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Write an article

1. Give the title to_________________________

2. Divide into 3 paragraphs:_____________________________________________
3. In the introduction you need to:
● Introd
● uction-set the topic e.g.___________________________________________
● Address to the reader_________________________________________________
4. Main body
● Answer the questions from the task
● Refer to statistics/official data______________________________________________________
● Use linkers
to add something______________________
to show contrast_______________________
to show result_________________________
● Use adverbs to express your opinion________________________________________________
● Use a variety of grammar and vocabulary
5. Conclusion
● Sum up your ideas____________________________________________________
● Encourage readers____________________________________________________
Plan your writing

Introduction (set the topic, address to the readers)_________________________________
Main body(make notes to answer the questions)
● ___________________________________________________________________
● ___________________________________________________________________
● ______________________________________________________________
Conclusion(sum up the ideas, encourage the reader)
● _______________________________________________________________________________
● _______________________________________________________________________________
Extra notes
Place for your article

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