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What is baking

It is the technique of cooking food in an oven by dry

heat and applied evenly throughout the oven or only
History from the bottom element.The dry heat method of baking is
the process by which causes food to turn brown and partially
Of seals in its moisture. The browning is caused by caramelization
of sugars and the Mallard reaction, as well as the formation of
Baking starches on the inside of the food.Grain has dominated man's
existence from the dawn of time, but how far back can one
travel to prehistoric hunter-gatherers who relied on grains for
sustenance? The discovery of wild grain seed and its
cultivation in the desired climate and location reduced the
need on hunting abilities.

The first real bakers were Greeks.Greek

scholar, Aristophanes (450-385
B.E.C.), shows the existence of honey flans Man first ate seeds, then he learned to
grind the seeds between stones. The Swiss
and patterned tortes.Greek bakeries were
Lake Dwellers learned how to mix flour
established in Greece sometime in between
and water into dough.They baked the
300 and 200 B.C. (Bronze Age) The ancient mixture on hot stones. It was flat, hard on
Greeks also had a type of doughnut made the exterior yet soft on the inside.
from crude (unrefined or coarse) flour and
honey called "Dispyrus", a ring-cake that was
The same method of baking bread was
submerged in wine and consumed
used by the Babylonians, Chaldeans,
hot.Inevitably Greek culture influenced the
Assyrians, and Egyptians.A royal baker
Roman Empire; bakery first discovered the first leavened or raised
know-how was transformed and really loaf of bread accidentally in Egypt around
flourished. 5,000 B.E.C.

Famous historian named Cato (234-

148 B.E.C.), mentioned great
many different kinds of bread in his
As the Roman Empire formed, books:
absorbing Greece, also absorbed the
*Sacrificial cakes made with flour -
baking industry. A baker's guild was Iibum
formed. The first pastry and cook's *Groats and cress - placenta
association or "pastillarium" was *Flour prebels - spira
established. A union of owners was *Tortes - scibilata
established to set standards for quality *Fritters - globus apherica
*Bowl cake - meum
and employment in the bakery
*Sweet cake - savai
Baking Merges
BAKING IN AMERICA Wheat had practically disappeared.
Baking was reduced to a mean,
The 19th century bakers made bread, cakes, unwanted occupation by the Huns and
pies, biscuits, cookies and crackers. The baking the Moslem invasion of northern Europe
industry was brought to America to Jamestown in the early Middle Ages.The art of
colonists. In 1604, commercial bakeries more pastry cooking spread from the Roman
operated in the UK than in the U.S.In time, Empire throughout Europe and the
inter-colony commerce world. During the Crusades, bakers were
increased and wheat from newly encouraged to grow wheat for bread
developed western areas was shipped again. The bakers reorganized guilds
to East. and became powerful in a post-Christian
era. Baking again became an honored


Wheat has been consumed in the Philippines
since the days of the Spanish galleon trade After the French Revolution in
with Mexico. Unlike rice, wheat is not 1789, many bakers and pastry
indigenous here in our country. The Spanish cooks started independent
missionaries in the early 17th century businesses. Artisans competed for
intended mainly wheat for making customers with the quality of their
Eucharistic wafers.The Philippines used to
products. Marie Antoine (Antonin)
import flour from the United States until the
1950s when it stopped during the American Caréme (1784-1833) became the
Occupation of the Philippines. Most Famous Chef during his
time.New availability of flours
from wheat-growing regions of
North America also contributed to
the development of the bakery.



Bakeries have mushroomed in almost every section of the United States. As of 2006, there were
approximately 15,000 bakeries, other baking businesses and culinary schools. The former Bureau of Public
School under the Department of Education encouraged baking as a vocation for students.

The former Philippine College of Arts and Trade Baker's in Manila was the first school in the Philippines to
offer baking courses continuously. Techniques of dehydration improved the shelf life of the baked products.
Chemical additives were invented which improve the color, texture and shelf-life of baked goods.Flavorless-
reclaim by consumers and bakers as the old fashioned bread lost its flavors as the baking become more
industrialized. Advances in technology are gearing towards the baking industry from refrigeration to
sophisticated ovens to air transportation that carries fresh ingredients around the world.

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