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The digestive system consists of the organs that contribute to the

physical and chemical breakdown of complex food molecules into
simpler molecules. These simpler molecules are then absorbed into
the blood and lymph to be transported to cells throughout the body.
This activity described the digestive organs and the specific
functions of each that contribute to digestion and absorption.

Match each division of the digestive system with the statement that
applies to each. Use each division once. One answer line will have four
correct letters, and the other will have three correct letters.

1. Alimentary tube A, C, F
2. Accessory organs B, D, E

A. Begins at the mouth

B. Include the teeth, tongue, and the salivary glands
C. Includes the stomach, small intestine and large intestine
D. Include the liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas
E. No digestion takes place here
F. Digestion does take place in some organs
G. Ends at the anus

Match each type of digestion with proper descriptive statements. Use

each letter once. Each answer line will have two correct letters.

1. Chemical digestion B, D
2. Mechanical digestion A, C

A. Food broken down to smaller pieces

B. Food changed to simpler molecules
C. Accomplished by specific enzyme
D. Creates more surface area for the action of digestive enzyme
Match the following parts of a tooth with the proper descriptions. Use
each letter once. Two answer lines will have correct letters.

1. Enamel C, E
2. Dentin A,
3. Pulp cavity F,
4. Periodontal membrane B, D

A. Form the roots of a tooth and the interior of the crown

B. Produce a bone like cement to anchor the roots of a tooth
C. Covers the crown of the tooth
D. Lines the tooth sockets in the mandible and maxillae
E. Forms a hard chewing surface
F. Contains blood vessels and nerves

Match each layer of the alimentary tube with the proper descriptive
statements. Use each letter once. Two answer lines will have three
correct letters, and two will have two correct letters.

1. Mucosa A, D, F,
2. Submucosa C, G,
3. External muscle layer E, H, J
4. Serosa B, I

A. Includes the epithelial tissue that lines the organ

B. Above the diaphragm, made of fibrous connective tissue
C. Made of areolar connective tissue
D. Secretes mucus and digestive enzymes
E. Made of two layers of smooth muscle
F. Contains lymph nodules to destroy pathogens
G. Contains Meissner’s plexus, which regulates secretions of
the mucosa
H. Contains Auerbach’s plexus, which regulates peristalsis
I. Below the diaphragm is mesentery
J. Provides mechanical digestion and peristalsis
Label the following.

Match each cell of the gastric pits with its proper secretion. Use
each letter once.

1. Mucous cells C.
2. Chief cells A.
3. Parietal cells D.
4. G cells B.

A. Secrete pepsinogen, an inactive form of the enzyme pepsin

B. Secrete hydrochloric acid, which activates pepsin
C. Secrete mucus, which helps protect the gastric mucosa
D. Secrete gastrin when food enters the stomach

Match each of the following nutrients with the vessels in which it is

absorbed (a letter statement) and the mechanism of absorption (a
number statement). Each answer line will have one letter and
one number.

1. Amino acids
A. Capillary network
2. Fat-soluble vitamins
3. Water-soluble vitamins
4. Fatty acids and glycerol 1. Active transport
5. Monosaccharides 2. Passive transport
6. Positive ions 3. Osmosis
7. Negative ions 4. Requires bile salts
8. Water

Label the following.

Efficient absorption in the small intestine requires a very large surface

area, which is provided by several structural modifications of the small
intestine. Match each structure with its proper description. Use
each letter once. One answer line will have two letters.

1. Plicae circulares A
2. Villi B, D
3. Microvilla C

A. Large folds of the mucosa and submucosa

B. Small projections of the mucosa
C. Microscopic folds of the cell membrane on the free
surface of each columnar cell
D. Also called the brush border

1. Gallstones sometimes obstruct the common bile duct.

What would be the consequences of such blockage?
Gallstones can obstruct the bile duct or duodenum, which can stop the
flow of digestive fluids to the pancreas. Both acute pancreatitis and
jaundice may result from this. The surgical removal of the gallbladder
is typically required for treatment.

2. Many people have a bowel movement shortly after a

meal, especially breakfast. Why does this occur?
The body's natural response to ingesting food of varied intensities is
the gastrocolic reflex. Your body releases specific hormones as soon as
you eat. These hormones instruct your colon to contract so that food
can pass through it and leave your body.
3. Explain how secretin in response to acidic chime and
bicarbonate ion secretion in response to secretin constitute a
negative feedback mechanism.
Secretin, a hormone produced by S cells in the duodenal and
jejunal mucosa, aids in balancing the acidity of the duodenum.
Secretin is well recognized for causing the exocrine pancreas to
produce bicarbonate ions, but it can also lower gastrin secretion,
which in turn lowers stomach acid output. The actions of secretin
combine to balance the duodenum's acidic contents. As chyme
enters the small intestine, gastric acid output is reduced in a
negative feedback loop that is mediated by both neural reflexes
and hormonal control.
4. If you placed a pin completely through both folds of the
greater omentum, through how many layers of simple
squamous epithelium would the pin pass?
This will penetrate both layers.

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