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1. Explain what is your reason and issue behind in our project proposal?

Many students prefer to work alone and secretly hate dealing with the issues that come when
they are forced to work in groups. They are self-conscious and fear being embarrassed, making
errors, or looking stupid. Some students are just irresponsible, fail to do their assigned task and
leaving the rest of the group to deal with the irresponsibility. Collaboration exercises have been
poorly understood by students.

2. What are your goals in our proposal?

The project's goal is to make all students feel more comfortable speaking up and interacting,
which will help them gain confidence. To promote open communication and build trust. To
improve and strengthen the relationship between students and teachers. To deepen the growing
association between each student and teacher in each section within the school. To have a
good foundation, the unity of each student and of the teachers reflects a good unity within the
school. Teachers are able to boost students' confidence and self-esteem while also developing
higher-level thinking skills.

3. Who are the target beneficiaries or participant in this project proposal?

Students and teachers at the Philippine College of Advanced Arts and Technology who desire
to learn more about each other, especially the students, are the beneficiaries and participants in
this project proposal.

Punay – reason behind in proposal

Sumbillo & Realingo -goals in proposal

Brillantes - the target participant

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