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Marites Buenaventura

Why do we say that the Great Commission is important in our present time?

Why do we say that the great commission is important in our present time. In Matthew
28: 19-20 says Go and Make Disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father
and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. We all know that the Great Commission was commanded
by our Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples in order to spread the gospel to all the nations of the
world. So its importance began 2,000 years ago, not just in our present time even in the future
time. Fulfilling Great Commission must be the priority of all the believers who became disciples
and servant-leaders because that’s the only way to bring back people to God and be with Him in
eternity. People need to hear the word of God especially the gospel about Jesus’ finished work,
perfect sacrifice, the power of His death and resurrection in order they have clear and solid
foundation of their faith in Christ. We are called and chosen to preach the gospel as part of
fulfilling the Great Commission. People need salvation and assurance that at the end of their life
here on earth, they are very sure that they will be with Jesus in eternity. The enemy is trying and
doing his best to deceive people through offering the things of this world and forget the salvation
through Christ. People nowadays are more focus on success, abundance, achievements and
accomplishments, they think that these things give meaning and value in their life but all these
offerings are part of deception of the enemy. So we as disciples of Jesus we must make people
realize what matters most while living here on earth is not about the things of this world but
having assurance in second life. For sure many people have doubts about where they will go
after life here on earth, so our responsibility is to make them know the only way and the truth of
having eternal life.

The Great Commission is given to the disciples to reach out those people who not yet
know and receive the salvation which offers by our Lord Jesus Christ as free gift. In our
generation today, there are so many voices that people hear through the use of social media
platforms, but we can also use these platforms to share and spread the gospel about salvation
through our Lord Jesus Christ and also we can send a worship song, recorded preaching by
pastor. Do not let the enemy deceive many people, so in order to stop what he’s doing we need
to share the truth about the grace of God through Jesus’ finished work and perfect sacrifice on
the cross. Let God use us in this generation like what He did to David in his own generation to
fulfill the main purpose of God in our life. The truth of God’s word about His grace is what
people really need in this present time. God’s word gives life to people if we didn’t do anything
and not share the truth of God’s word, people will live in the lies of the evil one. People will only
know the truth if we as disciples share it with them. Then, let’s guide and lead these people to
become like us as disciples who share the word of God. Don’t just share and preach the gospel,
let’s train and equip the new converts and believers of Christ about the truth of God’s word in
order one day God will use them to those people around them who not yet know and receive the
truth about Jesus and His salvation.

Fulfilling Great Commission is not just only preaching the gospel of Jesus but also
preaching the word of God that will help people to have clear and full understanding about the
purpose, vision and will of God in their lives. Great Commission is also making more disciples
who understand the gospel and the truth. God desires for us is to become fruitful and our fruit
will last. When we preach the word of God as part of Great Commission, we also unveil the truth
of God’s word and its power to void the lies of the evil one. As Apostle said to Timothy that all
Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
God’s word and His voice is for people’s benefit. Do not let our generation that their pattern is
the standard and culture of this world. Let’s help them to realize that God’s word and its
heavenly revelation is the solid foundation of our faith.

We really don’t know when will be the end of our life here on earth, let’s make the most
of every opportunity in sharing and preaching the truth of God’s word. Our only legacy is
spreading the gospel, teaching people about God’s truth in the bible and helping them to have a
personal relationship with Jesus. The disciples of the New Testament Church gave their best in
spreading the truth of God’s word in their generation even there were so many persecutions, our
part in this present time is also let’s do the same thing. We are called for this greater purpose.
Our motivation is in Romans 10:14-15 14 “But before people can ask the Lord for help, they must
believe in him; and before they can believe in him, they must hear about him; and for them to
hear about the Lord someone must tell them and before someone can go and tell them, that
person must be sent” so we need to be sent in order for people to believe and receive help that
comes from the Lord. Just as it is written and forever remains written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE

The commission does not end with me and will not only remain with me but with other
people, friends, family and people who have not known God yet and also the people who are
still in the midst of trials and have lost their hope. Just like 2 years ago many people lost hope
and turn away from the Lord. They lost hope because they thought it was the end of the world
because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even i experience fear and sadness in my life, I just want to
share when my brother died due to Covid-19, I was sad. My sadness was not yet over because
my mother died after 3 months but the Lord help me to overcome because he said in his
promise Isaiah 41:10 says “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand”. And I realize
that he continues to make me stronger, even though they are many pains and sorrows has
passed through in my life. And also Covid-19 is a way of God to reveal his power, his
faithfulness and his good plans for us.

Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded all the generation of disciples whom accepted and
received Him to commit in fulfilling the Great Commission. This calling is not only for Pastors or
Teachers but as a God’s people regardless of whether we are housewife, cleaners,
engineers, pilots, student. if we really love Jesus, keep and obey His commands. As Apostle
Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11:6 (New Living Translation), “I may be unskilled as a speaker, but
I’m not lacking in knowledge. We have made this clear to you in every possible way”. We all
have something to share with people about God’s truth, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to speak for us
and reveal the exact words and revelations that people need to hear as messenger and carrier
of His word. Let’s help people grow spiritually and experience the joy of their faith as part of
fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples and teaching all the things that we heard,
seen and learned from our Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s ultimate plan is revealed in Revelation 7:9 which says, “After this, I looked and there
before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and
language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes
and were holding palm branches in their hands “. One day, we will stand before God, praising
His name with of all the nation’s that’s why don’t stop until your last breath keep on reaching
out, keep on sharing the word of the Lord and never give up, don’t lost hope because there is a
lot of people needed us and everything that we do here on earth there will be a reward in
heaven and ever since from the race of Abraham to Jesus Christ. God wants all families to be

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