Template

• Description
A ______is kind of _______that _______
• Sequence
________begin with, continue with _____and ends with _______
• Compare/contrast
______and _____are similar and that both_____, but_____while_______
• Cause/Effect
_____________causes _________
• Problem/Solution
_________wanted _________ but ______so _______
Assessment is one or more process that identify,
collect, and prepare data to evaluate the attainment
of students outcomes. Effective assessment uses
relevant direct, indirect, quantitative and qualitative
measures as appropriate to the outcomes to be
measured. Appropriate sampling methods may be
used as part of an assessment process.
Methods of Assesment
• Formative Assessments techniques monitor student
learning during the learning process.
Example : - Written reflections
- Polls/Surveys
- Check for understanding
- Wrappers

• Summative Assessments techniques evaluate student

Example : - Exam
- Papers/Project/Presentation
Comparison of Formative and Summative
Formative Assessments Summative Assessments
Purpose To improve instruction and To measure student
provide student feedback competency

When administered Ongoing throughout unit End of unit or course

How students use results To selft-monitor To gauge their progress
understanding toward course or grade-
level goals and benchmark

How teachers use results To check for For grades, promotion

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, Checking for understanding formative assesssment techniques for your classrooms
Areas we can explore with CATs
Three Steps to Using CATs Effectively

Step 1: Decide which CAT will provide the information that you desire
or need.

Consider Time
and Energy Required

CATs are ranked (Low, Medium, High) by time and energy required in
three areas: Prep, In class, and Analysis.
Step 2: Implement the CAT.

Give clear directions for implementing each CAT.

Most CATs are administered in the last few minutes of class and require
note cards or half-sheets of paper.
Step 3: Respond to the feedback collected
Review the responses before the next class and decide what changes if any need
to be made. For example…
Revisit a topic already discussed
Assign a new reading
Use more small group discussion
Share a summary of students’ responses and explain what changes will be made
if an area for improvement is indicated based on student input. If no changes,
explain why.

Always complete the Feedback Loop. Feedback from students is matched with
feedback from instructor!

When changes are made as a result of student feedback, students understand

that the process has credibility and their input is valued.
Most Important Step!
Team Work
Stages of Team Development: Tuckman Model

• Forming: (orientation): Establish ground rules & goals;

Tentative interactions; ID commonalities
Contoh: Team Work

• Storming (conflict): disagreement, resistance, criticism of

ideas, hostility
• Norming (cohesion): Communication, Cohesiveness, unity,
Common vision
• Performing (performance): Achieve goals, Decision making,
Problem solving
Methods to Assess Teamwork
1. CATME: Online Survey (very good)
• Validated against a model
• Takes a long time to gather and evaluate data
2. Written Surveys
• Metrics vary – some are “light”
• Takes a long time to gather and evaluate data
3. Quick $$: Fast, In-Class Survey Method
• Easy, fun
• Not for grade --- to help teams grow and develop
• Not for grade --- to help professor identify problems
CATME Team Survey Method
Methods to Assess Teamwork

Quick $$: Fast, In-Class Survey Method

• Easy, fun
• Not for grade --- to help teams grow and develop
• Not for grade --- to help professor identify problems
Quick $$ Survey

• Quick method for identifying if teams need

faculty “intervention”
• Not anonymous – but not shared
• Folded paper – quick
• Faculty member compiles
Introduction: Quick $$ Survey

• Each team member has $1.00 (or $100) to divide

amongst their team (including themselves)
depending on their opinion about their
performance and engagement with the team
• No criteria – just their “feeling”/opinion

Team Team Team Team

Member Member Member Member
$50 $30 $10 $10

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