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Social networks have penetrated deeply into people's

lives, although beneficial in some aspects, in general,

in the long run, they are harmful for a number of
reasons. Firstly, these websites become more and more
popular and attract a large number of new users every
day, people can easily fall prey to online media abuses
such as bullying. and online harassment Second, social
networking sites can become a malicious environment
where users can be subjected to verbal attacks because
there are only a few rules, most of which are rules
verbally ,. Nowadays, many young and reclusive users
prefer to live in the virtual world on social networking
sites rather than participate in real life. That reduces
human-to-human interaction because chi3 users focus
on virtual friends. In conclusion, the downside of social
media interactions is more important than the benefits
users can reap from relationships on that site. This can
have serious effects on mental health, such as increased
stress, anxiety and loneliness. In short, the downsides
of social media interactions outweigh the benefits that
users can reap from those sites. (180 words)

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