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A1 - Day 2


 Listening and Speaking At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Topic: At the Airport - know the airport procedure
Focus area: - communicate simple conversations
- Airport procedure (check-in -> security
check-in -> on board)
- Simple conversations at the airport
Length: 2 periods (90 minutes)
Teaching methods: PPP
Procedures Materials Teacher’s activities Students’
Warm up Flash - Review vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson: boarding - Review
(15 mins) cards pass, passport, carry on luggage, conveyor belt, check-in desk, vocabulary.
security checkpoint, airplane, land, take off, metal detector,
bin, X ray machine.
- Game: Rock Paper Scissors Relay ( 2 teams)
Teacher spreads out flashcards on the floor in a line. Student
A (team 1) and student B (team 2) jump to each flash cards
and say aloud the word. When two students meet each other, - Listen to the
they do the rock, paper, scissors to decide who can keep
moving. If student A loses, another student from team will and play.
start again quickly to prevent student B from reading the other
words. The team having the student who can read all the words
in the line first is the winner.
Presentation Video, Watch a video:
(25 mins) - Introduce the topic today “Procedure at the airport” and let
students watch the video about it. - Watch the
- Ask students to point out: boarding pass, luggage, passport, video and
check-in counter, security checkpoint, metal detector, interact with
conveyor belt the teacher.
- Explain and interact with the students during the video.
What is this? (boarding pass, luggage, passport, check-in
counter, security checkpoint, metal detector, conveyor belt)
Who are they?
Where are they?
- Play the video twice to let students remember the procedure
at the airport.
- Ask students to list out what to do at the airport before and - Pay attention
on board. to the
Procedure at the airport procedure
- Show the procedure at the airport and on board on the screen. mentioned in
the video.
- Ask students to repeat.
- Check students’ memory

- Repeat the

- Remember
the procedure.
Practice Worksheet - Give out the worksheet to the students. - Complete the
(25 mins) - Mark students’ work when they finish. worksheet
- Let students listen to the model conversations.
(teacher - teaching assistant modelling) - Listen to the
- Ask students to practice the conversations in pair.
- Let students demonstrate the conversations.
- Practice the
in pair.
- Demonstrate
Production Passport, Role play: At the airport
(25 mins) boarding - Preparation: passport (from previous lesson) and boarding - Bring
pass pass passport to
template class.
- Airport staffs at check-in counter: 4 students
- Security: 2 students - Make a
boarding pass.
- Passengers: others
Students play their roles at the airport. Students use their
passport made in the previous day. Students make a boarding
pass. Students use the conversations, structure “Please + V”,
“May I…”, “Could I …” and vocabulary they have learnt
during the play. Teacher observes students during the activity - Use the
and helps students with language. conversations,
“Please + V”,
“May I…”,
“Could I …”
they have
learnt during
the play.

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