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How did Joe’s avoidance of going outside by himself contribute to his panic


In Joe’s case, his avoidance of going outside contributed to his panic disorder
because his symptoms are showing criteria that are stated at the DSM 5
diagnostic criteria for both panic disorder and agoraphobia. Joe’s is afraid to
go outside and experienced panic attack whenever he is out in an open
spaces and he will try to avoid situation that involve many people; that is a
major factor for agoraphobia. Along with that Joe experienced that his heart
is racing furiously in his chest, could not stop trembling, his breath become
labored and he felt dizzy; some symptoms of panic disorder. In order to avoid
another panic attack, he will only go out with Florence’s company; Joe
avoiding negative outcome is also call as negative reinforcement wherein it
will lessen the feeling for now but it will come back stronger and this
anticipatory anxiety increases the likelihood of another panic attack whether
outside or not.

Joe’s avoidance of going outside alone contributed to his panic disorder

because this avoidance made the pain attack cross over to DSM 5’s
diagnosis of agoraphobia. In the diagonosis of agoraphobia the criteria listed
states that a person is afraid to go outside or be in open spaces, lines or
crowds. Joe was afraid to be in these types of places and experienced panic
attacks the times he would be around in such atmospheres. Joe experiences,
chest discomfort, feeling like he would lose his mind, sweating, trembling,
palpitations, choking sensations, shortness of breath, feeling like he might
die or losing control. The unpleasant feelings made Joe afraid to put himself
back in such atmospheres as well as intensify his apprehension that it might
happen again which is also a symptom criteria for agoraphobia.

Since Joe is already aware that he was experiencing anxiety attacks

. That panic attack drove him home., Joe avoided leaving the home.
Behaviorally speaking, Joe stopped doing X so that Y would not occur again.
This concept is known as negative reinforment where a behavior is

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strengthened by avoiding a negitve outcome. Joe’s avoidance behavior was
reinforced because he no longer panicked while walking to the store. But, in
doing this anxiety about being outside can develop. This sort of

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