2020 05 10 IV Science 0

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Food And Feeding Habits Of Animals Learning Objectives gS ‘After completing this chapter, you will be able to : + identify herbivores, carnivores and omnivores * know about pet animals and «nee + describe different ways of eating food in animals * describe food chain @ i se °%, Use Cordova Smart Class Software on the smart board in class to mal activity pp—<—>am pe Look at the given picture and answer the questions that follow : We eat food to get energy to work and stay healthy. Errno 1. Why do we need food? 2. Why do animals need food? 3. Name one fruit that a monkey likes to eat. i Science-3 (Term-1) mn ovaiicu wittt Gall we need food to live, grow and stay healthy. Food gives us energy to work and play. imal also need food. ANIMALS EAT DIFFERENT KINDS OF FOOD pifferent animals have different eating habits. 1, Herbivores: Some animals, like cows, goats, buffaloes and deer, eat only plants. They are called plant-eating animals or herbivores, Herbivores 2. Carnivores: Some animals, like lions, leopards and tigers, eat the flesh of other animals. They are called 2 s flesh-eating animals or ff alion carnivores. Carnivores Omnivores: Some animals, like crows, bears, dogs, cockroaches and humans, eat both plants and flesh of other animals. They are called omnivores. PET ANIMALS. Animals like cats, dogs and Tabbits live with us, They are ‘alled pet animals. They give us “many. Dogs guard our homes, should take care of them. We Mst give them good food and f_to keep them healthy a dog Pet animals « Science-3 (Term-1) its Scanned with Car DOMESTIC ANIMALS Animals like cows, horses, goats, sheep, camels, hens and ducks help us in many ways. These animals are called domestic animals. Horses, elephants and donkeys carry load for us. cows, ne re buffaloes and goats give us milk. Domestic anata Sheep give us wool. Hens and ducks give us eggs. We should provide good food and clean shelter to these anima | so that they remain healthy and active. We must always be kind to animals, (Sees) nM, ‘3 Tick (Y) the correct answers: 1, Carnivores are the animals that eat ...... me (a) grass (b) bread ry | 2. Which of the following are omnivores? Ff | _[)_ crows and humans (b)_ lions and tigers bs to HOW ANIMALS EAT Different animals have different ways of eating. The wa’ kind of food they eat. 1, of eating depends on the Gnawers: Animals like squirrels, rabbits and rats eat Brains, fruits and nuts. They have very sharp front teeth for cutting. These animals gnaw their food and are called gnawers. Animals with snawing teeth ar also called rodents, Ms A rabbit low their food animals do not have teeth to che they swallow their food whole without chewinp ; Frogs, chameleons and lizards have a lon poe - tongue. They catch the insects with thei cae swallow them whole. tongue and whole: Some Ww the food thus, A frog, catching a” y it act with its tong? Science-3 (Term-1) insect with its es ovaicu wittt Gail ‘snakes also swallow their food without chewing. They al do not have any chewing teeth, Though a snake has a small mouth, it can open its mouth very wide to swallow the food. Earthworms swallow soil with their food which consists of dead plant and animal matter present in the soil. Animals that tear and chew flesh: Carnivores such as lions, tigers and wolves have special teeth to tear and chew the flesh of other animals. Their front teeth (canines) are sharp, curved and pointed. These teeth help them tear the flesh. Their back teeth (premolars and molars) are flat and broad. These teeth help them chew. Animals that eat and chew and buffaloes eat grass and leaves. They us teeth to bite off leaves and grass. They use back to chew their food. 5 and buffaloes first swallow their food. Later, they bring it back into their led chewing the cud or rumination. Cow: mouth and chew it for hours. This is called chewing the cud of rumina I a A snake swallowing food without chewing A lioness has sharp and pointed front teeth. grass: Herbivores like cows e their flat, sharp and broad front their strong grinding teeth at the hewing animals. Other These animals are called_cu camels, giraffes and cud-chewing animals are sheep, goats. ‘An elephant uses its trunk to tear off leaves and _ branches of trees and put them into its mouth. The _ trunkalso helpsthe elephant todomanyother actives “Tike sucking rink or to have sl carrying heavy woo! An elephant uses its trunk to put food into its mouth. jen logs. ke in liquid food: Som' is have along, the food into th e animals take in thin and h low be that they use to suc eir mouth. si itoes and leeches suck blood from the bo ies of her animals. Butterflies and bees v tube to suck \y uck juice using 4 straw. ‘A buttery seine nee Zz pectar from flowers, like we Science-3 (Term-1) Rs. i ovainicu . ai Y Some animals, like cats and dogs, lap up milk and water with their tongue. This method of taking in etc Na cee liquid is called lapping. iret felireyte Messe (MCQs) ick (”) the correct answers: Rabbits and rats are called . Be 7 2 gnawers ©) tb) suckers Oo). 2. Which animal takes in liquid food through lapping? a cat —) (b)_ mosquito ry FOOD CHAIN ; a A deer eats grass and a tiger eats deer. They form a chain. This chain is called foq chi Look at this food chain formed by plants and animals. | grass deer tiger Grass > Deer — Tiger (Food chain) A food chain always begins with a plant because plants make their own food. so, can say that all animals depend on plants, directly or indirectly, for their food. — Gnaw + to bite or chew food with sharp front teeth i Rumination — : swallowing the food first and later bringing it back into the mouth chew it for hours Z 4 ; | | oe @ sweet liquid that is produced by flowers ping taking in liquid with th Food chain : ee chain which shows how plants are eaten by animals animals are eaten by other big animals 4 ie Science-3 (Term-1) vvaiicu witth ba (to) Bead % us energy. En bi i eat plants, carnivores eat flesh of other animals and omnivores eat both plants id animals. Pet animals live with us and domestic animals help us in many ways. |, Different animals have different ways of eating. All animals depend on plants, directly or indirectly, for their food. (Use Cordova Smart Class Software on the smart board in class to do these exercises.) Oral Questions: 1, Name two domestic animals. 2. How do you take care of your pet? Science Quiz: MS 1. Name a herbivorous animal. 2. Namea cud-chewing animal. Tick (Y) the correct options: 1. Which animal has a thin hollow tube to suck its food? (a) snake ©) (oy butterfly O © frog ‘ jaz A eats both plants and flesh of other animals. | @tear <>) ©) sheep OQ © tiger 7 3. EBarthworms__————S_ their food. (a) chew < (b) swallow <) (©) tearandchew < B Match the following: Column A Column B 1. Herbivore (a) ie & . (b) » 2. Omnivore E k (©) Carnivore Science-3 (Term-1) ovaiicu Wi @ Fill in the blanks with the help of the given words: 1. A food chain always begins with a/an (plens 2. Cowisa -eating animal. (flesh /ptang msl sucks blood. (mosquitos 4, Frog has a sticky to catch insects. (foot/téngu @ Very Short Answer Questions: 1. Forma food chain with the following: tiger, plant, deer 2. Name an animal that takes in liquid food. e@ Short Answer Questions: 1. Who are gnawers? 2. How does an elephant eat food? 3. Kajal has a pet cat. She feeds it with milk daily before going to school and afte returning from school. (a) Name one animal that laps up liquid food other than cat. (b) Which value is shown by Kajal? (Value Corner} @ Long Answer Questions: 1. How do carnivores use their teeth to eat food? Peas 2. What are cud-chewing animals? PICTURE TALK” Look at the given picture and answer the following questions: 1. Name this animal. 2. How does this animal eat? 3. Which food items does this animal eat? AR 1. Why is it important for us to keep our pet animals clean and healthy? 2. What will happen, if there are no plants on the earth? Group Activity/Project : Find out how an elephant eats food. Does it use its long white tect! to eat or does it eat with its trunk? Does it have teeth other than what you can see? Find ou! and display the information on an A3 size pastel sheet, “ai Group Discussion : Discuss in the class: ‘How different animals eat foodeuamas * lS (Term-1) J vvainicu witht Ga Food And Feeding Habits Of Animals a8 ; | U 0 I SSS Categorise the following animals into herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. Food And Feeding Habits Of Animals Match the pictures of animals given below with their ways of eating food. th (a) laps up milk with its tongue 24 (b) gnaws the food Ss (c) tears the flesh of other animals with its sharp teeth 4. (d) sucks nectar by tube 5: (e) swallows the food whole without chewing 6. (f) catches insects with its tongue

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