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ICT명품인재양성사업 월간보고서

작 성 기 간 2022년 1월 24일(월) ~ 2022년 02월 18일(금) 세부과제

책임 교수 추현승 작성 책임자 정경희

02 월 월간업무보고서 참여 연구원
양희규 장준한 변규린 김주찬 정경희
Bui Sammy Vi Josh Austin(Toan) Pham 02
⚫ Multi-disease classification on retinal images using artificial intelligence


⚫ Diseases detection on UFI dataset

[1] UFI are retinal images that can be taken easily and non-invasive, this helps examiners who are
not qualified to perform ophthalmologic surgeries can safely capture eye images. This makes it
ideal especially for telemedicine application in area where opthalmologists are not available.
[2] Diseases detection could be understood as a classification problem in AI and deep learning. For
the detection of a specific disease from normal eyes images, it is called binary classification.
However we are interested in detecting multiple diseases within 1 dataset, and this is called
multi-disease or multi-class classification. There had been many models to achieve this such as
VGG or ResNet, or more recently Vision Transformer.
[3] However, labelling of data is costly, especially medical images, while they need doctors interference
for labelling. Therefore, some of more recent techniques for deep learning are considered, which don’t
need much or no data at all. For example, semi-supervised learning or self-supervised learning.
[4] Along with the development of Convolution neural network, these deep learning algorithms
could extract futures and demonstrate important regions of the medical image that contains signs
of lesion and hemorrhage
[5] Methods could help the doctors in their assessment for the patients, which speed up the
treatment process. Furthermore, the AI agent could be enhanced as an medical instruments that
no need for human interference for diagnosism, which helps reduce the labour cost as well as
time taken for the medical system.


⚫ Medical images are costly in term of availability and label. They are also subject
연구 보완 사항 to privacy and security that related to patient confidential

⚫ State-of-the-art deep learning methods will be studied and applied to the current
차월 계획 dataset to achieve compeitive results.

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