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University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology Full name:................................................

Department of International Business Administration Class:........................................................

Listening 3
Time allotted: 60 minutes

Part I: Listen to the talk and decide whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. Lillian Masuga is an expert on development problems. ______

2. Lillian works to help boys stay on in school. ______

3. If a girl leaves school early, she will marry early. _____

4. Many children in Uganda have lost both their parents because of HIV. _____

5. HIV infection rates are still increasing in Uganda. _____

Part II. Listen to the following talks and give short answers to the questions.

1. What did Napoleon’s military career bring him?

2. When did the volcano erupt?
3. When there is an underwater earthquake, what happens to the ocean floor?
4. What does the control system of a robot do?
5. What did the Apple II become?

Part III. Note Taking

Topic: Changing in the U.S Job Market

I. Two qs. This lecture will answer
A. (1) What are _____________________going to be?
B. (2) _______________________________________ to get one of those goo jobs?

II. History: Last 100 years, changing in U.S job market from (3) ________________to
(4) ________________ economy.
A. Defs.
1. Manuf. Econ.: (5) ____________________________________.
e.g.: cars, furniture or clothes.

2. Serv. Econ.: people do things.

e.g.: (6) ___________________________________________________
III. Reasons for ↓ in manuf. Jobs
A. Automation.
B. (7) ________________________________________________________
1. Stat.: since 2011 (8) ________________________________________.
2. This trend continues as we move to 21st cent.
IV. Service jobs:
No. serv. Jobs = going to (9) ____________________________________next 10 yrs.
V. Fastest growing service jobs
A. Health care
1. e.g.: (10) _______________________________, physical therapy aides, dental
2. Reasons
_ People live longer
_ (11) _________________________________.
B. (12) _____________________________________________
1. e.g.: engineer, database administrator
2. stat.: No. of jobs expected to grow by 30% next 10 yrs.
C. Personal care service
1. e.g.: caterers, home health workers, day care providers.
2. Reason: (13) _____________________________________________
VI. Edu. Requirement for good jobs: (14) _______________________________________

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