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Juan Paulo N.

Del Valle
DIA Batch Rev. Fr. Mark Anthony Jamero
“How can you distinguish History from Tsismis?”
Many people say in an argument “It is true because I had experienced that.” It is
irreversible to be changed for it came from a real-life experience. An encounter that could be
already from the past or let us say “History”.
History explains past events in chronological order. Likewise, it has already occurred in
the past, in other people’s life. For instance, I have a professor named Louie Sevilla, during his
college years was the rising of Martial Law. He was a UP student before, an officer-in-charge to
start a rally against President Marcos due to his abuse of power. And, those people who speak
against Marcos would be killed or merely would be missing. For that reason, He had been
detained. However, it is already history and occurred in other’s people life like Mr. Louie
Sevilla. After all, from one generation to another generation, history gradually changes because
of people who are called “Tsismosa”.
Tsismosas are the ones who sugarcoat history or past they add false information to make
it different from its original occurrence. It is called “tsismis”. For instance, many supporters of
Marcos during the election said “Marcos is innocent. He did not kill Benigno Aquino.” However,
our professor it is fake because he lived in Marcos terror years. And it is police of Marcos who
got an order from Imelda to kill Benigno Aquino. They sugarcoat the history because they
support Marcos.
In conclusion, history is a good foundation for the contemporary period but with
awareness or care whom asking of. Primary Sources would be better.

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