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Author Guidelines

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Journal

Submissions must be original work and have never been previously published. Research manuscripts
are preferred. This should be proved by sending the Author’s Statement through Supplementary Files
in Open Journal Systems (OJS). Editor-in-chief will not process the author’s submission (whether in
e-mail or OJS submission menu) unless this statement letter is attached. TheAuthor’s statement letter
is available in this link:

• Is written in two languages: English and Bahasa Indonesia.
• Avoids uppercase applied in the whole letters.

Abstract consists of 150-200 words, written in one paragraph, continued by keywords. The abstract
contains background, writing purposes, discussion, and conclusion. Submissions from research must
include the research method and output. Abstract and keywords are written in two languages: English
and Bahasa Indonesia.

Manuscript content
Manuscript content includes the introduction, research method, results and discussion, conclusion,
and references. A sub-chapter on Literature Review is unnecessary.
• Relevant to the need for learning processes in the social and political sciences and humanities field.
• Closely related to or relevant with the authors’ mastery background, either theoretical writing,
methodological writing, research summary, or scientific book review.
• Considering the content objectivity and scientific rules.
• The editors consider 6000-8000 words to be the preferable article length. The length of the
manuscript should not exceed 8000 words, including text, all tables and figures, notes, and
appendices intended for publication. A manuscript that exceeds the 8000-word limit will be
returned without review.

Writing technique
• Within the manuscript body, avoid using dot points, alphabetizing, or numbering as follows:
1) ...........
2) ...........
This model of writing is preferred: 1) ................, 2) ..............
• Manuscript written in essay format, no numbering between chapter or part is allowed.
• The table and graph should be referred in the discussion.
• Make the tables or graphs as straightforward as possible. The table should contain table number,
title, note, and information if needed (below the table to explain abbreviation in the table). Use
only horizontal lines, and vertical lines are not allowed.
• Use running note instead of footnote or endnote; for example:
...... (Eveleth & Tanner 1990:10, Kennedy 1993).
...... (Abolfotouh et al. 1993).
...... (Boas 1896 in Martin 1928).
• Avoid journal name abbreviation in referencing.
• Instead of using points, conclusion is written in paragraph format.
• Reference uses “name-year” system, accordance with alphabetical family name.
• In reference, mention all author’s name (not et al.); for example:
Aboulfotouh M, Abu-Zeid H, Badawi I, & Mahfouz A (1993) A method for adjusting the
international growth curves for local use in the assessment of nutritional status of Saudi pre-
school children. Journal of Egypt Public Health Association 68 (2):687-702.
Hawking S (2000) Professor Stephen Hawking’s website. [Accessed 9 May 2002]. http://www.
Kennedy P (1993) Preparing for the Twenty-First. London: Harper Collin Publisher.
Kennedy P (2000) The New Era. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• The author’s name should be spelled consistently. An academic degree is not necessary.
• The author fully responsible for manuscript content.
• Attaching Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Author’s Statement Letter in Supplementary Files.
• Submission must be adjusted with this journal referencing style (reference citing, systematics,
illustration, table, etc.).
• Submitting the manuscript (in English) and abstract (in English and Bahasa Indonesia). The
manuscript typed by MS Word, font type is Times New Roman, spacing 1 in 15-20 pages of A4 paper.
• Signing an author’s statement letter stating that submission is not under consideration or peer-
reviewed or accepted for publication or in the press or published elsewhere. The manuscript
should not be submitted to another journal during the review process by MKP reviewers.
• Signing a statement letter stating that submission is plagiarism-free and fully obeying the citing
rules (the author did not copy-paste, but paraphrase).
• Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the Open Journal Systems (OJS):
• After the article has received the agreement to be published, authors are requested to contribute to
the journal’s maintenance and development.

• Editor reserves the right to edit the articles without changing the content and authors’ idea.
• Editor will return non-proper article.
Referencing Style
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Journal
Archive or special collection manuscript
Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title [material type]. Collection, shelfmark. Library, City, County.
Colvil SC (1680) The Mock poem, I-II [manuscript]. Brotherton Collection, MS Lt Leeds University
Library, Leeds, West Yorkshire.

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title of blog entry, date blog entry written. Title of Blog. [Date
accessed]. URL.
Newton A (2007) Newcastle toolkit, 16 January. Angela Newton: Blog. [Accessed 23 February

Book (printed, one author or more)

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title. City of publication: Publisher.
Adams AD (1906) Electric Transmission of Water Power. New York: McGraw.
Dym CL, Little P, Orwin EJ, & Spjut RE (2009) Engineering Design: A Project-based Introduction
(3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Book (printed, with an editor)

Family Name INITIAL(S) (ed) (Year) Title. City of publication: Publisher.
Crandell KA (ed) (1999) The Evolution of HIV. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.

Census statistics
Depositor. (Year) Title [computer file]. ESRC/JISC Census Programme, Census Data Support Unit,
University in which the unit is based.
Badan Pusat Statistik (2000) Surabaya dalam Angka, Tahun 2000. Program PPM, Unit Sensus
(Institut Teknik Surabaya).
Office for National Statistics (2001) Census: Standard Area Statistics (England and Wales)
[computer file]. ESRC/JISC Census Programme, Census Dissemination Unit, MIMAS (University
of Manchester).

Chapter in a book (printed)

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Chapter title. In: Initial(s) Family Name of Editor(s) (eds). Title of
book. City of publication: Publisher. Page number of your quotation.
Coffin JM (1999) Molecular Biology of HIV. In: Crandell KA (ed). The Evolution of HIV. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press. 24-35.

Title (Year) [CD-ROM] City of publication: Publisher.
Who’s who 1897-1998 (1998) [CD-ROM] London: Oxford University Press.

Conference papers and proceedings

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title of paper. In: Editor(s) of conference proceedings if known.
Title of conference, date of conference, location of conference. Place of publication: Publisher. Page
Robertson J (1986) The economics of local recovery. In: The Other Economic Summit, 17-18 April,
Tokyo. London: The Other Economic Summit. 5-10.
Dance (live perfomance)
Choreographer (Premiere date) Title. [Date seen and where].
Ashton F (1940) Dante Sonata, The Royal Ballet [performance viewed 10 July 2004, Lincoln Centre,
New York].

Dance (video)
Director/Producer (Year published or first transmission) Title of video or programme [type of medium
e.g. video], Production company or Publisher [further details to identify dance works].
Lockyer B dir. (1979) Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet [video for television transmission], BBC TV.
In association with R.M. Productions Munich [Les Patineurs, Ashton; Pineapple Poll, Cranko].

Title (Year) [DVD] Directed by. City of publication: Publisher.
Saving Private Ryan (1998) [DVD] Directed by Steven Spielberg. USA: Paramount Pictures.

E-book (from the internet)

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title. City of publication: Publisher. [Date accessed]. URL.
McRobbie A (1998) British fashion design: Rag trade or image industry? London: Routledge.
[Accessed 31 May 2006]. =0203168011.

Electronic discussion group

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title. Date added. Available from: Discussion group title. [Date accessed].
Cranshaw L (2001) Nature license for 2001 and beyond: Can your institution afford it? 6 February
2001. Available from: List e-journals. [Accessed 21 March 2002].

Film or video
Title (Year) Material designation. Subsidiary originator (director is preferred). Production details.
Place: Organisation.
Chicken Run (2000) Animated film. Directed by Peter Lord and Nick Park. Bristol: Aardman.

Film transcript
Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title [Location of transcript]. City.
Cobban W & Cameron B (1998) Mountie: Canada’s mightiest myth [National Film Board of Canada
documentary transcript]. Montreal.

Government departmental circular (UK)

Nation. Office, Department (Year) Title. Circular distributed: Date. Office: City.
Great Britain. Home Office, Lord Chancellor’s Department and Department of Health (Undated).
Child witness pack. Circular distributed 10 May 1993. Home Office: London.

Originator (Year) Title. Material type, location.
Gosse S (1912) The garden, Rowlandson House. Etching and aquatint, London: British Museum,
Department of Prints and Drawings. Register number 1915-27-41.

Journal article
Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title of article. Journal title. Volume (issue number): page number.
Walker JR (1998) Citing serials: Online serial publications and citation systems. Serials-Librarian 33
Journal article (electronic)
Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title of article. Journal title Volume (issue number):page number.
Royall CP, Thiel BL, & Donald AM (2001) Radiation damage of water in environmental scanning
electron microscopy. Journal of Microscopy 204 (3):185-198.

Law report
Law reports do not form part of the Harvard system of citations, the examples below are accepted
ways of referencing law reports.
If the year is crucial to identify the report, enclose it in square brackets e.g.
Parties in the case [Year] Abbreviation of law report Page.
Jones v. Smith [1934] All ER 123.
If the law report has a volume number, and so the year is not crucial to find the case, enclose the year
in round brackets e.g. Parties in the case (Year) volume number Abbreviation of law report Page.
R v Williams (1992) 2 WLR 321.

Originator’s Surname INITIAL(S) (Year) Title, scale. City: Publisher.
Mason J (1832) Map of the countries lying between Spain and India, 1:8,000,000. London: Ordnance

Newspaper article
Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title of article. Newspaper title. Date, page number of your
Webster B (2006) New speed camera puts more drivers in the frame. Times, 24 May, 1.

Newspaper article (without author’s name)

Newspaper (Year) Title of article. Newspaper title, date, page number.
Jawapos (2008) Perguruan tinggi kelas Dunia dari Jatim, 18 Februari, 5-6.

Newspaper article (online)

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title of article. Newspaper title, date. [Date Accessed]. URL.
Hardcastle G (2015) The white rose of Yorkshire is still flying high in the cricket’. The Press, 18
June. [Accessed 19 June 2015].

Newspaper (cartoon)
Cartoonist (Year) “Title of cartoon.” Newspaper title. Date, Page.
Bell S (2006) “The alleged al-Qaida threat to Los Angeles.” Guardian, 10 February, p.29.

Organisation report
Organisation (Unpublished, year) Title. Report dated date.
NSPCC (Unpublished, 1988) NSPCC submission to the Home Office Advisory Group on the
admissibility of video recorded interviews. Report dated 23 September 1988.

Artist (Year) Title, material type, measurements. Art Gallery, City.
Van Gogh V (1888) Sunflowers, oil on canvas, 92.1 x 73 cm. National Gallery, London.
Patents & patent applications
Name of Originator (Year) Title of patent document. Patent code. Patent number.
Phillip Morris (1981) Optical perforating apparatus and system. European patent application 0021165
A1. 1981-01-07.

Personal Communication
References to personal communications (e.g. letters, personal conversations, email messages) should
be placed in the body of the paper rather than listed in the references section.

Press release
Organisation (Year) Title. Press release, issued date.
NSPCC (1993) NSPCC launches justice for children campaign. Press release, issued 17 March 1993.

Sound recording
Originator (Year) Title. Place of publication and Name of publisher (separated by a colon). Ref No.
Sound type medium. Length.
The Coasters (1958) Sorry but I’m gonna (sic) have to pass. New York: WEA International Inc.
A4591C. Stereo Audiocassette, 3min.

Author of Standard (Year) Standard Number and Year (separated by a colon). Title of standard. Place
of publication and Name of publisher (separated by a colon).
British Standards Institution (1990) BS5605:1990. Recommendations for citing and referencing
published material. Milton Keynes: BSI.

Television advertisement
Company/Product (Year produced) Description of advert (duration). Television advertisement,
channel. Screened dates.
Coca Cola (2006) Santa handing bottles of coke to a girl every year at christmas until she turns into
a woman (30 secs). Television advertisement, ITV3. Screened 01/12/2006-25/12/2006.

Television broadcast
Series title and number and title of episode. Transmitting organisation and channel, full date and time
of transmission.
Prison Break, Episode 210, Rendezvous. TV, Five, 2007 March 19. 22.00 hrs.

Thesis or dissertations (print and online)

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title. Type of qualification, academic institution, city.
Gill MR (1997) The relationship between the physical properties of human articular cartilage and
tissue biochemistry and ultrastructure. Thesis, University of Leeds, London.

Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title. Type of qualification, academic institution, city. [Date
Accessed]. URL.
Murphy JP (2011) Proteomics of downstream responses to growth signals in proliferating
cells. Dissertation, Dalhousie University, Canada. [Accessed 1 August 2012].

Unpublished documents
If unsure of the date, make a sensible guess and use a question mark.
Family Name INITIAL(S) (Year) Title. Unpublished.
Fendell R (1985) Training and management for primary healthcare. Unpublished.
Web page (with author)
Family Name INITIAL(S) Year. Title. [Date accessed]. URL.
Susie C (1992) At home in Siberia. [Accessed 21 April 2021].

Web page (no author)

Title of website (Year as appearing on site) [Date accessed]. URL.
Feminist Collections A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources (2002) [Accessed 9 May 2002].

Web page (organisation as author)

Organisation (Year) Title of web. [Date accessed]. URL.
BBC News (2014) Lights out’ ends day of WW1 centenary commemorations. [Accessed 17 October

Wiki Name (Date) Title of article [online]. [Date accessed]. URL.
Wikipedia (2007) Socrates. [Accessed 23 January 2007]. Web:

YouTube video
Screen Name (Year) Title [online]. [Date Accessed]. URL.
India Today (2021) CPI(M) vs BJP vs congress debate over Kerala political killings, assembly poll.
[Accessed 21 April 2021].

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