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Did you know that MOOC and Traditional classes are different?
Nowadays, the way of taking classes has changed a lot. Education has
evolved through the time and it also adapted because of multiple factors
that the world is suffering. As we all know the traditional way of
learning where students and teachers work together in a classroom have
found a new rival. MOOC or Virtual learning is a new option that has
been here in silence and was only known by few people. Both of them
have similarities or differences that I am going to write now, because
these ones are the more important. MOOC and traditional classes are
important; nonetheless, each of them has significant points to differ and
to debate.

The most important difference between these types of education is the

cost. MOOC, as it’s taken in your home, has more advantages that
disadvantages. It means that we don’t spend too much money. For
instance, the university doesn’t pay for the internet service, no more
paying for travelling by bus or for eating at home. All these factors
mean saving money. In contrast, traditional classes always mean spending
more money. For example, all the days leaving home for taking your
classes, you need to buy food and you need to pay for study materials.
The cost also for education is higher because we are using their

Another difference between these two types of education is the time.

The availability of time is a big issue. In traditional classes that time we
spend on the bus or on the street takes too much time that can be
invested in other activities. On the other hand, MOOC or virtual learning
is the perfect way to take advantage of time, as you don’t have to
move from one place to another, you can prioritize other things. Having
more time available; sometimes can have consequences, most of the
teachers might make the assumption that since you are taking distance
learning, you have much time, so they can leave lots of homework.
And the last difference is one of the more debatable points, interaction.
Teachers and students have interaction with distance learning, most of
the time all the classes are recorded or online but aren’t the same. The
experience of being in a class full of students and feeling under pressure
when you are on an exam is matchless whereas there is completely live
experience in traditional classes.

Finally, One similarity that is seen in some cases between these two
types of education is the number of students. In virtual learning the
classroom can hold approximately 27-28 students; in the same way,
traditional classes can cover the same amount, between 27 or 28
students approximately. This makes it so similar to the point that we
can notice all our classmates working together as if we were in a
traditional class.

In conclusion, both types of learning complete their principal objective

that is educating. Despite the differences or similarities, each person is
free to choose depending on their situation. The collaboration between
teacher and students is important, independently if it’s traditional or
MOOC learning. Both types of education still have significant and
debatable points of difference. One thing that we have to be clear is
that education could be delivered in a thousand ways, the important
thing is that it gets to everyone.

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