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Post:Write an online profile


Write your online profile keeping in mind the following recommendations:

a. Include personal information you consider relevant in an online profile (name, origin, age, status, etc).
b. Talk about your occupation and main interests.
c. Write complete sentences separated with periods (.) and commas (,) when necessary.
d. You may use the model provided at the beginning of this pedagogic activity, but remember that your
profile should have your own information.
e. This is a graded activity. Grading criteria will be discussed with your teacher.

Juan Esteban Rúa Bedoya

(your complete name)
Just now

Really, i don't like talk about me. But this first pedagogical activity demands it: so, my complete
name is Juan Esteban Rúa Bedoya. I prefer when people call me just with my first name and my
firs last name, specially my friends (all of them calls me Juan Rúa). I born here in
Medellín-Colombia, a sunny day, in the meddle of the day -my mom tolds me-, in october 2nd of
1986. I'm 35 years old, almost 36; i don't like celebrate my brithday, because it was a normal day
all my life, it's like a weird tradition in my family. i live in the El Poblado neighbordhood, since six
months ago. I live with "Chon" my teckel dog, also know as "Salchi". Before i was living in La
Estrella, in El Romeral Reserve, in a small cabin builted near of the forest, surrounded of brids
and plants. I don't enjoy to live in the city, i prefer the green fields. I thing that my happiest days
will be when i come back to the rurality . Ok... When i was a child my moms reads me some
fabulous tales and poetries. So, i grow up loving all this comunicative phenomena called
literature. I'm phylologist, and today i'm working as university professor. I'm studying a Master in
Aestetic Philosophy in the National University in Medellín, because i love arts, specially literature,
theatre and music.
What more could i to tell about myself?






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