A Reaction Paper On The Movie The Billio

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Submitted by: Larry C. Lacanin

Submitted to : Dr. Paul Antonio
1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the movie? Explain.

 The Billionaire (Top Secret) is a real-life constructed story. The movie is all about
how a teenager named Top Itthipat who was a dropped out from the university, an
online game addict and a risk taker will be turned out to be a billionaire and a
magnate. That is one of the strengths of the movie. Featuring a real-life story of
an individual is relatable to the audience. The element of human quest and how
the flick narrates the ups and down the character experienced makes it more
relevant since we all experienced the same. Challenges are always there in our life
and it is our call to think of solutions to overcome those. As a typical human
being as highlighted in the movie, Top resiliently surpassed challenges by being
brave enough to face it a more mature way.

2. Was the movie convincing? Explain

 Yes, the movie is convincing. The way the screenplay was done and the way they
emphasized that education is as important as strategy or being a street smart.
In the movie, Top learned from the happenings around him. For instance, on
figuring out how to sell chestnuts and ways of doing business of it. He collated
and learned that by just observing. Learning by experience, that’s the way Top’s
way in fulfilling his dreams. Well, admit it, experience is the best teacher.
Although I read about that the movie was a bit exaggerated, the movie talked
about real-life scenarios that we can relate to.

3. Did the movie leave out anything important? What is it? Explain

 The movie featured how a teenage boy overcome the challenges that typical boy
at his age can’t deal with. After watching the movie, these are the insights that I
get from the movie.
1. Business concepts can come from anywhere.
- In the movie, Top discovered that he has the mind of a
businessman when his weapons on his online game can make him
money. In that moment, he smartly used his available resources in
order for him to earn money. Another instance is that when he
attended a Food Convention. In there he saw a chestnut making
machine and foresee himself selling one. From there, we can say
that if we are sensitive on our environment we can easily grasped
business ideas and may make us generate revenue.
2. Venture to take risk.
- Top bravely chose to do business than to finish college. Accepting
the challenge in putting up the business is one-way Top, in the
movie exhibit braveness. Even though that his parents, especially
his father didn’t support his idea of being a businessman, he makes
his own choice to continue it. As we all know the axiom, high
risks high reward was revalidated in this movie. With the risks
that Top did, he eventually harvesting his rewards by being one of
the youngest billionaire in Thailand.

4. Did the movie emphasize anything? What is it? Explain

 For me, the revolving theme of the movie is resiliency. Being able to recover
quickly from difficulties was strikingly revealed by Top. His first trial was when
he was deceived by the seller of the defective DVD’s. In that moment, he put all
his savings and stake all of it in wanting to have more revenue by selling the
DVD’s. Because of that occasion, he immediately shrugged it off and continue to
live. The second instance is that on his selling chestnuts business. Although his
business is on its way up, he experienced a turn around because the mall
administrator terminated his lease contract because the machine stained the roof
of the mall and affects other tenants. He also thinks alternative ways on diverting
this failure into a positive way. He doesn’t stop. Since the movie relays to the
audience that business idea can be found anywhere, Top’s creative and innovative
mind was tickled when he came across a seaweed snack his girlfriend bought
which is not yet available in Thailand. He was able to bounce back again in life
because of his tenacity.

5. How do you react to the movie on a personal level?

 Actually it’s my second time to watch this film. I was amazed on how can a
teenage boy can live his dream. Well, honestly speaking, when I was at that age, I
wasn’t thinking about getting a business for myself. I was just thinking about how
can I get to college and graduated from it. This movie can inspire audiences by
giving them real-life situation that yes age does not determine success. Being
able to achieve so much in life with just that, we may consider to be young adult
age, wherein you are creating your shell of who you will be in life can be the
awaken factor. Top also exemplified that the mind is a powerful force for all of
us, humans and what can our mind will conceive it can achieve.

6. How does the piece relate to your experience/experiences?

 Top experienced many failures in the movie, but it does not take him on the
ground. As a viewer, I related on him on how to be resilient in terms of
happenings of our life. I think being and staying persistent and never give up
on my dreams and previous letdown is a learning process towards future
success are my take away from the movie. To concretely explain that here is
one of the events in my life that I considered to be my life changing experience. I
always wanted to be a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). Well that’s what
taking BSA is all about. Passing the CPA Board Exam is my goal after I
graduated college. But first, let me take you to year 2007 when I graduated High
School. I was the class Salutatorian. Everyone expects me to go to college since
being a Salutatorian entitled me for an academic scholarship, it can lessen the fees
that I will pay. My family is not well-off enough to send me to school. I have
realizations back then that I will not stop to think of answers on my problem. Me
and my other classmates applied for a scholarship to colleges here in Olongapo. I
do all attended panel interviews dissecting my personal life by questioning on
why I am qualified to be granted a scholarship to their institution. I received a call
from Office of the Student Affairs of Columban College and I was granted the full
scholarship. In that scenario of my life, I realized that yes, persistence is the key.
That if you can think of ways to overcome your problems and putting all yourself
in that dream, it can help you attained it. Then there comes college graduation, but
the part that I was afraid of was taking and passing the licensure examination. I
failed in my first attempt in the boards. I was so downed with that failure. I
always thought of myself that I was the most stupid. Yes, I self-pitied myself that
time but I was able to bounce back by applying for a job. I knew and realized that
the letdown was just making me aware that it doesn’t make me a lesser person. I
promised myself that I will not give-up on my dream, just like Top, who
experienced so much failure but keep on standing up for his dream. I will just do
that. I know that there will be time for me. That the universe will grant my dreams
and I will always remind myself that if others can be so successful, I can also do
that. 

7. Did the movie hold your interest? Why?

 Yes, in the positive way. The message of the movie was striking to me. That
don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something even the one’s
closest to us. I really admired Top’s brave heart to overcome rejections. He’s just
so inspiring that leave me in awe and making me more aggressive if it’s about my
dreams. Being a goal-oriented, result-driven and a risk-taker person can take
me to the mount of success.

8. What did you realize after watching the movie? Explain

 I realized that we must dare to take risks. We must be courageous and fearless
when it comes to our dreams. Just like Top, don’t just be complacent and being
different is okay. That thinking outside the box than sticking to traditional way of
doing things can give us great things. And passion can make us successful.

The four specific areas of risk that entrepreneurs face are Financial risk versus- profit Entrepreneurs'
quest for money has various driving forces, Top sold his hard-earned possessions like his car to kickstart
his growing business. Career risk- reduction of job security Top chose to start a business at a young age
and dropped out at school. He risked his future for a business venture that doesn’t have any guarantees.
Family and social risk- competing commitments of work and family In Top’s case he also faced the this,
he cut ties with his friends even his girlfriend causing them to break up because of his business, and his
uncle getting stressed because of Top’s business. He refuses his parents to come with them to China
because of his business. Lastly Psychic risk- failure's psychological effects on entrepreneurs' well-being
Top also experienced the Psychic risk, Top also experienced the Psychic risk he failed many of times on
his business causing him depression.

In Top’s case he also faced the Family and social risk, he cut ties with his friends even his girlfriend,
refuse his parents to come with them to China because of his business. His girlfriend was getting worried
about Top and getting stressed, and also his parents but his uncle the one who stick with Top the most
gained stress and got into an accident because of Top’s business and asking Top to stop, but insisting
because he already invested too much money and time for his business and backing out would be all for

Top also experienced the Psychic risk one of the most dangerous risks of entrepreneurship. When he got
banned from his online game and wanted to sell DVD players that he bought for cheap and not knowing
they were faulty and just last for a few days, he was mad at the seller but that just how real life works
not everyone is honest and would cheat on you just to get money. After that he failed a lot of times in
his businesses such as the DVD player, and the chestnut he was in the brink of giving up getting
depressed losing his friends, and his girlfriend, but he did not give up and became successful.

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