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Quito – Ecuador 202

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1.1. Title of the Project


1.2. Level & Class


1.3. Execution period

10 weeks

1. ECUADOR DELIVERY APPS..................................................................................................................................................4
2. INDUSTRY 5.0..........................................................................................................................................................................5
3. Art and Culture...........................................................................................................................................................................6
4. Environmental impact.................................................................................................................................................................7
5. International: War.......................................................................................................................................................................8
6. Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................10
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1. General Aim

To develop a script that includes the use of the grammar learned during the levelin order to
include them in a newsreel made by the students, through by making a group video.

2. Theoretical Framework

Cardoso Bryan: Headlines for today

Cardoso Bryan: Enviromental impact, technology, art and culture, international: war
between Russia and Ukraine, and the new apps of delivery.


Cardoso Bryan: What happen with the use of app spara delivery in Ecuador?
Benítez Edwin:
Belonging to the same group as the Uber transportation vehicle app, Uber Eats is available
on Android and iOS operating systems. You just have to create an account in the
application through your cell phone number and email.
Among the additional options offered, in addition to the offer of several restaurants, is
Essentials (pharmacies and express markets), Alcohol and Pets.
According to its website, it is available in Guayaquil, Durán, Samborondón, Daule (La
Aurora), Quito, Sangolquí, Cuenca and Ambato. With the app you can pay in cash or by
credit card.
This application, which began operations in mid-March of this year, replaced Glovo and is
available on the Android and iOS operating systems.
It has a wide variety of options integrated into seven categories: restaurants, coffee and
snacks, supermarkets, liquors, messaging, pharmacies and stores, where you can find
products such as flowers, gifts, stationery, technology, pet products and more.
It has coverage in Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Santo Domingo, Ibarra, Ambato, Manta,
Portoviejo and Machala. Payment options are cash or card.
In the Rappi application you can order food from restaurants, but you can also make
purchases in stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, liquor stores or "whatever", as they
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In addition, you can send a motorized to deliver paperwork and others. Rappi has
coverage in Guayaquil and Quito. It is available on Android and iOS.
Home food delivery apps that we can use in Ecuador.
Hello Andres, in recent years, there are more applications available in the national market
that offer food delivery service.
One of the factors that has helped the growth in the use of these applications has been
the COVID-19 pandemic, because given the recommendations to stay home to avoid being
exposed to the virus, the user base was able to increase "up to 300%" during the most
critical months.
In the national market there are not only those apps that offer the options of different food
outlets, but there are also platforms made by the restaurants themselves that have seen an
opportunity to consolidate this initiative of home orders through devices.
•Uber Eats: Belonging to the same group as the Uber transport vehicle app.
•PedidosYa: This application, which replaced Glovo.
•Rappi: Make purchases in stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, liquor stores or "whatever",
as they put it.

Industry 5.0 today has been called that because its main objective is to place people at the
center of production, but involved in artificial intelligence and robotics, in order to form a
very skillful team between humans and machines, therefore, the idea is that cobots or
collaborative robots and humans will work in sync. (EDIMAR, 2020)
First in personalized products, nowadays products are generalized and are normally mass-
produced, so due to this new revolution it is intended to create products that are totally
unique and suitable to our tastes, for example, 3D printers are going to play a role very
important in this customization.
Secondly, the speed and quality, if both the human and the robot have specific tasks
assigned, the manufacturing process can be consequently faster and with a higher level of
quality, impressive because in the future it will be possible to buy a product online
personalized. they may have been manufactured overnight and delivered the next morning
with no problem. (nexon, 2019)
Cardoso Bryan: for several years workers have been of great importance within the
industry, yet the implementation of robots will be a new challenge.
Less than a decade has passed since the concept of Industry 4.0 took hold. Despite this,
some visionaries are already focusing on the next industrial revolution, Industry 5.0, which
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has been named for the artificial intelligence and robotics that it implies, however, this time
man will again take the leading role among human and machine.
Alquinga Marco: In our country, without a doubt, we should have already been adapting to
this change, so before immersing ourselves in this new revolution, we are going to have to
be able to learn everything that industry 5.0 represents.
Therefore, if the current industrial sector lacks infrastructure, technology and trained
personnel, the current work processes must be repowered.
Since it will not be really easy to synchronize the work between humans and intelligent
machines, therefore, before facing the challenges that the 5.0 revolution implies, the
worker must study the manual of artificial intelligence and digitalization of processes to
increase productivity and efficiency.
The fifth industrial revolution is amazing and as part of this great change we are excited
about what this will represent in society. For example: the acquisition of personalized
products that will be manufactured from one day to the next and will be delivered to you the
next morning without any setbacks.
In short, advances in the industry are unstoppable. In fact, technological revolutions
happen in increasingly shorter time frames.
Industry 5.0 will represent.
First: custom manufacturing.
Second: Speed and quality.
Third: Respect for the environment.

3. Art and Culture

In Ecuador there is a diversity of cultural identities in the different regions of the country, it
is known that the Inca empireoriginated in Peru in theearlysixteenthcentury and spread in
Ecuador. The oldest inhabitants such as the Quitus, Cañari and the Caras, usedthe
Quechua language, an ancestral language widely used in the Inca empire until today, the
Spanish that weall use has hadchangesbutwasincludedsince 1531.
Ecuador is known as a multi-ethnic country, being a large population with indigenous,
African and European heritage. A high percentage of inhabitants are mestizos, the culinary
traditions vary dependingon the region, in the coastal región they preferse a food and
legumes, guineo, in the Andean region, food basedon meat, rice and corn, potatoes, etc.
Music isone of the cultural aspects that identify the region and country in which it is played,
wind, string and percussion instruments are used,
whoseinstrumentshavebeenhistoricalelements, found in ancienttombs, the pasillo is
commonly heard in indigenous communities, while marimba and bomba music are Heard
by Afro-Ecuadorianin habitants. (DONQUIJOTE.ORG, 1989)
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Cardoso Bryan: Ecuador and its distinction in its art and culture
Ambuludi Juan: Ecuador is a multicultural nation with a multi-ethnic population that over
time has increased, these ethnic groups have customs and traditions to thisday, such as
the pamba meza.
Itis a meeting in which they gather food found in the high lands, is done in gratitude to the
Pachamama and Inti Raimy, beginswithan ancestral ritual in the Kichwa language and
ancestral rites, with incense and singing. It is an activity of great importance and culture of
our ancestors.Environmental impact
With climate change wreaking havoc on the Earth's interconnected natural systems,
drought and desertification are fast becoming the new normal, every where from the United
States to Europe to Africa.
Drought in Numbers, a 2022 report from the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification, revealed that since 1970 weather, climate and water hazards have
accounted for 50% of all disasters and affect 55 million people each year worldwide. The
report also revealed that 2.3 billion people face water stress annually.
Drought is also one of several factors influencing land degradation, with 20-40% of the
world's land classified as degraded, affecting half of the world's population and impacting
croplands, drylands, wetlands, forests and rangelands. (ONU, 2022)
Cardoso Bryan: What are the festivals of Ecuador?
Ambuludi Juan: In Ecuador, artistic and sound activities are carried out, between
traditions and painting, they are forms of cultural expression that transmit feelings and
skills, there are the Inti Raimy and the black mother festivals that are celebrated in the
Andean rivers during the solstice of the sun and the Cotopaxi volcano.
Painting and muralism is represented by one of the great exponents Oswaldo
Guayasamín, however today there are many artists who use this material for recreation
and support with the community, carrying out activities aimed at young people.

4. Environmental impact
With climate change wreaking havoc on the Earth's interconnected natural systems,
drought and desertification are fast becoming the new normal, everywhere from the United
States to Europe to Africa.
Drought in Numbers, a 2022 report from the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification, revealed that since 1970 weather, climate and water hazards have
accounted for 50% of all disasters and affect 55 million people each year worldwide. The
report also revealed that 2.3 billion people face water stress annually.
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Drought is also one of several factors influencing land degradation, with 20-40% of the
world's land classified as degraded, affecting half of the world's population and impacting
croplands, drylands, wetlands, forests and rangelands. (ONU, 2022)
Cardoso Bryan: The environmental impact is the consequence of the human
carelessness and lack of importance in the subject?
Alvarado Jhon: Good afternoon, viewers.
In recent years the environmental impact has been reflected in the behavior of nature.
In the Middle East something never seen before happened, the deserts were flooded! The
torrential rains that have hit the Middle East in recent days have left in their wake,
unprecedented scenes and desolate panoramas. The torrential rains flooded many areas
of the desert in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Social networks have been filled with spectacular images and videos, warning that in two
days have fallen flows equivalent to 6 years of rainfall. In addition, they warn that camels
frightened by the unusual storm are trying to fight to avoid being swept against the current,
while their caregivers are looking for a way to take them to a safe place.
If the camels' owners do not save them, they may die.
On the other hand, in several parts of the world heat waves are breaking records, Europe,
America, Africa have been affected by this phenomenon with very high temperatures that
are causing fresh water to decrease, in Mexico and the United States, rivers, lagoons and
dams have lowered their water level considerably, which has alerted governments to take
measures to avoid wasting water.
If they waste water, they will have nothing to drink.
The environmental impact is leaving an indelible mark on the planet.
Will mankind be the cause of the planet's destruction?
No one knows, but if we do not all change, what planet will we leave to others?
All these questions we will expand on in the next installment of your favorite newscast.
John Alvarado reports, good afternoon.

5. International: War
The invasion of Ukraine has already led to indiscriminate attacks on residential areas,
schools, hospitals, social infrastructure and other civilian objects and infrastructure,
resulting in deaths and injuries among the civilian population. In addition, massive
displacement and the destruction of civilian homes are taking place.
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Russia has also used unguided bombs, which on March 3 killed almost 50 people queuing
for food in Chernigov and banned weapons, such as cluster munitions, used against at
least one Okhtirka kindergarten where civilians were sheltering. (amnesty, 2022)
Cardoso Bryan: Russian President Vladimir Putin knew the consequences of the conflict
that would unleash against Ukraine, however he decided to attack that country.
Bautista Pablo: The invasion of Ukraine, where it has led to indiscriminate attacks on
residential areas, schools, hospitals and other civilian property, resulting in numerous
deaths and injuries among the civilian population. Even so, massive displacements are
taking place and as a consequence the destruction of civilian homes.
On the other hand, indiscriminate attacks can constitute war crimes, but in less than a
week, if the Russian invasion left a massive crisis of human rights and human
displacement, it bears the stamp of the worst catastrophe in history of its kind in recent
years. in Europe
Instead, if people seek a safe place, borders are opened and entry requirements are
suspended, and both at European and international level, responsibility is shared in the
reception and relocation of people fleeing danger. . In this way, more people will get to a
safe place faster. (Internacional, 3)
Cardoso Bryan: This is all news for today, have a good day.

3. Schedule of activities

Para realizar el cronograma se debe utilizar el Project.

Week No. 1 – Project socialization, make groups for project
Week No. 2 – Choose the Topic.
Week No. 3 – Informative data, General aim and Theoretical framework (1st
Week No. 4 - Submission of the 1st draft
Weeks No. 5, 6 - Project development (Script)
Week No. 7 - Submission of the 2nd draft.
Week No.8 - Delivery the final project inform. (including resources and
Week No. 9 - Elaboration and submission of the Video
Week No. 10 - Project review and grading
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4. Human Resouce

№ Participants Role in the project Career & Level

1 Alvarado John Environmental impact

2 Alquinga Marco Technology 5.0

3 Ambuludi Juan Art and culture

4 Bautista Pablo International: War between

Russia and Ukraine
5 Benitez Edwin Apps

6 Cardoso Bryan Presenter

Elaborated by: Group 1

5. Resources

(Especificar los materiales y equipos que como mínimo se necesitarían para la

consecución del proyecto)

6. Bibliography
9GMV. (10 de febrero de 2020). El valor de la robótica en la Industria 5.0, un nuevo modelo de negocio más sostenible y digital.
Obtenido de
amnesty. (marzo de 2022). Obtenido de
EDIMAR. (20 de julio de 2020). INDUSTRIA 5.0 ¿QUÉ ES? Obtenido de
nexon. (09 de julio de 2019). INDUSTRIA 5.0: LA NUEVA ERA DE LA MANUFACTURA. Obtenido de

9GMV. (10 de febrero de 2020). El valor de la robótica en la Industria 5.0, un nuevo modelo de negocio más sostenible y digital.
Obtenido de
admin. (25 de noviembre de 2019). EL LÍDER QUE REQUIERE LA INDUSTRIA 5.0. Obtenido de
DONQUIJOTE.ORG. (1989). DON QUIJOTE. Obtenido de
ECURED. (14 de 08 de 2004). ECURED CULTURA DEL ECUADOR. Obtenido de
EDIMAR. (20 de julio de 2020). INDUSTRIA 5.0 ¿QUÉ ES? Obtenido de
Getty, W. S. (24 de 02 de 2022). Amnistía Internacional. Recuperado el 14 de 08 de 2022, de
%C3%A9reo+ruso&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiW2_KH2Mb5AhWbRzABHRpwCyAQ_AUoAXoECAE Página 6
Internacional, A. (2022 de 03 de 3). Amnistía Internacional. Recuperado el 14 de 08 de 2022, de
nexon. (09 de julio de 2019). INDUSTRIA 5.0: LA NUEVA ERA DE LA MANUFACTURA. Obtenido de
Tobias, B. (05 de 03 de 2022). BBC News. Recuperado el 14 de 08 de 2022, de

Elaborated by: Supervised by: Approved by:

 Alvarado John
 Alquinga Marco Lic. Alejandro Ruiz M.Sc. Jorge Díaz
 Cardoso Bryan


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