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GE 1- Understanding the Self

Name: Brian Kenneth Mirando

Course/Year and Section: 1st Year, BSTM-1D

What constitutes the Understanding of the Self?

Relating the Self from various perspectives. By knowing the representation and
conceptualization of the self from various disciplinal perspectives.

Different influences, factors, and forces that shape the self such as biological,
psychological and socio-economic forces.

Analyzing the development of one’s self and identity by developing a theory of the

Exploring the different aspects of the self and identity.

Identifying the forces and institutions that influence the development of various
aspects of self and identity.

Theories underpinning the management and how we could take care of the self.

Comprehension Activity

Directions: The “Big Five” factors (or Five Factor Model; FFM) of personality are five broad domains or dimensions
of personality which are used to describe human personality. The Big five factors are O-C-E-A-N:
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. The Five-Factor Model
is the most current valid reliable means of assessing personality available. Psychologists use it as the
primary means of understanding and interpreting personality. This is a personality test, it will help you
understand why you act the way that you do and how your personality is structured. Please follow the
instructions below, scoring and results are on the next page. (5 points)

In the table below, for each statement 1-50 mark how much you agree with on the scale 1-5, where
1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=neutral, 4=slightly agree and 5=agree, in the box to the left of it.

Rating I….. Rating I…..

4 1. Am the life of the party. 3 26. Have little to say.

5 2. Feel little concern for others. 5 27. Have a soft heart.
5 3. Am always prepared. 5 28. Often forget to put things back in their proper place.

3 4. Get stressed out easily. 3 29. Get upset easily.

2 5. Have a rich vocabulary. 1 30. Do not have a good imagination.
GE 1- Understanding the Self

1 6. Don't talk a lot. 4 31. Talk to a lot of different people at parties.

5 7. Am interested in people. 3 32. Am not really interested in others.
4 8. Leave my belongings around. 2 33. Like order.
2 9. Am relaxed most of the time. 4 34. Change my mood a lot.
3 10. Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. 4 35. Am quick to understand things.
5 11. Feel comfortable around people. 2 36. Don't like to draw attention to myself.
3 12. Insult people. 3 37. Take time out for others.
4 13. Pay attention to details. 2 38. Shirk my duties.
5 14. Worry about things. 5 39. Have frequent mood swings.
5 15. Have a vivid imagination. 3 40. Use difficult words.
4 16. Keep in the background. 5 41. Don't mind being the center of attention.
4 17. Sympathize with others' feelings. 3 42. Feel others' emotions.
3 18. Make a mess of things. 5 43. Follow a schedule.
4 19. Seldom feel blue. 4 44. Get irritated easily.
4 20. Am not interested in abstract ideas. 3 45. Spend time reflecting on things.
5 21. Start conversations. 1 46. Am quiet around strangers.
4 22. Am not interested in other people's problems. 4 47. Make people feel at ease.
3 23. Get chores done right away. 5 48. Am exacting in my work.
2 24. Am easily disturbed. 4 49. Often feel blue.
4 25. Have excellent ideas. 5 50. Am full of ideas.

E = 20 + (1) 4 - (6) 1+ (11) 5- (16) 4+ (21) 5- (26) 3 + (31) 4 - (36) 2 + (41) 5 - (46) 1 = 32
A = 14 - (2) 5 + (7) 5 - (12) 3 + (17) 4 - (22) 4 + (27) 5 - (32) 3 + (37) 3 + (42) 3 + (47) 4 = 23
C = 14 + (3) 5 - (8) 4 + (13) 4 - (18) 3+ (23) 3 - (28) 5 + (33) 2 - (38) 2 + (43) 5 + (48) 5 = 24
N = 38 - (4) 3 + (9) 2 - (14) 5 + (19) 4 - (24) 2 - (29) 3 - (34) 4 - (39) 5 - (44) 4 - (49) 4= 18
O = 8 + (5) 2 - (10) 3 + (15) 5 - (20) 4 + (25) 4 - (30) 1+ (35) 4+ (40) 3 + (45) 3 + (50) 5 = 26

The scores you calculate should be between zero and forty. Below is a description of each trait.

• Extroversion (E) is the personality trait of seeking fulfillment from sources outside the self or in community. High
scorers tend to be very social while low scorers prefer to work on their projects alone.
• Agreeableness (A) reflects much individuals adjust their behavior to suit others. High scorers are typically polite and
like people. Low scorers tend to 'tell it like it is'.
• Conscientiousness (C) is the personality trait of being honest and hardworking. High scorers tend to follow rules and
prefer clean homes. Low scorers may be messy and cheat others.
• Neuroticism (N) is the personality trait of being emotional.
• Openness to Experience (O) is the personality trait of seeking new experience and intellectual pursuits. High scores
may day dream a lot. Low scorers may be very down to earth.
GE 1- Understanding the Self

What did you think of this test? Do you think the interpretations suit your personality? Why? Why not? (5 points)

I think yes because this is based on my own work and it also states where I can be better known as who I am, and it
states how I can deal with people and how I can work as a student, to be known as the real me and how to socialize,
do, and do the right thing as stated.

Guided Practice

Directions: Let your seatmate draw your appearance inside the box. Afterwards, let them write their first impression
about you. (5 points)

My seatmate’s first impression of me:

When I met my classmate Brian for the first time, I knew he was kind and good at getting along, he is also

modest when talking to others, and entertains people with his beautiful smile, that is why I've been closed to

him because of the good attitude he shows.

Independent Practice

Directions: Complete the identity cube by sketching yourself (top). The cube should be completed based on how you
see yourself and not how others see you. (5 points)

GE 1- Understanding the Self

Additional Practice – Enrichment Activity

Directions: Answer the questions below in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. “How well do I
really know myself?” (5 points)

I know myself as someone who loves my family and the people who support me, and as a young man who has the desire

to improve the family's situation even though there are many obstacles and many problems faced but still able to cope, and a man

who has the dedication to finish his studies even if he is short of money, and has the courage to work during the day or at night so

that he can’t ask his parents for a little money, a child who misses and longs for his father's love, a son who can do everything for

the family.

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