Back To The Future

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Back to the Future 25th Anniversary High Definition Blu Ray Edition With rain driving sideways, coming

down in buckets I leave work. Today is the bi g day, the first rerelease of an 80s classic trilogy on bluray. I have plans to quickly pick it up at best buy, head home, get a pizza and watch 1.21 gigawatts of high definition. Holding my coat together at the top to prevent my shirt collar and tie knot from getting soaked, I tread water through the parking lot and into the store. The l ast time I was at best buy they had everything torn up. The new releases were no t on their own shelf nor were they in line with the standard movies. A Blu Ray s ection was missing entirely. I think the only DVDs I saw were featured at the en d of aisles and one small section of special interest did exist. You know, the U FC greatest hits (pun intended with the hit reference on their part) and NASCAR crashes. I think a dog show special highlights DVD was there also. But otherwise no movies were to be found. This time, they were moved so far from their usual spot I had to ask someone. After a very standoffish clerk guides me there, I eve ntually find the new releases on a rack labeled "headphones". I don't think the y quite have everything put together yet. So I locate (alphabetized for my convi ence nonetheless) the empty spot where the Back to the Future 25th Anniversary b lu-ray box set should have been. Not willing to be deterred, I asked a the very helpful young man that helped me find the headphone rack if they had any copies of said movie left. He laughed, then told me that it had been sold out since sho rtly after they opened. He then said that any major nix box retailer should have it, since best buy even got like 30 of them. So I moved on. Next, onto Target. Target never lets me down. They have the deodorant I like, (c linical strength sport stick, no residue and so strong you almost need a prescri ption. No prescription for no perspiration. Speed stick. Ok, so thats not their motto, but it should be) wide aisles and I'm beginning to like the Target brands of things more and more. (mmm archer farms) I head back to the electronics depa rtment. I quickly glance at the new iPad cases they have. Speck i think is one o f the coolest accessory places out there. We recently started selling their prod ucts at verizon wireless retail stores which is how I came to know them, and the y have some seriously cool designs. I then head to the movies, where surprise su rprise...not only do they not have it, but they NEVER had it. No empty space her e, just no movie at all. I decided to check borders. Its on my way home and worst case scenario theres a neighboring starbucks where I can pick up some espresso to fuel my journey home. Borders doesn't have it, but they show one in stock according to a lady who wor ks there. The twinkle in my eye tells her that yes, she should go look in the ba ck. She emerges about 5 minutes later with no movie. She uses her rock star head set and wireless mic to send out "Bruce, we need to open the cage." At this poin t I imagine the scene from Boondock Saints where they first reveal (the saint's father) tied down with chains and lowered from the ceiling. She emerges from t he back room, empty handed. I have now decided that it is my mission, as a man, to obtain this movie trilogy tonight. Racking my brain now, I've remembered Barnes and Noble bookstore also has some m ovies in there. They are all the way in the back and they don't have very many, but they do have them. Let's give that a shot. I walk in, head straight to the back and ask the gentleman behind the counter if he has the "25th anniversary edition of back to the future" in the store. He sa ys, "absolutely, it's right here." Slightly drooling, I follow him to an end cap , to find the DVD version. I explain was looking for the Blu Ray copy. He wants to check in the system. A familiar scenario crops up, where they show one in sto ck. He isn't going to look for it, he remembers selling it earlier.

My soul crushed, I head back out into the pouring rain and sit in the car for a bit, quietly crying inside. Where else around upper Peach St would have this? No where. My resources tapped out, I decide to make a couple of calls. First I cal l the WalMart on the West Side, and they gave me a firm no. They did say they'd be getting it on Thursday though! Not helpful, but thank you. I place a call to the Edinboro Wal Mart, where there are so many college kids (read: close to my demographic so fat chance here getting the movie) that I doubt I have a shot. Th ey also knew right off the bat that they had none, but they have the DVD copy as well. You know what? I already have the DVD copy at home. I don't need another one. I decided there was only one more shot: Wal Mart in Harbor Creek. I call them an d a delightful woman in electronics tells me right away that she has it. "Are you sure you have it? The 25th anniversary Blu Ray edition?" "Umm, Im not quite sure if that's the one or not. Let me check." For what seemed like and eternity she checked. She came back, presumably holding the item in her hand, and read aloud to me the front cover, detailing the speci al features and Blu Ray specification I was looking for. "Do you have several or should I have you hold one?" "No we have plenty. Well see you tonight." I immediately call Lisa. I tell her I'm coming home now, that no one around Peac h St has the movie, but that they have it in Harborcreek. I tell her that her mi ssion (should she choose to accept it) is join me and Miss Francesca Alberta McW igglesbutt in a quest spanning the Harbor Creek, to find a Blu Ray. She is not e ven slightly excited, unfortunately. So I go home, grab a quick bite, then put my dog in the car quest. She is just as excited as I am, head hanging out the l the smells and viewing all the lights streaking by. That's they're always game. She's down for my journeys any time I'm and take off on our window, smelling al why you love dogs, ready to go.

I get to the Wal*Mart in Harborcreek. They have it, I buy it. Then, when we (Fra nkie and I) get home we all watch the first Back to the Future in full HD beauty . 1955 Marty's mom is even hotter in HD. THE END P.S. In case anyone is wondering, this story is 1.21 thousand words long. How did thi s even happen? Could it be technology from the future?

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