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LA-& 7 a Nes AE SPECIFICATION P-166; 83 STEEL POLES FOR TRANSMISSION LINES Prades a | PAKISTAN WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 0. Foreword 1. Scope : 2. Definitions 8, ‘types of Poles ay jdedings Ar Bae i Design Requirements ; 6. Material ote Pabrication ‘ 8. Accessories a eae. Tests 10. Drawings and, Data “First approved January, 1083. 0 we 2.4 [A conductor ta a wire meant to transmit electrical energy. SPECIFICATION P1986 : 4gG1ON LINES . aA | STEEL POLES FOR TRAP FOREWORD Thie standard bag been introduced by WAPDA and hen been + prepared by the Transmtanion Line Section of the office % of the Chief Engineer (de 3 for the purpose of Techni Thie standard is intended only b and fabrication cal Specification to facilitute desten steel poles for Tranamiaslon Lines and does not includ provisions of Contract. ' This Specification is based on International Blectrotee cal Commission document no 11(C0)10 Recommendation for ca come inae wily 1880 fordefermination of wind load and, Q8cB method of Déerign of Stoel Transmiasion pole struc- ture for analysis. SCOPE i fabrication and} This Specification covers the design, anemiseion Lines, supply of galvanized steel poles for Tr DEFINITIONS Conductor, ‘or an overhead ground wire for lightning protection and induction in telephone line. Pe 4 Span 4 Spao means the horizontal distance between the two adja Al poles of @ Transmission Line, Ge Wind Span / The wind span de bai the cum of the too spane 3d, t to # pole. ee Weight Span Welght span is the horizontal distance between the low; points of sag in the two spans adjacent te a pole under {) minimum temperature condition } Longitudinal i | The horizontal dirciion along the run of conductors of) 42 | 3.4 caliel to tts centre Line, lon bisecting tie secttons of the a transmission Jing and pardl) 0 dt angle locations tt ie the directs catabnal angle beewnen une tun ie Ineene trwasmission Line Tran verse angles to the run of At angle locations internal angle between smissicn line. he borizontal direction ay 7 ure conluctors of a transmission Tine it ig the direction bisecting the the two adjacent sections: of Che TYPES OF POLES i : neist of u galvanized \ The Transmission Lines pole: shall ; Tees! pole with six crossarme and at be of enbaided oF ‘ pundation tyre. ‘The pole anchor base foundation tyre wole and Cro e ee Tonmily be cirevlar or polygonal in shape. | 2 na Ls The poles shall be in several sect lone and assembly of seetions shall be achieved by stip joints ! The poles are of following types 1) Type SP-A Tangent Pole 0° = 2° Angle i 44) Type SP-D Medium Angle 2° ~ 30° Angle i isi) Type SP-G Menvy Angle 30” ~. 60° Angle and dead end. ih ae The poles are dasignited by the code numbers. These have been assigned in the fotlowimg moumner a) The first two letter ‘sp! stands for steel pole for Transnmisscen 1 ines h) The succeeding letier A, 0) % G denotes angle, these poles sustain, the Steg! Pole ‘ty i cile cirendt suspenston pols tor etra i i or wlratght Line pos an ee Rc cea ee ianes Genie g weight span of 225i ee so 1 Double irenit 1 Vote ‘Type sp Dor le renit strain pe i Lutrain pole tur tine angles upto. 3¢ z ont wind sing of TMlas nw weidat woen Ge B2gne TRTeOS 60 Degrees Double rend) Steel Pole 0 © clreult strain pot i Deus a ole for Ling angles upto 60 degre na wind span of 180m, 9 walehr span of 225m, tis gold of acting as a dead end pole with ht nngles to crossarm axi@ shall also be capable all conductore etruns i He eon ee eee thelr maximum Joaded tension. 4 LOADINGS, 4.1 Each type of pole shall be designed to safely withstand” pole, conductors, hardware} -- the loading duc to wind on tee raive cuddoad wight of pole ond (ittings: due 6 Seer enrermnavers | 1gid (e angles) es indichted Beace after. 4.2 Maximum wind velocily (VM) has been taken as 46m/Sec aiid diy (vty as 30.2m/Sec taking, into | the Reference wind velor | aoe ee iant aa 7.67. The magni= yes is a pressure of 57 Xe fi: account ground roughne tude of wind load on pole pnd s : 4.3 4.4.3 In order to determiue the effect af the wind ot the pole — irecit the latter wlal] Le divided into elements of suite ble height, The ultimate wind Jead in the transvors direction wplied at the centre of gravity of an element shall be: |] Ang T dO- Cys Syed be qo = dynamic Reterance pressure = d= Diameter of the pole | L = Length of tie element Gp = Gust response factor * ay Where 2, = Height from centre of gravity of element above ground in terms of, 4.3.2 Drag soefficient Cy, Reynelds nos. which shi R= 20.8x10°xa/67— Where d diameter of cxrc= 1.2 for R CXTC= 0.75 for RD 4Gx10 between 3x10° and 4,5x10°, the ed by! 3 For values of Reynold value of Cyn may be de 855 log F aya Ultimate Loads | 4.4.1 Tranvers@, longitudinn? end vertical lords on thé pole: along the pole. budy shall be applied unt forinly The Joad on conductors and insulators shut] be assumed te act at the conductor attachment points. the ultimate loads for all types of poles are given Jn Table-L. Stringing conditions are mainly mean: tor design af a teanarme, tt shall be assused that only two conductors cro pe atrung eimul taneouaty und the Angle petween the Anchorge and ground shall ngt be more than 16°. ULTIMATE LOADS ON POLES (All Loads in Kg) a sr. Spore Pole Pole a. Type of Load Type SP-A ‘type SP-D Type SP-G ° ° A: Transverse Loads 30) S0e Dead End A: Transverse Loads Al Wind on Earthwire and fittings 260 260 260 260 With -E/wire intact ‘a2 Due to line angle an E/wire with 26 380 732 - E/wire intact. a3 “Wind on conductor, insulators 860 935 935, 935 & fittings with conductor » intact, 44 Due to line angle on conductors 90 1330 2568 - with conductor intact. : : Bl Weight of E/wire and fittings 120 120 120 120 jor intact E/wire. B2 ‘Weight of conductor, insulator 650 729 720 720 strings & fittings for intact conductor. 2 BS. Weight of E/wire.and. fittings BT Beeeae nn a 275 275 275 for stringing Gbnudition. : B4_ Weicht-of conductor and 1375, iittings for stringing condition. ! (gry asmeTo OF T9Tau) oe + aoqonpuoo eee Lyet, Lv6t soy woyatpucs Supsatzas 03 end vO : ‘aay uated ae oes o8s zo voT}zpuoo JuTZuyz3s 02 and - £9 -2039Rpu09 ousa . : as yoequy Jo Buypue-puep oF end ’ ‘otta Uta . . _ qoviey yo 2arpas-pyop 03 end 19 : TOT TO Speoy TeaepayTaoT +0” : i : = atod Fo 2qatem. peed Sd pug peed. of? | ~ 3 ost a y-as edhy: peor Fo odk, as 210d Pg 40 q Ee Bitit I 3 BAW 5.1.4 -with the insta: ned to withstand wll combina~ Bach pole shall bo Cckneverae and longitudinal ultina foade urieing from the loading cases 6tated below and in clause 4.3. The combination the conditions stated and direction of loads shall be such as to induce max le shall be in dlémenta, In al] cases the Po < sueumed ‘iGedat with Pull wind and weight espana and fu line angles. Tt shall be usaumed that all colhductors are | {netaljed and intact, the wind shall be assume to blow in the transverse direction, C ind Case 8 ree Wites installed on one circuit and w : ahi he assumed to blow in Transverse direction, i aa ¥ ‘ ‘two conductor sha Case 3 Btringing Condition Se eaue para ees DEgtant REQUIREMENT ' Senexad Rach Pole shaij be of self supporting with embedded Atohor base folladations utd shail be able to carry the jJoads and mest the loading conditions of this specific: tion, : the general sonfiguration and dimensions of poles ‘and | clearance shall] be as per attached drawings. - The dia~ meters of poled shall not exceed the max values shown, Beotion lengthd shall not exceed 12 meter, The min t neve of! ‘mtertal used for polew @hull be @ mi and for dvonenin shall be 4 inm. The Contractor shall be fully responaible for the dest, of the. poles und for thelr satisfactory performance, A designs furnisied by the Contractor and approved by the Enginver shall -be considered a part of this specificati: All dwaigne and drawings submitted by the Contractor shi become the property of WAPDA. The WAPDA exo#essly reso: the right to use, reproduce in while or in part to distr bute, and to rouse any and all such drawings in connecti lation, maintenance, replacement and ‘repa of the materials to be furnished under the specification and: also to make.any.and all -sych, drawings, and reproduc- tiora theréof.qvailable to subsequent Tenders. and Contra toris,,.where neqeasary in connection with fabricating and furnishing materials duplicating or-closely similar to the materials to be furnished hereunder. The depositing of ail such drawing with the Engineer shell goastitute 2 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.275, “,or plate having.the tensile proper lutions for determining allowable stresses of thods "Design of Steel ALL be according lo ASCE Me fon Pole Structures". all pole ‘Transm |ss ALL culeulattons carried vu on computer shall be accom— panied by a full explanat fon of the compucer programmes: Pad the methods usad in (he caleuiations, Ag tho poles are of cantilever type, consideration shail pe given to the most unfavourable cvadition of, simple buckling ‘or combined buckling by bending and torsion. uy be achieved by Tength shall be at least diameter of the female Connection between the varios Slip joints, the overlapping equal to'i.5 times the Inside section. Ti guse of anchor base type poles the dimension and thick in eeee Dase plate as well as number, diameter and length peeeyghor bolts shall be determined by calculations and Oe eere antected from the range of some, International Standard. tions ‘phe “foundations shall be designed on the following basis. The foundation shall be able to withstand ‘the Ultimate forces teision, compression shear and uplift for the worst ccesible combination of ultimate ‘loads given Jn clause 4- fowever for angle poles the ultimate londs shall be multi~ plied, by an additional factor of 1.2. . For design pyrposes the woight of concrete may be taken as 2300 Ke/m?.and of earth as 1600 kg/m, “The foundation ‘shall be designed for soil bearin regs! of 2,1, 0.5, ku/Sacmn. oo MATERIAL, Poles shall be made of low alloy high tensile steel sheet , ties as specified. The steel Shwll be made’ by open hearth, basic oxygen or Electric furnace process, ‘The manufacturer muy propose steel conforming to latest appiteable Industry Standurds Specification and reconmen— da'ion practices provided such steel has the minimum 6.3 6.3.4 i "i pect fied. ylold potnt und mintioum Elongation Be ePee | see tabtacer shall fndsoate the grade OF stool. and Identify the standard to .whtch. the steel, complies. The -» eee atten or seeol shall be approved by Wapas. The following information shall be supplied by the Manufacture Ultimate Tensile Strength a vield ptrencth + % \ Minimum, Guarantee’ Minimum Elongation Detail of Test P¥ece Chemical Composition Proper ‘The steels shall conforn to the requir properties prescribed below: ements ag to tensile Yield point kg/mm? yey Minimum Elongation in 50mm guage a dngth percent, minJmum upto Sma thickne: 16 . Te Elongation tu 200mm guage Tength 3 VW percent, minimum. id Snm to 16mm thickness 13 ee Over 16mm thickness . 1%, : Bend Test Requirement, a i Tne'stedis ehaii withstand the. following Bend test -Require-_ | nents. wlaed | ‘Thickness of Ratio of bend*dia-* * Material meter toothi¢kness tee dy d_ Specification "quoted, by | The tolerance of Steel grade s the Contractor shal] be applicable; yi te Tolarnuced dn the mehufacturer of the poles mhall. be ee ollows: i: i) Overall length of pole + 10% ' 4i) Outside dia + 1% idi) Tube thickness - 8% iv) Twisting 1.5-Degree per, 3m ‘ v) Weight *a%. 6.4.3. The poles shal] be straight within 1/300 of length. z FABRICATION 7.1.1). Al1 type of poles shal] be made of one or several sections or elements tapered uniformly starting with the base or putt end, decreasing in,diamete: at a suitable rate. In the case of poles made of several sections their assembly shall be achieved by slip joint or flanges. 7.1.2 \ Poles and crossarms shall have no transverse joints or “ walds and only one longitudival weld per thickness. of pole fall be permissible. Tha uppér part of the pola shall be made to eccomodate: C+ eross-arm af (he dinensions and clearances shown on tho drawing, necessary for tha attachment of conductor and shall be nade to match aesthetics of the pole. Crossarms connection to the pole shull be made by flanges. In case of anchor base type poles the lower part shall be equipped with a base: plate to be anchored on a concrete 2 foundation by means of anchor bolts. * The anchor base shall. be ‘of sufficient cfoss section to develop the full strength of the pole by means:of two transverse. Electric welds. The base shall telescope the pole and one weld shall be on the inside of the: base at the end of the pole and other weld on the outside at | ° the top. of the base. ‘ = Anchor bolts -shall be of suitable diameter and length to develop Tull the ultimat» strength of the pole. The upper ends of anchor bolt shall be threaded and furnished with : hexagonal heads. The lower end of the bolt shall have "L’ bend of length not less than 3 timés the diameter of,bolt. © i The anchor ‘bolts and nuts shall be hot dip galvanized to. WAPDA Specification P-82 Metal covers shall be provided’ ..- e for covering the nuts and the portion of the-bolt extending. -; about the base and metal cover shall be attached-to the '- 2 steel base by means of cap screws. 7.1.7. .Aeground sleeve shall be attached: to each embedded type * pole, The sleeve shall be made frem one piece’ of sheet v . or plate. The thickness of the ground sleeves shall be ! f I i E { .. . je aba not less than 6mm. ‘The one longi tudthal Weld she ah ground or rolled smooth, . Unless otheryi es see yioe, oHait Bel y 1 s o . The top 6 La ! the sleeves shall b 600mm a riliet weld! which 9d) Jj be welded to, the pole by. means of phall be sufficiently beveled to shed wa joint watertight, ter and ‘inake 7.2... Welding 7.2, . Al] Welds shel], be performed in works before galvanFzing. All welding shail be Electrié Arc according to some Attesnational Standards and ‘shall inelude the following |” processes! Shielded metal Arc welding ~ Submerged Arc welding” - Gas metal Arc welding | ompatiable with grade and.’ 7 1 used and shall have. : 1 to physical proper- ted electrodes sha: The electrodes used shall be © chemical composition of the stee. mechanical propérties at least equa ties of the steel to be welded.» Uncod be used. i te the following, minimuin require |. 7.2.2 The welds shal! conform, to. ments. : (For. poles and ,Crossarms) Longitudinal Weldg 1l.c. 90% penetration of-ell. thickness Ot sheet steel from any insida-land 4 - The wold shall be fro outside cks. No plow holes on the surface of the Weld shall’ f be allowed. 5 -° No surface blister shall be, tolerated.’ + Transverse Weld 1.c. (For Base Plate) = 100% penetration betwee sheet Steels regard less of thickness considerations, q i = all welds shall from ali cracks both : inside end outside. ; . a - no blow holes on ‘the outside of the weld. ~, the blisters, porosites, spherical inclusions txcoeding 6% of the minimun, thickness df ‘the : sheet steel shall be refuse - the detectible angular inclusions + be tolerated. eae uG ‘ oe ries of the weld manufac~ 7.2.8 Ta order to maintain the quutity’ F fiver shall make use of the moat adequate method and eons, - {ual instruments in-order to verify the quality. of pleted weld: ultra sonic ov radio control methods (X or gamma rays) sball be used In’ the works. 7.3 Ga ing 7.3.1. AIT parts of the poles and crossarms shall be Rot dip nufacturing operations. galvanized aftar completion of me Ro further manufacturing, tuching up or mo shal! be performed on the pole or crossarms after they ha on galvanized. fication 7.3.2 The galvanizing shall be performed on both inside and Outside facea-of pole and crossarms. 7.3.3 .Yae galvanizing of the rolévant plate of sheet of steel fised for the manufecturing of pole or crossarms and Nute vad Bolts ehall bo as ‘per WAPDA Specification P-82, 8 ACCESSORIES ue 8.1 Sign Plates ‘ be fitted with Dangor;, number and phase dance with drawing NaPbW/DF-207 The plates Bnall be fixed in accordance with Drawing No. PDW/DE-207. The sign plates shall be fired ceramic surfaces on steel base plates the cerumic enamel shall completely cover the front and back of -the interior edges of the attachment holes the enesiel around the hole shall be protected by moans of fibré washers. All potes shall plates in accor 8.2 Sep Bolts. Hamuyenble atap belts of 16mm dia and 130mm step shall be provided ina ‘@tapgered manner, every 450mm on the pole | above anticlimbiny devices. 8.3 Anticlimbing Device ‘ The anticlimbing device shall consist of an’ arrangement of barbed wire around thé pole to prevent un-Authorised persons from climbing the pole, It shall be made accord~ _ ing ‘to drawing No,GW/TZ-7 ‘the outer most batbed wire shall be. at least 800mm from the pole spacing of barbed | . all not exceed 150mm. Th . be fixed at about SM from Pe ee * 8.4, Detatis ‘Attachmen tension strings, overhead ground wire and the grounding - 8.4.1 °° Provision shall be made tor attachment of suspension and | Rods. Bed o.2 13 te For attachment of ground wire, arzangoment, sha}l ba, ta6 Br eho top for suspension and tenaion fittings for Sma. : P/Wire to accept assemblies as per drawing No. MMy/OF=31 95 tension st¥ingo’ provi=". accept assemblies 327+ For attachment ‘of suspension oF sion in the crossarm shall be made to as per drawing Noe. PDW/DF-314 & POW/DF- 9 embed part of the’ poles d socket for 16ma dia. 2.) 2 For attachment of yruund rods th hall be provided with n.thrende Stud of adequate length for attaching the grounding, terminal. . In ense of Anchpr Base type poles. The grounding rode shall be attached to ove of the Anchor bolts by moans. of) a copper cable of suitable length os shown on drawing... No. BW/TC-62. aniégd eo per.>, All ferrous har@vare shall ve hot dip galv FAPDA Specification P-82. TESTS Manufacturer Toats ‘The manufacturer shall Gelect two samples from. eacit haat, to carryout the following tests to eatiaty himeelf, that the products coaply with this Specificetion. The Touts gall be performed as per WAPDA Specification’ P-139: 60 For Stesh Ae 1, Chemica} Analysis 2, Tensile Tests .. Bond Texts : For Nuts Bolts 1, Tensile Strez R. Bend Test The menufacturer shali maintain a record of tests carried. . by éuaninaticn by Inspector. Acceptance Test : The following aeceptatice tesis shall be carfied out. For Pole 1. Visual Examination & 2.4 2. Verifiertion ofebimensicis and Wolehte 3. Prototype Test usher Bolts and ui rification of Dimensions (ag per 2, -Vieual Inspectton creer fication (Poise 3. Proof load Test 4, Uitimate Tensile Stre 5, Galvanizing Teot 7 6, Bend Test ength Test igual Examine qhevtost samples shall be examined visually for the following? : ‘Vigual, Exemion Defects ey Examination a as specified in relevant clauses. Yaterial Not. conatruction Not of the shape indicated. Finteh Galvanizing not. propor, presence of , harre, black and Dare spots, dross and projection. Welding Not as specified Nerifival irmity to the requirement of dimensions and weight, For ceo the rejaction number ingrekses Ay) speci fied ‘in in chemocification, for the Timits of tolerances mention~ fa in clause 6.4.2, The entire Vit shall be-rejected. For cont prototype Test ‘this test will be carried out in hecordance with clause 9.6 of this specification. : 7 ‘ Full, scale tests shall be carried out on euch type of pole of maximum height as shown on the drawings g Different cases are to be Tested to the witimate design loads without failure. The pole shall then be tested to =: 15 i= dogtruction, Lord cages shall be specified by the Engineer at a later steee. 9.0.2 The pole. shut! be erected on 8 foundation structure or Afchoredsan Bolte which shall be of hadgquate strength And stiffness to withstand safely Fhe pole rewctlons wider eee Toadings. wlthout any mobility. 7 foundal Lon gieucture or Anchor Bolt arrangement should be such that sttuttulating the condifsons whieh wlll be encounterod in service. arm shall be of the same . for the specified 9.6.3 Bach part of the pole and cross Eide and class as those to be furnished poles of the ame type. ed shall ye anivanized and in, al? the poles to the supplied: 9.6.4. The poles te be t yespacts identical to nighall ba so designed ae to prevent pracy h abtion of appreciable error in menguse” ty thu purpose the meagur ing 9.4.5. The testing Bene tically any tn ment such as frictions r Mea aad aha Tlie! plarodjim duckie manned == to directly record the Joads. 0.6.6 Prior to testing, the contractor shart pubmit for approval | Pris Bnginecr A Line diagram showing Layoue of the teat f slte, rigging, legation of lonl mensuring instruments to t Roe eit sorkas of Tine divgrams Showing the loads ot be toed plied, Laking into account the weight oft rigging i and angle of load application. ‘yhe contractor shall submit : ty and aemroval a tabulated form on which the applied Toad” * | for geProeponding deClection readings will be entered for 4 » @nch lead case. : 1 0.8.7. Testing Bench at the test site shat) Oe capable of hand- ‘| Teese cimnte Loads with exfety. Testing Bench shall-be i. capable of handling increased Toads during destruction i sepa gith adequate safety of personnel working on the: a test facility. 8.6.8 The load monitering equipment shall be electronic .trans~ shears gomplete, with appropriate digital readout meters ducers colors with an overall ecuracy + 1%. All toad and yee ng eavipnent shall be endibrated before and after testing of the poles. 0.8.9 The testing of pole shali be carried out in the phessence of personel of the Engineer 8.8.20 HAPDA Lhe notified at Teast six weeks in The date the (ests are to be conducted, Time s Allowed for the Engineer to epprove the actual, 8 O.1t 9.6.14 a1 16 i qhe witimate loada ghall be apnited. The strawing ehowing Tee UoAbination ef loxds for Losting shul? be supplied ne loads ahiall bo by the Engiueer at a Later # tayo, Pi alicd in five atopa of 50%, 75%, 90%, 95% and 100% of ree timata Jods. Ench teat loading shall be appl toe fhe wileg te the drawings und maintained for net lows then Meer oe ie ingcwbieh tine there shall be no stacking Of oradjugtment of the loads, Should tt become necessary to adjust the loading, the 5 minutes pertod shalt stare Rfrer the Tonding, Js wtabl zi and constant, At2 feet aeeee ane Obs rhmoved conylelsly before the loude for the seat rset are applied. Altar each test load deforms ton wee pe longieudngl, Lranereras torace etroin shal) be due tod Ck Ok deformation resiive of tbe maximum defor soteuy recorded pe the end of the pois due to the sdjuet- Rent of the parts and ta tho renatiing tension in the ron teteg denies WL11 be acceptable). All test loade te eng ere fovcanductor nd. ground wire loading shai} Serappiied dirocyiy vo. che regula” atemchomens decal tog pe ttued for these lords.” Test load equivalent te wind provided fer pole shall be: applied at the Centre of Gravity afitne specified section of elument, taking into,sccods Oe tne. epecetticjent us calculated uccording tor clause 4-4 ane ome eocitiegtion, Tw ensure application of 'fl test oF (Unie othe pole, friction losses in rigging Shull be dona to apecifigd Toads, (f there Is rigging betwecs che waded ee She load mennuring dovicw. Appiientton of impact Joads shall be avoided. e under any of Any conspicuous yielding or any fat lw ae eee loadings whal1 be considered a defect. | Tf & spent alps because of Caulty workmanship or materials, tho contractoy, shall cor defect and repeat tho test loading at‘bis om expen any additional test [ecurred by WAPDA for the witnessing of the repeat fest loading by the Rngineer. In the event of collapse of part under loads of a value J ne eee 8st of ullimate Loads, the part that bas serfapsed may be replaced by another with greater mechaas— cottepeength, ‘Tie modified strnctura shill be required to fhe the tent tor the speci tied 100% ultimate load. art occurs at ‘loads betwebn those and 100% of the ultimate loads, ¢ If the collapse of 2 pi may be adopted: corresponding to the She of the following two procedure be tested avcording to the od in clause 9.6.13. n) The poles shall procedures as ment ic @ repeated-on ancther pole structure shall be Of the ultimate hb) Tho test shall bi of the game batch and the Fequired to pass the 100% load ag sporified by the Engineer, ep atie™ Sanpling Plan-Acooptance and Rulection Sampling sizes are designated by code Leltgets gabte-TIT Samp TE GSed to find the apptieable code Terres for. thes: shittenlar let or batch aize for varioue teole specified” Petnis specification. Wbile the number of units of product from each Jot or batch whlch ere to be, inspected {sample sizey and the criteria for determining the accopt= Ability of the lot or batch (neceptance and rejections ira) tor differant code letters can be obtained from. the Table-V given below . Sue! nite inmpected shall-he equal to The pumbor opis mize given in Tublo-V.. Tf the Somber ot fhe firee nite found in the first, sample te eqees 10 or. Gore hun the firet acceptance nuabar, the 204 shall be. Logs than the ithe number of defectives found, +8 ‘the firet acrole ts aqual to or greater than the fi7e) rejeation namplo 1s eaiey eheli be rejocted. Tf the number ‘ot defec number tnd in the firat eample is betweon fhe firat ” tives tgce and rejpetion mimbor, second, sanbie of ithe size} qiven by the plan shall be Jnsp onde No, of defectives found in the first and the second 5 found 1p pene cumulative No. of defectives, 16 ‘equal to oF LAtot i the aecond acceptance number the 10% shall bo neceptable, If the cunutattve Now of defectives: is equal neceptanle: than thy second rejection number ,, [ho lot: shail be rejected. TABLE“ P-Sippte Sia THF [Sample sie Tor Q. that specified ¢ dimensional ‘and 2.6 _j. fininh defecte A S, 3 ‘ B a ceoRe { ‘the number of sample u SAMPLE S12) ai i yngwiys, CRATRIA <7 Roce AMPLE ACEEM i mene tame | f nine Trae) wanpte | anne’ | ttye te } ance i qettere. da pple pane. kM A rest 1 1 Heeond + fe ub Firat aa a 9 a i Recon a 1 £ a il ¢ firat 4 a 6 2 i! decoud 3 " 4 a i dD First 6 5 0 at] | Heoond 6 10 1 4 yi t rivet 8 4 6 a | saeond 10 1 3 i ce First uw a 4 | Hecund 10 5 4 fi 0 virwt 20 wo 1 4 \ Bevond 20, an 4 6 an v bret ue Wy a 4 j Buevtd os at 6 7 | al Fret Bo ae 3 7 | Heoond BU ion 4 8 40 PAAWINGH, AND DATA jo,1 Tha Contracton ehnly mutant curiine drawlge and deetgn Qeawiiga ef steel poled 1s (hufonbed (a olausas 30.2 63 fod with hia bids Abus plnuing of the Contact the Cone g peaetor shut} eubmlt fur ealny t avawings aa tndionted PRET 10,7 to 10.10 wird ay OE ls palcuiations ond ae einge required by the Bneiveor: Howng intorantion halt} 10.2 The fo yo aupp lied: . J) Uatutoguen/Ittarature of St 44) Tost Corti tients 414) Detail of manufac tus facilities available wit undardined ftom. ing welding and teating b manufactures, 30.3 Matortal Detaile =i Feformacion auch aa grads and egandard OF steel used giving min yield gch, min Blongatson, ultimate tenaile etron| cition of steel, standard & method strength chemical compo me een ee 10.4 0.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 ing & welding and method OF fabrication of pole dine An engliah Language ‘copy of the srding to which the steel 1% Tee ail galvanizing, welding galvanis, Shall also be 3 ir standard nc the standard (hplicable steel shall be supplied with bid. outline drawings for ect coe docation and arrangement o outline dimensiong and conductor cle out ize nnd lengen of etrments A the ei pe possibld to vertfy the shoud af poles. separate deintie Teo be shown tor all. jnsulator and ground wire conm be showganry for quarifiantion, & 1Arge seale 6 he decd for plotting detalles. ess Dingrans ams shell show the Design caleulations and stress Clee veilawing information, Detailed peiculations of wind» for Mingavon pole shall pe included. Loading calculations, Bending Moments, atress dlagrams, ‘Seationmodulus; Thick— Bending Theide & ‘cuteide diameter for each eection. oF Elements of pole. Design Calculations it carried: out by computer shall be. eit aetaiie of tho analytical methods fully Shall be provided, Documentat®ore Shall provide @ usod Sxplanation of the methods of programming ahd the full Oxbtation of the detailed results . Design ealowlations fully documented. Foundation Draws culations fully dimonatonod drawings of R12, founger loge showing also Polly aimerot the ‘foundations. | Calusa iors showing the the weimposed on the foundations ant te resultant bearing Londgure’and uplift resistance of the foundations. shop Deal! Drawings, ” shop detail drawings showleg abt even details inckuding SHOP dmenstons alip Jone or flanges, vere? ting, bend- {ng and the identification mark and weight fo! ‘each ele- Ang ng eeecomernctor chad nal proceed With ane shop ments | Trmwinge unedt the out Liaw Gray) nes, fag design dete!) dreams have been approved by the Bg inepr: Erection Drawings Erection drawings showing each element oF section with 10.9 10,10 Encls: 2; ante orition of the of connection locaton ap picatton marly its idonts ita tonding pole elomon’ qumber and 6 ouits and, all erection detnils. oe aioe Footing Insti allation Drawl wing embedded part with 205 ig required for the. yy bolts with n drawings sh a dimension Footing erectio! of ancho Tgontification mark ov & proper setting ant pong tioning proper the centre of the pole. Bn ot pills of Material ow the quantity; hickness, length snaluding complete fOr Bilis of material for each pede shall sbi Piha outside diameter, inside diameter Kinds Ognd assembly mark for oneh soct Neree, washers, plates and att fittings each poles. Y. Dwg: Nos, PDW/TC-220 iv 2. Dwg. No. PDW/TC-221 v/ Be Dwg. NOs wow/or-207 4, Deg. No. POW/DF-314 5. Dug. No. POW/DP-310 + B: Dwg. No. ppw/DP-327f, 7. Dwg. No+ pwy7c-42/ a, Dwg. No. GR/TZ+OT 'F coueue, REP, pareR bo POWER OE NUMBER FLRTE PHASE PLATE YELLOW, 6 BLUE Faecoe myor-ae7 | DURENTIOAS Der CRIA Toon > been! 4 Sen Dawe |e AF 7 | 1 eee coctine aati ae Rin _|7a¥s| 700 | 720 | goo] ~ frecwer zye yacome war 2arrepr| eacxoe |7430/ 109 | - | «ao | crax_|ave [re | - | «ol - @ Pete ees cq npo| pov zoe | ow|res| - | - | 50 y \ wisi BE oe BEE ope fexearwaz [ree] roe] = [we | = alsis]=]= Dyce negreearon y PARTSTAN- Deen a HATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. DE PARTAMENT M at 2 BS sate fb) Ny el STRME cron Feb come poe cee t ee | 8 8 8. ee ee | OR \ x 3 a | & & 8 a & MY SMEATIOES. t tam | ‘ 2 ee gee er | PAATSTAH DESIGN if oe wy gorse | comin 4 POLE TIRE SPA 1 4 pene [ae 2285 BY pwe, MO LO Te 22! CRONE SARIN IAS WATER ANO POWER DEVEL: OPMENT AUTHORIT eon) 08 seg sat Ce emenenele | snore echent meri eee \ i é a eee le cl cdisere axes moe ' a PAKISTAN EARTHING ARRANGEMENT cme bape |

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