How Would You Define The Term Swot Analysis

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Skill development
Submitted to
Mam Asma Javed
Submitted by
Maryam ehsan ulllah
Assignment no
Lbs (bba 08)
Sap id

The university of Lahore (Chenab campus)

How would you define the term swot analysis
Strengths are the qualities of person in which he can perform better than other.these are qualities
which he/she have but don’t have and they can use it for the betterment. Strength is and internal
and positive factors that help us to take advantage of opportunities in the external environment.

Weakness is a lack of strength for doing anything it can be because internal or external factor a
strength is also can be a weakness.person feel that he/she lack the particular quality so that will
be his or her weakness. Sometimes our strengths also become weakness.

Opportunities are the external factors that are favorable for a person that can give a person and
business advantage and enhance theirselfs.these are the factors that a person can avail in future
and in present to enhance and for grooming and for living better life.

 Threats are anything that could cause damage to the person and business in any percpective .
This could include anything from other other person or can be any thing that you hve and you
have the fair to loose that thing or the feeling of oyher can do better in future.Threats are
basically negative, and external. This mean that threats do not give any kind of  benefit to you,
but at the same time you cant stop them from have to live with it and at the same
time bear it.Threats are same as like opportunities in that you cannot change their frequency, or
purposefully bring them about, but you can still choose how to approach them and deal with

What is swot analysis in general personal perspective

Swot stands for strength,weakness,opportunities and thearts .Swot analysis is a basically term
which is is used to do anaylisis of person,business,organizations through this we can do our
internal and external analysis and people and busness came to know their current position and
where they stand in the present and what they should have done to enhance,overcome and to
achieve. It can be used for personal analysis to know the personal thearts,opportunities, weakness
and after knowing all these thing a person can overcome them and also used them in better way
and create his/her personality and groom their if we see on the percpective of
organization it can also be usefull for the betterment when an organization or a business know

their all strength and weaknesses they will improve it and by improving they can do better in
business world.

Personal swot analysis

My strength
My biggest strength is my education because of this I can make myself better I can increase or
enhance my inner and outer personality I can do any thing I want to do in the percpective of
education I can make the world a better with my thoughts and actions .i can improve my
skills,qualities through education and I can be a better person.

I think my second strength is that I am a very kind and clam person I don’t panic and I am not
have a short temper. So with this quality I handle all the situation very nicely and in very good
way and people understand very easy because of this my convincing powr is also good I can
convince people very easly with my calm nature and also people talk with me very easily it will

also help me in future in my careere also it will keep me away from anykind of conflit and give
me strength to resolve the conglict at workplace also.

I think family is strength for every person. My family is very supportive they are my support
system they encourage me in every matter wether it relate to my personal life or study they
always guid me .it helps me a lot whiling doing something because I know my family will
support me .

Trouble saying no
The bigget weakness of mine according to me is that I cant say no to people even if I don’t hve
time for that I still try to help other person which is not good all the time because some times
while helping other I lost my own focuse on things.

Focuse too much on things

Their is another weakness of mine is I focuse too much on things I mean I go for too much detail
and while doing that I forget about the main topic and sometime the too much focuse I mean
focuse on little little things is needed but sometimes it is not needed so is positive but at the same
the can effect negatively.

Kindness is positive but sometimes people take advantage of that and harm me people take
advantage of my kindness sometimes I don’t react on some matter to avoid them or to not create
any panic and people think that I am wrong that is why am not saying anything and they take
advantage of it.

Not friendly
I am not very friendly I cant make friends easily or I cant jell up with people easily I take time to
jell up with other people which I think is my weakness because sometimes or in some situations
ypu need to be friendly but I cant which I want to improve but I cant.

Furthre study
I can do M.phill and also I can go abroad for the further studies this is the best opportunity
through this I can achieve more and explore more in life .

Jop opportunity
I can do job aafter my degree completion and do a job according to my degree and achieve my

Startup plan
I can start my own business as I want to start my own restaurant so I hve a opportunity to start
my own business and also give others idea to startup business.

Join family business

My brother is doing business in abroad I can also join him with new idea and we can expand our

Fear of competition
We are living in the era where everyone is trying to update their selfs sso in that kind of societies
it is very importen to keep tour self update with everything so I have that fear that what will
happened when new talent comes with more knowledge and skill.

Fear of losing
I lost my father two years ago.his death was a shock for me I was very close to him his death was
sudden he got and heartattack and died but that incident stuck in my mind in the form of fear so
now I am very afraid loosing smeone.

Comparing with other

I have a fear of comparing myself with other.when people compare me with other people and say
negative things that I think will heart me because every person have their own pwrsonality and

according to that have their own abilities,skills and knowledge and live their life according to

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