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June, 1953

In the homes she visits, the public health nurse inescapably

becomes an interpreter of public health practices-even in
such engineering matters as water fluoridation. Since she
cannot avoid influencing people, either for or against program
acceptance, it is well for her to go about her round of duties
prepared for her interpreter's role.

The Role of the Public Health Nurse in the

Community Water Fluoridation Program
Director, Public Health Nursing, Ulster County Health Department,
Kingston, N. Y.
pROGRESS in the field of public coveries are made in some laboratory-in
health increases the responsibilities New York, Paris or London. These discoveries
of the public health nurse as a member are translated into effective practical tech-
niques by testing an experiment and develop-
of the health agency team. Working ment of administrative routines in Washing-
under direct supervision of the health ton and the State Capitol. The city or county
officer, and as an adjunct to the special- board of health makes them available on a lo-
ists on the staff, the public health nurse cal scale. But it is the public health nurse-in
assists in the furthering of public health the city tenement or in the remote farm house
--who makes contact with Mother and Father
measures designed to prevent and reduce and Jennie and John. She is the ultimate
illness and to produce positive health.' channel through which the brilliant and bene-
She carries the message to the compo- ficent discoveries of science are actually made
nents who make up the community, the available to the people in the home.2
individual and the family. Her con- The community water fluoridation
tribution to the development of any program is now recognized as an im-
public health program is unique because portant part of the generalized field of
she is the one who gives direct service. public health. Through her teaching
It is she who works with the people, and education of the individual, family,
enters most into their daily lives, gains and community the public health nurse
their confidence and interprets the pro- plays her most important role in this
gram of a health department. Her program. The nurse must be equipped
contact is a continuing one. Professor *not only with her nursing skill, but with
C.-E. A. Winslow expresses this concept knowledge of scientific information re-
in the following quotation: lating to disease control and health pro-
The nurse is the spearhead of the public motion. If the agency by which she is
health campaign, its vital contact with the employed has accepted the water fluori-
individual family in the home. Basic dis- dation program as a part of their
responsibility, then the nurse must un-
Presented before a Joint Session of the American derstand the technics of water fluorida-
School Health Association, the Conference for Health
Council Work, and the Dental Health, Public Health tion, the need for the program in the
Education, and Public Health Nursing Sections of the community, the cost of the program, its
American Public Health Association at the Eightieth
Annual Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, October 23, 1952. practical aspects, effectiveness and

methods of control. In order that such recommendation that the child be re-
a program may prove effective, it seems ferred to the private dentist for care, she
imperative that a coordinated educa- questioned the fact that the city has
tional program administered by a health not had sodium fluoride added to the
department be implemented in an en- water supply. She had read that other
deavor to thoroughly acquaint the com- communities were pursuing this policy.
munity with its objectives. The public She was very indignant that her child
health nurse emerges as a valuable tool was being deprived of the protection
in this process. It should be pointed against tooth decay that publicity had
out that the public health nurse needs led her to believe was available.
to maintain an objective viewpoint in This clearly points up how important
regard to any program such as water it is for the nurse to be equipped with
fluoridation regardless of her own per- skilled teaching ability and knowledge
sonal sentiments and beliefs. of the water fluoridation program to
The public health nurse has worked satisfy this mother's present concern
closely with the health officer in the without endangering any. future com-
communicable disease program, with the munity participation in this program.
public health engineer in providing safe The nurse's work in the child health
food, milk, and water supplies, with the consultations, in her contacts with
nutritionist in the teaching of well bal- school personnel, and in her daily visits
anced meals, with the health educator to individuals and families provides ex-
in the organization of community health cellent opportunities for teaching dental
programs, and with the dentist or dental health. She emphasizes the importance
hygienist in the health programs in of good nutrition, cleanliness, and
schools and industry. Dental health supervision by a dentist and interprets
has always been a part of generalized recent developments in the field of den-
public health nursing. The addition of tal research. The nurse cooperates with
the water fluoridation program to pub- other professions in organizing com-
lic health dentistry merely necessitates munity health programs and participates
equipping each nurse with knowledge of in many educational programs for lay
the relationship of fluorides to dental groups and professional workers.
caries. How does she actually imple- In conclusion it is important to
ment this program in her service day by emphasize that although the public
day? As an example to illustrate how health nurse does not actually use nurs-
the nurse is confronted with this prob- ing skills in this program, one cannot
lem I shall relate the experience of one minimize her major role in the com-
of the public health nurses in our munity fluoridation water program
agency. through her education of individual,
A mother with her infant and three family, and community.
and one-half-year old preschooler, at-
tended a child health consultation in the REFERENCES
1. Manual of Public Health Nursing. New York: Na.
city. In her discussion with the public tional Organization for Public Health Nursing, 1939.
2. Wensley, Edith. The Community and Public Health
health nurse regarding the doctor's Nursing. New York: Macmillan, 1950, p. 20.

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