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They say that young adulthood is a period of exploration; the time in which one

discovers who they are. Being in my early twenties, I’ve yet to truly grasp the
concept of my self-identity. This is what I do know about myself.

I am Elvies, a senior high student who lives with my family. Like many people who
are residents of this town, my family also came from another place and settle here.

With that, I’d like to start with my hobbies. Each one of us has different hobbies,
and doing different things gives us joy. Playing basketball is something that gives
me comfort and helps me relax. I tried juggling to play and study at the same time.
At first, it was a little stressful, but then I started learning more and more. After a
hectic day at school, it helps to relax. Another thing that helps me relax is listening
to music. I started this during middle school and over the years, the habit is
something that has helped me learn a lot. While this serves as my strength, I have
my weakness too. I am a little bit lazy in some places which I do not like. While
playing time, I pass a lot of time there which is not a good habit but I try my best to
overcome and utilize my time that serves the purpose.

As for my dreams, while many people have dreams of becoming doctors and
lawyers, I have always wanted to be a traveler so I want to pursue taking up
seafarer as my career. I don’t remember when I fell in love with traveling, but over
the years, my passion for traveling has increased. Over the past few months, I have
started to envision, and it gives me so much joy just by thinking. My parents have
always supported my dreams and aspirations. According to them, the only way to
achieve all your goals is to work very hard and never give up on them. They have
never imposed themselves and demanded that any of their children become what
they want us. Instead, they wanted my siblings and me to choose careers and a life
that will give us joy and stability.

My dreams and aspirations drive my life. I know that it will take time and effort,
and I am currently dedicating both to ensuring that my dreams become reality.

Tagaan, Elvies King Mark

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