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In regarding professional communication, identify what are problems with the following email send
by a student to a lecturer:

hi i need to know where can i download the lecture slides. as i am so URGENT, can u get back to
me asap!!!!



- No email subject
- No proper greeting at the beginning of email, i.e. hi
- Use upper case
- Use abbreviations (u)
- Use asap!!!
- No greeting at the end, i.e. regards etc.

RMIT uses Canvas hosted by Instructure company.

● What type of cloud does this cloud service belong to? (Infrastructure as service, platform
as services, and software as services)
● Why RMIT selected that option?
● What are other options RMIT can consider?

(4-6 sentences)

- RMIT Canvas is a form of software as service as it is licensed on a subscription basis and
is centrally hosted
- Why did RMIT select that option? Some years back, RMIT used Blackboard that was hosted
on premises. However, this created many problems for upgrading and maintaining the
software, problems with high availability and scalability, i.e. students couldn’t upload big
- RMIT could continue hosting Canvas (a open source software) on premises. It also can
consider other solutions such as SaaS Moodle, Blackboard. All have pros and cons.
Give one example on how attackers can use social engineering to steal money from one's bank
account. (4-6 sentences)

1) Via Internet banking
- Most of the bank now has enabled multi factor authentication so in order to steal money,
hackers need to gain both of them.
- First, they will trick users to login to a fake bank website which looks identical to the real
website. They can send this link to users via a number of ways: email, sms, link etc.
- They will need to ask the users to disclose the OTP sent via email SMS or OTP
2) Via ATM
- Hackers insert a ATM card reader into the reading slot of ATM to clone a fake
- Hackers insert a small camera to capture PIN code
- After that, they use the fake card and PIN code to steal money.

Discuss with a relevant example how Information Communications Technology (ICT) is different and
similar to Information Technology (IT)? (4-6 sentences)

Answers: it is quite hard to provide a standard answer, however, students could get marks if they
could mention some of these.

1) Similarities:

Refer to technologies and or applications of computers, devices, networks for processing,

exchanging information.

2) Differences:
IT refers to Infrastructure (network, server), Information System (application, databases), Information
Security (access control, firewalls)are all deals with data in the form of Binary data. The application
of computers to store, study, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the
context of a business or other enterprise.

ICT can be analog or binary and Communication relates to devices which sends and receive signals,
Its all about device technologies which communicate with each other such as radios with station,
mobile with tower, TV with the help of decoder, even satellites. Its all about transmission services.

ICT is an extended term for information technology (IT) which stresses the role of unified
communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals),
computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems,
which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

You have a laptop and it starts to run slower and slower. Describe a number of things that you can
do to make it run faster. Of course, don't mention replacing by a new laptop. (4-6 sentences)


- Buy new RAM or upgrade current RAM

- Upgrade CPU
- Change HDD to SSD
- Defragmentation hard drive

Students should give reasons why these could help laptops run faster.


Write a bash file to do the following tasks.

- Create the following tree directory src/entity, src/controller, src/service.

- Change permissions of these folders to owner full permission, group and other read only.

- In src/entity folder, write a file named readme.txt with the following content:

"Here is instructions on how to use folder"

- Copy this file to src/controller and src/service

- Make these file read only for group and none for others


Some students can use echo to generate the files. Though they can easily use vi or any other text
editor to create the bash file, we accept that answer as well.

mkdir src/entity src/controller src/service
chmod 744 src/entity src/controller src/service
touch src/entity/readme.txt
echo "Here is instructions on how to use folder" >> src/entity/readme.txt
cp src/entity/readme.txt src/controller
cp src/entity/readme.txt src/service
chmod 040 src/entity/readme.txt
chmod 040 src/controller/readme.txt
chmod 040 src/service/readme.txt

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