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Understanding Statements and Negative Expressions

Many of the questions in Part A of the Listening Comprehension section ask about what
the second speaker says. The answers to such questions are often the restatements of
what is said. A restatement expresses the same idea as the statement.

Living in a big city is costly.
Kathy had her house painted last month.
asked someone to paint her house

The second speaker’s line may contain negation or negative expressions as shown in the
examples below. The answers to questions about negative expressions are restatements
of the expressions.

Negative forms Examples

not or –n’t Ben isn’t happy about moving to Canada.
never sad
Joe never talks much.
is quiet

none None of the committee members agreed.

nobody All of the committee members disagreed.
no one Nothing went right.
nothing All went wrong.

Tanya dislikes swimming.

dis– doesn’t like
in– The report is really inaccurate.
un– not accurate
The door is unlocked.
not locked

Student Book 1 Listening Comprehension Section11

Unit 3−Short Conversations

1. Pay attention to the second speaker’s line to answer the question about its
meaning. The answer is usually a restatement of what the second speaker says.

Sample problem
On the recording, you will hear:
Man: I can’t stand this weather.
Woman: We haven’t seen as much snow as this for years!
Narrator: What does the woman mean?

In your test book, you will read:

(A) It has rarely snowed this much.
(B) It hardly snowed this year.
(C) It snows so much every year.
(D) It is barely snowing this year.

The correct answer to this question is (A). The statement We haven’t seen as much
snow as this for years means that It has rarely snowed this much. Notice that option
(A) is the restatement of what the second speaker says.


a. Choose an option with a word or phrase that has the same meaning, or is a
synonym of a word or phrase in the second speaker’s line.

Sample problem
On the recording, you will hear:
Woman: Did you see the manager about the part-time job in the bookstore?
Man: Yes, and I had to fill out an application.
Narrator: What does the man mean?

In your test book, you will read:

(A) He got a job as a bookstore manager.
(B) There is no vacancy in the bookstore.
(C) He read a book about how to apply for jobs.
(D) He was required to complete a form.

The key word fill out means complete, and the key word application refers to form.
Therefore, the best answer is (D) He was required to complete a form.

12Listening Comprehension Section Student Book 1

Unit 3−Short Conversations
b. Do NOT choose an option with a word or phrase that sounds similar to a word
or phrase in the second speaker’s line because it may have a different
meaning. You should choose an option that has a different word or phrase
with the same meaning as what has been said.

Sample problem
On the recording, you will hear:
Woman: I heard that Jake has just moved to a new apartment.
Man: That’s impossible. He doesn’t have a cent!
Narrator: What does the man mean?

In your test book, you will read:

(A) Jake has no sense of responsibility.
(B) Jake has sent his friends to his apartment.
(C) Jake cannot afford to rent an apartment.
(D) Jake is on the set with the woman.

The key word in the second speaker’s line of the conversation is cent. Options (A),
(B), and (D) have similar sounds to cent. They are incorrect. Therefore, the best
answer is (C) Jake cannot afford to rent an apartment.

2. Pay attention to the second speaker’s line containing negation. The answer to the
question is usually an option with an affirmative sentence that means the same as
the line.

Sample problem
On the recording, you will hear:
Man: How come it took them an extra hour to get to the cinema?
Woman: They didn’t drive fast enough.
Narrator: What does the woman say about the trip?

In your test book, you will read:

(A) They drove rather slowly.
(B) They couldn’t have driven quickly.
(C) They wanted to drive quickly to the cinema.
(D) They didn’t drive to the cinema.

The correct answer is (A). They did not drive fast enough to the cinema means that
they drove rather slowly. Notice that the correct answer uses slowly, the synonym of
not fast enough.

Student Book 1 Listening Comprehension Section13

Unit 3−Short Conversations
Exercise 1
Directions: Listen to the recording. For each number, pay attention to the key word in
the second speaker’s line. Then, find the synonym or restatement of the key
word in one of the options.

1. (A) She was surprised the shirt was not cheap.

(B) She also got the shirt for three dollars.
(C) She wants to know how to get the shirt.
(D) She thinks that the shirt is very inexpensive.

2. (A) He missed yesterday’s math lecture.

(B) It’s impossible for the woman to borrow his notes.
(C) He’s asking the woman to lend him her notes.
(D) The math lecturer is really impossible.

3. (A) She needs to buy a new handbag for herself.

(B) She’s going to celebrate her birthday soon.
(C) She is getting her mom a birthday gift.
(D) She wants to go to a gift shop with her mom.

4. (A) She has just left her brother’s house.

(B) She put her scarf somewhere in her house.
(C) She thinks she left her scarf in her brother’s house.
(D) She is not sure where her brother left his scarf.

5. (A) The lecturer wasn’t prepared with the exam.

(B) The woman did not study hard enough.
(C) The test was put off until next week.
(D) The man prepared for the exam.

6. (A) The man studied hard for the exam.

(B) The exam was quite easy.
(C) The exam was difficult.
(D) The man never thought of the exam.

7. (A) He has to delay his trip to Yogyakarta.

(B) He has to leave at 7 p.m.
(C) The train to Yogyakarta is punctual today.
(D) The train will leave after 7 p.m.

8. (A) She will watch people swimming.

(B) She wants to go swimming.
(C) She wants to try new games.
(D) She prefers staying indoors.

14Listening Comprehension Section Student Book 1

Unit 3−Short Conversations
9. (A) The city has survived the disaster.
(B) The city is totally ruined.
(C) Most of the citizens have children.
(D) Many children are still alive.

10. (A) There is not enough sugar in the tea.

(B) The woman likes to drink tea.
(C) The tea is sweet enough.
(D) The woman needs more tea.

Exercise 2
Directions: Listen to the recording. For each number, pay attention to the key word in
the second speaker’s line. Then, find the synonym or restatement of the key
word in one of the options.

1. (A) She hasn’t finished the paper.

(B) She doesn’t know about the paper.
(C) She hasn’t taken the subject before.
(D) She doesn’t know how to start it.

2. (A) He will find the player somewhere.

(B) He will buy the player somewhere else.
(C) The type of the player is rare.
(D) The player is cheap in his store.

3. (A) The man turned on the computer the right way.

(B) The man should push the button on the right.
(C) The man should turn the button round.
(D) The man pushed the wrong button.

4. (A) The seminar was disorganized.

(B) Barbara planned the seminar last week.
(C) Barbara didn’t plan to come to the seminar.
(D) The seminar went as planned.

5. (A) Ingrid is certain about her plans.

(B) Ingrid has decided to go to college.
(C) Ingrid is not sure about going to college.
(D) Ingrid will certainly be admitted to a good college.

6. (A) He thinks it’s unnecessary to do so.

(B) He’ll do it as soon as possible.
(C) He is very busy at the moment.
(D) He has a lot of leisure time.

Student Book 1 Listening Comprehension Section15

Unit 3−Short Conversations
7. (A) Water the plants once every two days.
(B) Water the plants two times a day.
(C) Give the plants no more water.
(D) Water the plants one time every day.
8. (A) He was really dissatisfied with the food.
(B) The service was better than the food.
(C) He thought that the service was bad.
(D) The food and the service were satisfactory.
9. (A) The project will need all their attention.
(B) They are focused on another project.
(C) The project is difficult to do.
(D) They have nothing to do.
10. (A) His notes were missing.
(B) He only had a single note.
(C) He missed one of the lectures.
(D) He has all the notes for the subject.


Directions: Listen carefully to each short conversation and the question. Then, choose the
best answer to each question.

1. (A) Her parents pay the tuition.

(B) Her parents work part time.
(C) She works to help her parents.
(D) She sends money to her parents.
2. (A) Jenny taught a physics class.
(B) Jenny will help her with the lessons.
(C) Jenny has been absent for two weeks.
(D) Jenny has to catch up with the lessons.
3. (A) He needs to study first.
(B) His sister will do his homework.
(C) He has a pain in his neck.
(D) He is unsure about the answers.
4. (A) Rick’s remark was not justifiable.
(B) Rick is rather impolite to others.
(C) Rick’s remark left her unconcerned.
(D) Rick was inconsistent.

16Listening Comprehension Section Student Book 1

Unit 3−Short Conversations
5. (A) He needs to get to the bookstore.
(B) The salesperson was not available.
(C) It is not possible for him to buy the book now.
(D) The bookstore didn’t sell the book at a high price.

6. (A) He did not swim.

(B) He had a cold.
(C) He found coal in the water.
(D) He could not see in the water.

7. (A) Sandra lost her position.

(B) The president elected Martha.
(C) Sandra succeeded Martha.
(D) Martha is the class president.

8. (A) Charlie was often offensive.

(B) Charlie made Wyatt unhappy.
(C) Wyatt was very happy with his joke.
(D) Wyatt upset Charlie with his rudeness.

9. (A) To a bank
(B) To an office
(C) To a movie theater
(D) To a travel agency

10. (A) An office staff

(B) A coatroom attendant
(C) A salesclerk
(D) A seamstress

Supplementary EXERCISES

Directions: Listen carefully to each short conversation and the question. Then, choose
the best answer to each question.

1. (A) She didn’t take the test.

(B) Her score is excellent.
(C) Her score is very poor.
(D) She didn’t get the book.

Student Book 1 Listening Comprehension Section17

Unit 3−Short Conversations
2. (A) She will study overseas.
(B) She will be on board a ship.
(C) She will go to school.
(D) She will apply for a job.

3. (A) The course is always difficult.

(B) The man feels challenged by mathematics.
(C) The math course is tough and demanding.
(D) Most students enjoy the course.

4. (A) The overall show was bad.

(B) The spectators were satisfied.
(C) The concert was packed with the spectators.
(D) The sound system made the show bad.

5. (A) All the class members voted for Mark.

(B) The position wasn’t decided yet.
(C) The election was still going on.
(D) He turned down the appointment.

6. (A) Students like to eat there.

(B) The campus doesn’t have its café.
(C) He never tastes the food there.
(D) The food is not tasty.

7. (A) Bill fixed his car by himself.

(B) The mechanic fixed Bill’s car.
(C) Bill helped the mechanic fix the car.
(D) The mechanic fixed his own car.

8. (A) He explained the lesson outside the class.

(B) He dismissed the class because he was ill.
(C) He briefed the students on the syllabus.
(D) He explained the reason why he didn’t come.

9. (A) He was with Ray doing their homework.

(B) Ray was with Sandra this morning.
(C) Sandra will remind Ray to come to his class.
(D) Sandra and Ray came to the class this morning.

10. (A) In a psychology class

(B) In a university library
(C) At a student center
(D) At a health clinic

18Listening Comprehension Section Student Book 1

Unit 3−Short Conversations

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